Topic: O'Reilly Joins Marine's Dad in Funeral Protest Fight | |
Without the intentions of turning this into a thread that will get moved....
They ALL say they speak " the truth ". Too bad " the truth " is so slippery. After all...they can't ALL be right, now can they?? |
I think the Christians out there regard the Westbourgh baptist church as a church that has gone completly insane.It's churches like this one that give Christianity a bad name.The vast majority of churches our there are pro military and for our military because they regonize the war is a battle between good and evil.I understand the Westbourgh crowd thinks that dead soldiers are payback for homosexuality.What a crock!God has never punished good people by killing them and letting the bad people live. I'm sure one day Westbourgh will do something radical like the Jim jones crusade.I urge all Christians to stear clear of Westbourgh as they clearly are not speaking the truth and I wouldn't be surprised if they were not Christians at all but some radical Atheist group only put there to start a smear campaign against Christianity. I know you don't speak to me but I have a question here. Does Christianity feel that homosexuals go to hell? Then this church is definitely Christian because that is one of the signs the protesters had stating that the soldier will now be in hell. How can that be so different from the message of regular Christians? Or is it just the method you do not approve of? |
I think the Christians out there regard the Westbourgh baptist church as a church that has gone completly insane.It's churches like this one that give Christianity a bad name.The vast majority of churches our there are pro military and for our military because they regonize the war is a battle between good and evil.I understand the Westbourgh crowd thinks that dead soldiers are payback for homosexuality.What a crock!God has never punished good people by killing them and letting the bad people live. I'm sure one day Westbourgh will do something radical like the Jim jones crusade.I urge all Christians to stear clear of Westbourgh as they clearly are not speaking the truth and I wouldn't be surprised if they were not Christians at all but some radical Atheist group only put there to start a smear campaign against Christianity. I know you don't speak to me but I have a question here. Does Christianity feel that homosexuals go to hell? Then this church is definitely Christian because that is one of the signs the protesters had stating that the soldier will now be in hell. How can that be so different from the message of regular Christians? Or is it just the method you do not approve of? Anyone can be saved from Hell including homosexuals.Christians believe everyone will go to Hell who is not saved by believing that Jesus is their lord myself included.The entire bible and nearly everything God and Jesus both said is about good and evil.God and Jesus both said that good should always be practiced and evil should always be rebuked and destroyed.Sometimes Wars are necessary to prevent the evil from taking over the world.I think all people including Christians want to avoid war but it is also out duty not to sit on a log twiddling our thumbs while we wait to get our throats slit and our sisters and daughters raped and murdered. It is not Christians jobs to be playing God by determining who lives and who dies and who is punished and who is not.We do not have a military,a court system,jails and prisons,police officers and other forms of justice to deal with people who are breaking Gods law.We will rebuke people for their behavior and scold them.We will kick them out of the church if they are uprepantant and making us look bad.We don't take it to the extreme.It is up to God and God alone to deal with these people concerning who lives and who dies.I do not support homosexuality and those who practice it.If someone asks my opinion about it including what the bible says I will glady defend my stance against homosexuality.I think the majority of Christians(myself included)could really care less what the homosexuals do in the privacy of their home.When they start bringing it into the chruch and telling us that the bible is wrong,and we are wrong for believing it then I have a big problem with it.I do not accept their behavior and will always speak out against it.However saying one group of people are dying for another peoples sins has no biblical value nor is it backed up by the bible.These people are guilty of judging as Jesus spoke of since they never met this soldier or seen his actions.For all we know this soldier could have been a chaplin in the Army. It is always has been the Christians mission not to kill anyone who disobeys Gods laws.But to find them and turn them to Christ as the bible commands us to do.Much better to get the enemy to join your cause and grown in numbers then to try to kill those who oppose you. |
I think the Christians out there regard the Westbourgh baptist church as a church that has gone completly insane.It's churches like this one that give Christianity a bad name.The vast majority of churches our there are pro military and for our military because they regonize the war is a battle between good and evil.I understand the Westbourgh crowd thinks that dead soldiers are payback for homosexuality.What a crock!God has never punished good people by killing them and letting the bad people live. I'm sure one day Westbourgh will do something radical like the Jim jones crusade.I urge all Christians to stear clear of Westbourgh as they clearly are not speaking the truth and I wouldn't be surprised if they were not Christians at all but some radical Atheist group only put there to start a smear campaign against Christianity. I know you don't speak to me but I have a question here. Does Christianity feel that homosexuals go to hell? Then this church is definitely Christian because that is one of the signs the protesters had stating that the soldier will now be in hell. How can that be so different from the message of regular Christians? Or is it just the method you do not approve of? I think the Westboro "Christians" are in danger of going to Hell. Presuming to speak in God's name and intentionally hurting someone by doing so counts as taking His name in vain to me. I don't expect to see any of them in heaven when I get there. And I would prolly get in trouble if I did see em. St Peter prolly wouldn't appreciate me kicking their azzes in front of the pearly gate |
It is sad to disrupt someones funeral. I dont think it very christian to profess to know personally whose soul will go to heaven and whose will not,,,,,this was a very pompous and thoughtless thing to do,,,,,, I hope the family gets through it
I'm not quite seeing the " partisan attack " that the poster was speaking of. Maybe I'm just missing something?? All I saw was that she ( the OP ) was saying that what O'Reilly ( whom she almost ALWAYS disagrees with...and that's putting it mildly at ) is doing is good. The kicked off the prejudice FNC. Anyone who disagrees with her or saying anything against Obama is labeled a racist, and im sick of it. |
what is an fnc?
I think the Christians out there regard the Westbourgh baptist church as a church that has gone completly insane.It's churches like this one that give Christianity a bad name.The vast majority of churches our there are pro military and for our military because they regonize the war is a battle between good and evil.I understand the Westbourgh crowd thinks that dead soldiers are payback for homosexuality.What a crock!God has never punished good people by killing them and letting the bad people live. I'm sure one day Westbourgh will do something radical like the Jim jones crusade.I urge all Christians to stear clear of Westbourgh as they clearly are not speaking the truth and I wouldn't be surprised if they were not Christians at all but some radical Atheist group only put there to start a smear campaign against Christianity. It's one thing to protest the war, but when you are saying that you are happy they died because the government supports homosexuals there is something inherently evil in your motives. |
what is an fnc? Fox News Channel |
Anyone can be saved from Hell including homosexuals.Christians believe everyone will go to Hell who is not saved by believing that Jesus is their lord myself included.The entire bible and nearly everything God and Jesus both said is about good and evil.God and Jesus both said that good should always be practiced and evil should always be rebuked and destroyed. So, why did the current Pope reassign known pedophiles to different venues so they could molest again when he was a Cardinal? Now, of course, he can't be called upon to testify because of immunity given him as a Head of State. I also read that Jeffrey Dahmer was saved before was killed in prison and presumably has gone to heaven. At least one ex-murderer was pardoned by Mike Huckabee, pastor, former govenor and Republican presidential candidate, after said murderer was 'saved' and went on to kill again. Yet homosexuals who harm no one will burn just for being whom God made them? Oh the contradictions... BTW, ask yourself this-- who funds Westboro Baptist Church? -Kerry O. |
I just read that their web address is That honestly has me speechless............
And guess....JUST GUESS...who jumped to the church's defense when the father of the dead Marine sued them??
Wait for it....wait for it... That's right folks!!! The good ole ACLU. I can't help but wonder how the people in the ACLU manage to sleep at night. |
And guess....JUST GUESS...who jumped to the church's defense when the father of the dead Marine sued them?? Wait for it....wait for it... That's right folks!!! The good ole ACLU. I can't help but wonder how the people in the ACLU manage to sleep at night. The ACLU is nothing more then a huge pain in the ***. |
The Anyone but Americans Civil Liberties Union...
A pain in the azz??? The HELL you say!!! Don't you know about all the GOOD they have done for this country. For example.. Ummm.... Errr.... Damn...I can't think of anything. |
Anyone can be saved from Hell including homosexuals.Christians believe everyone will go to Hell who is not saved by believing that Jesus is their lord myself included.The entire bible and nearly everything God and Jesus both said is about good and evil.God and Jesus both said that good should always be practiced and evil should always be rebuked and destroyed. So, why did the current Pope reassign known pedophiles to different venues so they could molest again when he was a Cardinal? Now, of course, he can't be called upon to testify because of immunity given him as a Head of State. I also read that Jeffrey Dahmer was saved before was killed in prison and presumably has gone to heaven. At least one ex-murderer was pardoned by Mike Huckabee, pastor, former govenor and Republican presidential candidate, after said murderer was 'saved' and went on to kill again. Yet homosexuals who harm no one will burn just for being whom God made them? Oh the contradictions... BTW, ask yourself this-- who funds Westboro Baptist Church? -Kerry O. I think the majority of people fail to see what the real problem is concerning these Catholic abuse claims.The core of the problem is homosexuality in the church.Out of the thousands of claims the church has been accused of I can't remember ever hearing one that involved a male having sex with a underage female.Every claim we hear about is male having sex with other males.I think it is safe to say had the church kicked these people out for being openly homosexual or when they found out they were homosexuals we wouldn't be reading about this today.In the 1960's and 1970's the churches much like today were pressured into accepting homosexuality as something that is normal and should be allowed into the church.The Catholic church was hiring priests knowing before hand they were openly homosexual but because of political correctness they ignored what the bible said and let them into the church. I don't feel the least bit sorry for the Catholic church and if they end up bankrupt and ruined it is because they brought up upon themselves.They hired and allowed corrupt homosexuals to run the church and abuse people for their own sexual pleasure.They were allowing people into high leadership positions that should not have been there and allowed people to speak lies about homosexuality.Nothing upsets God more than leaders of the church twisting and lying about the bible verses to further their own causes.He said their sins would never be forgiven or forgotten.This is the worst sin you could ever receive and is called a "unforgivable sin". Matthew 12:31-32, Jesus says to the Pharisees, "Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come" . "How can Satan cast out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. And if Satan has risen up against himself, and is divided, he cannot stand, but has an end. No one can enter a strong man's house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man. And then he will plunder his house" (Mark 3:23-27; also see Luke 11:14-23). I have boycotted the Episcopal Church because they openly allow homosexuals in their churches including priests.I can bet you a million dollars it wont be long before you start reading the same stories and abuses coming from the Episcopal church for what they are allowing.I can also say I am fairly certain that we will see the end of the Episcopal church in America in less then 5 years.They are already losing millions of members and said to be in financial ruin because of what they are doing. |
I think the majority of people fail to see what the real problem is concerning these Catholic abuse claims.The core of the problem is homosexuality in the church.Out of the thousands of claims the church has been accused of I can't remember ever hearing one that involved a male having sex with a underage female. "Eighty percent of the victims of priestly sexual abuse are male and most of them are post-pubescent. While homosexuality does not cause predatory behavior, and most gay priests are not molesters, most of the molesters have been gay." -Bill Donahue, President of the Catholic League and staunch defender of Pope Benedict The people who want to use homosexuality as a whipping boy will steadfastly refuse to logically differentiate sex between consenting ADULTS and pedophilia. It won't surprise me one bit that the Catholic Church's hard turn to the right will soon include purges of homosexual members, too. Nevermind that there are lots of Jimmy Swaggerts around in the clergy who can't seem to control their heterosexuality, it will be agenda-serving to make scapegoats of homosexuals once again. In that respect, they will have something in common with Westboro Baptist Church. -Kerry O. |
I think the majority of people fail to see what the real problem is concerning these Catholic abuse claims.The core of the problem is homosexuality in the church.Out of the thousands of claims the church has been accused of I can't remember ever hearing one that involved a male having sex with a underage female. "Eighty percent of the victims of priestly sexual abuse are male and most of them are post-pubescent. While homosexuality does not cause predatory behavior, and most gay priests are not molesters, most of the molesters have been gay." -Bill Donahue, President of the Catholic League and staunch defender of Pope Benedict The people who want to use homosexuality as a whipping boy will steadfastly refuse to logically differentiate sex between consenting ADULTS and pedophilia. It won't surprise me one bit that the Catholic Church's hard turn to the right will soon include purges of homosexual members, too. Nevermind that there are lots of Jimmy Swaggerts around in the clergy who can't seem to control their heterosexuality, it will be agenda-serving to make scapegoats of homosexuals once again. In that respect, they will have something in common with Westboro Baptist Church. -Kerry O. This is a problem with homosexuality and it should be blamed as by your own admitmance 80% are male to male sex.You can put what ever twist and turn you want on this story.You still can't change the fact that the core problem with the church is that is it not addresing the problem of homosexual priests which is the problem.If priest were not homosexuals and did not practice homosexuality then can we not say we would have had at least a 80% less court cases to deal with?I think anyone with half a brain dealing with this crisis would expel the homosexuals as they make up 80% of the problem.You can also plainly see that the more liberal you get in the church the more likely you are to get in trouble with the church. In a 1984 survey, 38.6 percent of ministers reported sexual contact with a church member, and 76 percent knew of another minister who had had sexual intercourse with a parishioner.In the same year, a Fuller Seminary survey of 1,200 ministers found that 20 percent of theologically “conservative” pastors admitted to some sexual contact outside of marriage with a church member. The figure jumped to over 40 percent for “moderates”; 50 percent of “liberal” pastors confessed to similar behavior I also think this story is being blown up much larger than it should be as cases from 1950 till 2005 was more than 12,000. In just one year......In New Jersey public schools, a total of 17,666 violent incidents were reported in 2007-2008 (Annual Report on Violence, Vandalism and Substance Abuse in New Jersey One report mandated by Congress estimated that as many as 4.5 million students, out of roughly 50 million in American schools, are subject to sexual misconduct by an employee of a school sometime between kindergarten and 12th grade. That figure includes verbal harassment that's sexual in nature. |
This is a problem with homosexuality and it should be blamed as by your own admitmance 80% are male to male sex.You can put what ever twist and turn you want on this story.You still can't change the fact that the core problem with the church is that is it not addresing the problem of homosexual priests which is the problem.If priest were not homosexuals and did not practice homosexuality then can we not say we would have had at least a 80% less court cases to deal with?I think anyone with half a brain dealing with this crisis would expel the homosexuals as they make up 80% of the problem.You can also plainly see that the more liberal you get in the church the more likely you are to get in trouble with the church. In a 1984 survey, 38.6 percent of ministers reported sexual contact with a church member, and 76 percent knew of another minister who had had sexual intercourse with a parishioner.In the same year, a Fuller Seminary survey of 1,200 ministers found that 20 percent of theologically “conservative” pastors admitted to some sexual contact outside of marriage with a church member. The figure jumped to over 40 percent for “moderates”; 50 percent of “liberal” pastors confessed to similar behavior I also think this story is being blown up much larger than it should be as cases from 1950 till 2005 was more than 12,000. In just one year......In New Jersey public schools, a total of 17,666 violent incidents were reported in 2007-2008 (Annual Report on Violence, Vandalism and Substance Abuse in New Jersey One report mandated by Congress estimated that as many as 4.5 million students, out of roughly 50 million in American schools, are subject to sexual misconduct by an employee of a school sometime between kindergarten and 12th grade. That figure includes verbal harassment that's sexual in nature. No spin, just shooting down your faulty premise with facts. Facts, BTW, with which you don't disagree it appears. So let's attack your next faulty premise. That if you purge the Church of homosexuals, none of this would happen. Let's assume that there was a way to do this and it happened. That still doesn't address the problem of the other 20% of pedophiles. Now, 100% of the pedophiles would be heterosexual. I'm sure that in lot of peoples' minds, that wouldn't be as bad, since they often can't confront the idea that their sexual orientation is the one God planned. I'd think the Church would want to expunge ALL pedophiles regardless of their sexual orientation. Too, the Catholic Church requires vows of celibacy from its priests. So if a homosexual priest is celibate, why expunge someone who is guilty of nothing but what some might term as 'thought crimes'. And of course none of this addresses 'What's Really Going On Here.' Maybe if the Church didn't try to do such a guilt trip on homosexuals, there wouldn't be folks trying to resolve their inner turmoils by becoming nuns or priests. Because when you think about the celibacy thing, it only makes sense that a lot of heterosexuals are going to balk at that, whereas someone with homosexual tendencies will initially see celibacy as a blessing along with an opportunity to become acceptable in the eyes of The Flock. Personally, I think the Buddhists are far and away more above the curve than any of the other religions when it comes to not stigmatizing sexuality. Their only tenets are to be aware of selfish attachment and to never misuse one's sexuality to cause others and one's self hurt. -Kerry O. |
Edited by
Sat 04/03/10 07:17 AM
I am not sure Buddhism is a religion so much as a cult(not in the negative sense) as they just follow an ideal of personal enlightenment and Buddha was just a man. In any case though,,,back to the point
While I think what has happened in the catholic church is indeed sad, I would have to disagree that it is strictly a matter of homosexuality or 'pedophilia'. I think it is more a matter of inconsistency. I think that sometimes the church can become TOO complacent in teaching Gods message and get caught up in 'worldly' popularity. Homosexual lifestyle is not the only 'sin' and homosexuals are no more or less sinners than anyone else. AS the above post said,, there are those in the congregation actively lusting after their neighbor, leadin promiscuous lives, and any number of examples of things God taught against. The church would have little purpose if it only were open to those who didnt sin and it would be empty as well. The problem is not that the church allows the homosexual or the promiscuous or the adulter, the problem is that , because the church congregation reflects the community, it sometimes tries too hard to please everyone by 'lightening' the message, and coming across as if it actually condones or supports sin. Forgiveness was never intended to take the place of repentance and consequence and I think that by assisting in helping any of us avoid our natural or legal consequence, we do a great disservice to the good book and we make it difficult for people to truly 'learn' anything from their mistakes. I am not in favor of persecuting anyone but I am also not in favor of ignoring or helping to avoid the consequence of peoples actions. Those who are wantonly ignoring the call of the good book and its message should not be leading any congregation,,in my opinion, but should be just as open to suffer the consequence and then be forgiven as any of the rest of us would be. oh, and as far as the funeral crashers, I think it is abhorrent, whatever the reason,,,let the dead rest in peace and leave it to God to 'judge' their soul... |
I am not sure Buddhism is a religion so much as a cult(not in the negative sense) as they just follow an ideal of personal enlightenment and Buddha was just a man. In any case though,,,back to the point And Jews to this day say Jesus was just a man, too. Who's right? See, that's the trouble-- the other guy's religion will always be a cult in the eyes of those who believe they-- and they alone-- have an exclusive franchise on The Truth. While I think what has happened in the catholic church is indeed sad, I would have to disagree that it is strictly a matter of homosexuality or 'pedophilia'. I think it is more a matter of inconsistency. I think that sometimes the church can become TOO complacent in teaching Gods message and get caught up in 'worldly' popularity. Homosexual lifestyle is not the only 'sin' and homosexuals are no more or less sinners than anyone else. AS the above post said,, there are those in the congregation actively lusting after their neighbor, leadin promiscuous lives, and any number of examples of things God taught against. The church would have little purpose if it only were open to those who didnt sin and it would be empty as well. So, why isn't the Phelps gang running a website called God Hates Sluts? Could it possibly be that they are trying to capitalize on the stigma the Faithful heap upon homosexuals? More than once I have heard militant Born Again Christians in email discussion groups say that homosexuality is especially abhorrent to God and is a sin that God doesn't forgive. No matter how much of a wretch they make themselves out to be, there will always be a group lower on the Divine Totem Pole than themselves who will be less than wretched. It's the same old story-- there always has to be a great Satan to rail against and the further removed from the status quo the better, lest the finger that points comes full circle. -Kerry O. |