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Topic: South Park writers recieve Muslin death threat.
metalwing's photo
Thu 04/22/10 09:52 AM
Edited by metalwing on Thu 04/22/10 09:58 AM
"Wednesday night's episode of "South Park" was censored after the show's creators received death threats following last week's episode featuring the Prophet Mohammed.

Trey Parker and Matt Stone celebrated the 200th episode of "South Park" last week, with a story that showed the Prophet Mohammed dressed up in a bear suit.

Episode 201 continued the storyline, but this time any images featuring Mohammed were blocked, and any mentions of the Prophet's name were bleeped.

Parker and Stone posted on their website yesterday:

"After we delivered the show, and prior to broadcast, Comedy Central placed numerous additional audio bleeps throughout the episode. We do not have network approval to stream our original version of the show."

"This comes right after a radical Muslim group threatened that the duo would end up like Dutch filmmaker Theo Van Gogh, who was killed in 2004 by a fanatic who didn't like Van Gogh's portrayal of Muslim women in one of his films."

Kinda makes you wonder what happened to the "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave

What (if anything) should be done?

Emily1990's photo
Thu 04/22/10 10:47 AM
religious fanatics need to stop using it for hatred. what happened to free speech and all that.

Everything or nothing should be made fun of. Why should this group get immunity because they threaten at the slightest joke. ugh.

InvictusV's photo
Thu 04/22/10 11:47 AM

"Wednesday night's episode of "South Park" was censored after the show's creators received death threats following last week's episode featuring the Prophet Mohammed.

Trey Parker and Matt Stone celebrated the 200th episode of "South Park" last week, with a story that showed the Prophet Mohammed dressed up in a bear suit.

Episode 201 continued the storyline, but this time any images featuring Mohammed were blocked, and any mentions of the Prophet's name were bleeped.

Parker and Stone posted on their website yesterday:

"After we delivered the show, and prior to broadcast, Comedy Central placed numerous additional audio bleeps throughout the episode. We do not have network approval to stream our original version of the show."

"This comes right after a radical Muslim group threatened that the duo would end up like Dutch filmmaker Theo Van Gogh, who was killed in 2004 by a fanatic who didn't like Van Gogh's portrayal of Muslim women in one of his films."

Kinda makes you wonder what happened to the "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave

What (if anything) should be done?

Rushdie is still alive... Maybe they better call him and ask for some security advice..

metalwing's photo
Thu 04/22/10 12:06 PM
It should be noted that the writers did not censure their own show. That was accomplished by the network. I am not positive but it think Comedy Central is owned by Turner Broadcasting System.(TBS).

willing2's photo
Thu 04/22/10 12:40 PM
OMG!!! I cannot believe the "peaceful" Muslims,rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl , would make death threats here in the USofA.

Whatcha' wanna' bet, they aren't charged with a hate crime.

Send them and all who agree with them back to Mecca!

Just a couple excerpts from their blogspot.

As for the Islamic ruling on the situation, then this is clear. There is no difference of opinion from those with any degree of a reputation that the punishment is death. Ibn Taymiyyah a great scholar of Islam says, “Whoever curses the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) -a Muslim or a non Muslim- then he must be killed…and this is the opinion of the general body of Islamic scholars.”

Many are proclaiming that the South Park episode’s insult was minimal and some might inquire about a situation where the insult is not that great. The renowned scholar Imam Malik said, “If someone says that the button of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is dirty, then he should be executed!”

msharmony's photo
Thu 04/22/10 01:05 PM
south park is vile,, but like americans, american shows have the 'right' to be.

people should not travel to someones home and make demands on how they run it,,,if they liked the way their home was run, they should stay there

if they travel to someone elses home,,'they' should adapt as much as possible to how that home is run and be appreciative of whatever measures their hosts may CHOOSE to take to accomodate them

Teditis's photo
Thu 04/22/10 02:39 PM

s1owhand's photo
Thu 04/22/10 02:45 PM

"Wednesday night's episode of "South Park" was censored after the show's creators received death threats following last week's episode featuring the Prophet Mohammed.

Trey Parker and Matt Stone celebrated the 200th episode of "South Park" last week, with a story that showed the Prophet Mohammed dressed up in a bear suit.

Episode 201 continued the storyline, but this time any images featuring Mohammed were blocked, and any mentions of the Prophet's name were bleeped.

Parker and Stone posted on their website yesterday:

"After we delivered the show, and prior to broadcast, Comedy Central placed numerous additional audio bleeps throughout the episode. We do not have network approval to stream our original version of the show."

"This comes right after a radical Muslim group threatened that the duo would end up like Dutch filmmaker Theo Van Gogh, who was killed in 2004 by a fanatic who didn't like Van Gogh's portrayal of Muslim women in one of his films."

Kinda makes you wonder what happened to the "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave

What (if anything) should be done?

Find all who are associated with the threat and prosecute them to the full extent of the law. Zero tolerance for religious based death threats.


metalwing's photo
Thu 04/22/10 03:11 PM

OMG!!! I cannot believe the "peaceful" Muslims,rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl , would make death threats here in the USofA.

Whatcha' wanna' bet, they aren't charged with a hate crime.

Send them and all who agree with them back to Mecca!

Just a couple excerpts from their blogspot.

As for the Islamic ruling on the situation, then this is clear. There is no difference of opinion from those with any degree of a reputation that the punishment is death. Ibn Taymiyyah a great scholar of Islam says, “Whoever curses the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) -a Muslim or a non Muslim- then he must be killed…and this is the opinion of the general body of Islamic scholars.”

Many are proclaiming that the South Park episode’s insult was minimal and some might inquire about a situation where the insult is not that great. The renowned scholar Imam Malik said, “If someone says that the button of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is dirty, then he should be executed!”

I was amazed at what crap was being presented on the above blog spot!

This entire diatribe should be required reading for every American simply for educational purposes. The material shows the thinking patterns of a significant percentage of the world's population.

willing2's photo
Thu 04/22/10 03:29 PM
Edited by willing2 on Thu 04/22/10 03:56 PM
Finally, a Muslim tells the truth about what Islam, mohamed and sharia really are all about.

This halaqah, inshallah, will analyze some of the global ramifications of the bailout we are hearing about daily in the press. We would dissect its meaning and highlight its importance with regard to the global, economic system. Looking at its fundamentals and exposing the greatest example of state socialism for rich people, we will highlight the void this has created and document that fact that victory is on its way. Verily, the dua of the mu'min as been fulfilled in the holy month of Ramadan and U.S. dollar dominance is gone. Al-hamdulilah. Still, it now becomes imperative for us to attempt to rescue humanity from the dajjalic system that will go on. This starts by creating an educated, informed citizenry in the Muslim world. Press will tell you this scheme they have proposed will work and that there is nothing to worry about. That is what they have been saying for the past years as their system has eroded. Please join us and discover the reality of the era. Rise up Ya Muslimun and take your proper position....

msharmony's photo
Thu 04/22/10 06:02 PM
I have little reason not to believe that Islam is a religion of peace which happens to draw some fanatics and extremists,, not unlike any movement or religion

if there were death threats over a cartoon though,,,Id imagine those types of extremists wont be around long anyway,,,what goes around comes around kind of thing(regardless of religion)

willing2's photo
Thu 04/22/10 06:30 PM
Edited by willing2 on Thu 04/22/10 06:30 PM

I have little reason not to believe that Islam is a religion of peace which happens to draw some fanatics and extremists,, not unlike any movement or religion

if there were death threats over a cartoon though,,,Id imagine those types of extremists wont be around long anyway,,,what goes around comes around kind of thing(regardless of religion)

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

OK, if you say so!slaphead

FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 04/22/10 06:40 PM
Again? Those two are always getting death threats, they should do like Pirate Bay did and post them to the public.smokin

Dragoness's photo
Thu 04/22/10 07:11 PM
Considering that Christianity does the same thing when they feel threatened, it seems to be a religious problem.

If we are going to rid ourselves of Muslims, Christians have to go too then.

willing2's photo
Thu 04/22/10 07:20 PM

Considering that Christianity does the same thing when they feel threatened, it seems to be a religious problem.

If we are going to rid ourselves of Muslims, Christians have to go too then.

Makes sense.slaphead
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl tongue2

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Thu 04/22/10 07:24 PM
It's a freakin cartoon for cryin out loud...

msharmony's photo
Thu 04/22/10 07:26 PM

It's a freakin cartoon for cryin out loud...

Exactly, I am christian and I watch Family Guy even though they actually have a Jesus character in it.....its FICTION.

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Thu 04/22/10 07:30 PM

It's a freakin cartoon for cryin out loud...

Exactly, I am christian and I watch Family Guy even though they actually have a Jesus character in it.....its FICTION.

You like Family guy, but not South Park??

That's like loving peanut butter, but not jelly.

Why don't you like South Park?? (If I'm correct in assuming that...)

metalwing's photo
Thu 04/22/10 07:34 PM
This event made me wonder how many radical Muslims there are. It is certainly subject to opinion.

I found this quote:

How many radical Muslims are there in the world?

Writing at the Weekly Standard, Robert Satloff takes apart a new book by John Esposito and Dalia Mogahed, both of them professional pro-Islam propagandists, published by the Gallup organization, where Mogehed is executive director of the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies. Satloff shows how, through fraudulent definition of the word "radical," the authors make it appear that a multi-year study of Muslim opinion worldwide showed that only seven percent of Muslims are radical, when, in reality, by any fair reading of the authors' own polling data, the correct number is 37 percent.

The authors define Muslim radicals as those who say the 9/11 attack was "completely justified," which was seven percent of the sample. However, there were two other categories of respondents who said that the attack was at least partially justified, and they are labeled by the authors as "moderates." The first of those groups comprises 6.5 percent of the sample, the second comprises 23.1 percent. Further, the respondents in that last category, making up 23.1 percent, also said that they hate America, want to impose Sharia law, support suicide bombing, and oppose equal rights for women. Yet Esposito and Mogahed call them "moderates."

7 plus 6.5 plus 23.1 equals 36.6 percent of 1.2 billion Muslims, or 439 million radical Muslims in the world. Just a tiny unrepresentative minority.

Regardless if there are half a billion or only 100 million, there are a lot of radicals.

msharmony's photo
Thu 04/22/10 07:34 PM

It's a freakin cartoon for cryin out loud...

Exactly, I am christian and I watch Family Guy even though they actually have a Jesus character in it.....its FICTION.

You like Family guy, but not South Park??

That's like loving peanut butter, but not jelly.

Why don't you like South Park?? (If I'm correct in assuming that...)

south park is just too vulgar for my taste,, family guy is a bit more subtle

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