Topic: Teen drug epidemic!!! | |
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Sun 01/31/10 10:50 PM
When over HALF the PARENTS USE!!!!SOME form of escaping REAL LIFE DRAMA'S,,,,,,,as THEIR REASONINGS for USING,,,,,,
and the other HALF of the parents LIVE TO SHOW EVERYONE they are NOT followers of PAST MORALES and Beliefs, as THEY LIVE FREE AND FOR THE MOMENT.. WHAT DO KIDS HAVE TO SEE to WANT TO BELIEVE IN???????? EVERYONE NOW FEELS THE NEED TO BE DIFFERENT,,STAND OUT,,BE THEM,,IN EVERY FORM THEY FEEL IS COOL....To live is to be THEIR OWN LOOK and "ACT",,,, I say and ask,,,,where is the REAL,,in this form of GROWING? Forget any GODS, Forget what BUILT THIS COUNTRY, Forget Morels. Its NOT an easy life of STAYING HOME, DROPPING OUT OF SCHOOL, SMOKING, DRINKING, and LIVING FREE,,when your ONLY 14 years old... The DESIRE to WANT-TO-WORK,,is leaving young minds. The DESIRE to THINK marriage is for LIFE,,is leaving young minds. The DESIRE to be responsible for MAKING A BABY, is leaving young minds. Single moms make-up a forth of the WHOLE parent process NOW, as the DAD is LOST down dirts highway,,or dead.. So its all in some MOM'S lap,,to be BOTH mam and DAD to their children,,,many kids take advantage of this and RUN and DO,,behind moms back,,as SHE also is the ONLY Bread-winner for her and THEM... There is NO PLACE to turn for THEM to seek professional help,,AS THAT COSTS MONEIES THEY DON'T HAVE TO SPARE.. So THEY DO THEIR BEST TO "TRY" AND MAKE IT ALL WORK,,, but life has that failing in most house-holds,,because we allow the streets to be FILLED WITH DRUGS that they easily FIND to other try,,or try and make money off the sell of them.. WE have let our Country and our CHILDREN down... By allowing THEM to FEEL they have their FREEDOMS EARLIER in life to twenty years ago.. WE have in MANY homes,,,just let THEM,,tell the parents what to do... WE ALLNEED TO BE OUR NEIGHBORS KEEPERS,,,but we hide,,run,stay away from them,,,and OFFER NO-HELP,,that we KNOW,,we could do for some of them......ITS NOT MY RESPONSIBILTY......Thats their thoughts as to even TRY and intervin to help them.. OUR prisons want to take-in all the big bad first-time offenders,,then only keep them for 6 months to a year, and then release them back to the streets,,NO REHABILITATIONS,,no PROPER EMPLOYMENT EDUCATIONS EARNED OR TRIED IN THERE FOR THESE TROUBLED even have there..... Drug addicts who have NO-PLACE to get any kind of REAL LIFE-LONG FIX or CURE, or CARE,,,just throw um back to the streets and wait,,,,wait for their second offense and then their third.. THEN,,,by THAT TIME,,,,,THEY ONLY KNOW<<BAD WAYS, BAD LIVES, BAD PEOPLE.... EVERY AMERICAN WANTS TO BLAME THE GOVERNMENT OR THE SCHOOLS OR ANYONE,,,,but DAMN FEW want to look as close as the closet MIRROR to share in this BLAME and WAYS we have LET US DESOLVE...decay and melt down into what is a problem that NEEDS imediate HELP and CURES to resolve,,and form a REAL START for the NEXT GENERATION to HAVE,,,HOLD,,,BELIEVE-IN and KNOW,,,,ITS THERE TO HELP THEM BECOME BETTER and its a system that US PEOPLE FORMED for them to BE BETTER,,to be ALL THAT EACH IS FULLY CAPIBLE OF BECOMING in this life.. PLEASE FOLKS,,,,STOP,,,SMELL THE METH LABS NEXT DOOR,,see the kids hands trading off drugs for money, hear their cries for help as they whemper down the hall ways of NO ONE LISTENING... HEAR THIS HEART-BEAT OF OUR NATIONS YOUTH,,BEING ATE-UP THROUGH CORUPTIONS AND PAY-OFFS to KEEP these drugs moving in the streets and schools halls and bathrooms,, WE,,,,,ME AND YOU,,,,,,,READ ME HERE,,,,WE ALLOWED THIS TO BE THIS WAY,,,by EVERY ACTION,,we FAILED TO WITNESS, TO CALL, TO WARN,,TO TRY AND HELP EACH OTHER KNOW SEE FEEL AND DO... IF we all keep only worring about ourselves,,and NOT EACH OTHER,,we shall fail ,,,,,,FAIL TO BE!!!!!!!! ANY PLACE,FORM,COUNTRY for ANY CHILD TO CALL THEIR HOME...and BE PROUD of saying IT!!!! How can we change a country,,if we fail to even have the ability to mold our own childrens minds and outlooks, into minds and people who WANT TO BESOMEONE GREAT,,SOMEONE WHO BELIEVES IN THIS COUNTRY'S TRADITIONS OF PRODUCTIVE, PRIDEFUL, FREE, AND BRAVE.. BACKING OUR GOVERNMENTS DECISIONS AND LAWS, Because if they see and feel WE DON'T CARE,,,HOW WILL OR CAN THEY BE EXPECTED TO WANT TO? I am so done talking and typing here... No-one really cares on here or shall I say,,,ALL who don't care,,,THIS WILL NOT CHANGE THEIR ALREADY LAUGHS AND BELLOWS OF JOKE as to even having a REAL thought as to life being THEIR FAULTS,,,now here.... |
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CHEERS Your closing statement is hilarious !! |
Anyway, a teen who starts drinking alcohol at age 16 is FIVE times more likely to become addicted to this drug. With the news that the average age of first use of this hard drug is NOW 12 years old we are seeing them become drug addicts at earlier and earlier ages. This puts them on a course to be dropouts from school, have unwanted pregnancies and also STD's, then later on as users and abusers of other drugs. Here's a score card from this epidemic and how it affects kids and later on us as adults. For those who see no difference in an ounce of cooking sherry and a keg I don't know what else to tell you other than your attitude is part of what continues to help DOPE our children. A drug is a drug? Yes, and alcohol is a NARCOTIC type of with it already. Who advocated a teen drinking a keg? I suggest that somewhere between an ounce and a keg is an amount that can be suitable with a meal, even for a teen. |
Alcohol? That's it?
The problem here in LA currently is Zanex! Alcohol is not nearly as bad as all the pills doctors throw around. I have witnessed first hand what Zanex does to people and Teens gobble that stuff up. I know one fool who lets his seven year old smoke pot. No I am not telling on him. I value my life WAY too much. Life in the Hood. Nuff said. I will not buy this whole Moral Dilemma crap. I drank like a fish as a teenager. My father was a looser who screwed with my life and forced major life choices on me I didn't like, approve of, or appreciate. I found Alcohol made it tolerable. I was sucking down half pints of Wild Turkey behind EVERYONE'S back in HS during lunch. Here is the failings of our society and system: Government and all of the laws that superceed and cancel out or tie the hands of parents to act. Society: Movies and pop culture glamorize the lifestyle and consumables, media puts it in our kids faces. Schools are behind the times and are more of a brain drain on kids than an experience they want to have. Religion, kids are learning and don't buy the whole Tradition thing any more and by acting like self righteous hypocrites makes kids want to learn and experience for themselves. Generation X, given no guidelines and handed everything on a platter and NO PERSONAL DISCIPLINE OR ACCOUNTABILITY. Parents torn between family and Career, parental apathy, and a parent's inability to discipline their children without suffering for it themselves. Soft laws on violators who distribute to minors. What we do see is mostly for show. Celebrities who set poor examples. Brittany Spears for example... Need I go on? 3/4s of the people out there with kids should not even BE parents. If you can't keep a gold fish alive what the hell are you doing having kids in the first pace??? ![]() Look at what you made me do. I used a mad smiley. That should be called and Angry and not a Smiley. Humans are not as smart as we think we are. Now I need a hot cup of tea to calm down. Naw! just kidding. Still, there is nothing new about the problem, it is always some happy new form of Bliss in a can people will chase for the easy high. |
I agree with Andy 100%
Teen Drinking May Cause Irreversible Brain Damage
by Michelle Trudeau January 25, 2010 For teenagers, the effects of a drunken night out may linger long after the hangover wears off. A recent study led by neuroscientist Susan Tapert of the University of California, San Diego compared the brain scans of teens who drink heavily with the scans of teens who don't. Tapert's team found damaged nerve tissue in the brains of the teens who drank. The researchers believe this damage negatively affects attention span in boys, and girls' ability to comprehend and interpret visual information. "First of all, the adolescent brain is still undergoing several maturational processes that render it more vulnerable to some of the effects of substances," Tapert says. In other words, key areas of the brain are still under construction during the adolescent years, and are more sensitive to the toxic effects of drugs and alcohol. Thought, Memory Functions Affected For the study, published last month in the journal Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, Tapert looked at 12- to 14-year-olds before they used any alcohol or drugs. Over time, some of the kids started to drink, a few rather heavily — consuming four or five drinks per occasion, two or three times a month — classic binge drinking behavior in teens. Comparing the young people who drank heavily with those who remained non-drinkers, Tapert's team found that the binge drinkers did worse on thinking and memory tests. There was also a distinct gender difference. "For girls who had been engaging in heavy drinking during adolescence, it looks like they're performing more poorly on tests of spatial functioning, which links to mathematics, engineering kinds of functions," Tapert says. And the boys? "For boys who engaged in binge drinking during adolescence, we see poor performance on tests of attention — so being able to focus on something that might be somewhat boring, for a sustained period of time," Tapert says. "The magnitude of the difference is 10 percent. I like to think of it as the difference between an A and a B." Teenage Tendency To Experiment To Blame Pediatrician and brain researcher Ron Dahl from the University of Pittsburgh notes that adolescents seem to have a higher tolerance for the negative immediate effects of binge drinking, such as feeling ill and nauseated. "Which makes it easier to consume higher amounts and enjoy some of the positive aspects," Dahl says. "But, of course, that also creates a liability for the spiral of addiction and binge use of these substances." He adds that there is a unique feature of the teenage brain that drives much behavior during adolescence: The teen brain is primed and ready for intense, all-consuming learning. "Becoming passionate about a particular activity, a particular sport, passionate about literature or changing the world or a particular religion" is a normal, predictable part of being a teenager, he says. "But those same tendencies to explore and try new things and try on new identities may also increase the likelihood of starting on negative pathways," he adds. Damaged Brain Tissue Tapert wanted to find out in what way binge drinking affects a teen's developing brain. So using brain imaging, she focused on the white matter, or nerve tissue, of the brain. "White matter is very important for the relay of information between brain cells; and we know that it is continuing to develop during adolescence," Tapert says. So Tapert imaged the brains of two groups of high school students: binge drinkers and a matched group of teens with no history of binge drinking. She reports in her recent study a marked difference in the white matter of the binge drinkers. "They appeared to have a number of little dings throughout their brains' white matter, indicating poor quality," Tapert says. And poor quality of the brain's white matter indicates poor, inefficient communication between brain cells. "These results were actually surprising to me because the binge drinking kids hadn't, in fact, engaged in a great deal of binge drinking. They were drinking on average once or twice a month, but when they did drink, it was to a relatively high quantity of at least four or five drinks an occasion," she says. In another study, Tapert reported abnormal functioning in the hippocampus — a key area for memory formation — in teen binge drinkers. Reflecting their abnormal brain scans, the teen drinkers did more poorly on learning verbal material than their non-drinking counterparts. What remains unknown, says Tapert, is if the cognitive downward slide in teenage binge drinkers is reversible. |
Alcohol? That's it? The problem here in LA currently is Zanex! Alcohol is not nearly as bad as all the pills doctors throw around. I have witnessed first hand what Zanex does to people and Teens gobble that stuff up. I know one fool who lets his seven year old smoke pot. No I am not telling on him. I value my life WAY too much. Life in the Hood. Nuff said. I will not buy this whole Moral Dilemma crap. I drank like a fish as a teenager. My father was a looser who screwed with my life and forced major life choices on me I didn't like, approve of, or appreciate. I found Alcohol made it tolerable. I was sucking down half pints of Wild Turkey behind EVERYONE'S back in HS during lunch. Here is the failings of our society and system: Government and all of the laws that superceed and cancel out or tie the hands of parents to act. Society: Movies and pop culture glamorize the lifestyle and consumables, media puts it in our kids faces. Schools are behind the times and are more of a brain drain on kids than an experience they want to have. Religion, kids are learning and don't buy the whole Tradition thing any more and by acting like self righteous hypocrites makes kids want to learn and experience for themselves. Generation X, given no guidelines and handed everything on a platter and NO PERSONAL DISCIPLINE OR ACCOUNTABILITY. Parents torn between family and Career, parental apathy, and a parent's inability to discipline their children without suffering for it themselves. Soft laws on violators who distribute to minors. What we do see is mostly for show. Celebrities who set poor examples. Brittany Spears for example... Need I go on? 3/4s of the people out there with kids should not even BE parents. If you can't keep a gold fish alive what the hell are you doing having kids in the first pace??? ![]() Look at what you made me do. I used a mad smiley. That should be called and Angry and not a Smiley. Humans are not as smart as we think we are. Now I need a hot cup of tea to calm down. Naw! just kidding. Still, there is nothing new about the problem, it is always some happy new form of Bliss in a can people will chase for the easy high. No, it's new in that in the last 20+ years it's become epidemic...not crack, heroin, or it's alcohol. But I agree we are trashing our kids from all angles...on schit they are too young to understand. Most keds go home to empty houses after school and to alcohol, guns, and Jerry Springer for "enlightenment". And I agree that humans are not so smart...but shouldn't we TRY to educate them any way? I phucking baking soda box has a Drug Facts Label on it. It's about telling the truth and that may make some think twice...would be a sensation if it were tried...oh and add a Nutrition Label so people can know how fattening alcohol drinks are. And where's the "recommended dosage" on this drug the way people..the NIH recommends women only 1.5 oz of this drug in a 24 hour period...anymore than that then you are just another drug abuser...(men 3.0 per day). Truth sucks I guess...and this one is not socially acceptable to take on with the people's "drug of choice". That's all I want....others can live in their pretend world because of their own drinking and denials but we can do a better job of denying this drug to kids. We can also stop allowing the AI to advertise to kids. The AI make about $20 Billion a year....0% of Oklahoma's alcohol tax revenues goes towards treatment and prevention. They (AI) are no different than a heroin dealer except they own politicians and can advertise all they want...anywhere. |