Topic: How Many Times....
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Thu 04/08/10 10:14 PM

...did Obama promise that if you made less than 250K a year, your taxes wouldn't go up?? 25?? 50?? A couple HUNDRED times?

Well...guess what. That was just another talking point/lie to get people to vote for him.

NOW...Pelosi and a few others have said that a " Value Added Tax " ( a national sales tax ) is being considered.

Does anyone think that " considered " doesn't mean almost guaranteed?? Doesd anyone think that, despite his promises, he wouldn't sign it once it was put on his desk?

Way to go Obama.:thumbsup:

Okay corrected. I read the earlier post, don't want to rehash.

I think Obama got over exuberant in that speech.

He will probably not be able to prevent All taxes from effecting people of lower incomes. I know he is trying to help the lower incomes but he also has to deal with congress so he will probably not have any luck there.

" ... I think Obama got over exuberant in that speech. ... "

" ... overexuberant ... " ... ? NO! He LIED. He KNEW he was lying. The people LISTENING ... DIDN'T. They heard what they WANTED to hear ... and I jes' lub that excuse it was " ... just another talking point ... " too. Remember: "Just words ... just speeches ... " ...

Voting. Has. Consequences.

msharmony's photo
Thu 04/08/10 10:17 PM
he also said this would not happen under 'his' plan,, and we know this plan was actually a conglomerate of ideas from several politicians besides just him,,,,

JustAGuy2112's photo
Thu 04/08/10 10:31 PM

People can talk themselves into anything. LOL

no photo
Thu 04/08/10 11:03 PM

he also said this would not happen under 'his' plan,, and we know this plan was actually a conglomerate of ideas from several politicians besides just him,,,,

'HE' never bothered to put together 'his' 'plan' ... he DELEGATED it to Reid and Pelossini ... he's not clever enough to draft something himself - just like Little Billy Ayers had to write his 'Dreams of my Father' book for him ... what a 'leader' ... 'his' plan ... it is to laff ... did you happen to notice that the 'several politicians besides just him' are all DEMOCRATS ... ? Like Jimi said, "Let us not talk falsely now, the hour's getting late" ...

msharmony's photo
Fri 04/09/10 12:49 AM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 04/09/10 12:50 AM
seriously,, the man graduated MAGNA CUM LAUDE from HARVARD ,,, Im sure he is more than capable of writing his own biography,,

lets not make more empty accusations either

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 04/09/10 01:11 AM
Edited by JustAGuy2112 on Fri 04/09/10 01:17 AM

he also said this would not happen under 'his' plan,, and we know this plan was actually a conglomerate of ideas from several politicians besides just him,,,,

Doesn't he have " final say " in what the plan is??

He has the ability to veto a tax bill. Correct??

Think for one second that he would veto THIS one if it crossed his desk?? Despite the promises??

Ya know...I wouldn't have a problem with this at all IF it was part of a plan to overhaul the tax system. If the " value added tax " was to be used to REPLACE some of the other taxes, I would be totally fine with it.

But it's not. It's just another tax to add to an already heavy tax burden.

They ( state and federal government ) already take 1/4 of my money. This is just adding on.

One of these days the government MAY figure out that the American people aren't an ATM machine that they can just take money from whenever they want.

But I won't be holding my breath waiting for that day.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 04/09/10 01:16 AM

Besides that, noone can possibly believe that there will not be a normal yearly or normal increase in taxes. Taxes increase all the time. New ones are made all the time. We have to pay them to keep our nation all it is.

And what, exactly, IS our nation??

A place of 10% unemployment. 10% being a LIGHT estimate since the government " massages " the numbers so things don't seem as bad as they really are.

A place where millions are losing their homes BECAUSE they can't find jobs.

Tell me, please, how it makes sense to take even more away from people at a time when the vast majority of people can ill afford it.

KerryO's photo
Fri 04/09/10 02:34 AM
Yeah, what WERE we thinking-- if we'd have elected McCain and Palin, they would have made the poor pay their fair share of taxes, the budget would be balanced by now and we'd back to full employment. All in one year, even.

We'd have also taken over Iran by now and no one would ever get sick again and go bankrupt with medical bills again because they would have given us the same health insurance coverage that Congress enjoys.

We wouldn't have the illegal immigration problem because McCain would have granted them all amnesty so they could take all the jobs that Americans wouldn't do.

Remember what Dick Cheney told us: "Reagan taught us that deficits don't matter."

-Kerry O.

no photo
Fri 04/09/10 08:25 AM
Obama LIED....admitt it... Obama didn't deliver on that wasn't the only major campaign promise Obama broke either.

Now here's what worries me....taxes have always been levied on something you had....if you were against the tax, you could avoid the tax by not using the product.....but with Obamacare, taxes will be levied on something you don't what's next....a tax on people that don't own a car to help pay for those that do?????

Now that opens an interesting CAN OF WORMS!!!

msharmony's photo
Fri 04/09/10 09:16 AM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 04/09/10 09:17 AM

Obama LIED....admitt it... Obama didn't deliver on that wasn't the only major campaign promise Obama broke either.

Now here's what worries me....taxes have always been levied on something you had....if you were against the tax, you could avoid the tax by not using the product.....but with Obamacare, taxes will be levied on something you don't what's next....a tax on people that don't own a car to help pay for those that do?????

Now that opens an interesting CAN OF WORMS!!!

but you miss the point,
with car insurance, it is ONLY Those paying car insurance who are having to cover for those without so alleviating that responsibility to mandate EVERYONE with a car carry their own insurance is logical,, the same is true with HEALTH

everyone does have HEALTH and many without health insurance force those with it to pay higher prices to cover the difference.

no photo
Fri 04/09/10 10:01 AM

Obama LIED....admitt it... Obama didn't deliver on that wasn't the only major campaign promise Obama broke either.

Now here's what worries me....taxes have always been levied on something you had....if you were against the tax, you could avoid the tax by not using the product.....but with Obamacare, taxes will be levied on something you don't what's next....a tax on people that don't own a car to help pay for those that do?????

Now that opens an interesting CAN OF WORMS!!!

but you miss the point,
with car insurance, it is ONLY Those paying car insurance who are having to cover for those without so alleviating that responsibility to mandate EVERYONE with a car carry their own insurance is logical,, the same is true with HEALTH

everyone does have HEALTH and many without health insurance force those with it to pay higher prices to cover the difference.

noway noway noway

a person's now... a product???? be taxed by the government....ridiculous!!!

and those with health insurance are not "forced" but "choose" to pay those higher premiums. There are other options.

no photo
Fri 04/09/10 10:19 AM

seriously,, the man graduated MAGNA CUM LAUDE from HARVARD ,,, Im sure he is more than capable of writing his own biography,,

lets not make more empty accusations either

Oh please. He did NOT write his autobiography. Little Billy Ayers has already said that HE wrote it FOR 'The ONE'. He was NOT 'capable' then, he is NOT 'capable' NOW. He hasn't released college transcripts, medical records (whussup wit' DAT?), his 'Harvard Law Review' 'writings', his BIRTH CERTIFICATE, or anything ELSE that every OTHER candidate who has run for this office has been MADE to release for public review. How long will you continue to defend this sham of a 'president' who is the first ANTI-AMERICAN 'president' in our nation's history? The 'accusations' (call 'em what you will) just happen to upset you because you know they're accurate. HE and his 'supporters' are pretty good at dishing, but they ain't so strong when it comes to taking ... live with the results of your choice.

no photo
Fri 04/09/10 10:24 AM

seriously,, the man graduated MAGNA CUM LAUDE from HARVARD ,,, Im sure he is more than capable of writing his own biography,,

lets not make more empty accusations either

Oh please. He did NOT write his autobiography. Little Billy Ayers has already said that HE wrote it FOR 'The ONE'. He was NOT 'capable' then, he is NOT 'capable' NOW. He hasn't released college transcripts, medical records (whussup wit' DAT?), his 'Harvard Law Review' 'writings', his BIRTH CERTIFICATE, or anything ELSE that every OTHER candidate who has run for this office has been MADE to release for public review. How long will you continue to defend this sham of a 'president' who is the first ANTI-AMERICAN 'president' in our nation's history? The 'accusations' (call 'em what you will) just happen to upset you because you know they're accurate. HE and his 'supporters' are pretty good at dishing, but they ain't so strong when it comes to taking ... live with the results of your choice.


I second all that!

Couldn't have said it better myself!!



Winx's photo
Fri 04/09/10 10:39 AM
Hmmm.....Didn't Bush, Sr., once say "NO NEW TAXES"?

no photo
Fri 04/09/10 10:43 AM

Hmmm.....Didn't Bush, Sr., once say "NO NEW TAXES"?

Is that suppose to justify Obama lies???? broken promises???

msharmony's photo
Fri 04/09/10 10:46 AM

Obama LIED....admitt it... Obama didn't deliver on that wasn't the only major campaign promise Obama broke either.

Now here's what worries me....taxes have always been levied on something you had....if you were against the tax, you could avoid the tax by not using the product.....but with Obamacare, taxes will be levied on something you don't what's next....a tax on people that don't own a car to help pay for those that do?????

Now that opens an interesting CAN OF WORMS!!!

but you miss the point,
with car insurance, it is ONLY Those paying car insurance who are having to cover for those without so alleviating that responsibility to mandate EVERYONE with a car carry their own insurance is logical,, the same is true with HEALTH

everyone does have HEALTH and many without health insurance force those with it to pay higher prices to cover the difference.

noway noway noway

a person's now... a product???? be taxed by the government....ridiculous!!!

and those with health insurance are not "forced" but "choose" to pay those higher premiums. There are other options.

not really, bottom line is ,, SOMEONE would have to pick up that cost in a society that MANDATES anyone in a medical emergency receives help,,,

now, if we would rather stop mandating that hospitals take care of those in emergency situations,,,thats one solution
but not one i would ever support

msharmony's photo
Fri 04/09/10 10:50 AM

seriously,, the man graduated MAGNA CUM LAUDE from HARVARD ,,, Im sure he is more than capable of writing his own biography,,

lets not make more empty accusations either

Oh please. He did NOT write his autobiography. Little Billy Ayers has already said that HE wrote it FOR 'The ONE'. He was NOT 'capable' then, he is NOT 'capable' NOW. He hasn't released college transcripts, medical records (whussup wit' DAT?), his 'Harvard Law Review' 'writings', his BIRTH CERTIFICATE, or anything ELSE that every OTHER candidate who has run for this office has been MADE to release for public review. How long will you continue to defend this sham of a 'president' who is the first ANTI-AMERICAN 'president' in our nation's history? The 'accusations' (call 'em what you will) just happen to upset you because you know they're accurate. HE and his 'supporters' are pretty good at dishing, but they ain't so strong when it comes to taking ... live with the results of your choice.

dude, what are you talking about? Give me the source where AYERS has ever said that? and where are these others presidents FORCED transcripts and medical records and school papers? ,,,
OBamas Law Review writings are public as are his birth certificate,,,

I just wonder why people pretend to KNOW things when they are completely inaccurate. AT least ask questions and look for something to back up the gossip or else just admit it is what one has 'heard'. Presenting gossip as fact is just,,, ugh

no photo
Fri 04/09/10 10:54 AM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Fri 04/09/10 10:58 AM

seriously,, the man graduated MAGNA CUM LAUDE from HARVARD ,,, Im sure he is more than capable of writing his own biography,,

lets not make more empty accusations either

Oh please. He did NOT write his autobiography. Little Billy Ayers has already said that HE wrote it FOR 'The ONE'. He was NOT 'capable' then, he is NOT 'capable' NOW. He hasn't released college transcripts, medical records (whussup wit' DAT?), his 'Harvard Law Review' 'writings', his BIRTH CERTIFICATE, or anything ELSE that every OTHER candidate who has run for this office has been MADE to release for public review. How long will you continue to defend this sham of a 'president' who is the first ANTI-AMERICAN 'president' in our nation's history? The 'accusations' (call 'em what you will) just happen to upset you because you know they're accurate. HE and his 'supporters' are pretty good at dishing, but they ain't so strong when it comes to taking ... live with the results of your choice.

dude, what are you talking about? Give me the source where AYERS has ever said that? and where are these others presidents FORCED transcripts and medical records and school papers? ,,,
OBamas Law Review writings are public as are his birth certificate,,,

I just wonder why people pretend to KNOW things when they are completely inaccurate. AT least ask questions and look for something to back up the gossip or else just admit it is what one has 'heard'. Presenting gossip as fact is just,,, ugh

Let's get something straight ... I'm NOT your research department. You know how to Google? Do it.

When you find his 'Law Review' writings, you can SHOW ME.

msharmony's photo
Fri 04/09/10 11:21 AM

seriously,, the man graduated MAGNA CUM LAUDE from HARVARD ,,, Im sure he is more than capable of writing his own biography,,

lets not make more empty accusations either

Oh please. He did NOT write his autobiography. Little Billy Ayers has already said that HE wrote it FOR 'The ONE'. He was NOT 'capable' then, he is NOT 'capable' NOW. He hasn't released college transcripts, medical records (whussup wit' DAT?), his 'Harvard Law Review' 'writings', his BIRTH CERTIFICATE, or anything ELSE that every OTHER candidate who has run for this office has been MADE to release for public review. How long will you continue to defend this sham of a 'president' who is the first ANTI-AMERICAN 'president' in our nation's history? The 'accusations' (call 'em what you will) just happen to upset you because you know they're accurate. HE and his 'supporters' are pretty good at dishing, but they ain't so strong when it comes to taking ... live with the results of your choice.

I just wonder why people pretend to KNOW things when they are completely inaccurate. AT least ask questions and look for something to back up the gossip or else just admit it is what one has 'heard'. Presenting gossip as fact is just,,, ugh

Let's get something straight ... I'm NOT your research department. You know how to Google? Do it.
dude, what are you talking about? Give me the source where AYERS has ever said that? and where are these others presidents FORCED transcripts and medical records and school papers? ,,,
OBamas Law Review writings are public as are his birth certificate,,,

lol, very funny,, so I say all other presidents have had to submit a piss test , and you say its ridiculous so you have to somehow prove that presidents HAVENT submitted something

one point of logic, its much more difficult to prove a negative than a positive,,,,,which is why all these NEGATIVE accusations continue to be allowed to fly because with logic like you are asserting noone has to PROVE them....

but if you insist,,,

on his birth certificate

On dreams of my father(Which I own and have read,, have you?)

,,the book is WELL within his literary and educational capabilities

On medical history,, the same amount of information is on the net about OBAma as is any other president ,, here is one site for comparison

..anyway, Ive spent enough of my time backing up how certain ASSERTIONS in this thread are just blatantly false,,,but now that I know how the game is played,,,(no proof required for negative rhetoric),, I will just laugh to my self in the future when I read such silliness

Winx's photo
Fri 04/09/10 11:24 AM

Hmmm.....Didn't Bush, Sr., once say "NO NEW TAXES"?

Is that suppose to justify Obama lies???? broken promises???

I don't feel that Obama lied about the tax situation. He talked about income taxes, etc. and not sales tax. I didn't expect the healthcare plan to be free either.