Topic: Writing A Book? | |
Now me, when I read that, it looks a little....simplistic. For lack of a better word. I'm not really complaining because that's the way I have written the whole book at this point. It just seems odd to me. Maybe it comes from having read so many books that spend a lot of time describing things. < shrug > |
Huh. Now me, when I read that, it looks a little....simplistic. For lack of a better word. I'm not really complaining because that's the way I have written the whole book at this point. It just seems odd to me. Maybe it comes from having read so many books that spend a lot of time describing things. < shrug > Well...I'm on the "outside" looking in ![]() I guess you think it's simplistic because it's YOUR work. You've probably read it a thousand times over. But, I've read it for the first time, and it's awesome to me! I feel the same about my work too...simplistic. But when read out loud or shown to an unbiased individual, they give me positive responses, and it's not because they know me, but because they are avid readers. I think your writing is excellent....and that's what I see. So give yourself some credit! ![]() |
That may very well be the problem.
It could also be the " Virgo " in me rearing it's ugly head and making think that, even if it's really good, it could be even better. It just isn't quite right. When I first started writing it, it was VERY difficult for me to take any credit for it actually being good. Now, though, with the positive responses I have gotten from friends AND from people who don't know me, it's getting easier. ![]() |
That may very well be the problem. It could also be the " Virgo " in me rearing it's ugly head and making think that, even if it's really good, it could be even better. It just isn't quite right. When I first started writing it, it was VERY difficult for me to take any credit for it actually being good. Now, though, with the positive responses I have gotten from friends AND from people who don't know me, it's getting easier. ![]() Well....LEX is already an established author, and even he said that your work is great (which is quite a compliment)....Take it from there ![]() We, as potential authors, have our own style of writing...I like yours and its "Mythical" core ![]() My writing,on the other hand,is more or less fashioned after Jackie Collins and Danielle Steel combined. There are markets for all types ![]() |
The main problem I think I am going to run into is that my story, at it's heart, is a Fantasy. It has some of the normal " creatures " and general ideas of a regular Fantasy story. But I am doing them in a different way. Some of the " roles " that creatures would normally have, aren't necessarily going to be that way. I am also introducing a couple of creatures and people of my own. While that may be a good thing, it may also work to my disadvantage. Fantasy readers are pretty " hard core " and don't really like things that turn the " traditional " roles upside down. I think, if I wind up getting published in the traditional way, Fantasy readers are either going to love it, or absolutely hate it. I don't think there is going to be much of an in between. But. I am having so much fun writing it that it really doesn't matter all that much to me. Even if I never sell a single copy, just getting ONE copy in print form is all it would really take to make me happy. |
Definitely. The main problem I think I am going to run into is that my story, at it's heart, is a Fantasy. It has some of the normal " creatures " and general ideas of a regular Fantasy story. But I am doing them in a different way. Some of the " roles " that creatures would normally have, aren't necessarily going to be that way. I am also introducing a couple of creatures and people of my own. While that may be a good thing, it may also work to my disadvantage. Fantasy readers are pretty " hard core " and don't really like things that turn the " traditional " roles upside down. I think, if I wind up getting published in the traditional way, Fantasy readers are either going to love it, or absolutely hate it. I don't think there is going to be much of an in between. But. I am having so much fun writing it that it really doesn't matter all that much to me. Even if I never sell a single copy, just getting ONE copy in print form is all it would really take to make me happy. "Fantasy" readers are pretty tough to please. They have probably read it ALL before. But that's where YOUR innovative mindset comes in...which is productive for you. DOING IT A DIFFERENT WAY ![]() You will be creating diffent creatures and personalities...which I think, will definitely work for you to your advantage! Before considering doing it the "traditional" way...Self-publish through "createaspace" as Lex just might be surprised at the favorable outcome, sales and interest ![]() I've checked out that site, and it's definitely worthwhile...but I'm stuck on "e-publishing" which is less money and less time-consuming. My website is under construction already. Whichever way you choose to go...I believe that you will be a great SUCCESS ![]() |
The plan, at this point, is to make use of CreateSpace at first, and continue to shop the book to traditional publishers.
The other part of the plan is to have, in my hands, a print copy of my book by the end of the year. We'll see whether or not Fantasy readers embrace the different ideas. Hopefully, they will. Thanks for the encouragement. ![]() |
The plan, at this point, is to make use of CreateSpace at first, and continue to shop the book to traditional publishers. The other part of the plan is to have, in my hands, a print copy of my book by the end of the year. We'll see whether or not Fantasy readers embrace the different ideas. Hopefully, they will. Thanks for the encouragement. ![]() Give yourself a "Pat-on-the-Back" for coming this FAR with your writing ![]() Trust in your abilities as an author, and you will be just fine ![]() You are on your way ![]() |
***IN ADDITION***** I can't speak for anyone else, but I have read books that I actually had to go back and re-read a paragraph or two because I didn't understand where the author was going with the visual, wording or actions. I don't want that to happen to me! ![]() I've run into that a lot, too. For me, it's almost always when the author gets too hung up on describing an environmental irrelevancy -- the grass in the valley, the tablecloth at the restaurant, the shoes that some peripheral character is wearing. Unless there's a specific plot-based reasoning to include that stuff, I really don't need to know. Now I have occasionally seen this sort of thing used as a red herring in a mystery story, which is fine -- you can go back later and say, "Ah! Now I understand why this was in there before!" -- but most of the time it's just superfluous. |
I'm not sure if you are looking for critiques or not. But here's one anyway. When I read Mesotania, I wanted to know exactly when and where this fictional place existed. So that I could fully trick myself into believing it could have. I.E be more specific as to dates and location on Earth. Also, now that you have created a nice visual background for action, have you moved on to giving us specific characters to relate to?
I'd like to hear more about the girl who could see a color no one else can see. How does she use it to her advantage? Or how will you find a way for her to help other people using this new energy?
I'm not sure if you are looking for critiques or not. But here's one anyway. When I read Mesotania, I wanted to know exactly when and where this fictional place existed. So that I could fully trick myself into believing it could have. I.E be more specific as to dates and location on Earth. Also, now that you have created a nice visual background for action, have you moved on to giving us specific characters to relate to? To understand what/where Mesatania is, you'd have to read from the beginning of the story. I have the first 30 chapters or so posted in the Creative Writing section, so if you want to know more about the world < and Mesatania is a whole different world than ours > you can find it there. There is a link to the story thread here on the first page < I am pretty sure > of this particular thread. There are several characters at this point. 1 main one, and a couple of backup/secondary characters. I do appreciate the comment about the " nice visual ". It means that I am doing my job. Thanks. |
I'd like to hear more about the girl who could see a color no one else can see. How does she use it to her advantage? Or how will you find a way for her to help other people using this new energy? In my first book, I introduced the concept that certain animals had evolved the ability to time-travel. It's based on the need to overcome a "dimensional inhibitor," another idea introduced in that book. Lyndsey's ability to see the new color is another evolutionary adaptation, but this one is proactive, possibly completely coincidental, rather than a long-term genetic response to an environmental survival need. The entirety of the thing is rather lengthy and convoluted but my current plan is that only one other person will be able to see the new color during this series of books. And for those who have read my previous works, it shouldn't be too difficult to figure out who that might be! |
ya i am writing a book.
and please forgive me for being an old fashioned *****, but i think u need to know how to write one by taking lessons before u start. otherwise, ur manuscript will end up in the el trasho. ![]() |
It's ok, Duffy.
We won't hold it against For some people, the " How to write a book " stuff might work. For me, though, I don't think it would do much except make me wonder why it has to be that way. It would also clog my head with " You aren't supposed to do THAT because it doesn't fit into the rules " thoughts which would get in the way of the writing. But, writing is, to me, a " Do whatever works for you " type of thing. |
5 days and no posts??
That just isn't |
5 days and no posts?? That just isn't So not right! If only we had some more people around here who were interested in writing, and in talking about it! ![]() |
Hi LEX....
![]() Which number book on you on again? BTW...I've just made it easier to "write"! (so to SPEAK) ![]() I've purchased "DRAGON NATURALLY SPEAKING"....If you know this product, it makes it alot easier to just speaking into a headset to type your words onto the screen! Maybe NOW I can finish my book alot faster ![]() ![]() |
Hi LEX.... ![]() Which number book on you on again? Number four, actually....although I have large chunks of #5 and #6 done, too....! BTW...I've just made it easier to "write"! (so to SPEAK) ![]() I've purchased "DRAGON NATURALLY SPEAKING"....If you know this product, it makes it alot easier to just speaking into a headset to type your words onto the screen! Maybe NOW I can finish my book alot faster ![]() ![]() I dabbled with one of those programs, and it was difficult for me. Probably because I really don't talk like I write; and when I write, it tends to be something of a slower and more meticulous process! |
I can't even imagine trying to use one of those things.
My train of thought when I am writing is far too disjointed for whatever I am trying to do to make any sense. I think I am far better off actually writing things out because then, if it doesn't look right, I can immediately go back and fix it. I think if I were to use one of those things, I would be using the Delete option much more than doing an actual writing...lmao |