Duffy's photo
Sun 03/07/10 11:43 AM
End rant. Nice post.

no photo
Sun 03/07/10 11:44 AM
Thank you.

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 03/07/10 12:13 PM
Yep, you should not be told you're ignorant or anything else negative just because you decide not to date someone with a disability. Nor should you be given a hard time for choosing to date someone with a disability.

TheShadow's photo
Sun 03/07/10 12:38 PM

Yep, you should not be told you're ignorant or anything else negative just because you decide not to date someone with a disability. Nor should you be given a hard time for choosing to date someone with a disability.


no photo
Sun 03/07/10 01:32 PM
Edited by Dancere on Sun 03/07/10 01:34 PM

it would probably depend on whether or not they defined themselves by their disability and how much positiveness they were able to maintain.

i doubt i'd be able to date someone who constantly felt sorry for themselves and/or consistently complained about how unfair it all was.

I go w/ this one of all the positions put forth, this reply is completely aligned w/ my own thinking!

And? Papersmile would know best, as a partner in a relationship w/ a person that faces the most/biggest health challenges of anyone on Mingle that I've read of.

Yet!? Quietman remains one of the most cheerful, optimistic, hopeful and full of life posters/people I have EVER encountered.

One would never guess of the tremendous, life-threatening hardship and difficulties he faces w/ a smile, had he never told us.

He comes off as the MOST able person here! He leads by amazingly positive, shining example, he gives me such inspired hope!

Others? You read the pathos and negativity in their posts, and just imagine the pity party one would be forced to endure if sadly partnered to them in RL!

We have all met them in RL too ... NO THANX EVER!!!

When someone so negatively identifies w/ their disability that it has become their self, and they cradle it between their hands in a golden vessel to present themselves to the world?

That person is no longer in the driving seat, they are as if 'possessed' by their illness/dis~ease.

The disability is as if their calling card and sacred entity; it is an unworkable abyssmal RUT!

How much fun would that be? Not a bit, instead, it would be a constant trail of travail and tribulation, headache and heartache ... a pity party of calamitous proportion unending!

Eeeewwwww! Nah, no thanx ... I go w/ Papersmile and repeat that they'd also need to embody kindness and integrity!

Edit: ... flowerforyou ... Quietman is all that and more, my true hero here - DEEP RESPECT!!

papersmile's photo
Sun 03/07/10 01:49 PM
thank you dancere, for your understanding and kind words.

Qman is MY hero too.

no photo
Sun 03/07/10 01:52 PM

thank you dancere, for your understanding and kind words.

Qman is MY hero too.

drinker ... As well he has earned and should be!

And, you? Are my fiesty heroine ... XOX ... flowers

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 03/07/10 02:08 PM

thank you dancere, for your understanding and kind words.

Qman is MY hero too.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh watch it you two ya gonna give that boy a big head............heheheebigsmile laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

But honestly now what some describe as a Disability to others is only a mere bump in the road. I do admire those that handle life with a positive attitude and don't sit back and whine what life has dealt them. It makes me see that my life is all good and has taught me not to complain because things have not went the way I want them too.

At times a Disability will only hold one back that lets it. It amazes me when you talk to those that have major disability's and they always have a smile on their face and a positive attitude about life.........

I can't really say I would date someone with disability's or would not unless I was put in that situation first hand. But I would never say those that do or don't are wrong for the way they feel....noway

I mean heck would you consider one that is a diabetic has disability's? If so then I guess we are all disable in one sense or another it is called lack of brain cells......whoa

no photo
Sun 03/07/10 02:12 PM

thank you dancere, for your understanding and kind words.

Qman is MY hero too.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh watch it you two ya gonna give that boy a big head............heheheebigsmile laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

But honestly now what some describe as a Disability to others is only a mere bump in the road. I do admire those that handle life with a positive attitude and don't sit back and whine what life has dealt them. It makes me see that my life is all good and has taught me not to complain because things have not went the way I want them too.

At times a Disability will only hold one back that lets it. It amazes me when you talk to those that have major disability's and they always have a smile on their face and a positive attitude about life.........

I can't really say I would date someone with disability's or would not unless I was put in that situation first hand. But I would never say those that do or don't are wrong for the way they feel....noway

I mean heck would you consider one that is a diabetic has disability's? If so then I guess we are all disable in one sense or another it is called lack of brain cells......whoa

Exactly! Hence, my saying we are all differently abled ...

Sometimes just the back breaking load someone carries in the hand they were dealt is a 'disability' in itself ...

What matters is the positive attitude and approach!

That's why, no matter what one faces, the important factor is to keep a smile on the dial and encourage others ...

Living is pretty easily a disability in and of itself!

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sun 03/07/10 02:21 PM

thank you dancere, for your understanding and kind words.

Qman is MY hero too.

Cheers to Qman! drinker

carold's photo
Sun 03/07/10 02:29 PM

Would you date people with a disability.
I married a disabled man. We were together for 18 years. Now would I do it again don't know if I would want too lose someone again. Doesn't make bad people out of the ones that don't just what a person can handle. All of us are different.

no photo
Sun 03/07/10 02:31 PM

thank you dancere, for your understanding and kind words.

Qman is MY hero too.

Cheers to Qman! drinker

drinker ... INDEED!!!

To his long and beautiful life w/ Papersmile ... flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 03/07/10 03:21 PM
I would rather date someone with a physical disability than a mental wacko.

Dict8's photo
Sun 03/07/10 03:23 PM

I would rather date someone with a physical disability than a mental wacko.
Not ALL people with mental dis-abilities are WHACKOS. Educate yrself...please?

Quietman_2009's photo
Sun 03/07/10 08:35 PM

<----- disabled AND a wacko

thanks for the kind words and sentiment ya'll. pretty humbling for a dumbazz redneck

carold's photo
Mon 03/08/10 08:02 AM

thank you dancere, for your understanding and kind words.

Qman is MY hero too.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh watch it you two ya gonna give that boy a big head............heheheebigsmile laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

But honestly now what some describe as a Disability to others is only a mere bump in the road. I do admire those that handle life with a positive attitude and don't sit back and whine what life has dealt them. It makes me see that my life is all good and has taught me not to complain because things have not went the way I want them too.

At times a Disability will only hold one back that lets it. It amazes me when you talk to those that have major disability's and they always have a smile on their face and a positive attitude about life.........

I can't really say I would date someone with disability's or would not unless I was put in that situation first hand. But I would never say those that do or don't are wrong for the way they feel....noway

I mean heck would you consider one that is a diabetic has disability's? If so then I guess we are all disable in one sense or another it is called lack of brain cells......whoa

Yes and with age creaping up on us. Things are going to start fallin apart, can't run from it.

Duffy's photo
Mon 03/08/10 06:21 PM
mental and physical disabilities r connected....FYI...flowerforyou

Gossipmpm's photo
Mon 03/08/10 06:23 PM

Why do you ask:heart:

Dict8's photo
Mon 03/08/10 06:26 PM

mental and physical disabilities r connected....FYI...flowerforyou
I don't think it REALLY works that way,.....Just my opinion....:tongue: flowerforyou

Duffy's photo
Mon 03/08/10 06:26 PM
im not asking. it has been my experience that one follow the other in some way shape or form.
i have to be very careful what i post about disabilities. i was unplugged 2x for my previous comments....which were labeled something. i forgot what they said.pitchfork pitchfork bigsmile bigsmile