Topic: More 'California Values' ... | |
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Mon 05/10/10 08:16 PM
If we are going to be respectful we need to put on our money "IN A - Agdistis or Angdistis Ah Puch Ahura Mazda Alberich Allah Amaterasu An Anansi Anat Andvari Anshar Anu Aphrodite Apollo Apsu Ares Artemis Asclepius Athena Athirat Athtart Atlas Top of Page - B - Baal Ba Xian Bacchus Balder Bast Bellona Bergelmir Bes Bixia Yuanjin Bragi Brahma Brigit Top of Page - C - Camaxtli Ceres Ceridwen Cernunnos Chac Chalchiuhtlicue Charun Chemosh Cheng-huang Cybele Top of Page - D - Dagon Damkina (Dumkina) Davlin Dawn Demeter Diana Di Cang Dionysus Top of Page - E - Ea El Enki Enlil Eos Epona Ereskigal Top of Page - F - Farbauti Fenrir Forseti Freya Freyr Frigg Top of Page - G - Gaia Ganesha Ganga Garuda Gauri Geb Geong Si Top of Page - H - Hades Hanuman Hathor Hecate (Hekate) Helios Heng-o (Chang-o) Hephaestus Hera Hermes Hestia Hod Hoderi Hoori Horus Hotei Huitzilopochtli Hsi-Wang-Mu Hygeia Top of Page - I - Inanna Inti Iris Ishtar Isis Ixtab Izanaki Izanami Top of Page - J - Jesus Juno Jupiter Juturna Top of Page - K - Kagutsuchi Kartikeya Khepri Ki Kingu Kinich Ahau Kishar Krishna Kukulcan Top of Page - L - Lakshmi Liza Loki Lugh Luna Top of Page - M - Magna Mater Maia Marduk Mars Medb Mercury Mimir Minerva Mithras Morrigan Mot Mummu Muses Top of Page - N - Nammu Nanna Nanna (Norse) Nanse Neith Nemesis Nephthys Neptune Nergal Ninazu Ninhurzag Nintu Ninurta Njord Nut Top of Page - O - Odin Ohkuninushi Ohyamatsumi Orgelmir Osiris Ostara Top of Page - P - Pan Parvati Phaethon Phoebe Phoebus Apollo Pilumnus Poseidon Top of Page - Q - Quetzalcoatl Top of Page - R - Rama Re Rhea Top of Page - S - Sabazius Sarasvati Selene Shiva Seshat Seti (Set) Shamash Shapsu Shen Yi Shiva Shu Si-Wang-Mu Sin Sirona Sol Surya Susanoh Top of Page - T - Tawaret Tefnut Tezcatlipoca Thanatos Thor Thoth Tiamat Tlaloc Tonatiuh Toyo-Uke-Bime Tyche Tyr Top of Page - U - Utu Uzume Top of Page - V - Venus Vesta Vishnu Volturnus Vulcan Top of Page - X - Xipe Xi Wang-mu Xochipilli Xochiquetzal WE TRUST" And this list is not complete to all gods and goddesses that are worshiped in this country. but our money doesnt say in Yawheh we trust or in Jesus we trust.... your list names 'Gods' so that 'in God we trust' would apply to all It doesn't cover the female nor does it cover if I believe in more than one. Also I want to see my god named, it is more respectful. If we cannot respect all, we need to opt out of it to respect all. |
see what I mean,,,, freedom of expression has become an american institution but it stops at freedom of religious expression,,,, If I go to Iraq and they have allah on their money, Im still gonna spend it without the least offense ,,,,, but if we want to start eradicating even the name of God from anything government,, why do we not also take the faces of all the slaveholding presidents off of the money as well,,,,,I mean , when you think about it I should be much more offended by the image of those who enslaved my ancestors than I should be of a God that I supposedly dont believe in,,, Give it time. I'm sure the lapdogs would be more than happy to take George Washington's face off the dollar and put Obama's on it. Wouldn't the Lefties ( even the so called " unaffiliated " ones ) just LOVE to see that. |
Religion has no place in a government because you cannot name all gods and goddesses that exist when you bring up gods in order to respect them all. So you take it out completely and all will be respected. this conflicts completely with the constitution(of which I am no fanatic,,but it stands as the law for now) 'or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech' taking it out of peoples lives completely where they have to make special places for it is not FREE exercise and certainly not abiding by the concepts of freedom of speech...its sort of like a religous 'seperate but equal' clause,,,you can have it,,,in SOME places but not HERE,,,, if this teacher had mandated students do a project in admiration of one religion or God, that would be different But this was an ART teacher who basically trampled on a students artistic expression(which is a very individual thing) because it mentioned God as I said before this was an individuals choice, not a government decision which makes the argument about taking religion out of government kind of irrelevant to this specific situation no, noone can name all gods or goddesses, and government entities shouldnt FORCE them too,, but they should also not prohibit individuals from expressing their individual belief system , especially when it comes to ART.... this was a situation with a students expression not with a governments law... In a public school it is part of the government making it government law. I see you cannot see that to take religion out of a public school in no way impinges on any freedoms. I will say it again and I hope you can comprehend it. Because we cannot name all gods and goddesses in each reference to a god in our public realm, there can be no mention of any god so we are being respectful to all. no, u are only being respectful to those who dont wish to hear Gods name,, not to those who wish to speak it. IT doesnt stop being infringement on freedom of speech just because it names a God or Goddess. as to the rest,,,I dont agree with the analogy,,, if a child decides to bring a vegan lunch in a public school does that mean that it is government law endorsing vegan diets?,,,I believe there is a line between what is government and what is individual choice,, even in public schools. Of course you cannot see, you are blinded by your bias. Ladies and Gentlemen.... I now present to you.... The ULTIMATE " Pot Calling the Kettle...." moment. |
see what I mean,,,, freedom of expression has become an american institution but it stops at freedom of religious expression,,,, If I go to Iraq and they have allah on their money, Im still gonna spend it without the least offense ,,,,, but if we want to start eradicating even the name of God from anything government,, why do we not also take the faces of all the slaveholding presidents off of the money as well,,,,,I mean , when you think about it I should be much more offended by the image of those who enslaved my ancestors than I should be of a God that I supposedly dont believe in,,, Give it time. I'm sure the lapdogs would be more than happy to take George Washington's face off the dollar and put Obama's on it. Wouldn't the Lefties ( even the so called " unaffiliated " ones ) just LOVE to see that. Whata-burger here has a big ole sign that says,"In God we trust. United we stand." God bless them, God bless America and to those who, like Rev. White, GDDM America, send 'em ta' hell! |
Nice- Thank You!
Why is it that Freedom of Religon seems to only to apply to mainstream religons and not to those whose choose to follow a different path? |
Nice- Thank You! Why is it that Freedom of Religon seems to only to apply to mainstream religons and not to those whose choose to follow a different path? for instance? I am all for people expressing whatever religion they choose to,, or not,,,if my childs classmate in art class draws a picture of Buddha,,,I could care less,,,its their PERSONAL perception which they are entitled to |
For all those who keep complaining and arguing that God and Government does not belong you need to read the Constitution and the bill of rights sometime.God and the Government have always been inseparable and are just as important now as when our country was founded.People also seem to forget what the public does in public places is their own business and they have ever right to express their freedom of religion in any Government or public place anytime they want.The children in public schools have ever right to draw any sort of religious symbols they want.These children and the general public do not work for the Government.They may be in public buildings but these Government officials have no authority to "prohibit the free exercise of religion".The Constitution or the bill of rights does not say anywhere that when we walk into public buildings our freedom of religion is null and void.Furthermore a public display of religion in a Government building is nothing but a display.Nobody is telling anyone they have to endorse or accept it.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." - U.S. Constitution 1st Amendment I honestly don't see how the Government is establishing a religion by letting a person write "God bless America" on a piece of paper.The Constitution says no where that all religion should be banned in public buildings or Government functions.Matter of fact this teacher is violating the constitution by "Prohibiting the free exercise thereof". For all those Atheist who have diarrhea of the mouth and can't shut up about offending someone because someone believes in God.You don't have any rights to shut us up.We don't have to listen a single word you say.You can not prohibit our expression of religion anywhere in the United states of America.It doesn't matter if you are offended,if it pisses you off,if you don't like it,don't want to hear it,or if you are insulted by it.We have those rights under the Constitution and we will use them.It also doesn't matter if those expressions take place in a public school,college,or else where.If those expressions are violated then they should be taken to court and judgments awarded.Like it or not,Christians and other believers in religion have more rights than unbelievers in this country.You don't like that just too damn bad. |
see what I mean,,,, freedom of expression has become an american institution but it stops at freedom of religious expression,,,, If I go to Iraq and they have allah on their money, Im still gonna spend it without the least offense ,,,,, but if we want to start eradicating even the name of God from anything government,, why do we not also take the faces of all the slaveholding presidents off of the money as well,,,,,I mean , when you think about it I should be much more offended by the image of those who enslaved my ancestors than I should be of a God that I supposedly dont believe in,,, Give it time. I'm sure the lapdogs would be more than happy to take George Washington's face off the dollar and put Obama's on it. Wouldn't the Lefties ( even the so called " unaffiliated " ones ) just LOVE to see that. Whata-burger here has a big ole sign that says,"In God we trust. United we stand." God bless them, God bless America and to those who, like Rev. White, GDDM America, send 'em ta' hell! here is where we disagree, i respect and will fight for anyones right to not believe and to express that non belief,,,I just feel I should also have the right to believe and express my belief If you dont believe in Santa,, great, but dont get mad if my kid starts talking about him in school,, u still have the freedom to explain to your kid that my child is mistaken,,,,, just as I can do if someones child speaks in front of my child about God not existing. people shouldnt be forced to feel stifled because they have religion, as long as government ITSELF isnt imposing any one religion upon anyone... |
not that I agree,, but it was PROBABLY more about the words God Bless America than it was about the flag,,, America was founded as a CHRISTIAN nation. Enough said. |
not that I agree,, but it was PROBABLY more about the words God Bless America than it was about the flag,,, America was founded as a CHRISTIAN nation. Enough said. Exactly.Our founding fathers said our rights come from God.You take away God you have nothing.Atheist have already tried to take God out of the Government in several lawsuits(in God we trust off the money,prayer in Congress,Christmas lights on city streets,etc,)and have always lost.Enough is enough.Tell those Atheist to shove it. I encourage Christians living in America everywhere to contact Fox news and other news sources when it comes to these violations of their Constitutional rights.Christians should not put up with this nonsense in public schools or anywhere.If I was the parents of these children in this school I would tell them to write this paragraph for their next art project "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." - U.S. Constitution 1st Amendment |
America was founded on Judaeo-Christian prinicples. It was NOT founded on Judaeo-Christian-Buddhist-Rastafarian-B'ahai-Zoroastrianism-Pharaonic-Mystery Religion principles. People are free to practice those, and other. forms of worship, but those others are NOT the founding principles of our nation.
It would be a different issue if the teacher assigned for the students to do something religious. That isn't the case, so the school isn't doing it. It was a patriotic assignment given and the child did her version of it as she saw it. That is an entirely different situation.
If kids want to say grace before their school lunches, as part of their belief, then they should be allowed without the school interfering, as long as they aren't being loud or anything to disrupt other students. If the school says no grace period (even if it is in silence) then the school is interfering with the students rights. Same thing here. The school isn't telling others to do anything religious. The students decide that, as long as it isn't disrupting others. |