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Topic: mental illness
redhead44613's photo
Fri 12/04/09 09:06 AM
Whats your take on mental health?

My doctor seems to think I may have bi-polar, so I get to go see a head doctor about it whoa Will prob put me on meds that make me out of it. Not sure if I want to or not. slaphead

msharmony's photo
Fri 12/04/09 09:14 AM

Whats your take on mental health?

My doctor seems to think I may have bi-polar, so I get to go see a head doctor about it whoa Will prob put me on meds that make me out of it. Not sure if I want to or not. slaphead

I say, specifically, your health is between you and your doctor and its probably best to trust him. IN general, I am very skeptical of the whole of the mental health industry as it seems like they make huge profit medicating people for 'problems' that people have worked through for centuries with no medication. In many cases of mental illness, I suspect ulterior motives to the labels and names assigned.

I think the best thing is to have a well studied doctor who takes his oath seriously and whom you can trust to be looking out for your health as much or more than his pockets.

redhead44613's photo
Fri 12/04/09 09:16 AM
She gave me names of Doctors she trust. So we will see. Gonna do more research on them an see what others say.

StevenJames53's photo
Fri 12/04/09 09:17 AM
In my opinion, pi-polar is often over diagnosed. Everyone has good days and bad days. If for no reason you have boundless energy one day but the next day are in a pit of despair then you might be bi-polar. If you are just kind of a moody person and your friends,parents,etc thought you might be bi-polar, then you should be more cautious.

no photo
Fri 12/04/09 09:23 AM

redhead44613's photo
Fri 12/04/09 09:30 AM

In my opinion, pi-polar is often over diagnosed. Everyone has good days and bad days. If for no reason you have boundless energy one day but the next day are in a pit of despair then you might be bi-polar. If you are just kind of a moody person and your friends,parents,etc thought you might be bi-polar, then you should be more cautious.
ah but I do. One day I feel like I can take on the world, full of energy..the next day I'm down or really angry for no reason. >.<

Quietman_2009's photo
Fri 12/04/09 09:32 AM
it's okay by me

but when we get to the ax murdering stage I'll have to pass

redhead44613's photo
Fri 12/04/09 09:35 AM

it's okay by me

but when we get to the ax murdering stage I'll have to pass
devil but its fun!

Dragoness's photo
Fri 12/04/09 10:14 AM
Bi polar is more than just having bad days and good days.

Meds for this are a struggle and you will have to try more than one to get it right but if you are truly bi polar they will make your life a bit easier.

Being up so high that you cannot even see things in reality and being down so far you cannot see any hope at all, is no way to live.

I hope you get it right and find a comfort zone with the meds or whatever treatment you get.

redhead44613's photo
Fri 12/04/09 10:17 AM

Bi polar is more than just having bad days and good days.

Meds for this are a struggle and you will have to try more than one to get it right but if you are truly bi polar they will make your life a bit easier.

Being up so high that you cannot even see things in reality and being down so far you cannot see any hope at all, is no way to live.

I hope you get it right and find a comfort zone with the meds or whatever treatment you get.
Thank you. I know what you are talking about. I have those days. More low days then high days. >.< it sucks. Being so low you feel like there is no hope, no one understands it.

Quietman_2009's photo
Fri 12/04/09 10:18 AM

it's okay by me

but when we get to the ax murdering stage I'll have to pass
devil but its fun!

THAT depends on which end of the ax you're on

Dragoness's photo
Fri 12/04/09 10:20 AM

Bi polar is more than just having bad days and good days.

Meds for this are a struggle and you will have to try more than one to get it right but if you are truly bi polar they will make your life a bit easier.

Being up so high that you cannot even see things in reality and being down so far you cannot see any hope at all, is no way to live.

I hope you get it right and find a comfort zone with the meds or whatever treatment you get.
Thank you. I know what you are talking about. I have those days. More low days then high days. >.< it sucks. Being so low you feel like there is no hope, no one understands it.


Cutiepieforyou's photo
Fri 12/04/09 10:23 AM

She gave me names of Doctors she trust. So we will see. Gonna do more research on them an see what others say.

That is what I would do if I were you. Try to find out the reputation of the Dr. if you can. You don't want someone who is just going to just hand out the meds on the first visit. JMO

Quietman_2009's photo
Fri 12/04/09 10:25 AM
yeah it seems to me like you would want a neuro doctor who will do testing and bloodwork and stuff to determine exactly what is the chemical imbalances and to what extent it affects you and prescribe meds accordingly

rather than just some MD who just slaps off a scrip for some mind bending drugs

redhead44613's photo
Fri 12/04/09 10:28 AM

it's okay by me

but when we get to the ax murdering stage I'll have to pass
devil but its fun!

THAT depends on which end of the ax you're on
hahah true.

redhead44613's photo
Fri 12/04/09 10:30 AM
My Doctor is doing a bunch of blood work. Have to go back for it through, have to be fasting. >.< Yay blood work.

Yeah gonna do my homework to find the best mental doc for me. I don't want meds unless I need them.

mbcasey's photo
Fri 12/04/09 11:41 AM

Bi polar is more than just having bad days and good days.

Meds for this are a struggle and you will have to try more than one to get it right but if you are truly bi polar they will make your life a bit easier.

Being up so high that you cannot even see things in reality and being down so far you cannot see any hope at all, is no way to live.

I hope you get it right and find a comfort zone with the meds or whatever treatment you get.
Thank you. I know what you are talking about. I have those days. More low days then high days. >.< it sucks. Being so low you feel like there is no hope, no one understands it.

I have the same is called bipolar II. You are depressed way more than manic.

Good luck in finding the right doctor and meds...hope it all works out. Keep us posted....

TBRich's photo
Fri 12/04/09 11:44 AM

My Doctor is doing a bunch of work. Have to go back for it through, have to be fasting. >.< Yay work.

Yeah gonna do my homework to find the best mental doc for me. I don't want meds unless I need them.

As a mental health professional, I am obiliged to tell you that the best treatment is a combination of medication and therapy. Now that that is out of the way, the main thing you should and need to do is to educate yourself. I would recommend the following resources: 1. Peter Breggin; 2. SAMHSA; 3. Mary Ellen Copeland, esp the WRAP ; 4. The Empowerment Center- these are is no particular order and you can google them all.

ronica's photo
Fri 12/04/09 11:55 AM
Mental illness is very serious and yes, a lot of people don't take it that way. They like to put a big fat "crazy" label on you and think it's a joke. Some of the stigma has gone away but for the most part the world is still very ignorant. I was married to a man who was bi-polar for seven years and he never told me he had an illness. His mother finally let me know about three years into the marriage. It is very important that you not only see someone who will prescribe you medicine but also a psychiatrist that will also help you go through your life and evaluate things in your past. You also must tell your doctor how you feel when you take the meds. If they make you feel better or worse and most importantly DON'T STOP TAKING THEM WHEN YOU START TO FEEL BETTER! That was my ex husbands problem, he would start to feel better and think he really was better and he didn't need the medication any more. Then he would go right back into an episode. He was more manic than depressive. He would get depressed for a month, then switch and not sleep or eat for days. Take this very seriously, listen to your doctors advice and speak up about anything that you are feeling. I hope your conquer this and learn to live with it, not let it run you.flowerforyou

redhead44613's photo
Fri 12/04/09 02:19 PM
Thank you everyone. Will keep you up to date. flowerforyou

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