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Topic: He just doesn't get it...
Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 02/11/10 10:05 AM

perhaps all those of the persuasion, that a thinning down of the spieces be in order, to perpetuate the preservation of all, gather all themselves together, and commence to taking their own live's, therefore allowing the rest of the herd to run free and strong, for such would indeed show the words of courage for other's to be eliminated,

I'm working on it

I'm doing my part, just I'm kinda slow at it

gimme another cigarette and a shot of tequila

smokin Heck yes! drinker

I don't know if I actually mean it- but maybe some people just shouldn't be allowed to reproduce or something?

maybe so

I'm not allowed

50 years old, three ex wives and no kids


Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 02/11/10 10:23 AM
Topic: He just doesn't get it...

I bet he gets it more often than I do

davidben1's photo
Thu 02/11/10 10:25 AM

perhaps all those of the persuasion, that a thinning down of the spieces be in order, to perpetuate the preservation of all, gather all themselves together, and commence to taking their own live's, therefore allowing the rest of the herd to run free and strong, for such would indeed show the words of courage for other's to be eliminated,

I'm working on it

I'm doing my part, just I'm kinda slow at it

gimme another cigarette and a shot of tequila

wise eye's of insight be this quite type, completed unto infinity flowing forth from divintiy, in the slowed down race of tequila's fine state, wise words matching wise eye's of fate, yes yes yes unto itself it agree, of all itself was and is for itself still be, to arrive at the NOW wise eye's must see, all that ever did exist find within even now, yes yes yes say wisest eye's that see, breaking the chain that hold self with leash, unleashed for to see what be hidden behind veils, that which mortals seek to know to quell, and all things once hidden in front of the eye's will flow, pictures of forsaken one's left behind in the tow, when there be no longer argument about what self really be, the two lobes of the brain higher connected they see, power's unleashed now become as connected, quite man now become a ghostrider effected....

very cool man, keep on keepin on....

foo fighter's....."when the wheels come down"

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 02/11/10 10:29 AM

perhaps all those of the persuasion, that a thinning down of the spieces be in order, to perpetuate the preservation of all, gather all themselves together, and commence to taking their own live's, therefore allowing the rest of the herd to run free and strong, for such would indeed show the words of courage for other's to be eliminated,

I'm working on it

I'm doing my part, just I'm kinda slow at it

gimme another cigarette and a shot of tequila

wise eye's of insight be this quite type, completed unto infinity flowing forth from divintiy, in the slowed down race of tequila's fine state, wise words matching wise eye's of fate, yes yes yes unto itself it agree, of all itself was and is for itself still be, to arrive at the NOW wise eye's must see, all that ever did exist find within even now, yes yes yes say wisest eye's that see, breaking the chain that hold self with leash, unleashed for to see what be hidden behind veils, that which mortals seek to know to quell, and all things once hidden in front of the eye's will flow, pictures of forsaken one's left behind in the tow, when there be no longer argument about what self really be, the two lobes of the brain higher connected they see, power's unleashed now become as connected, quite man now become a ghostrider effected....

very cool man, keep on keepin on....

foo fighter's....."when the wheels come down"

oooooo you should try sotol

tequila comes from the agave cactus and sotol comes from the sotol cactus

a little bit more than mildly hallucinogenic

moonshine tequila. illegal in both Mexico and America

180 proof (about the strength of everclear) so mix it half and half with something to dilute it or it'll burn your stomach

oh sorry, I got distracted

what was the OP?

davidben1's photo
Thu 02/11/10 11:04 AM
indeed, we shall sit and enjoy a fine bottle, when the fight of the courageoue knights that admitted they were cowards be over, and the universe hath quelled the chaos that denial created...

cheers cheers cheers, to a fine bottle of sotol for men of honor, that weak cowards of self want most shall not taste of, until such rise from the ashes of apathy, of self want alone as most alive that destroyed the former honor, hidden knights in dull clothes coming alive, to lift up the weak and downtrodden for they carry these on their backs, protecting the women and children of humankind that carry on mankind, for if such ambition's and wants as these exist not yet in any man, he but live as dead anyhow and not know it, seperated from his true former self, that fought in past lives with courage laying down his own wants, not willing to but die for what give him what he want for himself, for this be only the false fight of men as cowards of humanity, that convince itself it be brave and of honor, when it only find in itself to serve and protect and lift up what gives unto itself....

sotol sotol sotol for many and all it shall be in the end, for even a third of the tree's it was once foretold would be destroyed, these but those that seek for self safety, but human's as tree's live on what it feed itself, for that which seek to prove itself without fault, live on illusions that create many delusions, but that which prove it's own fault within, ripen as a true tree of honor and courage, even strong enough to hold up the entire world in it's hands, for that which burrow under the ground reducing it's own self unto ashes of error, for the sake of seeing one's effect on many it loved, come back from the depths of hell, back from the depths of the earths core to quell, shaking all the tree's of earth until no cowardice be left, that was once as commonplace and loved and even cherished, but sotol to and for all, that renew unto vigor and strength and love overflowing, for to bow down for the sake of self, be as vanity, but to bow low to the ground, begging for insight for to help it's loved and cherished one's, lift anything into the air with wings as eagles unto the sky....

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 02/11/10 11:06 AM

what you said

msharmony's photo
Thu 02/11/10 05:19 PM

Obamanation is still pushing the man made global warming HOAX.. This guy just doesn't get it..

The Obama administration announced plans yesterday to create a new National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Service.

The proposed entity would provide "user-friendly" information to help governments and businesses adapt to climate change, creating a central federal source of information on everything from projections of sea level rise to maps of the nation's best sites for wind and solar power.

"Even with our best efforts, we know that some degree of climate change is inevitable," said Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, whose department includes NOAA. "American citizens, businesses and governments -- from local to federal -- must be able to rise to the challenges that lie ahead. And that's where NOAA's climate service will prove absolutely invaluable."

Just as NOAA's National Weather Service provides information on short-range environmental conditions, the proposed climate service will provide long-term projections of how climate will change, he added.

And just as a private weather industry -- including companies like the Weather Channel -- has sprung up around the National Weather Service, Locke said he hopes creating the climate service will spur a new private climate information sector.

"If you own a ski resort, you're might be wondering, do you expand or not expand? What's the impact of climate change on weather patterns at a certain elevation where your ski resort is?" he said. "Some people will take this information to the private sector and focus just on ski resorts."

While attention on Capitol Hill has focused on efforts to mitigate global warming by slashing greenhouse gas emissions, state and local governments and the private sector have been asking the federal government for help understanding how the shifting climate will affect their operations.

Adaptation queries expected to explode

Lubchenco said her agency already receives millions of requests each year for the type of information the proposed climate service would provide, "and we fully expect requests for information to grow explosively."

"There is no question about the critical need for this service," she said. "Climate change is real. It's happening now in our own backyards and around the globe, and it's beginning to touch nearly every aspect of our lives."

The NOAA chief said climate change is already raising sea levels, lengthening growing seasons, prompting earlier spring snowmelts and shifts in river flows, causing more intense drought and increasing the incidence of extreme weather.

Under the plan unveiled yesterday, the new NOAA Climate Service would incorporate some of the agency's existing laboratories and research programs, including the National Climatic Data Center, the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory and the National Weather Service's Historical Climate Network (see NOAA's proposed organization chart (pdf)).

NCDC head Thomas Karl will serve as the climate service's transitional director. NOAA also plans to create new positions for six regional climate service directors.

Administration officials said they hope to have the climate service up and running by Oct. 1, the start of the 2011 fiscal year. But meeting that deadline will require negotiating with Congress, employee groups and the Office of Management and Budget to hammer out details.

No formal legislation required

"This does not require formal legislation," Locke said. "We do need to have the concurrence of the House and Senate appropriators, since ultimately it will require movement of funds that go to various agencies within NOAA to the new climate service office."

The agency won't ask for an increase to the $5.554 billion it received in President Obama's fiscal 2011 budget request, he said.

Climate legislation now pending in Congress, including the House-passed H.R. 5424 (pdf) and S. 1733 (pdf) last fall, includes language to establish a climate service.

NOAA briefing materials distributed yesterday note that the agency believes the National Climate Program Act of 1978 allows it to create a climate service, although "updated authorization that reflects the latest science and service approaches would ultimately be helpful."

The agency also released a lengthy list of testimonials supporting the climate service, including notes from President George W. Bush's NOAA administrator, the president and CEO of Duke Energy, the head of the Natural Resources Defense Council and the president of the National Weather Service Employees Organization.

The employee group had initially lobbied to create a climate service within the National Weather Service (E&ENews PM, May 5, 2009).

Meanwhile, as plans for the new climate service shape up, NOAA launched a new Web site yesterday, climate.gov, designed to provide access to a wide range of climate information, from links to federal reports to a "dashboard" that allows visitors to examine climatic conditions for any year between 1880 and 2009.


140 years of data from a planet that has been existence for over 4 billion years.. Unbelievable..

honestly, I think the planet goes through natural changes, and when people speak of warming they are more concerned with the EFFECT these changes will have on human beings. The earth has been around for a sigificantly longer amount of time than humans and we are capable of becoming extinct like any other creature.

Thomas3474's photo
Thu 02/11/10 05:45 PM
I think now would be a good time for Mr Gore to go to Washington DC and stand on top of a 4 foot snowdrift and give another speech on Global warming.Anyone who still believes this crap needs to get a CAT scan to see if their brain is still functioning.

Anyone wanna bet who is going to start the global cooling crisis?Won't be long before Mr gore gets up on his soap box and says the world is now cooling and how it's of course all the humans fault.Follow the money trail.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Thu 02/11/10 10:18 PM

I think now would be a good time for Mr Gore to go to Washington DC and stand on top of a 4 foot snowdrift and give another speech on Global warming.Anyone who still believes this crap needs to get a CAT scan to see if their brain is still functioning.

Anyone wanna bet who is going to start the global cooling crisis?Won't be long before Mr gore gets up on his soap box and says the world is now cooling and how it's of course all the humans fault.Follow the money trail.

Yep. It was just a little while ago, back in the 1980's I think, that is was Global COOLING that was gonna kill everyone on the planet unless we did something drastic RIGHT THEN.

The alarmists are out in force, as usual.

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