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Topic: Don't Worry - It'll Turn Out Fine ...
delilady's photo
Sun 04/11/10 04:07 PM

Why is it that some people always look at the negative side of life.

If you tell someone they are worthless and miserable long enough, sooner or later that person starts to believe that he/she is worthless and miserable

If you tell someone that you believe in them sooner or later that person will believe that he/she is capable of doing anything.

So if this citizens of this country are constantly told that it is hopeless and nothing will ever improve you will get your wish and this country will go down the tubes.

Why not concentrate on the positive things that are happening? If you have ideas for changing things for the better then go ahead and post them. I would love to read them. If you want to tell us over and over how bad things are without suggesting any solutions other than get rid of Obama and the Democrats, then your credibility is about as realistic as the scenario you posted.

I look forward to reading the solutions you have in mind.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Thanks but he asked me for 3 things but never came back to post any of his brillant solutions. I'm still waiting. I haven't gotten one suggestion for a solution yet--just more complaining

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 04/11/10 04:27 PM

Better make sure he doesn't get a job that pays well.

If he does, and makes over a certain amount of money, he'll be one of those " greedy rich folks " that just had their money handed to them.

Oh...and if he's going to college to be a doctor...let him know that the government is now going to tell him how much he's allowed to earn.

it may not be enough to pay off the loans he'll need.
So he has a choice of one side calling him a greedy rich person or the other side saying that the poor uneducated, lazy guy is just living off the system

People who want to label everyone are part of the problem not the solution

I'm not on either side of it.

But...from the events I have seen recently...there really isn't any real incentive to better yourself.

After all....go to college...graduate with great grades....get a good, high paying job....make over 250k a year....get demonized by the current administration because you haven't " earned " anything and you OWE something to people who make less than you.

The problem is....the people who say that the rich are nothing more than " greedy " fail to realize that those people ( the VAST majority of them ) worked their azzes off to get where they are. They take the VERY small percentage of them and extrapolate that to ALL people who earn above a certain income level.

Why would anyone want to improve their lot in life when they know for a fact that the government is going to portray them as " eeeeevil capitalists " and tax them for half of what they earn?

delilady's photo
Sun 04/11/10 04:41 PM
Sometimes those who have just have to take one for the team. I paid into SS all these years and all I hear is "what if its not there for all the baby boomers". Everyone in my company took a pay cut last year rather than have anyone laid off. I was not endanger of losing my job but was happy to be a little more strapped so someone else didn't lose it all. My sons will have to bust their but and hopefully they will be fortunate enough to be in the group that has to pay a little more. But it doesn't mean they still won't be comfortable. If by doing that, the money goes into educating others who can then strive to be the ones who pay hirer taxes then everyone benefits in the long run. When my sons complained a few years ago because they didn't have what some of their friends had I took them into Philly and showed them what it was like to really not have. have not heard them complain about "not having" since.

No matter how much anyone here feels that I am wrong, it doesn't matter because I am still going to believe that things will improve and this country will get back on track. JMO

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 04/11/10 04:48 PM
Oh things will definitely get better.

As soon as we get rid of the idea that ANYONE in this country is ENTITLED to anything if they have never done anything to EARN it.

" The government will GIVE us what we need " is a mindset that is destroying this country.

delilady's photo
Sun 04/11/10 05:13 PM
On that I am in total agreement with you.drinker

no photo
Sun 04/11/10 05:32 PM
Well, gee ... as I recall, the ORIGINAL POST was a link to a site commenting on problems with the CONSUMER CREDIT market ... http://market-ticker.denninger.net/archives/2166-Consumer-Credit-OUCH!.html - how quickly we deteriorated from that ... but let's press on ...

Delilady kicked it off ... her Big Three were (wait for it) ...

" ... My income tax refund check was bigger | My pay cut from last March was reversed | Credit card companies are finally getting regulated ... "

Oh wow. Lessee - I'm still trying to establish the connection between those three and consumer credit. Maybe the 'regulation' of credit card companies ... ? But I digest:

There's a REASON your income tax check was bigger: They withheld TOO MUCH to begin with. See, the company has you fill out a W-whatever your category calls for, and that lets them 'withhold' money from your check.

What does the reversal of your pay cut from last March have to do with anything related to consumer credit? I mean, besides giving you more disposable income to rack up charges on the ol' plastic with ... ?

Lastly, we have 'credit card companies are finally getting regulated'. Help me with this one - can I get a witness? Testify. Signify. Whatever. Do you sincerely believe that credit card companies have operated all these years WITHOUT regulation ... ? Sorry, that's such a non-starter it can't qualify as a serious comment ...

Moving on ...

MsHarmony steps up to the plate next with these oldies but goodies:

let me add to it,, yucca mountain being closed and me being able to keep my son on my insurance while he attends college as well as being able to receive more substantial grants to finish my degree in education

Whoa. It's hard to know where to start, 'cuz each of these is so related to consumer credit ...

Yucca Mountain is the ONLY place in the country where NUCLEAR WASTE can be safely stored. Obama has now closed it. And you think that's a GOOD thing. Sorry, this is NOT a 'Martha Stewart Moment'. Just the slightest bit of cognition reveals that we still have OPERATIONAL nuclear facilities in this country. At some point, their fuel will need to be replenished and the spent fuel sent to storage. Oh. It CAN'T be sent to storage, because Lord Obama the Most Merciful (PBUH) has CLOSED the ONLY facility qualified to ACCEPT nuclear waste. Ab-so-lutely BRILLIANT. The logical next step (stay with me here, okay?) is to CLOSE all those nasty nuke-yew-lur plants (yes, he says it just like Bush did) so there won't be any NEW nuclear waste created. WHAT, then, is gonna replace the electricity no longer being generated by CLEAN nuclear fuel? Riddle me that, Batwoman ...

You can keep your son on your insurance now until he's 27. Great. The Lord High Obama has just raised the age of childhood. HOW OLD does someone need to be NOW before they're considered an ADULT? I understand how nice it is to have him on your insurance and all that, but this is ridiculous. At some point, people need to grow up. This is just extending the age of dependency. Better hope he's gonna be making the big bucks in an Obama Economy to justify all that schoolin' ...

And lastly, we come to you receiving more 'substantial' grants to finish your degree in education ... well, fine and dandy. Have you, umm, noticed that if you (or your son) have any of those things called 'student loans' that the program has just been taken over by His Holiness, the Lord High Obamanation (PBUH)? The loans don't go thru those things called 'private lenders' anymore. It's all gub'mint all the time now. Oh ... Would you happen to know the SOURCE of that grant money? Contrary to popular belief, it does NOT come from 'Obama's Stash' (as some have claimed). I'd bet it comes from ... ohhhhh, let's say ... taxpayers. And let's project out a bit ... once you complete that program and get your degree, you expect to teach in a school, right ... ? Hmm. That's gonna be increasingly difficult, 'cuz the graph under His Highness (PBUH) is in the direction of dumbing people down rather than smartin' 'em up ... but I wish you good luck nonetheless.

As for Delilady's 'challenge' that I provide my solutions, I never claimed from the outset to have solutions. Therefore, I'm under no obligation to comply with that specious demand. And now that we've come to the end of our broadcast day, we find that none of these 'three things that have gotten better' in the realm of consumer credit were even addressed by the responses ... Good job. Move along - nothing to see here, folks ... Jeez - all of this for an article about consumer credit ...

delilady's photo
Sun 04/11/10 05:37 PM
And one again the his Highness the Knight spouts off about misinformed everyone else is and how the country is a mess and then runs to a corner to hide

Solutions man---post a thread with your solutions!! Show everyone just what an authority you are.

no photo
Sun 04/11/10 06:36 PM
Like I said ... I only posted the article - I made no claim for having a solution to a consumer credit decline. There is, therefore, no obligation to provide a hypothetical solution, no matter what you may believe. And in case you haven't noticed, I made no claim to being an authority - it was a post about consumer credit being in decline. Get over it.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 04/11/10 06:40 PM
Why does it bother you so much that Delilady is happy and content with her life???? Misery truly does like company...the lobster at the bottom of the bucket always tries to pull the others to the bottom with him.

Be happy or be miserable..it REALLY is that simple!

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 04/11/10 06:45 PM
Some people are greedy.
Some are generous.
And some others just like to complain about the first two.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 04/11/10 06:50 PM

Some people are greedy.
Some are generous.
And some others just like to complain about the first two.

That was really deep Mo drinker

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 04/11/10 06:52 PM
Wasn't meant to be.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 04/11/10 06:54 PM
too late..

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 04/11/10 06:57 PM
I hate it when I do that.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 04/11/10 06:58 PM
slaphead :laughing:

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 04/11/10 07:01 PM

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 04/11/10 07:03 PM

no photo
Sun 04/11/10 07:16 PM

Why does it bother you so much that Delilady is happy and content with her life???? Misery truly does like company...the lobster at the bottom of the bucket always tries to pull the others to the bottom with him.

Be happy or be miserable..it REALLY is that simple!

I'm seriously NOT bothered by that ... I'm happy she's happy ... I'm glad she's content. Just because I post an article and later don't rise to take her bait is NOT my problem ... I realize she didn't particularly care for my analysis of her response, but that's the way things go. Had I SAID or CLAIMED to have had the magic answer, it'd be a whole different equation. I didn't. I'm comfortable with my position. I owe no one anything. And although it's not relevant to you or anyone else, I'm quite happy, thankyewberrymush ...

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 04/11/10 07:28 PM
good, glad your happy :smile:

msharmony's photo
Sun 04/11/10 09:47 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 04/11/10 09:58 PM

good, glad your happy :smile:

whats the use huh? some things are getting better, some are staying the same, and some have gotten worse,,, as has ALWAYS been the case in this country despite the claim of some that it has magically occurred because of one man in the white house

I am a taxpayer, so I am all too happy when what I pay in actually benefits me in some way,,,like grants

I am also happy to have my son on my insurance while he is away at college (at 18, not at 27)

find what is useful to us and be happy for it,, you paid for it if you are a working adult

be aware of whats going on,, take the good with the bad,, but for those who only want to see the good, watch your back, and for those who only want to see the bad,,,never stop looking at yourself first,

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