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Topic: Do men like........
no photo
Fri 06/08/07 10:23 PM
Ok we need more man responses........where are they???? Prolly in the
sex topics again!!!!grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble

SheNerd's photo
Fri 06/08/07 10:25 PM
No doubt, that's where they get their jollies.

no photo
Fri 06/08/07 10:29 PM
Is that Ozzie wine good shenerd??? drinker drinker drinker
drinker drinker

no photo
Fri 06/08/07 10:29 PM
Gypsy -- Sure it's a game -- I think that's the single most annoying
thing about the whole process, is that it takes SO LONG before there's
ever any REAL opportunity to say "Let's cut through the BS and talk
about what we're really looking for" -- because we're all too busy
thinking about this impression and that image and some other expected
"illusion" and how we're supposed to twist it around just enough to
incorporate it into an on-line persona.

So, I'm operating from the standpoint that a lot of women have
(obviously) had bad experiences with unsolicited e-mails in the past.
Certainly enough of them have posted about that sort of thing here (and
on other sites). Therefore, it is in my best interests NOT to
exacerbate the problem -- I mean, if I want some of them to write to me,
I don't help my case any by writing to them and putting them "on their
guard," thinking "Oh here's another guy who wants me to take my top off
on the webcam."

Never mind the fact that if they would bother to actually READ the damn
thing, they would figure out pretty quickly that I'm not one of those
guys....but they don't.

So what's the point in my even making that attempt? I get a fair number
of e-mails here, on a regular basis, from people who have NEVER posted
on the forums, but who read something I wrote here and want to discuss
it further. Which works fine for me. It's my way of circumventing the
whole "it's the guy's job to make the first attempt at contact" thing.

Because I put enough stuff on here that gets noticed, and people respond
to THAT a whole lot better than they respond to unsolicited e-mails.
And that's one of the things I like about the whole forum setup.

SheNerd's photo
Fri 06/08/07 10:31 PM
Ozzie wine is excellent. It's made from fermented grapes so it's
sweeter, like a dessert wine, mmmmmmmmmmmmm...

Lex, I like the forums, too, they give me a chance to show the world
just how nerdy I am. :)

NomadicAngel's photo
Fri 06/08/07 10:33 PM
aaawww she i still have it on my profile --- i thought it was against
the rules to not have a real pic and ive seen so many nice ones of
angels -- i thought i would throw mine on --- though i dont have any
urkle pics --- but... i am sure you make a better one then i do ----

SheNerd's photo
Fri 06/08/07 10:33 PM
And I don't even have to take off my glasses. :)

SheNerd's photo
Fri 06/08/07 10:34 PM
That's too bad, Abngel, I liked the other pic, it was cool. You're
right, I am the best Urkel impersonator around... :)

SheNerd's photo
Fri 06/08/07 10:35 PM
I meant Angel. I really need to learn to type. Must be a sugar high...

NomadicAngel's photo
Fri 06/08/07 10:38 PM
there ya go -- she

no photo
Fri 06/08/07 10:38 PM
Lex, it sounds like you have been burned before and you have every right
to think the way you do. I know its a game, not saying that we are all
game players but life is a game is it not??? The way you have to be
"nice" to your idiot asshole boss to keep your job.......same
difference, different day. I understand that it is very hard to be a
man, and I will never know exactly how it feels to be one. It is nice
to know that if I email someone that they won't think Im being too
forward to do so, though I do like it better if someone else makes the
first move. I guess that this boisterous chick can be shy sometimes
indifferent embarassed embarassed

no photo
Fri 06/08/07 10:39 PM
wow I swore and it didnt sensor me????noway noway noway

HangedMan's photo
Fri 06/08/07 10:39 PM
Gypsy, I'd like to get emails from the ladies first because I stink at
breaking the ice in writing. It's a bit easier in person because you can
see the reactions you are getting. tyring to write and intelligent or at
least interresting email is tough because I feel like i'm flailing
around in the dark. It takes a while for me to loosen up in the first
place and it's doubly so in writing.
Unless of course i'm just being a smartass. So yeah write me and help
break the ice.

SheNerd's photo
Fri 06/08/07 10:42 PM
All right, Angel, now you're looking good. :)

no photo
Fri 06/08/07 10:43 PM
I know......I get some emails from guys and idk.....something just
doesnt strike me enough to email back. This is why I like to chat them
up in the forums, to see if I want to. flowerforyou flowerforyou

NomadicAngel's photo
Fri 06/08/07 10:44 PM
ooohhh great gypsy --- that was a real boost to my ego <winks>

SheNerd's photo
Fri 06/08/07 10:44 PM
I don't think anyone likes making the first move. When I used to date I
hated it and the few times I did, I got burned so I quit doing it. Of
course I quit dating too, which has made my life much simpler. Now it's
just me and my ice cream, and my cookies and my chocolates... :)

SheNerd's photo
Fri 06/08/07 10:45 PM
I tossed the scale out the window... :)

NomadicAngel's photo
Fri 06/08/07 10:45 PM
wow she figured chocolates woulda came first on your list

no photo
Fri 06/08/07 10:46 PM
nomad you emailed me???? Lemme check I havent looked for

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