Topic: What did you think about "Tiger's" comments
willing2's photo
Tue 02/23/10 06:03 PM
Edited by willing2 on Tue 02/23/10 06:08 PM

Tiger's sex life is none of our business. His issues are between him and his wife. He owes us nothing.

Well some people like to be busybodies. It's his life. He's making an effort to fix it. Nothing wrong with that. In the end it's between him and his wife. I hope it works out for the best for all concerned.

No matter what happens, the wife and kids will be well taken care of. They can take that to the bank.

I'd also like to add.

When there are topics about men or women who are separated from their spouse and trying to find someone to date, I've noticed a trend of single or divorced folks claiming they are a bit lower than trash for not being divorced. Wonder why some have a double standard? Okay for the married celebrity but not for the separated persons.

no photo
Tue 02/23/10 06:07 PM
I would rather him apologize in person to each person he hurt by his thoughtless and inconsiderate behavior. I hope he calls each woman he slept with and led on to believe they meant more to him than they really did, and then apologizes to each of them for his lies. Otherwise, I think he is just taking the easy road out by the "mass public apology". Besides, who of us really cares?

The fact that the whole speech seemed scripted makes me wonder if someone else wrote the apologies for him, and most likely, he probably thinks he did nothing wrong by using the women for he said, he felt he was entitled to it...because it was there, tempting him, he deserved it...he worked hard for it. lame-o dude.

no photo
Tue 02/23/10 06:11 PM

Tiger's sex life is none of our business. His issues are between him and his wife. He owes us nothing.

Well some people like to be busybodies. It's his life. He's making an effort to fix it. Nothing wrong with that. In the end it's between him and his wife. I hope it works out for the best for all concerned.

No matter what happens, the wife and kids will be well taken care of. They can take that to the bank.

I'd also like to add.

When there are topics about men or women who are separated from their spouse and trying to find someone to date, I've noticed a trend of single or divorced folks claiming they are a bit lower than trash for not being divorced. Wonder why some have a double standard? Okay for the married celebrity but not for the separated persons.

What are you talking about? I don't think anyone is saying what he did was ok. But, it's his private life.

no photo
Tue 02/23/10 06:12 PM

I would rather him apologize in person to each person he hurt by his thoughtless and inconsiderate behavior. I hope he calls each woman he slept with and led on to believe they meant more to him than they really did, and then apologizes to each of them for his lies. Otherwise, I think he is just taking the easy road out by the "mass public apology". Besides, who of us really cares?

The fact that the whole speech seemed scripted makes me wonder if someone else wrote the apologies for him, and most likely, he probably thinks he did nothing wrong by using the women for he said, he felt he was entitled to it...because it was there, tempting him, he deserved it...he worked hard for it. lame-o dude.

These women all knew he was married. I don't believe for a second they didn't.

Giocamo's photo
Tue 02/23/10 10:04 PM

once again...the point is...that he went right along with a phony and created image...hugging and kissing his children after winning tournaments...tears of happines and hugs all around for dear old dad...forget about numerous acts of adulery...thats between him...his wife...and...his's about being a hypocrite...over and over and over again...and...if you haven't lost any respect for him...then you probably voted for Obama...:smile:

Why does it not surprise me that you brought Obama into this? Even an issue that had nothing at all to do with him, you bring him up anyway. slaphead

my if you didn't that " anything goes "...if you're a liberal...there are no standards...hence...the vote for a DemocRAT...:smile:

no photo
Tue 02/23/10 10:36 PM

once again...the point is...that he went right along with a phony and created image...hugging and kissing his children after winning tournaments...tears of happines and hugs all around for dear old dad...forget about numerous acts of adulery...thats between him...his wife...and...his's about being a hypocrite...over and over and over again...and...if you haven't lost any respect for him...then you probably voted for Obama...:smile:

Why does it not surprise me that you brought Obama into this? Even an issue that had nothing at all to do with him, you bring him up anyway. slaphead

my if you didn't that " anything goes "...if you're a liberal...there are no standards...hence...the vote for a DemocRAT...:smile:
I beleive Tiger said awhile back he was a republican!!!!!! You are condoning one of your ownlaugh laugh

markumX's photo
Tue 02/23/10 11:24 PM

once again...the point is...that he went right along with a phony and created image...hugging and kissing his children after winning tournaments...tears of happines and hugs all around for dear old dad...forget about numerous acts of adulery...thats between him...his wife...and...his's about being a hypocrite...over and over and over again...and...if you haven't lost any respect for him...then you probably voted for Obama...:smile:

Why does it not surprise me that you brought Obama into this? Even an issue that had nothing at all to do with him, you bring him up anyway. slaphead

my if you didn't that " anything goes "...if you're a liberal...there are no standards...hence...the vote for a DemocRAT...:smile:
I beleive Tiger said awhile back he was a republican!!!!!! You are condoning one of your ownlaugh laugh

i believe that's check...and mate

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 02/23/10 11:31 PM
I couldn't find anything about him being a Dem or Rep. He never really spoke publicly about politics. Even though he spoke at Obama's inauguration, he still didn't define what party he belonged to

no photo
Wed 02/24/10 04:01 AM
Edited by singmesweet on Wed 02/24/10 04:02 AM

once again...the point is...that he went right along with a phony and created image...hugging and kissing his children after winning tournaments...tears of happines and hugs all around for dear old dad...forget about numerous acts of adulery...thats between him...his wife...and...his's about being a hypocrite...over and over and over again...and...if you haven't lost any respect for him...then you probably voted for Obama...:smile:

Why does it not surprise me that you brought Obama into this? Even an issue that had nothing at all to do with him, you bring him up anyway. slaphead

my if you didn't that " anything goes "...if you're a liberal...there are no standards...hence...the vote for a DemocRAT...:smile:


MiVidaLoca's photo
Wed 02/24/10 09:14 AM

I think his comments were written by one person , edited by another and approved by a third. None of whom were Tiger himself, so in the end I don't think we heard his true comments and seriously doubt we ever will. Besides he far from the only person doing it, he's just the most famous person who has been caught.

Love the screen name, My crazy life....

I agree that it was fake.

I don't think we should have been privy to it anyway. It was none of our business.

That should have been done with his family only. We are of no consequence to his fidelity.

ya know?


Giocamo's photo
Wed 02/24/10 09:31 AM

once again...the point is...that he went right along with a phony and created image...hugging and kissing his children after winning tournaments...tears of happines and hugs all around for dear old dad...forget about numerous acts of adulery...thats between him...his wife...and...his's about being a hypocrite...over and over and over again...and...if you haven't lost any respect for him...then you probably voted for Obama...:smile:

Why does it not surprise me that you brought Obama into this? Even an issue that had nothing at all to do with him, you bring him up anyway. slaphead

my if you didn't that " anything goes "...if you're a liberal...there are no standards...hence...the vote for a DemocRAT...:smile:
I beleive Tiger said awhile back he was a republican!!!!!! You are condoning one of your ownlaugh laugh

you need to re-read what I said...I said " Liberal "...anything goes...the Obama vote was in reference to the fact...that if you're a sure as fugg didn't vote for McCain...even though in my eyes...he's pretty close to a Liberal...

bedlum1's photo
Thu 02/25/10 12:32 PM

This is the kind of ignorant, bigoted, racist, narrow-minded, and dangerously delusional mental construct that lead to the WWII genocides.

Notice, with the exception of the recent mention of Catholic priests, every single examples brought up to justify the opposing camp 'unfounded attacks', happen to involve a darker skin tone person.

WTF kind of incurable disease are some folks plagued with. What the heck is this 'monkey court' turning into.

A golfer, whom has committed no crime whatsoever, is now being compared and associated to several darker skin toned public figures and some ALLEGED crimes of MURDER and UNDER AGE SEX!!!

Hey People!!! Freedom of speech is one thing. But have you no shame???

How can anyone lend credibility to anything said by people whom do just that: SAY ANYTHING!!!

Things unfounded, unintelligent, irrational and senseless, written by otherwise intelligent individuals, hide ugly and malevolent motives.

Tiger is a decent and upright human being like most of us. And like most of us, he comes with his share of imperfections.
Also like millions of other US citizens, males and females, whom project a 'whiter than white image' (thought that expression was appropriate) in their lives, Tiger has had sex with partners other than his spouse.

Well, just like those millions of other 'whiter than white' folks, whom are having sex with partners other than their spouses, and from whom we never hear, CAUSE IT'S NONE OF OUR G'DARN BUSINESS,
... the opposing camp must let go of the filth they are generating around this monkey trial.

The only evidence gathered here, is evidence of bigotry, racism and narrow-mindedness committed by the spreaders of such on this forum.

The man is the world's greatest golfer.
In the public domain, that's all he is to us folks.

Just like your private lives are none of other people's business,
... jealous that you are of the individual rights, protection and freedoms afforded by the Constitution for ALL,
... well so is Tiger's private life; none of our business PERIOD.

This basic instinct and primitive witch hunt has gone way beyond the inescapable rights of freedom of speech we must afford for the insistent bigot and racist sentiments sleeping at the ready in our society.

Enough is enough. Tiger is a golfer!!! As for the rest, put a sock in it!!!

If some must absolutely 'denounce' adulterers, as some sort of bad habit, at least switch to some 'whiter-than-white' ones. It will at the very least, have the merit of balancing out the bigotry and narrowmindedness.

As my 'grampa' use to joke: '... if only those bigots could spread their venom to all, evenly!!!...'
whatever ....always gotta play the race card...oj did do it
michael is a perv
oprah is fat
just facts and the facts are money can buy you outta anything
i didnt hear any body say hes guilty because hes black
what about roman polanski

no photo
Thu 02/25/10 03:58 PM

This is the kind of ignorant, bigoted, racist, narrow-minded, and dangerously delusional mental construct that lead to the WWII genocides.

Notice, with the exception of the recent mention of Catholic priests, every single examples brought up to justify the opposing camp 'unfounded attacks', happen to involve a darker skin tone person.

WTF kind of incurable disease are some folks plagued with. What the heck is this 'monkey court' turning into.

A golfer, whom has committed no crime whatsoever, is now being compared and associated to several darker skin toned public figures and some ALLEGED crimes of MURDER and UNDER AGE SEX!!!

Hey People!!! Freedom of speech is one thing. But have you no shame???

How can anyone lend credibility to anything said by people whom do just that: SAY ANYTHING!!!

Things unfounded, unintelligent, irrational and senseless, written by otherwise intelligent individuals, hide ugly and malevolent motives.

Tiger is a decent and upright human being like most of us. And like most of us, he comes with his share of imperfections.
Also like millions of other US citizens, males and females, whom project a 'whiter than white image' (thought that expression was appropriate) in their lives, Tiger has had sex with partners other than his spouse.

Well, just like those millions of other 'whiter than white' folks, whom are having sex with partners other than their spouses, and from whom we never hear, CAUSE IT'S NONE OF OUR G'DARN BUSINESS,
... the opposing camp must let go of the filth they are generating around this monkey trial.

The only evidence gathered here, is evidence of bigotry, racism and narrow-mindedness committed by the spreaders of such on this forum.

The man is the world's greatest golfer.
In the public domain, that's all he is to us folks.

Just like your private lives are none of other people's business,
... jealous that you are of the individual rights, protection and freedoms afforded by the Constitution for ALL,
... well so is Tiger's private life; none of our business PERIOD.

This basic instinct and primitive witch hunt has gone way beyond the inescapable rights of freedom of speech we must afford for the insistent bigot and racist sentiments sleeping at the ready in our society.

Enough is enough. Tiger is a golfer!!! As for the rest, put a sock in it!!!

If some must absolutely 'denounce' adulterers, as some sort of bad habit, at least switch to some 'whiter-than-white' ones. It will at the very least, have the merit of balancing out the bigotry and narrowmindedness.

As my 'grampa' use to joke: '... if only those bigots could spread their venom to all, evenly!!!...'

whatever ....always gotta play the race card...oj did do it
michael is a perv
oprah is fat
just facts and the facts are money can buy you outta anything
i didnt hear any body say hes guilty because hes black
what about roman polanski

It is you and your friends whom are hypocritically playing the race card.

I, and some others are just calling it as it is!!!

What's your motive in associating Tiger...
- whom has committed absolutely no crime -
... with other black people, whom have allegedly committed 'murder', 'under age sex' and 'pedophilia'???

Bringing up 'R.P.' after the fact, doesn't change anything to this calumnious act of hypocrisy. The man is in the news for a 'crime' of under age sex!!! What's the obsession with this grossly unfounded criminal persecution track???

What's with the string of '... black people and their alleged crimes...'. It is idiotic to compare what might be a serious mistake in YOUR PERSONAL life and mine, with a string of SERIOUS CRIMEs!!!

Why are you and your friends SOooooo upset and chocked, and feel such a compulsion to condemn THIS particular man, whom is just ONE of several million men and women having sex outside of marriage.

Are you that obsessive with your own??? Do you play detective at night, and keep a list of all your friends and family members having out of marriage sex?
Do you meddle in your friends and family members personal and private lives, persecuting and condemning them for their 'mistakes', as you do Tiger???

You don't need to approve of 'out of marriage' sex!!!

You just need to realize that it is NOT A CRIME, as you and your buddies ridiculously imply, and that this situation is strictly a matter concerning the man and his spouse.

NONE OF US NEED APPLY, ... and when SOME insist on persecuting without foundation, it becomes obvious that they are pursuing some 'other' agenda!!!

willing2's photo
Thu 02/25/10 03:59 PM

This is the kind of ignorant, bigoted, racist, narrow-minded, and dangerously delusional mental construct that lead to the WWII genocides.

Notice, with the exception of the recent mention of Catholic priests, every single examples brought up to justify the opposing camp 'unfounded attacks', happen to involve a darker skin tone person.

WTF kind of incurable disease are some folks plagued with. What the heck is this 'monkey court' turning into.

A golfer, whom has committed no crime whatsoever, is now being compared and associated to several darker skin toned public figures and some ALLEGED crimes of MURDER and UNDER AGE SEX!!!

Hey People!!! Freedom of speech is one thing. But have you no shame???

How can anyone lend credibility to anything said by people whom do just that: SAY ANYTHING!!!

Things unfounded, unintelligent, irrational and senseless, written by otherwise intelligent individuals, hide ugly and malevolent motives.

Tiger is a decent and upright human being like most of us. And like most of us, he comes with his share of imperfections.
Also like millions of other US citizens, males and females, whom project a 'whiter than white image' (thought that expression was appropriate) in their lives, Tiger has had sex with partners other than his spouse.

Well, just like those millions of other 'whiter than white' folks, whom are having sex with partners other than their spouses, and from whom we never hear, CAUSE IT'S NONE OF OUR G'DARN BUSINESS,
... the opposing camp must let go of the filth they are generating around this monkey trial.

The only evidence gathered here, is evidence of bigotry, racism and narrow-mindedness committed by the spreaders of such on this forum.

The man is the world's greatest golfer.
In the public domain, that's all he is to us folks.

Just like your private lives are none of other people's business,
... jealous that you are of the individual rights, protection and freedoms afforded by the Constitution for ALL,
... well so is Tiger's private life; none of our business PERIOD.

This basic instinct and primitive witch hunt has gone way beyond the inescapable rights of freedom of speech we must afford for the insistent bigot and racist sentiments sleeping at the ready in our society.

Enough is enough. Tiger is a golfer!!! As for the rest, put a sock in it!!!

If some must absolutely 'denounce' adulterers, as some sort of bad habit, at least switch to some 'whiter-than-white' ones. It will at the very least, have the merit of balancing out the bigotry and narrowmindedness.

As my 'grampa' use to joke: '... if only those bigots could spread their venom to all, evenly!!!...'

whatever ....always gotta play the race card...oj did do it
michael is a perv
oprah is fat
just facts and the facts are money can buy you outta anything
i didnt hear any body say hes guilty because hes black
what about roman polanski

It is you and your friends whom are hypocritically playing the race card. I, and some others are just calling it as it is!!!

What's your motive in associating Tiger...
- whom has committed absolutely no crime -
... with other black people, whom have allegedly committed 'murder', 'under age sex' and 'pedophilia'.

Bringing up 'R.P.' after the fact, doesn't change anything to this calumnious act of hypocrisy. The man is in the news for a 'crime' of under age sex!!!

Why are you and your friends SOooooo upset and chocked, and feel such a compulsion to condemn THIS particular man, one of several million men and women having sex outside of marriage.

What's with the string of '... black people and their alleged crimes...'. It is idiotic to compare what might be a serious mistake in YOUR PERSONAL life and mine, with a string of SERIOUS CRIMEs!!!

As for the obsessive-compulsive side of the whole matter, do you play detective at night, and keep a list of all your friends and family members having out of marriage sex?
Do you meddle in your friends and family members personal and private lives, persecuting and condemning them for their 'mistakes' as you do Tiger???

You don't need to approve of 'out of marriage' sex!!!

You just need to realize that it is NOT A CRIME, as you and your buddies ridiculously imply, and that this situation is strictly a matter concerning the man and his spouse.

NONE OF US NEED APPLY, ... and when SOME insist on persecuting without foundation, it becomes obvious that they are pursuing some 'other' agenda!!!

Calling it as ya'll ASSume it is.
Such a joke!!rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
The way you put it, it's almost as if you think Tiger accidentally fell into those holes. No accident, no mistake. It was a premeditated action.
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Thu 02/25/10 04:25 PM
Edited by voileazur on Thu 02/25/10 04:29 PM

This is the kind of ignorant, bigoted, racist, narrow-minded, and dangerously delusional mental construct that lead to the WWII genocides.

Notice, with the exception of the recent mention of Catholic priests, every single examples brought up to justify the opposing camp 'unfounded attacks', happen to involve a darker skin tone person.

WTF kind of incurable disease are some folks plagued with. What the heck is this 'monkey court' turning into.

A golfer, whom has committed no crime whatsoever, is now being compared and associated to several darker skin toned public figures and some ALLEGED crimes of MURDER and UNDER AGE SEX!!!

Hey People!!! Freedom of speech is one thing. But have you no shame???

How can anyone lend credibility to anything said by people whom do just that: SAY ANYTHING!!!

Things unfounded, unintelligent, irrational and senseless, written by otherwise intelligent individuals, hide ugly and malevolent motives.

Tiger is a decent and upright human being like most of us. And like most of us, he comes with his share of imperfections.
Also like millions of other US citizens, males and females, whom project a 'whiter than white image' (thought that expression was appropriate) in their lives, Tiger has had sex with partners other than his spouse.

Well, just like those millions of other 'whiter than white' folks, whom are having sex with partners other than their spouses, and from whom we never hear, CAUSE IT'S NONE OF OUR G'DARN BUSINESS,
... the opposing camp must let go of the filth they are generating around this monkey trial.

The only evidence gathered here, is evidence of bigotry, racism and narrow-mindedness committed by the spreaders of such on this forum.

The man is the world's greatest golfer.
In the public domain, that's all he is to us folks.

Just like your private lives are none of other people's business,
... jealous that you are of the individual rights, protection and freedoms afforded by the Constitution for ALL,
... well so is Tiger's private life; none of our business PERIOD.

This basic instinct and primitive witch hunt has gone way beyond the inescapable rights of freedom of speech we must afford for the insistent bigot and racist sentiments sleeping at the ready in our society.

Enough is enough. Tiger is a golfer!!! As for the rest, put a sock in it!!!

If some must absolutely 'denounce' adulterers, as some sort of bad habit, at least switch to some 'whiter-than-white' ones. It will at the very least, have the merit of balancing out the bigotry and narrowmindedness.

As my 'grampa' use to joke: '... if only those bigots could spread their venom to all, evenly!!!...'

whatever ....always gotta play the race card...oj did do it
michael is a perv
oprah is fat
just facts and the facts are money can buy you outta anything
i didnt hear any body say hes guilty because hes black
what about roman polanski

It is you and your friends whom are hypocritically playing the race card. I, and some others are just calling it as it is!!!

What's your motive in associating Tiger...
- whom has committed absolutely no crime -
... with other black people, whom have allegedly committed 'murder', 'under age sex' and 'pedophilia'.

Bringing up 'R.P.' after the fact, doesn't change anything to this calumnious act of hypocrisy. The man is in the news for a 'crime' of under age sex!!!

Why are you and your friends SOooooo upset and chocked, and feel such a compulsion to condemn THIS particular man, one of several million men and women having sex outside of marriage.

What's with the string of '... black people and their alleged crimes...'. It is idiotic to compare what might be a serious mistake in YOUR PERSONAL life and mine, with a string of SERIOUS CRIMEs!!!

As for the obsessive-compulsive side of the whole matter, do you play detective at night, and keep a list of all your friends and family members having out of marriage sex?
Do you meddle in your friends and family members personal and private lives, persecuting and condemning them for their 'mistakes' as you do Tiger???

You don't need to approve of 'out of marriage' sex!!!

You just need to realize that it is NOT A CRIME, as you and your buddies ridiculously imply, and that this situation is strictly a matter concerning the man and his spouse.

NONE OF US NEED APPLY, ... and when SOME insist on persecuting without foundation, it becomes obvious that they are pursuing some 'other' agenda!!!

Calling it as ya'll ASSume it is.
Such a joke!!rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
The way you put it, it's almost as if you think Tiger accidentally fell into those holes. No accident, no mistake. It was a premeditated action.
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Talk about 'ASSuming' !!!

There's not even a trace of 'uming' left in yours!!!

What part of people's private lives are NONE OF YOUR DELUSIONAL BUSINESS do you have a serious problem with ????

Accidental fall, No mistake and Premeditated, as much as you wish to blow!!! ... NONE OF IT IS ANY OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!

And just so you feel at home...

... here goes your favorite closing wisdom signature:

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

papersmile's photo
Thu 02/25/10 04:31 PM
this is getting good now. bigsmile

willing2's photo
Thu 02/25/10 04:42 PM
How does Tiger keep track of what hole he is playing?

By the tattoo on her back.

The Wayans brothers want to cast Tiger woods in their next movie but they can’t decide if the title should be White Chicks 11 or 12 ?

After his press conference admitting his indiscretions, Tiger Woods began apologizing to the women with whom he had affairs. Twelve hours later they say he has barely scratched the surface…

I bought a movie the other day called, “Tiger Woods 16 holes” and was pretty disappointed when I found out it was about golf!

Why does Tiger get a hole in one every time? Cause they are all beneath him…

Where do all of Tiger Woods’ girlfriends live?
They live in Idaho, because each one says, “Hi. Idaho of the day.”

Tiger Woods Christmas Song Lyrics:

He’s the most unfaithful guy of the year
He’s had many transgressions
But he’s not confessin’
To what we should hear
He’s the most unfaithful guy of the year

He’s the hor-horniest golfer of all
Saying, babe, take your presence
Off of your phone message
In case my wife calls
He’s the hor-horniest golfer of all

Well, there’s Jaimee, the waitress
Kalika in Vegas
And Rachel, but she says, not true
If I were his missus
And I was real pissed
I would total my Cadillac, too

He’s the most unfaithful guy of the year
And upholding his fame
Is the name of the game
When a hoochie is near
He’s the most unfaithful guy of the year

Real soon, Elin will dump him
Then, her lawyers will trump him
Like Furyk did in Chicago
There’ll be gossipy stories
Regarding some whore he
Stuck his five-iron in, long, long ago

He’s the most unfaithful guy of the year
Bottom dollar, I’m bettin’
That Tiger is frettin’
About his career
He’s the most unfaithful guy… Yes, the most unfaithful guy…
Oh, the most unfaithful guy… of the year!

no photo
Thu 02/25/10 04:54 PM

How does Tiger keep track of what hole he is playing?

By the tattoo on her back.

The Wayans brothers want to cast Tiger woods in their next movie but they can’t decide if the title should be White Chicks 11 or 12 ?

After his press conference admitting his indiscretions, Tiger Woods began apologizing to the women with whom he had affairs. Twelve hours later they say he has barely scratched the surface…

I bought a movie the other day called, “Tiger Woods 16 holes” and was pretty disappointed when I found out it was about golf!

Why does Tiger get a hole in one every time? Cause they are all beneath him…

Where do all of Tiger Woods’ girlfriends live?
They live in Idaho, because each one says, “Hi. Idaho of the day.”

Tiger Woods Christmas Song Lyrics:

He’s the most unfaithful guy of the year
He’s had many transgressions
But he’s not confessin’
To what we should hear
He’s the most unfaithful guy of the year

He’s the hor-horniest golfer of all
Saying, babe, take your presence
Off of your phone message
In case my wife calls
He’s the hor-horniest golfer of all

Well, there’s Jaimee, the waitress
Kalika in Vegas
And Rachel, but she says, not true
If I were his missus
And I was real pissed
I would total my Cadillac, too

He’s the most unfaithful guy of the year
And upholding his fame
Is the name of the game
When a hoochie is near
He’s the most unfaithful guy of the year

Real soon, Elin will dump him
Then, her lawyers will trump him
Like Furyk did in Chicago
There’ll be gossipy stories
Regarding some whore he
Stuck his five-iron in, long, long ago

He’s the most unfaithful guy of the year
Bottom dollar, I’m bettin’
That Tiger is frettin’
About his career
He’s the most unfaithful guy… Yes, the most unfaithful guy…
Oh, the most unfaithful guy… of the year!

I for one, will keep standing, and defending 'freedom of speech' for all,


TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 02/25/10 04:59 PM
This is a simple reminder please stay within the Topic of the thread.

Everyone has and opinion which we are all entitled to that is great and encouraged.

That is as long as your opinion does not become direct attacks towards other posters in the process.

This is a friendly reminder for all to keep the subject within a civil debate and not attacks towards others for their opinions.

Please remember your on a owned web site which in fact has a set of rules to be followed which presides over the Freedom Of Speech......As long as you follow the site Rules you are allowed to speak your mind.

Thank You
Site Mod

willing2's photo
Thu 02/25/10 05:08 PM
Edited by willing2 on Thu 02/25/10 05:09 PM

How does Tiger keep track of what hole he is playing?

By the tattoo on her back.

The Wayans brothers want to cast Tiger woods in their next movie but they can’t decide if the title should be White Chicks 11 or 12 ?

After his press conference admitting his indiscretions, Tiger Woods began apologizing to the women with whom he had affairs. Twelve hours later they say he has barely scratched the surface…

I bought a movie the other day called, “Tiger Woods 16 holes” and was pretty disappointed when I found out it was about golf!

Why does Tiger get a hole in one every time? Cause they are all beneath him…

Where do all of Tiger Woods’ girlfriends live?
They live in Idaho, because each one says, “Hi. Idaho of the day.”

Tiger Woods Christmas Song Lyrics:

He’s the most unfaithful guy of the year
He’s had many transgressions
But he’s not confessin’
To what we should hear
He’s the most unfaithful guy of the year

He’s the hor-horniest golfer of all
Saying, babe, take your presence
Off of your phone message
In case my wife calls
He’s the hor-horniest golfer of all

Well, there’s Jaimee, the waitress
Kalika in Vegas
And Rachel, but she says, not true
If I were his missus
And I was real pissed
I would total my Cadillac, too

He’s the most unfaithful guy of the year
And upholding his fame
Is the name of the game
When a hoochie is near
He’s the most unfaithful guy of the year

Real soon, Elin will dump him
Then, her lawyers will trump him
Like Furyk did in Chicago
There’ll be gossipy stories
Regarding some whore he
Stuck his five-iron in, long, long ago

He’s the most unfaithful guy of the year
Bottom dollar, I’m bettin’
That Tiger is frettin’
About his career
He’s the most unfaithful guy… Yes, the most unfaithful guy…
Oh, the most unfaithful guy… of the year!

I for one, will keep standing, and defending 'freedom of speech' for all,