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Topic: I'd like to learn........
Fanta46's photo
Mon 06/11/07 09:14 PM
Im waiting on an apology!!!

Fanta46's photo
Mon 06/11/07 09:19 PM
Looks left
Looks right
Looks behind

No, No shadow, no one waiting on the ropes!!!

No apology either!!!
HMmmmmmmmmmgrumble grumble

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 06/11/07 09:20 PM
an apologu has to come from the heart
it can't be pull out by force

Fanta46's photo
Mon 06/11/07 09:24 PM
It cant come from the heart of a hypocrit either!!!!!drinker

no photo
Mon 06/11/07 09:28 PM
That's PRECISELY why you will not get an apology. All I had to do is
wait for your true colors to come out.:wink: I don't have to explain
myself who pesters and ridicules Christians for a hobby. You have NO

You're the first to call someone a hypocrite, BUT THAT'S WHAT YOU ARE.

Also, I'm not dealing with you anymore. I have better things to do than
to be annoyed.

So consider your future responses pointless.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 06/11/07 09:30 PM
smaller and smaller
True colors all around!!!!flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 06/11/07 09:37 PM

You are offended that BoredChick07 said something that is true. She was
offended by you using the n-word. You didn't direct it at her, but it
was wrong to use regardless. Your apology was obviously made just to
make sure you weren't banned. If it had been an honest and sincere
apology, you would not have called her petty or small.

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 06/11/07 09:41 PM
Once again the non existant thread comes up.

What does it matter it was in the past.

no photo
Mon 06/11/07 09:43 PM

Fanta brought it up, I was just responding to him. I think it was
classless for him to bring it up. He apologized and then acts like he
did boredchick07 a favor.

ArtGurl's photo
Tue 06/12/07 12:49 AM
Oh dear....please allow me to clarify

Spider was in no way involved in the conversation in which I was called

That was said by another - and while I felt the force of that anger I
really feel he was misdirecting it.

Spider, I am very sorry you were implicated in this way. You have done
me no wrong.


ArtGurl's photo
Tue 06/12/07 01:15 AM
TLW - you have the wrong man and the wrong thread

This feels like the game of Clue ... it was the butcher in the drawing
room with a candlestick laugh


kidatheart70's photo
Tue 06/12/07 01:20 AM

Hi Sherrieflowerforyou

ArtGurl's photo
Tue 06/12/07 01:23 AM
Hi Harry flowerforyou

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 06/12/07 06:32 AM
ups TLW messed it up again, as usual confused and lost.
you see anger blinds people, and then is when we make mistakes.
I will try with all my heart to refrain from making this kind of stupid
Spider once again I'm terribly sorry for being so stupid.
Sherrie my dearest I'm terribly sorry for bringing this up again. It was
with good heart.
BUt a good friend of mine said "Good intentions are the path to hell."
He might be somehow right.



ArtGurl's photo
Tue 06/12/07 09:37 AM
Miguel - your desire to defend me is honorable. I know you and your
heart are in the right place.

I would not agree with your friend that 'good intentions are the path to
hell'. I think good intention guides our heart and lights our path.
But it is our emotional reactive nature that causes us to act without
forthought sometimes. It is those darn buttons getting pushed.

:heart: flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 09:52 AM
it's different ....it goes like ....

"the road to hell is paved with good intentions"

which is very different than "good intentions are thre road to hell"

ok carry on....i didn't read the thread just this part ...sorry

A_Midsummers_Dream's photo
Tue 06/12/07 01:31 PM
My goodness, lastnight was eventful. Thank you for sharing, but did you
guys forget that I wanted to learn about faith and beliefs, not about
testosterone levels? Although that taught me a bit. I don't like that
people felt like they had to attack someone or defend themselves because
of a topic I posted. The first two pages were great. They definitely
gave me somethings to think about. These last two pages, however, made
me rethink posting. Now I understand why some people choose to post in
other topics. I am not trying to be rude, but please, please,
please(boys) play nice.

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