Topic: Does the Bible foretell the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
no photo
Thu 06/07/07 02:06 PM
I would say, it depends from which angle you read the bible, I would
interpret totally different than others, for the simple reason that my
beliefs are different.
Others would tell you that there is only one interpretation, and that
only a Christian can do it properly.
If you start talking about the bible it's like a can of worms.

Oceans5555's photo
Thu 06/07/07 02:08 PM
I listen from time to time to the televangelists in the US, and they
assert 1) that the Bible is the 'word of God', and 2) that they are
qualified to interpret the Bible. They don't admit that there can be
different interpretations.



no photo
Thu 06/07/07 02:12 PM
Of course, they can't.ohwell

But I would say, I read different things in the bible than an
evangelist, just because I look for different things.
My beliefs as such have nothing to do with any religion, which in their
eyes disqualifies me from the beginning.frown

Alada's photo
Thu 06/07/07 03:00 PM
Oceans, Andrea expressed my thoughts exactly... I am still on meds, and
I am not thinking clearly...

But it applies differently to everybody, depending on the circumstances
a person is under when looking for light or comfort in the Bible. If
that's what the person is looking for... If it's looking for punishment
or condemnation, it will also be there, under a totally different

Can't give you any examples though, I might have to pick a passage, any
passage from the Bible and discus it here. I bet that everybody will
come out with a different interpretation of the same passage.

no photo
Thu 06/07/07 07:56 PM
The Bible does predict the an end to the conflict. We know that the
Temple will be rebuilt. We know that a peace treaty will be put in
place and after 3.5 years, the event known as the "Abomination of
Desolation" will occur. This will lead to 3.5 years of horror for
everyone on the planet. The "Beast out of the Earth" (anti-Christ) will
be the one to establish the peace treaty. We are told that he will
destroy with peace. So I can see the Beast establishing peace in the
Middle East, allowing the Jews to rebuild the temple and then breaking
it at the mid point of the tribulation. Personally, (and I am not
trivializing human suffering) the Palestinian conflict isn't that large
or terrible. The Bible records mothers eatting their own children in
hiding, so that they won't have to share the meat (her child) with
anyone else in the family. That reeks of despiration and horror that I
can't even grasp. Look at what is happening in Darfur or what happened
in Cambodia, Russia, China, Rowanda, Europe, etc. Those were far more
horrific periods of time and those aren't talked about in the Bible.
The Bible covers the events that will lead to the end and I must assume
that Palestine won't significantly add to the end times.

Oceans5555's photo
Thu 06/07/07 08:24 PM
Thanks, Spider.

What is the "Abomination of Desolation"?

no photo
Thu 06/07/07 08:29 PM

The Anti-Christ will enter the Temple and declare himself god and
because he will be so great in the eyes of men, they will accept him as
god and worship him. Jews (and by implication Christians) are warned to
run for the mountains when this happens. Jesus taught that if you were
outside of your house, you shouldn't even waste time running inside to
get a coat.

Oceans5555's photo
Thu 06/07/07 08:47 PM
Seems to me from what you say that Satan is a bit of a thug. Wouldn't it
be better simply to laugh at him and then ignore him?


no photo
Thu 06/07/07 08:52 PM

I can't answer your question, because many here will not like the
answer. God bless you with the wisdom that comes with the Holy Spirit.

Oceans5555's photo
Thu 06/07/07 08:59 PM
Spider -- I'm not sure why the answer might rile people, but, so what?
We are all just trying to understand things better. Who is going to
argue that Satan is not a thug? As you describe it, it certainly seems
like he is up to no good.

Anyway, it is getting late here. See you tomorrow.


no photo
Thu 06/07/07 09:04 PM

I believe Christianity to be the only way to God. Because of this, I am
considered to be intolerant and any time I answer a question about
Christianity, I am told that I am "shoving my religion down people's
throats". I guess that anyone who wants my opinion badly enough will
send me an email.

Oceans5555's photo
Thu 06/07/07 09:17 PM
Spider, I have not ever said you are trying to force Christianity down
anyone's throat. I HAVE said that it is my sense that Christian
fundamentalists/evangelicals try to force-fit the current
Israeli-Palestinian conflict into their Biblical models.

I created this thread in the very hope that we could explore this theme,
and I do hope you won't be intimidated by the fear of what others might
say. You are being courteous and focusing on the question, here, and I
appreciate this very much.

I know these are not easy things to discuss, but you have in me and I
imagine several others a genuine hope to reach an understanding of this

So, please proceed. If someone ambushes you, you will find me by your


AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 06/07/07 09:29 PM
I for one hope nay I pray that those things that are foretold in both
the old and new testements reguarding conflict in that area are a long
way off.

Most of what I have found results in massive desolation in those areas.
In one discription all the areas around Jersalem are laid waste 'as was
Sodom and Gommora of old' this would not be a good thing for anyone.

Perhaps rather than waiting for prophesy of death to be fulfilled we
should be striving for peace.

I have faith that if we should turn to peace with all our hearts peace
will come.

no photo
Thu 06/07/07 09:31 PM

I know that you haven't, but it has been said many times. I just want
to avoid fights on here, I don't want to cause Van and Mike any more
headaches than they already have.

You said "Seems to me from what you say that Satan is a bit of a thug.
Wouldn't it be better simply to laugh at him and then ignore him?"

There are two kingdoms in this world. The Kingdom of God and the
Kingdom of this world, which is ruled by Satan. Christians are engaged
in a real war with Satan and his minions. Christians fight this war
with weapons of Spirit, while Satan and his minions fight with weapons
of this world.

Christians can cause Satan to flee their presence, but Satan's minions
can't be caused to flee. Satan has fought this war for much longer than
any of us have been alive, he has more tricks and plans than we could
ever imagine. So we find nothing to laugh at about Satan. He holds
captive everyone of this world, this isn't something that we would find
any joy in. We were once chained by Satan too, we know the horrors of
this slavery.

Oceans5555's photo
Thu 06/07/07 09:35 PM
AB said: "Perhaps rather than waiting for prophesy of death to be
fulfilled we should be striving for peace.

"I have faith that if we should turn to peace with all our hearts peace
will come."

Hear, hear! Well said.


Oceans5555's photo
Fri 06/08/07 02:44 PM
Sheesh! Quieter than a dormouse. Does the Bible have nothing direct to
say about the current conflict or its solutions? Or what is likely to

no photo
Fri 06/08/07 03:01 PM

No it doesn't. The outcome: It will be resolved and Israel will still
be a sovereign nation. Israel will be allowed to rebuild the Temple, so
it will either end with Israel controling Jerusalem or with a peace
treaty between the Israelis and Palestinians.

Like I said before, this conflict isn't nearly as significant as other
recent events, which are also not mentioned in the Bible.

Oceans5555's photo
Fri 06/08/07 08:11 PM
Thanks, Spider,

Would it make sense to talk here about these other events then?

You've got me curious, bro!



no photo
Fri 06/08/07 08:20 PM
Ezekiel 38-39 would be a good starting place. This prediction is of an
army of arab nations, lead by Russia and Iran attacking Israel.

Oceans5555's photo
Fri 06/08/07 08:37 PM
What does it say?

I've tried reading the Bible and it seems pretty confusing to me -- but
I am no expert, or even amateur on it.

Like Alada was saying, it seems like you could go through the Bible and
sort of pick out bits here and there and give it any interpretation you
wanted. But what do I know? are citing this notion that Arab armies, Russia and Iran
will attack Israel -- this is exactly the kind of stuff I am asking
about -- it seems right on target re. the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

How does the prophecy then go regarding what happens after they attack?

