Topic: i don't understand people.
LashV1200's photo
Tue 12/15/09 01:07 PM

No, the title will be “Snobs who are successful and willing to help.”

so successful that they have to come to a dating site looking for people to help

I think that deserves an "OH SNAP"! ...

I think it deserves nothing. Expressing negative emotions without meaning is a self-humiliating monolog. We witness it only.

no photo
Tue 12/15/09 04:26 PM

I have a question for you atheist people.

If you don't believe in God that is fine, but then if you see there is no possibility of there being a god then why in the world did you come to the religion forum in the first place?

Just out of curiousity, do you refer to anyone different than you as "you {blank} people"?

TBRich's photo
Tue 12/15/09 04:31 PM
Did you know that there are studies that show that IQ levels are positively correlated with atheism; when one goes up the other goes up also, when one goes down so does the other.

no photo
Tue 12/15/09 04:32 PM

I have a question for you atheist people.

If you don't believe in God that is fine, but then if you see there is no possibility of there being a god then why in the world did you come to the religion forum in the first place?

i meen what struct your attention on coming to this particular forum? You don't believe in any God, that is fine but why try to make other be the same?

Personally, I like to keep tabs on the relative stupidity of humanity.
It gives me that smug feeling of superiority. Like when I go driving. Except here, noone tries to kill me....

no photo
Tue 12/15/09 04:38 PM

I believe in many things...I don't understand most people either.:heart:

me neither...

no photo
Tue 12/15/09 04:44 PM

because christian single forum is for singles looking for christian spouses. This forums if for religiouse talks in general.

Cowboy...the christian single forum is name that to "remind" Christians that they should be single coming into a dating site and does not mean that other topics of religious discussions can not take place.....

no it does not, but how do you figure that's to remind christians they should be single coming into a dating site?..... christians should know if they have someone not to come looking for someone cause that would be adultery. many times have you made excuses as to how you are weak and can't use your "Free Will" to stop sinning in front of the eyes of God ....which means that a married Christian can come into the christian singles forum find someone to do the naughty with and afterwards ask God for forgiveness

it's still a sin nevertheless for a married christian to come in here looking for someone to have a sexual relation with, and asking for forgiveness would be in vein cause he/she wouldn't really mean it. Cause with asking for forgiveness you are saying you won't do it again. Someone can't sin with the thought of asking for forgiveness ahead of time and think think they can go round doin whatever they want cause they'll just come home and ask for forgiveness. Asking for forgiveness also is in need of repentance.

you havent learned yet, you can't carry on a conversation here without getting trolled by psuedo-intellectuals who are so impressed with the sound of their own voice that they would argue with a doorknob

damn doorknobs...mocking me with shinyness, blocking my way...

Another reason I want to live in the Star Trek universe, no doorknobs...

no photo
Tue 12/15/09 04:50 PM

I thought of something that gives us more being then just atoms, cells, and all that good stuff. Our emotion. If we were made from big bang and all that crap where did emotion come from? Emotion has nothing to do with the physical body. A caring and loving person isn't that way cause they have more emotional atoms lol.

wow. Just wow.

Emotions are just biochemical actions and responses in the brain.
How can you not know that?

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 12/15/09 04:57 PM

I thought of something that gives us more being then just atoms, cells, and all that good stuff. Our emotion. If we were made from big bang and all that crap where did emotion come from? Emotion has nothing to do with the physical body. A caring and loving person isn't that way cause they have more emotional atoms lol.

if emotions have nothing to do with the physical body...can you explain how you know you have them ...

Our emotions are from the inside of us. It has to do alot with our relation with God. We only know love and how to love once we find God. That is why you won't see a preacher or any other religiouse leaded coming in here downing peoples thread if it's not what they believe. They are humble enough to just go on with there buiseness and not try to make a fire out of something. That is why a preacher or any other religiouse leaders can have kids and the kids can grow up to be complete idiots. It has nothing to do with our genes or anything in that way, people don't know what true love is until they find God.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 12/15/09 04:58 PM

I thought of something that gives us more being then just atoms, cells, and all that good stuff. Our emotion. If we were made from big bang and all that crap where did emotion come from? Emotion has nothing to do with the physical body. A caring and loving person isn't that way cause they have more emotional atoms lol.

wow. Just wow.

Emotions are just biochemical actions and responses in the brain.
How can you not know that?

lol no they are not. Cause you're perents are emotional does not mean by any chance there kids will be.

Foliel's photo
Tue 12/15/09 05:02 PM
Edited by Foliel on Tue 12/15/09 05:05 PM

I thought of something that gives us more being then just atoms, cells, and all that good stuff. Our emotion. If we were made from big bang and all that crap where did emotion come from? Emotion has nothing to do with the physical body. A caring and loving person isn't that way cause they have more emotional atoms lol.

if emotions have nothing to do with the physical body...can you explain how you know you have them ...

Our emotions are from the inside of us. It has to do alot with our relation with God. We only know love and how to love once we find God. That is why you won't see a preacher or any other religiouse leaded coming in here downing peoples thread if it's not what they believe. They are humble enough to just go on with there buiseness and not try to make a fire out of something. That is why a preacher or any other religiouse leaders can have kids and the kids can grow up to be complete idiots. It has nothing to do with our genes or anything in that way, people don't know what true love is until they find God.

I had put something here but changed my mind because I don't really care what other people think lol

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 12/15/09 05:06 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Tue 12/15/09 05:14 PM

I thought of something that gives us more being then just atoms, cells, and all that good stuff. Our emotion. If we were made from big bang and all that crap where did emotion come from? Emotion has nothing to do with the physical body. A caring and loving person isn't that way cause they have more emotional atoms lol.

if emotions have nothing to do with the physical body...can you explain how you know you have them ...

Our emotions are from the inside of us. It has to do alot with our relation with God. We only know love and how to love once we find God. That is why you won't see a preacher or any other religiouse leaded coming in here downing peoples thread if it's not what they believe. They are humble enough to just go on with there buiseness and not try to make a fire out of something. That is why a preacher or any other religiouse leaders can have kids and the kids can grow up to be complete idiots. It has nothing to do with our genes or anything in that way, people don't know what true love is until they find God.

um thanks but I know how to love and can love without having God in my life. I have done fine through my life, kinda like morals, I have alot

don't meen this insultively or anything, but you do not not know love till you know God. If your woman smacked you upside the head what would you do? I would assume you'd hit her back, that is not Love bro. Could you forgive someone for anything they did? Could you still love someone if they did you wrong? If no to any of these then i'm sorry to tell you but you don't truely know what love is.

no photo
Tue 12/15/09 05:17 PM

I thought of something that gives us more being then just atoms, cells, and all that good stuff. Our emotion. If we were made from big bang and all that crap where did emotion come from? Emotion has nothing to do with the physical body. A caring and loving person isn't that way cause they have more emotional atoms lol.

if emotions have nothing to do with the physical body...can you explain how you know you have them ...

i know them for the exact reason you know how to be a jerk, a loud mouth, a direspectful punk, and many other things that can't be said in this forum. Our emotions are from the inside of us. It has to do alot with our relation with God. We only know love and how to love once we find God. That is why you won't see a preacher or any other religiouse leaded coming in here downing peoples thread if it's not what they believe. They are humble enough to just go on with there buiseness and not try to make a fire out of something. That is why a preacher or any other religiouse leaders can have kids and the kids can grow up to be complete idiots. It has nothing to do with our genes or anything in that way, people don't know what true love is until they find God.

um thanks but I know how to love and can love without having God in my life. I have done fine through my life, kinda like morals, I have alot

don't meen this insultively or anything, but you do not not know love till you know God. If your woman smacked you upside the head what would you do? I would assume you'd hit her back, that is not Love bro. Could you forgive someone for anything they did? Could you still love someone if they did you wrong? If no to any of these then i'm sorry to tell you but you don't truely know what love is.

well he's got you there.....rofl

no photo
Tue 12/15/09 05:19 PM

Our emotions are from the inside of us. said that emotions had nothing to do with the physical....can you explain why inside of you isn't the physical ..

no photo
Tue 12/15/09 05:22 PM

Our emotions are from the inside of us. said that emotions had nothing to do with the physical....can you explain why inside of you isn't the physical ..

Funches, btw, not everyone finds you annoying. drinker

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 12/15/09 05:24 PM

Our emotions are from the inside of us. said that emotions had nothing to do with the physical....can you explain why inside of you isn't the physical ..

lol again funches, i understand why you don't understand the bible. Inside of us is not exactly pertaining to inside our bodies, it's an expression for our emotional feeling, usually refered to as your heart. If someone says you have a golden heart does not meen they are saying you're heart is literally made of gold.

no photo
Tue 12/15/09 05:33 PM

Our emotions are from the inside of us. said that emotions had nothing to do with the physical....can you explain why inside of you isn't the physical ..

lol again funches, i understand why you don't understand the bible. Inside of us is not exactly pertaining to inside our bodies, it's an expression for our emotional feeling, usually refered to as your heart. If someone says you have a golden heart does not meen they are saying you're heart is literally made of gold. said emotions has nothing to do with the physical body but yet you keep using physical body can you explain how you know you have emotions without reference to the physical body

no photo
Tue 12/15/09 05:34 PM

Our emotions are from the inside of us. said that emotions had nothing to do with the physical....can you explain why inside of you isn't the physical ..

Funches, btw, not everyone finds you annoying. drinker

everyone loves me
this I know
for the bible
tells me so

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 12/15/09 05:38 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Tue 12/15/09 05:40 PM

Our emotions are from the inside of us. said that emotions had nothing to do with the physical....can you explain why inside of you isn't the physical ..

lol again funches, i understand why you don't understand the bible. Inside of us is not exactly pertaining to inside our bodies, it's an expression for our emotional feeling, usually refered to as your heart. If someone says you have a golden heart does not meen they are saying you're heart is literally made of gold. said emotions has nothing to do with the physical body but yet you keep using physical body can you explain how you know you have emotions without reference to the physical body

emotions have to do with our soul and spirit. I was using physical metaphors cause you don't believe in our souls or spirits. You are an earthly minded person who sees only what the eye can see.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 12/15/09 05:39 PM

Our emotions are from the inside of us. said that emotions had nothing to do with the physical....can you explain why inside of you isn't the physical ..

Funches, btw, not everyone finds you annoying. drinker

everyone loves me
this I know
for the bible
tells me so

I don't know about everyone, but i love you funches. No matter how narrow minded or childish you act i love you funches and wish you the best. If i didn't love you i wouldn't keep giving you a hard time and keep coming back with more biblical facts to tell you trying to open your eyes before it's to late.

no photo
Tue 12/15/09 05:42 PM

Our emotions are from the inside of us. said that emotions had nothing to do with the physical....can you explain why inside of you isn't the physical ..

lol again funches, i understand why you don't understand the bible. Inside of us is not exactly pertaining to inside our bodies, it's an expression for our emotional feeling, usually refered to as your heart. If someone says you have a golden heart does not meen they are saying you're heart is literally made of gold. said emotions has nothing to do with the physical body but yet you keep using physical body can you explain how you know you have emotions without reference to the physical body

emotions have to do with our soul and spirit. I was using physical metaphors cause you don't believe in our souls or spirits. You are an early minded person who sees only what the eye can see.

where is the soul and spirt located?