Topic: 666 - technology??? | |
---|---| case no one mentioned this yet, the actual number is supposed to be 616. 666 was a mistranslation. As found in recent discoveries of really old dead sea scrolls. Everything you've ever heard about the number 666 was all based on what is actually a typo. hmmm...makes one wonder what else is a typo.... Jeeezzzz Arcamedees!!! Why did you have to spoil this!!! The Kool-Aid was just starting to produce a buzzzzzzz! Typos, mistranslations, opportunistic misinterpretations, contradictions miraculously erased by the HS!!! Powerful anesthesia. umm...sorry? |
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Tue 03/02/10 03:33 AM
some say the mark refering to the right hand and the forehead refers to the Sabbath.. Because Yahweh promiced that those who kept the sabbath was a sign or mark between him and his people of who they are.
So the mark can be Sunday worship as like when the Priest at the Alter in Ezekial were between the porch and the alter with thier backs to the alter looking towards the east.. Just as we do on easter sundays sunrise service.. Celebrating fertility the rabbits laying eggs so our children can look for them and find them. All antient customs not of Yahweh.. When you do these sorts of things by Yahweh's own words you are turning your back on him and Yahshua giving his life as a ransom for us.. Hebrews 11 speaks of this that when you do thier is no more sacrafice for sin. So u become guilty of the 3rd commandment which says he will not hold you guiltless which is sinless. What is the unpardonable sin? Has he ever said he would not forgive anyone who cried out for his mercy and turned from thier sin? But we do our own customs they are more important than Yahweh's word. You are then guilty.. You are a Pharasee who added and took away from the law. Who Yahshua had very few favorable dealings with them because they said the people will do as we say.. They know best and they held tradition up over the word of Yahweh. Like a Sabbath days journey was how far you could walk on the sabbath.. Not in the scriptures anywhere but they decided it should be and then the people must do as they say. Is that how you follow Yahshua by the traditions of Man and not of Yahweh. Does your teacher of the word lay aside the commandments and words of Yahweh for his own? For traditition is more important? We should all think about these things. I doubt many realize that after the Passover that the next evening when the sun goes down the same as they had to get Yahshua down and put him in the Tomb because a High day was almost upon them. As this was not a saturday sabbath as you have been taught this was a High Sabbath a Holy Day to Yahweh, This, if you will listen does make perfect since too.Yahshua was asked for a sign that he was the chosen Messiah. He said the only sign that would be given would be the sign of Jonah. That he would be dead for 3 days and 3 nights.. This was also how long a person in Jewish law had to be dead to be declared legally dead. Like we have those who's job is that today. Many ministers will try to tell you the days were shorter back then.. Ask him to prove that has ever been. They will also tell you that from friday evening to sunday morning has 3 parts of nights and days in them to justify the sign. These are all lies and if you believe them you are willingly believing and worshipping The Sun g-d. The imposter who says comes as an angel of light. Think about the Mayan temples, Stonehedge, The Great Pyramid where people go just as they did thousands of years ago and on the spring and fall equinox is the only time light shines directly through and opening. showing a snake up the stairs at the Mayan Temple. Splitting between the rocks at Stonehedge and Lighting the upper room the Kings room at the Great pyramid. If time and our days have changed then why does this still happen at these wonders of the world? You can see and realize that the rotation of the earth has not ever changed you can even look at the Mayann calander and many others who went back 1000's of years in thier calculations and we know they are right on the money. No scientist would even entertain the thought that the earths rotation and orbit has not always been the same throughout time. If you know of any proof of this please post a link so we can all see it and learn. Getting back to Yahshua he was asked about the day and he answered is thier not 12 hours in a day.. This he was asked around Passover where the days and nights are getting close to being equall. So obviously thier is 12 hours in a night or a 24 hr clock we have always been on. Yahshua went to be our High priest. This was done before the Alter or in the Holie of Holies where the Mercy seat is. At the end of the 3rd day starting at the sunset when the Passover ended the High Priest was to appear before the Holy of Holies for the people to offer sacrafice or as soon as the Passover was over. Yahshua was killed on a Wednsday. Put in the Tomb at sunset which started the 72 hr count or 3 days and 3 nights. He rose at the end of the regular Sabbath just as the sign he gave said he would. Now he was going to his father as our High Priest who had Conquered death. Yahshua said that in 3 days he would tear down this temple. Tey laughed but he was speaking of the end of sacrafice. His was the last real one even though the temple stood for about 35 more years. If we would practice and understand this the Daniel 9 27 is not speakinng about Satan ending the sacrafice but Yahshua. Then the prophecies become more clear because so much wieght is put into the 70 weeks. yet that another study you should do. The High priest had to be untouched from the world when he went before the Holy of Holies to wave the Wave offering which is the beginning of the wheat which is up and growing and this is how Pentecost is counted from when he enters the Holy of Holies thats why Pentecost is always on a sunday. Pente means 50.. 50 days later a offering is made again of the wheat harvest.. This represents the chosen people.. The wheat who grows with the tears.. Be in he world but not of the world. But thats a beautiful prophecy that is not taught or understood how exact everything is as he promiced then he would send the comfortor to us and he did. 50 is spoken about alot in the scriptures after 50 years the Jubilee cycle the inheritors got back what thier forfathers may have lost to start all over again. Can you see this Prophecy of Yahshua coming back speaking of us His chosen people? Yet Yahshua when he had arose and not yet assended for the offering he was going to make for us on our behalf to be granted the right to send this comfortor he promiced he had to be clean The High priest who is forever more. I mean he could not touch anything just like the High priest in the Temple did. This is why we see him telling Mary not to touch him. Why not what was the big deal. When he went to heaven and came back he had no problem with being touched. Like Doubting Thomas. It was because he had become our High Priest overcame the world and was going to stand before his father Yahweh and wave the wave sheaf offering. The offering of Praise from his people and being spotless Yahshua was granted all things on Earth and in Heaven as being his. One of the many things he did was send the same spirit of Love and joy to us 50 days later that he had. Our High priest who kept his promice and suffered greatly even to death did it for us.. To free us from Customs. That only the Religious Elite, know whats going on.. That they get up thier and literally lie and make up stories and by doing so you never see the continuity and the Beauty of the scriptures and how Much of a friend Yahshua really is. He Loved us and Yahshua was our friend. He even said no greater friend can you have than one who would give his life for you. Those who believe do you have a Greater friend than Yahshua. Please do not look at what I have written and not study it out and find out and know for yourselves. Nobody really knows something for sure untill they have proven it to themselves. If you love studying and reading the word then look into what Yahshua has said himself, not what i am saying.. Do not believe me.. Believe Yahshua. Blessings of Hope and Tranquiliy To the Lost and All those Who Love his Word and May Yahweh of Host Comfort those who Need him now and the Days to come....Shalom....Miles |
Does the technology exist for the Mark of the Beast? The semi truck who just parked beside me, has the Name of his truck as,,,,,,,,,,,,,YEP,,,,,,,,,,,,#666 OL'RIGHTY THEN!!!!!!!! PEOPLE!! HE'S making "HIS" POINT! I GUESS I SHOULD NAME MINE,,,,HEAVEN ON WHEELS!!!! |
I am glad everyone agrees with me