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Topic: D.C. sniper to be executed next week
Thomas3474's photo
Tue 11/03/09 05:48 PM
He should be executed by firing squad.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Tue 11/03/09 06:00 PM
Minor response to the Conspiracy Theorists...
I was a direct local witness to this mess. I know why they got confused about the white truck. (I drove one at the time, and had it searched repeatedly just in case).
Some of the initial reports correctly identified a dark car as the culprit, but there were also reports of white vans leaving the area at high speed every time. Anyone driving in D.C. back then could have seen as I did, that no matter WHAT happens, if you look up, you will see a white van speeding from the area. Usually you will see SEVERAL white vans speeding from the area. This is because there are a gazillion white van drivers, and few of them drive slowly.

Anyway, my vote on the putting the guy to death is I mostly don't feel that strongly about it. This is not because I'm not passionate about stopping such criminals, it's because I've come to appreciate the value of keeping them in prison for life, instead of killing them. There are two specific benefits to keeping swizzlesticks like this around: 1, it's cheaper than the cost of the many trials and appeals needed to put them out of our misery. 2, the main reason we are catching more of these bastards than ever before, is that have some alive in captivity to study. The science of criminal profiling could not have come as far as it has had the death penalty not been challenged as it was.
So I don't care about this particular piece of debris. He wanted to feel important: let's punish him by forgetting him out of existence.

no photo
Tue 11/03/09 06:13 PM

ummmm this guy killed 17 people in cold blood

I don't think his execution is race based

^really, how many was Gotti responsible for, oh he was white and rich, you're missing the point., about my objections to the death penalty...I can't draw, or I would have made it plainer

The rich of any color get the best justice they can afford. No argument there.

msharmony's photo
Tue 11/03/09 11:47 PM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 11/03/09 11:51 PM


I thought all serial killers were white...

This guy cannot have done what he's been so short sightedly and illegitimately accused of...

freakin' racists!

Technically, he is a spree killer...lol

A mass murderer kills four or more people at one location during one continuous period of time, whether it is a few minutes or over a period of days

Spree killers kill two or more victims, but are more than one location. Although their murders occur in separate locations, their spree is considered a single event, because there is no "cooling off" period between the murders.

Serial killers murder three or more victims, but each is killed on separate occasions. Unlike mass murderers and spree killers, serial killers usually select their victims, have cooling off periods between murders, and plan their crimes carefully

But yeah,, race has very little to do with this case

no photo
Wed 11/04/09 12:49 AM
I am surprised that Virginia still has the death penalty.

HuckleberryFinn's photo
Wed 11/04/09 01:16 AM
Just to make it clear, I'm only adverse to the death penalty because of the bias's I've mentioned before and one other factor that many taxpayers don't even consider.....when you sit back and watch your tax dollars pay someone to execute another human being regardless of their crime you yourself are partially responsible for legalized murder. Here you are paying someone who had absolutely nothing to do with the criminal to terminate his life. That to me is mind boggling, but it's so easy to sit back and wash your hands of it because after all you didn't pull the switch or squeeze the needle, but in essence you are no better than Charles Manson. You've sanctioned a murder.

In a perfect world, the family of the victims should make the decision as to life or death, and a member of that family should be able to carry out that sentence.....Now you say what about child molestors or child murderers.....any parent that even allows the judicial system to deal with it is weak in my opinion, those are the few cases I think parents should be required and allowed to take matters into their own hand.....It's funny but I was reading a poll on pro lifers who support the death penalty and those who are against abortion who don't support it, was interesting, their reasoning was seriously aloof.

Katzenschnauzer's photo
Wed 11/04/09 03:30 AM

Just to make it clear, I'm only adverse to the death penalty because of the bias's I've mentioned before and one other factor that many taxpayers don't even consider.....when you sit back and watch your tax dollars pay someone to execute another human being regardless of their crime you yourself are partially responsible for legalized murder. Here you are paying someone who had absolutely nothing to do with the criminal to terminate his life. That to me is mind boggling, but it's so easy to sit back and wash your hands of it because after all you didn't pull the switch or squeeze the needle, but in essence you are no better than Charles Manson. You've sanctioned a murder.

In a perfect world, the family of the victims should make the decision as to life or death, and a member of that family should be able to carry out that sentence.....Now you say what about child molestors or child murderers.....any parent that even allows the judicial system to deal with it is weak in my opinion, those are the few cases I think parents should be required and allowed to take matters into their own hand.....It's funny but I was reading a poll on pro lifers who support the death penalty and those who are against abortion who don't support it, was interesting, their reasoning was seriously aloof.

Ah, bull poo-poo! Some families would be all-forgiving and then the guy would be let out and then is the family going to follow him around to make sure he doesn't kill again? You can call it legalized murder or Cantonese Stir-Fry...and I'm still better than Charles Manson!

HuckleberryFinn's photo
Wed 11/04/09 05:09 AM
beg to differ deary, you are better than no one else, but if it helps you get through the day, then have at it.....you may be in a better position, but no better, evil lurks more outside the walls of prisons than inside....what makes you better then Manson, seriously, ideals, beliefs, or your own opinion of yourself. Lay both of you side by side at the end of the road and what's the difference, one corpse is female, one is male..... Condemnation belongs to neither.

but back on topic, I said, life or death, not once did I say freedom

norslyman's photo
Wed 11/04/09 04:24 PM
The death penalty is mandated by the bible.

In this case however, I say we keep him alive so that he can be interviewed by a trustworthy reporter.

Things are MUCH stranger than most of you can possibly imagine. This was a withcraft ritual with many hidden messages. noway


Decoding the D.C. Sniper: Pt. 3: "Total Recall"

(An Ongoing Series)

Copyright (c) 2002 by Michael A. Hoffman II. All Rights Reserved

The macabre, ritual aspects of the DC sniper are coming to the fore. For those of you who do not believe that psychological warfare entails playing with the archetypes of the Group Mind, you may discard this column now.

Be aware that all sorts of occult nonsense will be written about this case, on the Internet and elsewhere, by useful idiots who will reach into a New Age grab-bag of dementia and disinformation. The CIA calls this confusing distraction "noise." I call it X-files-style muddying of the watergate (everybody killed Kennedy; everything causes cancer--hence, no need to bring JFK's killers to justice, and no need to clean the environment).

There are reports of a white van with the letters, "Total Recall" on the vehicle at the scene of "the Exxon shooting." Since one of the goals of the Cryptocracy is the inculcation of apathy, amnesia and abulia in the target population, "Total Recall" would seem to be an antidote to the Cryptocracy's plan.

Let us endeavor to pursue that lofty objective by totally recalling that we don't just see words, we hear them in our heads. "Serial" killer is heard as "cereal" killer (from Ceres the vegetative goddess of human sacrifice). I didn't coin the word "serial" killer for ritual murder, the U.S. government's FBI profilers did. Their "profile" is actually a script. A better name for them would be FBI scripters. They point the way out of amnesia into last-minute recall, ceremonially, like the sacrificial victim whose hands are bound and who is being led through an October cornfield, and who is jolted into total recall when he or she sees the altar or pyramid or wicker man of immolation in the middle of the mow.

The sniper is called the D.C. sniper sometimes. Again let us consider the sound of that name in our own heads: Dee See. I have said in my book "Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare 2001" that Queen Elizabeth I's astrologer Royal, the mathematician Dr. John Dee, is, historically speaking, the presiding genius of the reigning Cryptocracy. I see the shadow of Dee's epistemology in the government/media manifestation that is the D.C. sniper.

Another news report wants us to know that the white-Total Recall-van was seen near the scene of the "Exxon sniping." Therefore, the script actually reads in the brain of percipients as follows: "X on Total Recall" i.e. cross out (cancel) Total Recall. I have written extensively on the schizoid contradiction--the double, bipolar collective madness and doubleminded men--in connection with the 9/11 gambit, in the hardcopy "Revisionist History" newsletter no. 23, "Twin Tower Man: The Next Move in the Cryptocracy's Great Game."

When not writing books and reporting for the HOFFMAN WIRE, I dabble in the advertising industry, which is a medium where the practical application of Dr. Dee's "sorcery" and the Cryptocracy's mind control meets the corporate dollar-trappers. Advertising agencies are paid millions of dollars to conjure names such as Exxon and Viagra (rhymes with the waterfall) because, unlike the folks who discarded this column after reading only a few sentences, these ruthlessly pragmatic money-men know that sub-rosa manipulation of the Group Mind pays huge dividends in sales and profits.

One of the most important branches of Dr. Dee's epistemology is run by the symbolic character of Dr. Syntax, who features in a masonic engraving showing him giving a lecture at Freemason's Hall. What the masons called word magic, scientists today call neuro-linguistics and advertisers term it "branding."

Let's give some examples. The written word "serial" is transformed into the phonetic sound "cereal" in the synapses of the brain which link the raw sounds to new meanings not denoted in the textual rendering of the word. These raw sounds are known to the creators among advertising executives, as "phonemes." The recently formed phone corporation which goes under the brand name "Verizon" paid several million dollars for that name to be conjured. In terms of textual denotation, Verizon means nothing. It's "just a name," like Lee Harvey Oswald was "just a lone nut." But the sound of that name inside your head conjures a subtle sense of a rising sun, a new beginning, a "Horizon."

What is common knowledge in elite circles of American advertising, is that in order to influence the masses with a brand name, one must pay attention to how letter combinations sound because in the beginning was the Word...faith cometh by hearing... the universe is sustained by sound...etc.

"FBI profilers" have thus far marketed at least two brand names to the public. The aforementioned phoneme, "serial" killer, and one I think is almost as clever, though primarily textual rather than phonetic in effect, "Unabom." Unabom was the name the FBI scripters gave to the purported environmental fanatics who bombed corporate polluters and academic computer geeks, and who eventually were said by the FBI to consist solely in the person of the "lone nut" Dr. Theodore Kaczynski. Please note that the FBI brand name "Unabom" is incomplete. The letter b has been left off the end. This FBI neologism telegraphs the fact that something is being left out of the case.

The goyim imagine that brand names like Prozac and Kodak (both have a hard "K' sound indicating daring and courage); Expedia (a trek, an adventure) and Exxon (several meanings, the "double cross play of the cunning," being primary), were conjured by accident or coincidence or with dumb luck, or for fun, but, while these matters are indeed within the parameters of a game, the process of naming is deadly serious, with sometimes billions of dollars at stake or, in the case of the U.S. government, a game of Black Jack where the stakes are the very continuing existence of its own system of Cryptocracy.

In October of 2001, in "Revisionist History" newsletter no. 20, in connection with my investigation of the 9/11 attack in New York, I published the number 16 Tarot card from the Rider-Waite Tarot deck of Freemason Arthur Edward Waite, the Tower card. Now the Establishment has broadcast and will soon publish the number 13 Tarot card, the death card.

All Hallows Eve is just around the corner and the movie "Red Dragon" is now being conjured on the silver screen as snipers' bullets summon the hypnotic rituals by which coercion and control are maintained by the Great Satan that is the Federal government.

When I think of a sniper I think of an FBI agent, Lon Horiuchi, shooting a mother in north Idaho.

When I contemplate a red dragon he's remindful of the cheshire cat or a cereal killer chiller, here today and then gone tomorrow; consciousness alerted and then consciousness massaged back to sleep. There are classrooms and then there are classrooms. My classroom is called happenstance though it is nothing of the kind and the dragon conjured is the ephemerality of their government, or as Shakespeare put into the mouth of his John Dee stand-in (Prospero) in the Tempest, "the insubstantial pageant."

The mightiest tyranny in the history of the world can be overthrown at times like these. The dusty window that is the cubic centimeter of chance opens because the Cryptocracy must open it. There was another card dealt on 9/11, number five in the Tarot deck, the Pentacles (Pentagon) card. 16 + 5 =21. The Black jack game entails risk, in this case of exposure, by one such as me.

Will my voice of truth devastating to the Cryptocracy emerge as the primary decoder amid the toil and trouble cauldron which the wyrd sisters' media are currently stirring at the witching hour 13? Or will my voice be buried beneath a mountain of diverting, distracting conspiracy noise, the sum phonological total of which is zero?

Atlantis75's photo
Wed 11/04/09 04:27 PM

He should be executed by firing squad.

The difference between the execution by firing squad vs. rope or electric chair is that the firing squad executions were done for people who had honor. Loosing war generals and officers etc.. who commited no crime, beside of being on the wrong side of the war.

so no firing squad for him.

no photo
Wed 11/04/09 04:40 PM
In cases like this, I aprove of the death penalty. This is one of the few instances in which I also approve of torture. Make sure that he tell you where all he has killed so that the families of his other victims have some small chance of "closure". If you have to hook his 'nads up to a battery to get him to talk, then so be it.

And as far as some of you claiming that this as a case of racism, I though the same thing when the perpetrator was a white boy by the name of Timothy McVey. Extreme terrorism calls for extreme punishment, regardless of racial background.

no photo
Wed 11/04/09 04:42 PM
And it is true that firing squad executions were meant for somewhat more honorable criminals in a genuinely military/warfare setting, not for snipers and terrorists against innocent civilian bystanders in a non-war setting.

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