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Topic: BO lies caught on tape
msharmony's photo
Sun 11/15/09 06:49 PM


Here is BO back during the campaign lying to us. "If we have not gotten the troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do".

How long will the Obamabots put up with the lies? Will they continue to be hypocrites and support BO's illegal wars? what laugh

Don't stop with just that one...Obama had many "camapign words" for us that now mean nothing.

Remember what he said about transparency and ethics????

Remember what he said about lobbyist working in his administration???

Remeber what he said about military tribunals???

Remember what he said about the Patriot act???

Remember what he said about Afghanistan???

Geez, what a liar......

you left out will not raise tax...... no tax of any kind on those that make less than 250k

Yup, add that one to the list.

Some r so still hung up on Bush that they r "STILL IN DENIAL"

Im under 250 and my taxes havent risen,, so I dont yet see how that was a lie. AS to the other things,, did he promise to achieve those things in less than a year? shrugs....

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/15/09 06:51 PM

If you want the truth...I have no idea what Obama is doing.

I really don't. The media that tries to guess is usually guesses wrong and there is a lot of BS and misinformation out there.

I don't know...I feel like Obama is waiting for something?

I feel most americans dont understand the political process enough to know what the president does or doesnt do and none of us are mindreaders to know Obamas intentions for certain. I believe he is intelligent enough and surrounds himself with enough experienced and intelligent people to make sound decisions though. I am still proud to have a thinker in the oval office and an upstanding man,,even if he errs, I will be proud I voted for him.

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 11/15/09 06:53 PM


Here is BO back during the campaign lying to us. "If we have not gotten the troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do".

How long will the Obamabots put up with the lies? Will they continue to be hypocrites and support BO's illegal wars? what laugh

Hate to break it to you...but Youtube is hardly the place to go too for facts...

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 11/15/09 08:53 PM


Here is BO back during the campaign lying to us. "If we have not gotten the troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do".

How long will the Obamabots put up with the lies? Will they continue to be hypocrites and support BO's illegal wars? what laugh

Don't stop with just that one...Obama had many "camapign words" for us that now mean nothing.

Remember what he said about transparency and ethics????

Remember what he said about lobbyist working in his administration???

Remeber what he said about military tribunals???

Remember what he said about the Patriot act???

Remember what he said about Afghanistan???

Geez, what a liar......

you left out will not raise tax...... no tax of any kind on those that make less than 250k

Yup, add that one to the list.

Some r so still hung up on Bush that they r "STILL IN DENIAL"

Im under 250 and my taxes havent risen,, so I dont yet see how that was a lie. AS to the other things,, did he promise to achieve those things in less than a year? shrugs....

Give it time. The Health Care bill hasn't been implemented yet

As soon as the government figures out that they can't manage to cover everyone with the current tax income, they'll raise them. Plain and simple.

no photo
Mon 11/16/09 12:26 AM

The rich are now, thanks to Bush, taxed less than they have ever been in the history of our country.
Let me guess. You didn't understand that.
Or is it perhaps that the Republican blogs fail to mention that in their propaganda?

Okay here we go one more try!

"The rich are now, thanks to Bush, taxed less than they have ever been in the history of our country."

That sentence is false!

You actually said in your own statement that it was lower. lol..... second of all you obviously do not understand taxes! Typical leftist no education. I will try to educate you! A tax rate and actual tax paid are two different things! There are multipe types of taxes and multiple types of loop holes. Actual tax paid numbers give you the real figures. So the figures i gave you where "net" figures and your's are "gross" figures! Do your homework please! cause just because a tax rate is 90% does not mean people paid it! GEEZ!

adj4u's photo
Mon 11/16/09 03:12 AM
Edited by adj4u on Mon 11/16/09 03:17 AM


Here is BO back during the campaign lying to us. "If we have not gotten the troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do".

How long will the Obamabots put up with the lies? Will they continue to be hypocrites and support BO's illegal wars? what laugh

Don't stop with just that one...Obama had many "camapign words" for us that now mean nothing.

Remember what he said about transparency and ethics????

Remember what he said about lobbyist working in his administration???

Remeber what he said about military tribunals???

Remember what he said about the Patriot act???

Remember what he said about Afghanistan???

Geez, what a liar......

you left out will not raise tax...... no tax of any kind on those that make less than 250k

Yup, add that one to the list.

Some r so still hung up on Bush that they r "STILL IN DENIAL"

Im under 250 and my taxes havent risen,, so I dont yet see how that was a lie. AS to the other things,, did he promise to achieve those things in less than a year? shrugs....

you obviously do not smoke for one thing

cause a lot of people that make less than 250k smoke and their taxes have gone up

and the proposed sugar and alcohol tax and do you use electricity

"We've heard taxes proposed on sugary drinks and alcoholic drinks. Of course, middle-class people purchase those items. Let's not forget that the cap-and-trade program pushed Curtis Dubay (Heritage)heavily by President Obama falls on anyone who uses electricity, so that obviously hits the middle-class as well," he points out. "And one of the first actions that President Obama took as President was to increase the cigarette tax by a dollar a pack. And of course, middle- and low-income people are hit heavily by that tax as well."


and the following article

President Obama's budget proposes $989 billion in new taxes over the course of the next 10 years, starting fiscal year 2011, most of which are tax increases on individuals.

1) On people making more than $250,000.

$338 billion - Bush tax cuts expire
$179 billlion - eliminate itemized deduction
$118 billion - capital gains tax hike

Total: $636 billion/10 years

2) Businesses:

$17 billion - Reinstate Superfund taxes
$24 billion - tax carried-interest as income
$5 billion - codify "economic substance doctrine"
$61 billion - repeal LIFO
$210 billion - international enforcement, reform deferral, other tax reform
$4 billion - information reporting for rental payments
$5.3 billion - excise tax on Gulf of Mexico oil and gas
$3.4 billion - repeal expensing of tangible drilling costs
$62 million - repeal deduction for tertiary injectants
$49 million - repeal passive loss exception for working interests in oil and natural gas properties
$13 billion - repeal manufacturing tax deduction for oil and natural gas companies
$1 billion - increase to 7 years geological and geophysical amortization period for independent producers
$882 million - eliminate advanced earned income tax credit

Total: $353 billion/10 years

-- jpt


note the business increases

businesses add the cost of their tax to the price of their product or service thus raising the tax on those that by their product and service

obama's line no tax of any kind equates to clinton's line i did not have sex with that woman

Fanta46's photo
Mon 11/16/09 06:29 AM

The rich are now, thanks to Bush, taxed less than they have ever been in the history of our country.
Let me guess. You didn't understand that.
Or is it perhaps that the Republican blogs fail to mention that in their propaganda?

Okay here we go one more try!

"The rich are now, thanks to Bush, taxed less than they have ever been in the history of our country."

That sentence is false!

You actually said in your own statement that it was lower. lol..... second of all you obviously do not understand taxes! Typical leftist no education. I will try to educate you! A tax rate and actual tax paid are two different things! There are multipe types of taxes and multiple types of loop holes. Actual tax paid numbers give you the real figures. So the figures i gave you where "net" figures and your's are "gross" figures! Do your homework please! cause just because a tax rate is 90% does not mean people paid it! GEEZ!

By 1918, the top rate of the income tax was increased to 77% (on income over $1,000,000) to finance World War I. The top marginal tax rate was reduced to 58% in 1922, to 25% in 1925, and finally to 24% in 1929. In 1932 the top marginal tax rate was increased to 63% during the Great Depression and steadily increased, reaching 94% (on all income over $200,000) in 1945. During World War II, Congress introduced payroll withholding and quarterly tax payments, Franklin D. Roosevelt tried to impose a 100% tax on all incomes over $25,000 to help with the war effort. Top marginal tax rates stayed near or above 90% until 1964 when the top marginal tax rate was lowered to 70%. The top marginal tax rate was lowered to 50% in 1982 and eventually to 28% in 1988. However, in the intervening years Congress subsequently increased the top marginal tax rate to 35% which is the tax rate currently in 2008.

So you see the taxes on the top earners has went down steadily for years. Maybe not 150 years but years nonetheless.
Business has seen the same rate of decline. In 1917, business, dividends, and interest accounted for 54% of all income taxes collected by the Fed. Ind Income tax was only 26% of the total.

By 1970, business, dividends, and interest accounted for only 12-13%. While Ind Income taxes were 83.19% 0f the total.

Now if the rich have saw a decrease. Where do you suppose the difference is made up?
I can see a few places it is. One, and probably the largest, is by raising the tax on the middle class. In favor of those who can afford to pay it most.

Second, Sales tax and gasoline which we all pay. Rich or poor. If you drive and eat you pay it.

You do understand that top earners and top rate means the wealthiest don't you.

msharmony's photo
Mon 11/16/09 06:34 AM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 11/16/09 06:35 AM
I dont smoke so I wont contest sin tax details,,did he ( I say he for the sake of argument because the president alone has little authority to do such things) actually raise the percentage or did the tax go up because the PRICES were increased? AS to the no taxes,,I think that was in reference to the healthcare proposals not sales taxes that always have gone through cycles and always will.

Quietman_2009's photo
Mon 11/16/09 06:41 AM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Mon 11/16/09 06:42 AM
I think as fairness you have to differentiate between sales taxes and income taxes (and capital gains taxes)

the sales taxes are the same for everyone while the income tax is "progressive" dependent on amount of income

the rich supposedly pay a higher percentage rate on their income but we all know that when they set the rate every spcial interest group gets it own loophole or exception so the the rich don't pay as much as we are told they do

I'm all for a flat rate. Everybody pays maybe 20%. with zero loopholes

Fanta46's photo
Mon 11/16/09 06:43 AM

I dont smoke so I wont contest sin tax details,,did he ( I say he for the sake of argument because the president alone has little authority to do such things) actually raise the percentage or did the tax go up because the PRICES were increased? AS to the no taxes,,I think that was in reference to the healthcare proposals not sales taxes that always have gone through cycles and always will.

The tax on cigarettes discussed was a bill which passed the senate and house under the Bush Administration. Bush vetoed it.
Obama didn't.
It wasn't his bill nor was it Bush's. It was a Democrat sponsored bill which passed under a Republican run Senate.
Obamaites just want to blame him for everything.
When you have nothing substantial you must grasp at straws.

no photo
Mon 11/16/09 06:47 AM

I dont smoke so I wont contest sin tax details,,did he ( I say he for the sake of argument because the president alone has little authority to do such things) actually raise the percentage or did the tax go up because the PRICES were increased? AS to the no taxes,,I think that was in reference to the healthcare proposals not sales taxes that always have gone through cycles and always will.

The tax on cigarettes discussed was a bill which passed the senate and house under the Bush Administration. Bush vetoed it.
Obama didn't.
It wasn't his bill nor was it Bush's. It was a Democrat sponsored bill which passed under a Republican run Senate.
Obamaites just want to blame him for everything.
When you have nothing substantial you must grasp at straws.

OBAMA SAID NO TAX OF ANY KIND....end of story....he lied....It was passed under his administration. Just like he lied about lobbyist working in his administration and so much more....

What a line ADJ with the Clinton sex analogy.drinker drinker drinker

adj4u's photo
Mon 11/16/09 06:50 AM

I dont smoke so I wont contest sin tax details,,did he ( I say he for the sake of argument because the president alone has little authority to do such things) actually raise the percentage or did the tax go up because the PRICES were increased? AS to the no taxes,,I think that was in reference to the healthcare proposals not sales taxes that always have gone through cycles and always will.

when it comes to passing law

the president can veto any bill that comes across the desk

doing so increases the number of votes in congress needed to pass said bill

if obama would have vetoed said tax it is doubtful there would have been enough votes to pass it

as fanta pointed out bush vetoed it and obama did not (congress did not over ride bush's veto they waited for a friendly president to sign it)

adj4u's photo
Mon 11/16/09 06:53 AM

I dont smoke so I wont contest sin tax details,,did he ( I say he for the sake of argument because the president alone has little authority to do such things) actually raise the percentage or did the tax go up because the PRICES were increased? AS to the no taxes,,I think that was in reference to the healthcare proposals not sales taxes that always have gone through cycles and always will.

The tax on cigarettes discussed was a bill which passed the senate and house under the Bush Administration. Bush vetoed it.
Obama didn't.
It wasn't his bill nor was it Bush's. It was a Democrat sponsored bill which passed under a Republican run Senate.
Obamaites just want to blame him for everything.
When you have nothing substantial you must grasp at straws.

OBAMA SAID NO TAX OF ANY KIND....end of story....he lied....It was passed under his administration. Just like he lied about lobbyist working in his administration and so much more....

What a line ADJ with the Clinton sex analogy.drinker drinker drinker

it is what it is

and as for clinton sex is sex

but he should not have lied under oath (which is perjury and what the problem was not the adultery)

should of just refused to testify ---- you know like bush explode

tohyup's photo
Mon 11/16/09 02:27 PM

Did you even read the post you quoted?
I realize Maliki is a Bush Puppet. I said that.

I also believe in someones word. Esp when it is signed on paper by a Gov of the people like ours. We elected the idiot. This was just his last act of the powers he took as the Decider.
A title he bestowed upon himself in his reckless reign as a self-proclaimed dictator.

Any contract signed by a former president is law. In our Constitution we are bound to honor it.
Even if it means nothing to you it is the bases of our country as dictated by the founding fathers. I am sure it would hold up as such in International Court. A court we helped set up and claim to support.

This is ridiculous knowing that Iraq is a US colony .
Any signature between the US and its Iraqi puppet government is not worth the ink on it . Since when the US respected any court let alone the international court ?. If the US believed in any laws they would not have attacked two sovereign nations and destroyed millions of lives there . Are you a Democrat and trying to find terrible excuses for your hero Obama ?!!!.

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