Topic: Job losses from Great Recession about to get worse
Giocamo's photo
Sun 02/07/10 09:21 AM
Edited by Giocamo on Sun 02/07/10 09:37 AM

here's the facts:...from 1994 - 2006 when the Republicans controlled congress...the average annual deficit was 104 billion the last three years when the democrats have controlled congress...the average annual deficit has been 1.35 trillion other words...the deicits the republicans were running up on a yearly bases...the Dems are doing monthly...LOOK IT UP !!!!!

Really? More fuzzy math...

Again, it's bizzare that the GOP ran up our deficits then blamed the DEMS for having to spend to recover from it to avoid a complete economic breakdown.

Congress NOT the President need to read your constitution son...Article 1 Section 8 should explain it you...

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 02/07/10 09:36 AM
Congress drafts suggestions. The president signs the paperwork.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sun 02/07/10 09:45 AM

here's the facts:...from 1994 - 2006 when the Republicans controlled congress...the average annual deficit was 104 billion the last three years when the democrats have controlled congress...the average annual deficit has been 1.35 trillion other words...the deicits the republicans were running up on a yearly bases...the Dems are doing monthly...LOOK IT UP !!!!!

Really? More fuzzy math...

Again, it's bizzare that the GOP ran up our deficits then blamed the DEMS for having to spend to recover from it to avoid a complete economic breakdown.

Congrees NOT the President need to read your constitution son...Article 1 Section 8 should explain it you...

Excuse me? Have people forgotten what got us into this mess? How about a president who lied us into two wars that devastated our economy and a VP who gave his buddies no-bid contracts...weird.

And when did you guys start regarding the Constitution?

"'I don’t give a goddamn,' Bush retorted. 'I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.'

"'Mr. President,' one aide in the meeting said. 'There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.'

"'Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,' Bush screamed back. 'It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!'" --Reported in Capitol Hill Blue, December 9, 2005.

No reponsibility....boy oh boy the revisionists are out in numbers lately.

Quietman_2009's photo
Sun 02/07/10 10:06 AM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Sun 02/07/10 10:07 AM
I dunno about the rest of the country but we just got $500 million in stimulus money to build a CO2 sequestration 400 megawatt power plant (the worlds first true clean coal plant). They are hiring 1500 local labor and will hire 500 people to run the plant once it is up and operational

Quietman_2009's photo
Sun 02/07/10 10:12 AM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Sun 02/07/10 10:13 AM

here's the facts:...from 1994 - 2006 when the Republicans controlled congress...the average annual deficit was 104 billion the last three years when the democrats have controlled congress...the average annual deficit has been 1.35 trillion other words...the deicits the republicans were running up on a yearly bases...the Dems are doing monthly...LOOK IT UP !!!!!

Really? More fuzzy math...

Again, it's bizzare that the GOP ran up our deficits then blamed the DEMS for having to spend to recover from it to avoid a complete economic breakdown.

Congrees NOT the President need to read your constitution son...Article 1 Section 8 should explain it you...

Excuse me? Have people forgotten what got us into this mess? How about a president who lied us into two wars that devastated our economy and a VP who gave his buddies no-bid contracts...weird.

And when did you guys start regarding the Constitution?

"'I don’t give a goddamn,' Bush retorted. 'I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.'

"'Mr. President,' one aide in the meeting said. 'There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.'

"'Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,' Bush screamed back. 'It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!'" --Reported in Capitol Hill Blue, December 9, 2005.

No reponsibility....boy oh boy the revisionists are out in numbers lately.

the funny thing is that most of the macroeconomists agree that for all the stuff he did screw up and all his faults, this financial crisis had nothing to do with Bush

The budgets of both of these wars combined equal to about 6% of what we spend on Medicare evry year

this financial crisis came about from two sources: the housing mortgage crisis (which came from Clinton and attempted social engineering to get poor people into housing), and from lax regulation on the banking industry (in which case Bush appeared before congress three times and warned them of a collapse and was ignored)

but it sounds good and is popular to blame bush for everything from unemployment to swine flu

msharmony's photo
Sun 02/07/10 10:15 AM

I dunno about the rest of the country but we just got $500 million in stimulus money to build a CO2 sequestration 400 megawatt power plant (the worlds first true clean coal plant). They are hiring 1500 local labor and will hire 500 people to run the plant once it is up and operational

kewl,, sometimes big gains require big risks,,,,im confident the economy will be turning around

Quietman_2009's photo
Sun 02/07/10 10:19 AM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Sun 02/07/10 10:20 AM

I dunno about the rest of the country but we just got $500 million in stimulus money to build a CO2 sequestration 400 megawatt power plant (the worlds first true clean coal plant). They are hiring 1500 local labor and will hire 500 people to run the plant once it is up and operational

kewl,, sometimes big gains require big risks,,,,im confident the economy will be turning around

yah it's kind of a confluence of favorable events

the oil field uses CO2, it lowers the viscosity of the oil and makes it easier to pull through the formation. AND there just happens to be a CO2 pipeline right where they want to build the plant. It'll mostly be a research faciltity to explore the feasability of extracting the CO2 from the emissions and selling it to the oil companies AND there just happens to already exist the distruibution power lines nearby to handle the 400 megawatts produced

Quietman_2009's photo
Sun 02/07/10 10:24 AM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Sun 02/07/10 10:24 AM
AND in Clovis, New Mexico they are building a "smart power plant" that will interconnect the Northern Grid with the Southern Grid with the Wesyern Grid and for the first time will alow switching between the grid to handle peak demands anywhere in the country

and as a result of that the giant wind farm between Lubbock and Amarillo will continue. They were spose to build 1500 wind turbines but stalled out at 600 because there was no distribution capability for that much power

all of that is expected to employ 3000 to 4000 people over the next ten years

so there ARE jobs. you just have to go to where they are

DaveyB's photo
Sun 02/07/10 10:55 AM

here's the facts:...from 1994 - 2006 when the Republicans controlled congress...the average annual deficit was 104 billion the last three years when the democrats have controlled congress...the average annual deficit has been 1.35 trillion other words...the deicits the republicans were running up on a yearly bases...the Dems are doing monthly...LOOK IT UP !!!!!

Really? More fuzzy math...

Again, it's bizzare that the GOP ran up our deficits then blamed the DEMS for having to spend to recover from it to avoid a complete economic breakdown.

Congress NOT the President need to read your constitution son...Article 1 Section 8 should explain it you...

Um ya need to take a look at who wrote and pushed through the trillion dollar bail-out bill. And has been mentioned the president signs off on all those expenses and Bush used the veto pen less than anybody. Frankly there's plenty of blame to go around from both parties and trying to put all the blame on one person or pary only serves to keep the same to ruling parties in power, in control and screwing things up.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sun 02/07/10 11:01 AM

here's the facts:...from 1994 - 2006 when the Republicans controlled congress...the average annual deficit was 104 billion the last three years when the democrats have controlled congress...the average annual deficit has been 1.35 trillion other words...the deicits the republicans were running up on a yearly bases...the Dems are doing monthly...LOOK IT UP !!!!!

Really? More fuzzy math...

Again, it's bizzare that the GOP ran up our deficits then blamed the DEMS for having to spend to recover from it to avoid a complete economic breakdown.

Congrees NOT the President need to read your constitution son...Article 1 Section 8 should explain it you...

Excuse me? Have people forgotten what got us into this mess? How about a president who lied us into two wars that devastated our economy and a VP who gave his buddies no-bid contracts...weird.

And when did you guys start regarding the Constitution?

"'I don’t give a goddamn,' Bush retorted. 'I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.'

"'Mr. President,' one aide in the meeting said. 'There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.'

"'Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,' Bush screamed back. 'It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!'" --Reported in Capitol Hill Blue, December 9, 2005.

No reponsibility....boy oh boy the revisionists are out in numbers lately.

the funny thing is that most of the macroeconomists agree that for all the stuff he did screw up and all his faults, this financial crisis had nothing to do with Bush

The budgets of both of these wars combined equal to about 6% of what we spend on Medicare evry year

this financial crisis came about from two sources: the housing mortgage crisis (which came from Clinton and attempted social engineering to get poor people into housing), and from lax regulation on the banking industry (in which case Bush appeared before congress three times and warned them of a collapse and was ignored)

but it sounds good and is popular to blame bush for everything from unemployment to swine flu

No, I blame the Dippic and his Neocon commiegress not because it's it's because it's the obvious truth. Many factors are left out in that defense..the tax cuts for the rich and the wars which are almost topping $1 Trillion to date. (a) The cost of oil was not addressed with alternative energies which still leaves us making the Middle East rich(er).(b) The resulting costs from lax regulations on banks primarily under the Dippic. The allowing of corporate influences in the current insurance industry that continues to rule the T-baggers and the GOP and run up HC costs all for politics while 44K a year die because the do not have HC. Immoral for that and for lying for politics...just as their flock do here today.


"swine flu"? WTF is that about?

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sun 02/07/10 11:03 AM

here's the facts:...from 1994 - 2006 when the Republicans controlled congress...the average annual deficit was 104 billion the last three years when the democrats have controlled congress...the average annual deficit has been 1.35 trillion other words...the deicits the republicans were running up on a yearly bases...the Dems are doing monthly...LOOK IT UP !!!!!

Really? More fuzzy math...

Again, it's bizzare that the GOP ran up our deficits then blamed the DEMS for having to spend to recover from it to avoid a complete economic breakdown.

Congrees NOT the President need to read your constitution son...Article 1 Section 8 should explain it you...

Excuse me? Have people forgotten what got us into this mess? How about a president who lied us into two wars that devastated our economy and a VP who gave his buddies no-bid contracts...weird.

And when did you guys start regarding the Constitution?

"'I don’t give a goddamn,' Bush retorted. 'I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.'

"'Mr. President,' one aide in the meeting said. 'There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.'

"'Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,' Bush screamed back. 'It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!'" --Reported in Capitol Hill Blue, December 9, 2005.

No reponsibility....boy oh boy the revisionists are out in numbers lately.

the funny thing is that most of the macroeconomists agree that for all the stuff he did screw up and all his faults, this financial crisis had nothing to do with Bush

The budgets of both of these wars combined equal to about 6% of what we spend on Medicare evry year

this financial crisis came about from two sources: the housing mortgage crisis (which came from Clinton and attempted social engineering to get poor people into housing), and from lax regulation on the banking industry (in which case Bush appeared before congress three times and warned them of a collapse and was ignored)

but it sounds good and is popular to blame bush for everything from unemployment to swine flu

No, I blame the Dippic and his Neocon commiegress not because it's it's because it's the obvious truth. Many factors are left out in that defense..the tax cuts for the rich and the wars which are almost topping $1 Trillion to date. (a) The cost of oil was not addressed with alternative energies which still leaves us making the Middle East rich(er).(b) The resulting costs from lax regulations on banks primarily under the Dippic. The allowing of corporate influences in the current insurance industry that continues to rule the T-baggers and the GOP and run up HC costs all for politics while 44K a year die because the do not have HC. Immoral for that and for lying for politics...just as their flock do here today.


"swine flu"? WTF is that about?

PS- References please (on the "leading" economists...or is this just "truthiness" at it's worse? There is a whole panel of people working on saving the Dippic's legacy so there's a lot of lying going on out there...and here.

creativesoul's photo
Sun 02/07/10 01:33 PM
the housing mortgage crisis (which came from Clinton and attempted social engineering to get poor people into housing),

This is utter bull! The regs which were implemented under Clinton in order to allow for those without the ability to get a conforming mortgage to still puchase a home were not the cause of the housing crash. The bubble was created by the unlawful lending practices of those who did not follow the regs. This is clearly proven by looking at the evidence at hand. The amount of borrowers defaulting on loans made/approved by lenders which actually followed the regs are slim to none. The problematic lending practices exploded early in the century by those not following the regs.

DaveyB's photo
Sun 02/07/10 02:05 PM

the housing mortgage crisis (which came from Clinton and attempted social engineering to get poor people into housing),

This is utter bull! The regs which were implemented under Clinton in order to allow for those without the ability to get a conforming mortgage to still puchase a home were not the cause of the housing crash. The bubble was created by the unlawful lending practices of those who did not follow the regs. This is clearly proven by looking at the evidence at hand. The amount of borrowers defaulting on loans made/approved by lenders which actually followed the regs are slim to none. The problematic lending practices exploded early in the century by those not following the regs.

You guys are arguing the symptom not the cause. It's true that sooner or later that bubble was going to burst the it would definitely have not been now if the economy hadn't already made a huge down turn resulting in an unpredictable number of defaults. Without that the scam could have gone on much longer.

creativesoul's photo
Sun 02/07/10 02:22 PM
The unpredictable amount of defaults was such because of the unpredictability of those who unlawfully loaned funds. There were requirements(although not the same as in conforming mortgages) which were not being met.

That is not a symptom of the cause of the housing bubble. That was the bubble.

Quietman_2009's photo
Sun 02/07/10 02:26 PM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Sun 02/07/10 02:26 PM

here's the facts:...from 1994 - 2006 when the Republicans controlled congress...the average annual deficit was 104 billion the last three years when the democrats have controlled congress...the average annual deficit has been 1.35 trillion other words...the deicits the republicans were running up on a yearly bases...the Dems are doing monthly...LOOK IT UP !!!!!

Really? More fuzzy math...

Again, it's bizzare that the GOP ran up our deficits then blamed the DEMS for having to spend to recover from it to avoid a complete economic breakdown.

Congrees NOT the President need to read your constitution son...Article 1 Section 8 should explain it you...

Excuse me? Have people forgotten what got us into this mess? How about a president who lied us into two wars that devastated our economy and a VP who gave his buddies no-bid contracts...weird.

And when did you guys start regarding the Constitution?

"'I don’t give a goddamn,' Bush retorted. 'I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.'

"'Mr. President,' one aide in the meeting said. 'There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.'

"'Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,' Bush screamed back. 'It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!'" --Reported in Capitol Hill Blue, December 9, 2005.

No reponsibility....boy oh boy the revisionists are out in numbers lately.

the funny thing is that most of the macroeconomists agree that for all the stuff he did screw up and all his faults, this financial crisis had nothing to do with Bush

The budgets of both of these wars combined equal to about 6% of what we spend on Medicare evry year

this financial crisis came about from two sources: the housing mortgage crisis (which came from Clinton and attempted social engineering to get poor people into housing), and from lax regulation on the banking industry (in which case Bush appeared before congress three times and warned them of a collapse and was ignored)

but it sounds good and is popular to blame bush for everything from unemployment to swine flu

No, I blame the Dippic and his Neocon commiegress not because it's it's because it's the obvious truth. Many factors are left out in that defense..the tax cuts for the rich and the wars which are almost topping $1 Trillion to date. (a) The cost of oil was not addressed with alternative energies which still leaves us making the Middle East rich(er).(b) The resulting costs from lax regulations on banks primarily under the Dippic. The allowing of corporate influences in the current insurance industry that continues to rule the T-baggers and the GOP and run up HC costs all for politics while 44K a year die because the do not have HC. Immoral for that and for lying for politics...just as their flock do here today.


"swine flu"? WTF is that about?

mehhhh you can blame whoever you want. but it wont make you right

it just makes you one of a million sheeple spouting rhetoric learned from a partisan website created just to maintain a robot base who only know what they are told right or wrong

I suppose it's not possible to actually research a subject without wearing those "I hate George Bush" blinders

creativesoul's photo
Sun 02/07/10 02:33 PM
Blaming Bush... well...

...only blames Bush.


I agree with quiet on that.

Giocamo's photo
Sun 02/07/10 02:35 PM
Edited by Giocamo on Sun 02/07/10 02:39 PM

here's the facts:...from 1994 - 2006 when the Republicans controlled congress...the average annual deficit was 104 billion the last three years when the democrats have controlled congress...the average annual deficit has been 1.35 trillion other words...the deicits the republicans were running up on a yearly bases...the Dems are doing monthly...LOOK IT UP !!!!!

Really? More fuzzy math...

Again, it's bizzare that the GOP ran up our deficits then blamed the DEMS for having to spend to recover from it to avoid a complete economic breakdown.

Congrees NOT the President need to read your constitution son...Article 1 Section 8 should explain it you...

Excuse me? Have people forgotten what got us into this mess? How about a president who lied us into two wars that devastated our economy and a VP who gave his buddies no-bid contracts...weird.

And when did you guys start regarding the Constitution?

"'I don’t give a goddamn,' Bush retorted. 'I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.'

"'Mr. President,' one aide in the meeting said. 'There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.'

"'Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,' Bush screamed back. 'It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!'" --Reported in Capitol Hill Blue, December 9, 2005.

No reponsibility....boy oh boy the revisionists are out in numbers lately.

the funny thing is that most of the macroeconomists agree that for all the stuff he did screw up and all his faults, this financial crisis had nothing to do with Bush

The budgets of both of these wars combined equal to about 6% of what we spend on Medicare evry year

this financial crisis came about from two sources: the housing mortgage crisis (which came from Clinton and attempted social engineering to get poor people into housing), and from lax regulation on the banking industry (in which case Bush appeared before congress three times and warned them of a collapse and was ignored)

but it sounds good and is popular to blame bush for everything from unemployment to swine flu

No, I blame the Dippic and his Neocon commiegress not because it's it's because it's the obvious truth. Many factors are left out in that defense..the tax cuts for the rich and the wars which are almost topping $1 Trillion to date. (a) The cost of oil was not addressed with alternative energies which still leaves us making the Middle East rich(er).(b) The resulting costs from lax regulations on banks primarily under the Dippic. The allowing of corporate influences in the current insurance industry that continues to rule the T-baggers and the GOP and run up HC costs all for politics while 44K a year die because the do not have HC. Immoral for that and for lying for politics...just as their flock do here today.


"swine flu"? WTF is that about?

IT'S OUR MONEY !!...the government works for us...when they spend too much...I guess people like you think we should bend over and give them fuggin' way !!...have you ever seen a country tax and spend its way to prosperity ?...I sure haven't...

DaveyB's photo
Sun 02/07/10 02:46 PM
Edited by DaveyB on Sun 02/07/10 02:47 PM

IT'S OUR MONEY !!...the government works for us...when they spend too much...I guess people like you think we should bend over and give them fuggin' way !!...have you ever seen a country tax and spend its way to prosperity ?...I sure haven't...

That's cause you haven't been around long enough. Neither have I, but I've studied my history and it's exactly how we got out of the great depression. I'm not so sure it's being done right this time, in fact I'm pretty sure it's not but I still see some signs of success. Just not nearly as much as we could be seeing.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sun 02/07/10 03:01 PM

IT'S OUR MONEY !!...the government works for us...when they spend too much...I guess people like you think we should bend over and give them fuggin' way !!...have you ever seen a country tax and spend its way to prosperity ?...I sure haven't...

That's cause you haven't been around long enough. Neither have I, but I've studied my history and it's exactly how we got out of the great depression. I'm not so sure it's being done right this time, in fact I'm pretty sure it's not but I still see some signs of success. Just not nearly as much as we could be seeing.

Yeah, I wish they'd have paid off all our mortgages instead of the banks but if the banks failed we'd definately been in a depression worst than the first.

We are seeing progress but the damage was so incredible I wasn't sure we'd recover...President Obama said during his campaign that it may take years, it certainly will to get out of these wars.

What you are reading here are people parroting shillschitt from AM talk radio...they can't back up their revisionist BS...what-so-ever...its all truthiness and they call ME a "sheep"...LOLOLOLOL.

I've never belonged to a political party. I respected the GOP for being fiscally conservative but they lost that years ago...obviously they lost their platform entirely after the Dippic was installed.

Now they are just sadly comical...most left in the GOP are racists and/or ignorant people.

Giocamo's photo
Sun 02/07/10 03:21 PM
how do you know when you've an arguement with a Liberal ?...they call you a racist...:smile: