Topic: lawsuit against Burger King over a spitballed burger.
Queene123's photo
Thu 04/01/10 11:03 PM
VANCOUVER, Wash. -- A Clark County law officer may ultimately "have it his way" if he wins a lawsuit against Burger King over a spitballed burger.

Clark County Sheriff's Deputy Edward Blysma says a DNA test confirms that Gary Herb, a former employee, spit in his burger in March 2009.

Bylsma said he suspected foul play when Herb handed over the burger. Herb's behavior prompted the deputy to unwrap the burger, remove the meat from the bun bottom, where he discovered a loogie filled with milky phlegm.

Bylsma's attorney in the lawsuit says her client was possibly exposed to communicable diseases and discriminated because of his employment position. She said Burger King's "negligent hiring and supervision" were to blame.

The attorney said two employees were responsible for the spitwad - and that forensic evidence proves one of them had Hepatitis.

Bylsma says he's gotten no apology and no suffers from insomnia and has become neurotic about food. He worries about contracting hepatitis constantly, in addition to other food-borne illnesses, according to his attorney.

bikerbabe63's photo
Fri 04/02/10 12:14 AM
I worked in a resteraunt for years and this makes me reason I cook at home and not eat out very often and never send food back will just order new food and when I go to pay I ask to talk to the manager...Never p-off the waiter or waitress. I think the people who did this should be charged it is a form of assault... I read of a girl spitting on someone here and was arrested for assault!

msharmony's photo
Fri 04/02/10 12:16 AM

I worked in a resteraunt for years and this makes me reason I cook at home and not eat out very often and never send food back will just order new food and when I go to pay I ask to talk to the manager...Never p-off the waiter or waitress. I think the people who did this should be charged it is a form of assault... I read of a girl spitting on someone here and was arrested for assault!

yes, I think it is a bit litigious myself,, going after the CHAIN for the individual actions of an employee,,,,but what they did(if they did it) was DISGUSTING and they should be immediately fired and sent to anger management or something.

Thomas3474's photo
Fri 04/02/10 12:24 AM
Vancouver,Washington isn't exactly known for it's classy residents.It is most famous for 23 dollar hotel rooms,crack heads,and meth labs.I didn't eat there unless I had to and took my chances with Portland,Oregon.

bikerbabe63's photo
Fri 04/02/10 12:27 AM

Vancouver,Washington isn't exactly known for it's classy residents.It is most famous for 23 dollar hotel rooms,crack heads,and meth labs.I didn't eat there unless I had to and took my chances with Portland,Oregon.
Don't be fooled by the claayness of the town or resteraunt it happens everywhere> I live in the bible belt near the city of churches.

Thomas3474's photo
Fri 04/02/10 12:43 AM

Vancouver,Washington isn't exactly known for it's classy residents.It is most famous for 23 dollar hotel rooms,crack heads,and meth labs.I didn't eat there unless I had to and took my chances with Portland,Oregon.
Don't be fooled by the claayness of the town or resteraunt it happens everywhere> I live in the bible belt near the city of churches.

No but I have been through Vancouver probably 60 or 70 times.The city was often used for drug runners dealing in Portland to evade local police as Vancouver is only a mile or so from from the border of Oregon.You could deal in any city and cross the state line in 5 minutes staying under the radar of police by staying in cheap hotel rooms on either side of the border using a fake name.

It is true that these sorts of things can happen in any city in America.But big cities espcially ones that have big crime problems are famous for having all kinds of rift raft people working there as this is the best job they get a lot of times.Many of these people could give a crap less about washing their hands or hygenie as shown in the sorry shape of the kitchen.I wouldn't dare eat anything from any burger kings in downtown Denver,LA,NYC,Detroit,Dallas,or any of the other big cities unless it was deep fried!

On a side burger king note.At least they microwave their burgers for 10 seconds or so before they give them to you.Even if someone did spit in your burger hopefully the microwave would kill the bacteria first.

Queene123's photo
Fri 04/02/10 01:18 AM

Vancouver,Washington isn't exactly known for it's classy residents.It is most famous for 23 dollar hotel rooms,crack heads,and meth labs.I didn't eat there unless I had to and took my chances with Portland,Oregon.
Don't be fooled by the claayness of the town or resteraunt it happens everywhere> I live in the bible belt near the city of churches.

No but I have been through Vancouver probably 60 or 70 times.The city was often used for drug runners dealing in Portland to evade local police as Vancouver is only a mile or so from from the border of Oregon.You could deal in any city and cross the state line in 5 minutes staying under the radar of police by staying in cheap hotel rooms on either side of the border using a fake name.

It is true that these sorts of things can happen in any city in America.But big cities espcially ones that have big crime problems are famous for having all kinds of rift raft people working there as this is the best job they get a lot of times.Many of these people could give a crap less about washing their hands or hygenie as shown in the sorry shape of the kitchen.I wouldn't dare eat anything from any burger kings in downtown Denver,LA,NYC,Detroit,Dallas,or any of the other big cities unless it was deep fried!

On a side burger king note.At least they microwave their burgers for 10 seconds or so before they give them to you.Even if someone did spit in your burger hopefully the microwave would kill the bacteria first.

i dont know how bad portland is when it comes to drugs but im sure its worse then here.(for potrland is bigger than salem)
but then if you have ever been to eugene or springfield oregon area its well known to be a drug city

Thomas3474's photo
Fri 04/02/10 02:20 AM

Vancouver,Washington isn't exactly known for it's classy residents.It is most famous for 23 dollar hotel rooms,crack heads,and meth labs.I didn't eat there unless I had to and took my chances with Portland,Oregon.
Don't be fooled by the claayness of the town or resteraunt it happens everywhere> I live in the bible belt near the city of churches.

No but I have been through Vancouver probably 60 or 70 times.The city was often used for drug runners dealing in Portland to evade local police as Vancouver is only a mile or so from from the border of Oregon.You could deal in any city and cross the state line in 5 minutes staying under the radar of police by staying in cheap hotel rooms on either side of the border using a fake name.

It is true that these sorts of things can happen in any city in America.But big cities espcially ones that have big crime problems are famous for having all kinds of rift raft people working there as this is the best job they get a lot of times.Many of these people could give a crap less about washing their hands or hygenie as shown in the sorry shape of the kitchen.I wouldn't dare eat anything from any burger kings in downtown Denver,LA,NYC,Detroit,Dallas,or any of the other big cities unless it was deep fried!

On a side burger king note.At least they microwave their burgers for 10 seconds or so before they give them to you.Even if someone did spit in your burger hopefully the microwave would kill the bacteria first.

i dont know how bad portland is when it comes to drugs but im sure its worse then here.(for potrland is bigger than salem)
but then if you have ever been to eugene or springfield oregon area its well known to be a drug city

Portland had its fair share of problems with drugs but seemed to have a handle on it.It's a big city but downtown doesn't look like night of the living dead after 10pm.I think Portland was mostly full of drunks and people smoking weed after midnight and I never had any problems all the times I was there.I been to Eugene and Springfield a handfull of times and both cities seemed to give off that Meth glow to it.Not bad places but not exactly a welcoming feel to them.

I do love Salem!It was my favorite place to visit in Oregon.Despite being a college town it seemed to have it's act together and was as clean cut of a city if I ever saw one.

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 04/02/10 07:04 AM
They DNA tested the burger?

cashu's photo
Fri 04/02/10 01:19 PM

I worked in a resteraunt for years and this makes me reason I cook at home and not eat out very often and never send food back will just order new food and when I go to pay I ask to talk to the manager...Never p-off the waiter or waitress. I think the people who did this should be charged it is a form of assault... I read of a girl spitting on someone here and was arrested for assault!

It is a crime in it self to spit on someones food in a resturant . but it a crime to let someone work around food prep who has hepetitis . SO the resturant is libieal but i hope the put the as holes in jail for as long as possibly and makes them pay till it hurts and then do it again to them till there old and grey .

MiddleEarthling's photo
Fri 04/02/10 04:42 PM
Edited by MiddleEarthling on Fri 04/02/10 04:42 PM's not the spit that's's the burger. Might as well be eating feces if anyone eats that crap...not to mention the tortured cows...some skinned alive and some have their guts ripped out while still alive to feed idiots who eat red meat.

It's all sick and certainly phucking IMMORAL to eat red meat!

no photo
Sun 04/04/10 11:06 AM's not the spit that's's the burger. Might as well be eating feces if anyone eats that crap...not to mention the tortured cows...some skinned alive and some have their guts ripped out while still alive to feed idiots who eat red meat.

It's all sick and certainly phucking IMMORAL to eat red meat!

Middle, I followed your link to what looks like a link farm.

Did you mean: is a great site.

s1owhand's photo
Sun 04/04/10 11:09 AM
Edited by s1owhand on Sun 04/04/10 11:10 AM
charbroiled cow flesh, medium rare, lettuce, tomato,
special sauce, pickle and onion, HOLD THE PHLEM!

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 04/04/10 11:11 AM
really gross...another reason why i don't eat fast food

MiddleEarthling's photo
Mon 04/05/10 04:44 PM
Edited by MiddleEarthling on Mon 04/05/10 04:47 PM's not the spit that's's the burger. Might as well be eating feces if anyone eats that crap...not to mention the tortured cows...some skinned alive and some have their guts ripped out while still alive to feed idiots who eat red meat.

It's all sick and certainly phucking IMMORAL to eat red meat!

Middle, I followed your link to what looks like a link farm.

Did you mean: is a great site.

Thanks, they must have removed the original link I used...It is a great site and a better documentary on how we mistreat our animal friends. I have the's hard to watch but truth is a tough MoFo for some people to absorb.


JustAGuy2112's photo
Mon 04/05/10 04:55 PM
To be able to " absorb " the truth, you must first learn to recognize it.

You have yet to show the ability to do that.