Topic: cats or dogs?
lionsbrew's photo
Thu 10/05/06 05:24 PM
difference between cats and dogs. dogs say wow these people feed me
clean me give me shelter they must be gods
cats say wow thtese people feed me clean me give me shelter i must be a

ShagnaC's photo
Thu 10/05/06 05:30 PM
HAHA so true, Thats why I love Dogs!! Cats are just snobs.

JusKat58's photo
Thu 10/05/06 06:19 PM
I'm definately a dog person.

Sportychic's photo
Thu 10/05/06 07:30 PM
i like both, dogs can be hard to take care of cats you give them food
water clean there litter box and they sleep all day.

ysrider's photo
Thu 10/05/06 07:37 PM
I have two cats - Jezebel (a black female cat) and Smokey (a grey female
cat). Both are very low maintanance.

I had a dog once, but I wanted to kill it for all the times it needed to
be walked in the rain and the cold - and first thing in the morning, and
chewed up my kids toys. So I figured out I was not repsonsible enough
to own a dog, and the dog deserved better than me. that lasted about 3
months. Sad really - he was a cute little guy, but as I said - he
deserved better than me.

Peachiepoohie's photo
Thu 10/05/06 08:16 PM
Here's the deal:

Cats: You go away for the weekend. You fill the food and water and
clean the litter box. You get home from your trip and yell, "Snowball,
mommy's home!" and the cat stays lying right where she is, perhaps
lifts her head and thinks, "yeah? that's great. i'm here too."

Dogs: You walk out the front door to take the trash out. The dog sits
staring at the door the enitre time. You open the door and the dog
jumps up on you wagging his tail and thinks, "Oh my God! Where did you
go?? WHy were you gone so long???"

Basically, I love 'em both. I gotta say though, never have I felt such
powerful, constant, unwaivering love than what I feel from my dogs.
Honestly, my little dog sleeps with me every night and I swear I kick
her in the face about half a dozen times a night...and she keeps getting
up next to me to sleep. You show me another creature that loves you so
much that they would not only subject themselves to that abuse, but
forgive you in a heartbeat for it???

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Thu 10/05/06 08:35 PM
I prefer cats..but I do believe that if cats COULD talk to us, they
still wouldn't lol..altho to be quite honest, I've had 2 cats in my time
that were every bit as loyal as a dog, just a bit more independent.

Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 10/05/06 08:43 PM
I've actually had a cat( Stray) that was soo needed, we almost tried to
leave our home while the cat was asleep so we could get ride of it. LOL

ysrider's photo
Thu 10/05/06 09:59 PM
Yeah, that was the other thing that peachie reminded me about - sleeping
by my feet. I could not roll around in bed without kicking that damn
dog. It really got me annoyed. So having to get up and walk the dog
right away, walk in the cold, walk in the rain and snow, the dog would
escape the fence if I put him out back, and he would not stay clear of
my feet when I slept. He really loved me and was very loyal and he just
ticked me off. So - fair to say - I'm not a dog person.

no photo
Thu 10/05/06 10:11 PM
cats rule... dogs drool!!!!!!!!!!!!111

party_fag's photo
Thu 10/05/06 10:42 PM
Lies I am a deffinate dog lover... i have a terrier pooh at home i just
resently put my golden lab put to sleep.. and debating a yorkie or a
rotwieler for now.. still undecided.

so say what
dogs rule and cats drool

Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 10/05/06 11:03 PM
Well cat poo

no photo
Thu 10/05/06 11:26 PM
hell no!!!!!!!!!!

no photo
Thu 10/05/06 11:36 PM
Dogs for the win! Cats are evil, they suck the breath out of babies and
they plot to eat your eyeballs out the minute you even look dead! Hell,
I'm a leo and I still prefer dogs over cats!

Boo sneaky devious cats!
Hoo-ray awesome dogs! lol -=x

no photo
Thu 10/05/06 11:38 PM
f-ck that!

Peachiepoohie's photo
Thu 10/05/06 11:58 PM
Full Metal:

all I can think of is those EVIL siamese cats from Cindarella...

no photo
Fri 10/06/06 12:01 AM

no photo
Fri 10/06/06 02:36 AM
hey 4fun, do you think u can simplify your comments a little u long
winded lol

i hate cats, they have a serious attitude problem and the last gf i had
got mad at me because i broke her cat's spirit. he should have let it
go and not got into a battle of will with me. lol dogs are cool though,
especially pits,boxers,rottweilers,mastifs,dobermans,german
shepherds,retrievers etc. and the bark of a hound dog

ysrider's photo
Fri 10/06/06 06:33 AM
I don't think I'm a cat person. I think I am not an animal person. I
prefer them to do their thing without involving me. So dogs rule. I
like cat because I have nothing to do with my cats. We have a mutual
respect in my house. They stay away from me and I try not to kick them
walking through the house. I also have way to much respect for a dog
spirit to have another one. The last one loved me so much and it simply
annoyed me. He was a good doggy, but as I said, I'm just not a good

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 10/07/06 09:29 AM
personally i love all animals dogs are loayl true but you have to admire
cats for their aloofness