Topic: Teen drug epidemic!!!
talldub's photo
Tue 01/26/10 10:31 AM

and aminals were coming from all over to get fukced up on it. they didnt even hunt each other. there was a bobcat just sitting and drooling, eyes all glazed, over right next to a passed out rabbit

Sounds like an Irish night out!

MiddleEarthling's photo
Tue 01/26/10 06:14 PM

There are many places where children consume alcohol as part of meals. There are also studies about the health benefits of wine. The issue is not mere USE of alcohol in my opinion, but the ABUSE of it. I dont necessarily believe that allowing a child alcohol is in and of itself abusive, it depends upon the supervision and the intent.

Where we come into problems is with the ATTITUDE so many adults pass on about the purpose of the alcohol. If the example given or encouraged is alcohol as a means to be DRUNK,,it is very damaging. If the example given or encouraged is that alcohol is something consumed in cautious moderation as a partner to food,,,,this is something different.

OK, so let's just GIVE them any drug...let crack be advertised and sold to kids...WTF

The great wine myth:

Every few months or so a news release will tout the health benefits of red wine drinking.

Well cheers then huh? Well not so fast...while this news may help increase wine sales for the alcohol industry further review proves it as just a theory...or propaghanda at best. It's not the alcohol it's more the grapes that have any real health benefits. More studies are being done to see if alcohol has any benefits but there is no conclusive evidence to make these claims credible.

The news releases touting wine as healthy are adding to the false information being put out by the alcohol industry that teens may hear and accept as true.


From The American Heart Association:

What about red wine and heart disease?

"Over the past several decades, many studies have been published in science journals about how drinking alcohol may be associated with reduced mortality due to heart disease in some populations. Some researchers have suggested that the benefit may be due to wine, especially red wine.

Others are examining the potential benefits of components in red wine such as flavonoids (FLAV'oh-noidz) and other antioxidants (an"tih-OK'sih-dants) in reducing heart disease risk. Some of these components may be found in other foods such as grapes or red grape juice.

The linkage reported in many of these studies may be due to other lifestyle factors rather than alcohol:

Such factors may include increased physical activity, and a diet high in fruits and vegetables and lower in saturated fats No direct comparison trials have been done to determine the specific effect of wine or other alcohol on the risk of developing heart disease or stroke."

Note: flavonoid's can be purchased over-the-counter or are simply in many fruits like grapes or apples and they do not contain any addictive drugs like alcohol.

Winx's photo
Tue 01/26/10 08:46 PM
NA considers alcohol to be a drug.

When a child has a parent that is an alcoholic, it is recommended that the parents shouldn't let them have any cough syrup with alcohol in it. That's because of the hereditary factor of alcoholism.

I know somebody that had a father that was an alcoholic. When my friend was a child, he was an altar boy at church. He used to sneak sips of wine from the communion cup. Later he started drinking more. He has problems with drinking and drugs now.

msharmony's photo
Tue 01/26/10 10:13 PM
There is a difference between alcohol USE and alcohol abuse was my only point. Alcohol in moderation has not been proven to be anymore harmful than cooking oil. When alcohol is used as a compliment to food and not as a mere source of entertainment,,I see no harm in it. I have grown up with italian and greek friends who drank wine with their meals from the time they were young and I wouldnt consider that child abuse as their parents were very loving and they were good kids.

I think people are too quick to just DEMONIZE things without really thinking it through. As for crack, I dont know of any studies suggesting it has ANY health advantages or purpose, so no, I wouldnt agree with giving it to a child.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Wed 01/27/10 05:20 PM

There is a difference between alcohol USE and alcohol abuse was my only point. Alcohol in moderation has not been proven to be anymore harmful than cooking oil. When alcohol is used as a compliment to food and not as a mere source of entertainment,,I see no harm in it. I have grown up with italian and greek friends who drank wine with their meals from the time they were young and I wouldnt consider that child abuse as their parents were very loving and they were good kids.

I think people are too quick to just DEMONIZE things without really thinking it through. As for crack, I dont know of any studies suggesting it has ANY health advantages or purpose, so no, I wouldnt agree with giving it to a child.

The point is (whether understood by defective minds or not) that there is NO medical benefits from drinking alcohol...I just gave valid evidences from credible sources that agrees with me, also Europe is having a tough time with under-aged drinking as well.

But I guess stupid is as stupid does right?

The recommended use for women is 1.5 OZ per day, men 3.0, anything past that is DRUG ABUSE.

xbombxchellex's photo
Thu 01/28/10 03:56 PM
havent really read most reply's to be honest but its like this

a teenager does what t hey want 2 do weather or not they have thee parents blessings they are rebellious and can spiral out of control.
i dont kno 1 person that never got drunk as a child its life, there shouldnt be advertising on it same as smoking it advertises itself.
but how can a parent say to a child you cannot drink its not good for you sure the parent is old enough but they are contradicting them selves. and n im not sayin we should let our children get drunk we should legalise canabis and everyone be irie shades

MiddleEarthling's photo
Fri 01/29/10 11:22 AM

NA considers alcohol to be a drug.

When a child has a parent that is an alcoholic, it is recommended that the parents shouldn't let them have any cough syrup with alcohol in it. That's because of the hereditary factor of alcoholism.

I know somebody that had a father that was an alcoholic. When my friend was a child, he was an altar boy at church. He used to sneak sips of wine from the communion cup. Later he started drinking more. He has problems with drinking and drugs now.

Alcohol is the #1 gateway drug to other drugs...illegal or not so teen drinking fuels the demand for other drugs...mostly the illegal ones...makes sense right? I've seen people snoort cocaine so they could drink more...and at the current rate of incarcertions half the US population will be in prison by 2050.

There is a genetic factor but even those predisposed to addiction stand a better chance of survival or staving off it's harsh effects if they wait until they mature before trying alcohol or other drugs. It's about 50-50 for those predisposed to the ones that acquire the addiction.

AA does not talk about alcohol as being a drug (that I have seen) plus the AA way is to not get involved with controversy so they are no help in promoting that useful notion.

msharmony's photo
Fri 01/29/10 12:26 PM

There is a difference between alcohol USE and alcohol abuse was my only point. Alcohol in moderation has not been proven to be anymore harmful than cooking oil. When alcohol is used as a compliment to food and not as a mere source of entertainment,,I see no harm in it. I have grown up with italian and greek friends who drank wine with their meals from the time they were young and I wouldnt consider that child abuse as their parents were very loving and they were good kids.

I think people are too quick to just DEMONIZE things without really thinking it through. As for crack, I dont know of any studies suggesting it has ANY health advantages or purpose, so no, I wouldnt agree with giving it to a child.

The point is (whether understood by defective minds or not) that there is NO medical benefits from drinking alcohol...I just gave valid evidences from credible sources that agrees with me, also Europe is having a tough time with under-aged drinking as well.

But I guess stupid is as stupid does right?

The recommended use for women is 1.5 OZ per day, men 3.0, anything past that is DRUG ABUSE.

With all respect mr middle, there is no need for name calling. That you can find sources that agree with you doesnt mean that there are not also sources who agree with me. The bottom line is that there is plenty of evidence FOR and against wine,, unlike crack.

If I could find those studies that have found health benefits in crack, I may reconsider that drug as well.

misswright's photo
Fri 01/29/10 01:54 PM

Alcohol use is something kids learn form the adults in their lives or the ones conspiculously absent. That High school, college, sports parties, and the military even employers promote the use of alcohol to minors and young adults as being part of being sucessful, fun, and mature.

More Vets have life long problems with alcohol than battle injuries.

I agree with Quiet that if a kid is left alone with uncontrolled access to booze they are going to drink; especially if they see their parents or siblings drink. And the consequences are lasting disability. It should be felony child abuse to give a minor alcohol.

There are way too many people trying to pass as functioning alcoholics and there is no such thing.

While I can agree with some of this, the answer is not increasing our federal prison population. And if we must, it should be a crime for PARENTS not to teach their children morals and values so that the CHILDREN make decent choices in their lives. Ya know, like the difference between social drinking and being a falling down, puking irresponsible drunk. Kids can, and will, get alcohol anywhere. Like you eluded to, it's in the fabric of our society. I'd rather have booze in the house that my son doesn't touch by his own choice than shield him from something so engrained in today's culture. We don't need to put parents in jail for having a six pack in their fridge or abolish alcohol, we need to teach our children how to live responsibly.:thumbsup:

If you drink you are being a lousy parent because it is a 24/7/360 job you can not do properly under the influence.

I drink and I'm not being a lousy parent, I'm having a few drinks. My son sees me drink, responsibly, and he isn't going out, getting twisted like plenty of his friends do. He's prepared to make good choices when he gets of age to drink, and will be able to enjoy beers with his friends if he chooses, or order a bottle of wine with dinner to impress a lady, or have that cocktail with the managers at the office party. Alcohol in and of itself isn't the problem, it's how people handle it in their lives that is. Just seems to be a pretty sweeping statement ya made here. whoa

MiddleEarthling's photo
Fri 01/29/10 01:57 PM

There is a difference between alcohol USE and alcohol abuse was my only point. Alcohol in moderation has not been proven to be anymore harmful than cooking oil. When alcohol is used as a compliment to food and not as a mere source of entertainment,,I see no harm in it. I have grown up with italian and greek friends who drank wine with their meals from the time they were young and I wouldnt consider that child abuse as their parents were very loving and they were good kids.

I think people are too quick to just DEMONIZE things without really thinking it through. As for crack, I dont know of any studies suggesting it has ANY health advantages or purpose, so no, I wouldnt agree with giving it to a child.

The point is (whether understood by defective minds or not) that there is NO medical benefits from drinking alcohol...I just gave valid evidences from credible sources that agrees with me, also Europe is having a tough time with under-aged drinking as well.

But I guess stupid is as stupid does right?

The recommended use for women is 1.5 OZ per day, men 3.0, anything past that is DRUG ABUSE.

With all respect mr middle, there is no need for name calling. That you can find sources that agree with you doesnt mean that there are not also sources who agree with me. The bottom line is that there is plenty of evidence FOR and against wine,, unlike crack.

If I could find those studies that have found health benefits in crack, I may reconsider that drug as well.

I didn't call anyone a name.

The links I posted prove that there are NO medical benefits from drinking this drug. If people who would like to comment decide not to view the information then they remain as ignorant bystanders and should probably not comment at all.

It's a complete lie and a sorry excuse in defending the permitting of teens to drink this drug.

Aries151's photo
Fri 01/29/10 03:00 PM

There is a difference between alcohol USE and alcohol abuse was my only point. Alcohol in moderation has not been proven to be anymore harmful than cooking oil. When alcohol is used as a compliment to food and not as a mere source of entertainment,,I see no harm in it. I have grown up with italian and greek friends who drank wine with their meals from the time they were young and I wouldnt consider that child abuse as their parents were very loving and they were good kids.

I think people are too quick to just DEMONIZE things without really thinking it through. As for crack, I dont know of any studies suggesting it has ANY health advantages or purpose, so no, I wouldnt agree with giving it to a child.

The point is (whether understood by defective minds or not) that there is NO medical benefits from drinking alcohol...I just gave valid evidences from credible sources that agrees with me, also Europe is having a tough time with under-aged drinking as well.

But I guess stupid is as stupid does right?

The recommended use for women is 1.5 OZ per day, men 3.0, anything past that is DRUG ABUSE.

With all respect mr middle, there is no need for name calling. That you can find sources that agree with you doesnt mean that there are not also sources who agree with me. The bottom line is that there is plenty of evidence FOR and against wine,, unlike crack.

If I could find those studies that have found health benefits in crack, I may reconsider that drug as well.

I didn't call anyone a name.

The links I posted prove that there are NO medical benefits from drinking this drug. If people who would like to comment decide not to view the information then they remain as ignorant bystanders and should probably not comment at all.

It's a complete lie and a sorry excuse in defending the permitting of teens to drink this drug.

Actually the common "myth" is that drinking a small amount of red wine (only red wine, not alcohol in general) is helpful to your health (specifically the heart). There really isn't any hard evidence per se, but they are going by statistics of people in Italy who practice this and the rate of heart disease per region from what I remember. Although nothing about this study mentioned teens and I don't believe it would ever be ok to give teens alcohol.

Also, by looking at your recommended amounts, it would seem I'm a drug abuser :/

msharmony's photo
Fri 01/29/10 04:59 PM

There is a difference between alcohol USE and alcohol abuse was my only point. Alcohol in moderation has not been proven to be anymore harmful than cooking oil. When alcohol is used as a compliment to food and not as a mere source of entertainment,,I see no harm in it. I have grown up with italian and greek friends who drank wine with their meals from the time they were young and I wouldnt consider that child abuse as their parents were very loving and they were good kids.

I think people are too quick to just DEMONIZE things without really thinking it through. As for crack, I dont know of any studies suggesting it has ANY health advantages or purpose, so no, I wouldnt agree with giving it to a child.

The point is (whether understood by defective minds or not) that there is NO medical benefits from drinking alcohol...I just gave valid evidences from credible sources that agrees with me, also Europe is having a tough time with under-aged drinking as well.

But I guess stupid is as stupid does right?

The recommended use for women is 1.5 OZ per day, men 3.0, anything past that is DRUG ABUSE.

With all respect mr middle, there is no need for name calling. That you can find sources that agree with you doesnt mean that there are not also sources who agree with me. The bottom line is that there is plenty of evidence FOR and against wine,, unlike crack.

If I could find those studies that have found health benefits in crack, I may reconsider that drug as well.

I didn't call anyone a name.

The links I posted prove that there are NO medical benefits from drinking this drug. If people who would like to comment decide not to view the information then they remain as ignorant bystanders and should probably not comment at all.

It's a complete lie and a sorry excuse in defending the permitting of teens to drink this drug.

Who is going to prove that mayo clinic(amongst many others) are lying?

msharmony's photo
Fri 01/29/10 05:00 PM

There is a difference between alcohol USE and alcohol abuse was my only point. Alcohol in moderation has not been proven to be anymore harmful than cooking oil. When alcohol is used as a compliment to food and not as a mere source of entertainment,,I see no harm in it. I have grown up with italian and greek friends who drank wine with their meals from the time they were young and I wouldnt consider that child abuse as their parents were very loving and they were good kids.

I think people are too quick to just DEMONIZE things without really thinking it through. As for crack, I dont know of any studies suggesting it has ANY health advantages or purpose, so no, I wouldnt agree with giving it to a child.

The point is (whether understood by defective minds or not) that there is NO medical benefits from drinking alcohol...I just gave valid evidences from credible sources that agrees with me, also Europe is having a tough time with under-aged drinking as well.

But I guess stupid is as stupid does right?

The recommended use for women is 1.5 OZ per day, men 3.0, anything past that is DRUG ABUSE.

With all respect mr middle, there is no need for name calling. That you can find sources that agree with you doesnt mean that there are not also sources who agree with me. The bottom line is that there is plenty of evidence FOR and against wine,, unlike crack.

If I could find those studies that have found health benefits in crack, I may reconsider that drug as well.

I didn't call anyone a name.

The links I posted prove that there are NO medical benefits from drinking this drug. If people who would like to comment decide not to view the information then they remain as ignorant bystanders and should probably not comment at all.

It's a complete lie and a sorry excuse in defending the permitting of teens to drink this drug.

Actually the common "myth" is that drinking a small amount of red wine (only red wine, not alcohol in general) is helpful to your health (specifically the heart). There really isn't any hard evidence per se, but they are going by statistics of people in Italy who practice this and the rate of heart disease per region from what I remember. Although nothing about this study mentioned teens and I don't believe it would ever be ok to give teens alcohol.

Also, by looking at your recommended amounts, it would seem I'm a drug abuser :/

Trust me on this as I have Italian friends who have no need to lie to me. In Italian homes, it is not uncommon for teens to have alcohol(wine) with their dinner. Many chefs COOK With wine,,it is not a terrible drug unless it is abused.

Winx's photo
Fri 01/29/10 06:21 PM
One of the problems with teens drinking:

Say there are 10 teens that drink the exact same amount. Some of those teens can become an alcoholic and some won't. We can't predict which ones will become an alcoholic.

Winx's photo
Fri 01/29/10 06:29 PM
It won't allow me to copy and paste.

NA'a stance:

Thinking of alcohol as different from other drugs has caused a great many addicts to relapse. We cannot be confused about this. Alcohol is a drug.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sat 01/30/10 09:07 AM

One of the problems with teens drinking:

Say there are 10 teens that drink the exact same amount. Some of those teens can become an alcoholic and some won't. We can't predict which ones will become an alcoholic.

Some will become addicted on the first drink, they are the predisposed ones or have OCDs. With the others it varies, one friend of mine's son became addicted in about 6 months with moderate drinking.

There's really no erring on the side of caution on this issue.

msharmony's photo
Sat 01/30/10 11:49 PM

One of the problems with teens drinking:

Say there are 10 teens that drink the exact same amount. Some of those teens can become an alcoholic and some won't. We can't predict which ones will become an alcoholic.

Some will become addicted on the first drink, they are the predisposed ones or have OCDs. With the others it varies, one friend of mine's son became addicted in about 6 months with moderate drinking.

There's really no erring on the side of caution on this issue.

Although people will disagree, I still think the main point is abuse and not use. To demonize something because others choose to misuse it is a poor solution to the real problem. If someone chose to eat nothing but junk, with no exercise, chances are they will become obese or unhealthy at some time.

This is because of the ABUSE of junk and to demonize the occasional treat because some misuse it is avoiding the issue of what causes people to have ADDICTIVE personalities which cause them to abuse substances of ANY Type. Obesity is a MAJOR problem in this country but few are demonizing McDonalds or any other fast food options we have as 'free' people.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sun 01/31/10 07:10 AM

One of the problems with teens drinking:

Say there are 10 teens that drink the exact same amount. Some of those teens can become an alcoholic and some won't. We can't predict which ones will become an alcoholic.

Some will become addicted on the first drink, they are the predisposed ones or have OCDs. With the others it varies, one friend of mine's son became addicted in about 6 months with moderate drinking.

There's really no erring on the side of caution on this issue.

Not to mention that ANY use of a hard drug like alcohol by a tween/teen IS drug abuse and anyone allowing them to drink is committing child abuse.

That's why it's ILLEGAL....but stupid is as stupid does I guess.

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/31/10 10:15 AM
Any use? Hmmm did Julia Child only make recipes for adult, quite a bit of her food had ALCOHOL in it.......

I give up,,,,,,,sometimes passion on a topic can blind people from using a logical assessment.

A teen given a small portion of a glass of wine (like is done on New Years even in many homes) is far from child abuse. A teen given a full glass,, possibly. Like with anything else, common sense would have to dictate. But alcohol in moderation is not such a big terrible thing,,,and I dont even drink, I just have known others who do and they arent 'alcoholics'.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sun 01/31/10 12:37 PM
Edited by MiddleEarthling on Sun 01/31/10 12:42 PM
Anyway, a teen who starts drinking alcohol at age 16 is FIVE times more likely to become addicted to this drug. With the news that the average age of first use of this hard drug is NOW 12 years old we are seeing them become drug addicts at earlier and earlier ages.

This puts them on a course to be dropouts from school, have unwanted pregnancies and also STD's, then later on as users and abusers of other drugs.

Here's a score card from this epidemic and how it affects kids and later on us as adults.

For those who see no difference in an ounce of cooking sherry and a keg I don't know what else to tell you other than your attitude is part of what continues to help DOPE our children.

A drug is a drug? Yes, and alcohol is a NARCOTIC type of with it already.