Topic: strange....but fact
sexyindn's photo
Sat 03/20/10 01:22 PM
Cheating discreetly less taboo than diivorce

well cheating is horrible anywhere in the world but like i said the diff gender roles apply in this situation, yes if a man is caught cheating it is frowned upon but if a women is caught cheating she might just lose everything ...... everything varies from location in india ( life, family, home etc....)

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 03/20/10 01:23 PM
makes me glad I live in Texas

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 03/20/10 01:26 PM

basically what im saying is that i don't think it's healthy for and individual to live with his parents, your 40 year old friend should prob move out and get a job and a place of his own. Personally my parents can live with me, i cant live with them and there is a diff. in one scenario in one i support them which a child should do (after all they did wipe your ***) and in the second your parents take of you.

AS it pertains to the other cultures that ur talking about it doesn't pertain here because not all of those cultures practice arranged marriages and they all have diff roles (ie gender, and family). YOu must understand that all asian cultures are similar and very unique at the same time, gender, family, age, etc... play a very diff role in diff parts of the world, just because there are similarities doesn't mean they can be lumped together

Good poing AND the fact that what works in one part of the world may not work in another... I know plenty of India people that 1) didn't want arranged and still went with it b/c their parents would have disowned then and 2) those that have turned down those that their parents found for them... They also get a few choices not just one... I also know a lot of Indian men that can't wait to see who their parents have picked and start their families as their parents desire..... People are individuals no matter where they come from.. Some may want whatever their family wants and some may not... It doesn't matter what it is, marriage, religion, family business, etc. And it doesn't make them wrong or the others wrong...

i agree 100 percent but i do think that by not having hte option of disobeying ur parents going against their wishes you aren't so much an individual but a piece of clay your parents have molded to their desire ?

Oh I do agree but it's not for me to say.. I eat lunch with my employees from India quite often (when I stray from my desk lol) and we always discuss our different cultures.... I've had some come talk to me crying b/c their brother was causing issues in the family by refusing to marry someone their father and picked and she was stuck in the middle... Her brother eventually ended up marrying the girl... I see some of them married for 15 or so years and they appear very close and very in love... I see some that are just gorgeous and man their parents picked an ogre for them, I feel sorry for them but that's shallow and I'm sure they're not so shallow... I've seen some that eloped with someone they met in college.. The families weren't happy but they finally learned to accept it...

Sometimes what we as individuals would want or think, isn't important, it's what the other feels they want or must do in their life so I try to not judge.. I've heard far worse things that go in in India and other countries, even the US that puts arranged marriages in the back seat in comparison...

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 03/20/10 01:38 PM
none for me thanks

I don't really like curry

skydancingA's photo
Sat 03/20/10 01:47 PM

Sounds like you have wonderful family.
So I am curious about your moniker..

i love my family to the grave, dont get me wrong there are so many imprefections with my family and i strongly believe had i not been born in america i would not be the strong willed independent person i am today. i may still be very passionate and maybe more respectful towards my elders but i think a part of me that i admire wouldn't be there.

a) what is a moniker haha

His nickname (moniker) is OutkastBoss, made me wonder..

no photo
Sat 03/20/10 01:48 PM

makes me glad I live in Texas

... smokin

sexyindn's photo
Sat 03/20/10 01:53 PM
i agree you cant look through windows! like a said in one of my previous posts, now culture, legal system , society etc is perfect. EVerything as pros and cons and it's up to us as indiv to access them and see what works for us.

I love my india i truly do but im the first to admit the society has flaws, i love america and yet again no one on this forum can deny that american society has flaws as well. the issue with me is that i want india to be better becasue i know it can, i know that sounds judgmental of me but there is so much culture and history that country has to offer and the fact that not everyone manages to see the beauty of that. People tend to always look for the flaw, and if that's all people see then imagine what ppl think when the look at america? a bunch of materialistic, superficial, egocentric, dumb president electing *** holes! but personally i agree with them but thats the beauty of america that people have the freeedom to do what makes them happy and say, and think as they wish. americans are free to find themselves, and In indias case people see villages, slums, and curry , there is so much more to look into! yes i dont agree with arranged marriages but i do love the fact that family is the center of ones life regardless of the fact of wher u are.... I thinks ones self is one's main priority and that works for me, i am an indian american like i said i've experienced both cultures and think we could learn a lot from them, and vise versa india could learn a lot from the west; the world can learn a lot from eachother and mayb that will minimize the amount of haters!!!

sexyindn's photo
Sat 03/20/10 01:56 PM
oh sexyindn is how i see myself... i think every part of me is "sexy" the way i think, look, and feel. and im indian so the second part is self explanatory ahah but by sexy i mean im confident and to me there is nothing more sexy then honest, confident and true to oneself!

sexyindn's photo
Sat 03/20/10 02:01 PM
sorry if im raping this forum but i love this topic , it's one that has been with me throughout my life from grade school-college. i dont mean to sound judgmental, of course i believe that what other ppl do is not my business but i cant help but to raise the question, if given the option would people in other parts of the world (not just india now) like to change their cultures if they could,what i mean is that we really dont get to decided our culture it basically chooses you. I'm interested i seeing if a traditional indian family told their daughter that she could marry whom ever she deemed worthy ( ie blacks, whites, Chinese, etc...) would she say oh no you chose for me or would she be tempted to find someone for herself ?

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 03/20/10 02:04 PM
Sexy, I think you're very wise for your years... I applaud your open mind... I used to be closed off to other cultures but finally opened my eyes and love learning about other cultures and trying food from other cultures... I love Indian food.. My favorite of what I've tried so far but still so much more to experience...

sexyindn's photo
Sat 03/20/10 02:24 PM
thank-you, im on the same page with you, embrace differences or the only type of people you will meet are the ppl like you, and thats just no fun hahaha.

im a big fan of indian food, what style did u have?

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 03/20/10 02:31 PM

thank-you, im on the same page with you, embrace differences or the only type of people you will meet are the ppl like you, and thats just no fun hahaha.

im a big fan of indian food, what style did u have?

Southern is my favorite... Of course I have trouble remembering all the names so my friends help me out.. My favorite dish is Chicken Tikka Masala.. OMG scrumptious....

I will say that I've never met a more "entitled" set of people until I started working where I work... It's bizarre and frustrating but I've learned to handle it differently b/c I used to handle it "head on" and that didn't get me anywhere...

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 03/20/10 02:34 PM

In india,most of the people gets marry through arrange marraige concept.girls wed those guy who is selected by parents.but but,proportion of divorce is literally it not a strange?....parents lives with son under 1 roof till end of their life..can I say,indians r having more emotional bonding with parents?..
I had been here for last three months.I found,most of the females r fustrated after 38,when their children gets individual&they looks for support of anyother it happening because the high divorce proportion?...
Well,iam not crtisizing americans and europeons.these countries r developed.definately advance than india.but now india is also becoming power and developing.1 more point I wanna india also where the extra advance class people stays,the proportion of divorce and keeping parents in old age homes,is increasing.can I say,extra satisfaction in every need makes human more ethicless? we have need to study indian culture properly?where they r second largest in population,but divorce proportion is minor?....
u r all my friends.definately u will laugh.cause u can't think about this knowing each other to be get married,by keeping trust on parents choice.keep or stay with the parents under one roof till there any need to study indian culture properly?...yes or no

Two completly different cultures.

no photo
Sat 03/20/10 03:37 PM


I am from a HUGE and very close family where i can only
think of one divorce ever and between my father grandfather
eldest brother and me we have 4 companies that all do
buisness with eachother and hire family and family
friennds as employees...

Sounds like you have wonderful family.
So I am curious about your moniker..

ahh yes Outkast is a music group.. but i found an identity in it as being bipolar i have great mood shifts.. i have learned to control this or manage more like through meditation to the point of no mindedness (the ability to think and feel the nothing is quite a releif).. in times of mental turmoil i can seem as though im absent even when im present.. Rather than embarass my self with fits of anger or tears i cast myself away untill i can regain control..
However when im manic and feel like king of the world or have luaghter fits i just let those roll i enjot that and can be very entertaining...

Sorry for the off topic banter

no photo
Sat 03/20/10 03:40 PM

i love my family to the grave, dont get me wrong there are so many imprefections with my family and i strongly believe had i not been born in america i would not be the strong willed independent person i am today. i may still be very passionate and maybe more respectful towards my elders but i think a part of me that i admire wouldn't be there.

a) what is a moniker haha

b) and i love the fact women are gaining a foot hold in the world, no society can ever succeed with half its population uneducated!

lets give all the women an applause right not for having the right to be on a comp w/o supervision and i hope that all of you can follow your dreams as i am able to follow mine! u deserve it hell u guys go through a lot more than men do! (preg, and aunt flo lol) mad probs for dealing with men for as long as u have!

:thumbsup: Cheers to all the indipendant strong educated women of the world.. (so sexy)

no photo
Sat 03/20/10 03:48 PM
I get the Feeling the Men Like the system a little more than the women..I love how outspoken the indian decent women have been on this thread and appreciate the passion this topic has for you

arranged is Not for me but it would be nice to know your going to have a wife.. i just KNOW ill find my wife.. but i know some very unsure and scared people that worry about dying old and lonely..

For me marriage is about LOVE not strategy or duty

skydancingA's photo
Sat 03/20/10 03:50 PM


I am from a HUGE and very close family where i can only
think of one divorce ever and between my father grandfather
eldest brother and me we have 4 companies that all do
buisness with eachother and hire family and family
friennds as employees...

Sounds like you have wonderful family.
So I am curious about your moniker..

ahh yes Outkast is a music group.. but i found an identity in it as being bipolar i have great mood shifts.. i have learned to control this or manage more like through meditation to the point of no mindedness (the ability to think and feel the nothing is quite a releif).. in times of mental turmoil i can seem as though im absent even when im present.. Rather than embarass my self with fits of anger or tears i cast myself away untill i can regain control..
However when im manic and feel like king of the world or have luaghter fits i just let those roll i enjot that and can be very entertaining...
Sorry for the off topic banter

Sounds like you healed "thyself." WTG.
I used to live in a cul-de-sac where everyone was from India
except me.
Ahh, the wonderful smells, every night.
When I ate at their houses, the food was sooo wonderful.
They did not like sweets I remember.
They moved their culture to the cul-de-sac, and kept it intact.
Elders were honored.
But they would call me every time they saw a snake :-)

no photo
Sat 03/20/10 03:51 PM

Cheating discreetly less taboo than diivorce

well cheating is horrible anywhere in the world but like i said the diff gender roles apply in this situation, yes if a man is caught cheating it is frowned upon but if a women is caught cheating she might just lose everything ...... everything varies from location in india ( life, family, home etc....)

Sadly you are right but for someone like me Its unacceptable on either sex's account.. and is the oldest reason in the world to kill someone... i dont approve of killing anyone but i feel that till death do us part is LITERAL not just an ideal...

p.s. divorcing an abusive person is allways excused.. no one deserves to suffer in the name of love

naubat's photo
Sat 03/20/10 11:50 PM
Sorry friends.I started the topic and left after sometime due to some work.
Well,I observe and read all ur many guys have wasted there time here to proove,how indian culture is bad and their country culture is good.
Boss has claimed about social and cast differances?....can any social culture would be 100% perfect?...nopes.these things r happening in every part of the world,not only india.
I started this forum to create healthy discussion.not for pinching questions and intensions r simple.let me repeat once again.
Besides advance country,how u can control proportion of divorce?do u really think,divorce is way to saperate of 2 souls only?there is no bad psyco impact on kids and anyother close relatives?how can u say urself advance where family morals and ethics going down and worst day by day?
Somebody so called x-indian is claiming disadvantages of arrange marraige here.could she till tell me 1 thing.if ur parents show u good guy and ask u to take a proper time to know him.without any force they made u decision maker.u will not marry that guy?
My view is simple...if u r not able to control matter of divorces in ur country,then why not study other culture where divorce proportion is minor with compare to population and ethics? u really think,the girl or guy who done arrange marraige dos lost of compromises till entire life?whts wronge in it where consiquences of divorce r more worst than that? we need to study indian culture properly?...every social culture having good and bad.iam expecting comments related to what I have mature...don't divert

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 03/20/10 11:54 PM

Sorry friends.I started the topic and left after sometime due to some work.
Well,I observe and read all ur many guys have wasted there time here to proove,how indian culture is bad and their country culture is good.
Boss has claimed about social and cast differances?....can any social culture would be 100% perfect?...nopes.these things r happening in every part of the world,not only india.
I started this forum to create healthy discussion.not for pinching questions and intensions r simple.let me repeat once again.
Besides advance country,how u can control proportion of divorce?do u really think,divorce is way to saperate of 2 souls only?there is no bad psyco impact on kids and anyother close relatives?how can u say urself advance where family morals and ethics going down and worst day by day?
Somebody so called x-indian is claiming disadvantages of arrange marraige here.could she till tell me 1 thing.if ur parents show u good guy and ask u to take a proper time to know him.without any force they made u decision maker.u will not marry that guy?
My view is simple...if u r not able to control matter of divorces in ur country,then why not study other culture where divorce proportion is minor with compare to population and ethics? u really think,the girl or guy who done arrange marraige dos lost of compromises till entire life?whts wronge in it where consiquences of divorce r more worst than that? we need to study indian culture properly?...every social culture having good and bad.iam expecting comments related to what I have mature...don't divert

Your view is "agree with you or you're wrong"... Sorry Pal, no one ever said any culture is better than another.. Everyone has talked about how all cultures have something to offer.. You are stuck in your little place wanted to push it on everyone.. AND that "ex" Indian you mention has appreciation for ALL cultures which is far more advanced than you are...