Topic: Why order from Chaos?
LaMuerte's photo
Tue 11/03/09 09:19 PM

**Since I am an atheist you should not presume to tell me how atheists think or what they believe because I have met several different kinds of beliefs coming from 'atheists.'**

So have I. This isn't from personal experience, but from people like Richard Dawkins and others who have likely met a great deal more Atheists than you or I, and have dedicated much more time finding out just what the most common "trends" in thought are.

So what? So scientists have observed these things which seem apparent (and natural) within the very universe that we reside. This does not rule out intelligent design that originates from outside of this universe. It only observes the current state of this universe from a view point within the universe. In spite of all our "observations" we are still up against many unknowns. Science does not have the answers. They have not ruled out intelligent design at work.

The point I'm making is that there are a lot of things that haven't been "ruled out" by scientists. They haven't ruled out that the Flying Spaghetti Monster didn't create the Universe, or that there isn't a small china teapot orbiting the sun. Nothing has to be ruled out unless it is determined to be an option. There is no evidence FOR Intelligent Design, so why should anyone HAVE to rule it out?

I never said that science has all the answers. They do, however, have many of them, and they have the most accurate method for finding them: The Scientific Method.

I am not a genetic machine. I decide what my purpose is. Not you and not 2 billion years of evolution. I have the ability to ignore the encoding in my DNA that tells me I must mate and propagate, --which I did. It was my decision. Yes I felt the calling and the instinct, but I did not have to submit to that kind of programming. I am my own authority. I decide. Anything less is unconscious activity.

And you quote only the first paragraph of two because...? We are drawn to mate. You admit it yourself. I know we have the power to overcome our instincts, and evidently should have stated so. I never said we are mechanical, and HAVE to follow our baser instincts, but simply that they ARE our baser instincts, because they have to be.

Everyone has a right to their opinion. But if 2 billion years of evolution can't tell me what my purpose is, you certainly can't either. I decide that.

  /ˈpɜrpəs/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [pur-puhs] Show IPA noun, verb, -posed, -pos⋅ing.
1. the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc.
2. an intended or desired result; end; aim; goal.

By definition 1, we have no purpose other than that which I stated. We exist because our parents (respectively) mated. We exist to do the same.

By definition 2, there is no ultimate purpose, and your statement is correct. Only we as individuals can determine our own purpose.

However, we've addressed two different definitions in our respective posts, and the disagreement is one of semantics rather than philosophy.

LaMuerte's photo
Tue 11/03/09 09:22 PM

I realize he was talking to me, as a human, in general, but the implication is that I am a genetic machine and a slave to my DNA programing and instincts.

I disagree.

As would I. I never said, nor meant to imply, that we HAVE to follow our instincts. I was stating that they are what they are.

no photo
Tue 11/03/09 09:44 PM
There is no evidence FOR Intelligent Design, so why should anyone HAVE to rule it out?

I don't want to get into all of that AGAIN. I have been posting about that on the other thread for days.

But I assert that there is evidence for intelligent design at work in this universe. I will go so far as to say I presented proof of that.

But then there was also a question of what is 'evidence' and what constitutes 'proof.'

But you had to be there. It is all in the other thread.

no photo
Tue 11/03/09 09:53 PM

..personally i think we are her by happenstance,and nothing more,the conditions were right,and we were formed like anything and everything else.. far as beliefs,they have differed over the years..and every year it seems a new theory,and new followers like any other..
..i don't think anyone will ever know for sure how we came to be,therefore i see no reason to speculate, matter what you choose others will differ,and as far as debating what ever comes from that..the usually further and endless debate..
..seems to be a whole lot of energy and thought spent on something no one will solve..let alone in a dating site...jmo

LaMuerte's photo
Tue 11/03/09 10:00 PM

..seems to be a whole lot of energy and thought spent on something no one will solve..let alone in a dating site...jmo

Debate is an opportunity to learn. It may never be possible to determine how the Universe began, but it's interesting to speculate, dammit. Who cares where it happens?

no photo
Tue 11/03/09 10:26 PM

..personally i think we are her by happenstance,and nothing more,the conditions were right,and we were formed like anything and everything else.. far as beliefs,they have differed over the years..and every year it seems a new theory,and new followers like any other..
..i don't think anyone will ever know for sure how we came to be,therefore i see no reason to speculate, matter what you choose others will differ,and as far as debating what ever comes from that..the usually further and endless debate..
..seems to be a whole lot of energy and thought spent on something no one will solve..let alone in a dating site...jmo

You should read Abracadabra's argument against happenstance. I think he has that idea disproved.

Its in the other thread about evidence of a designer.

no photo
Tue 11/03/09 10:27 PM

..seems to be a whole lot of energy and thought spent on something no one will solve..let alone in a dating site...jmo

Debate is an opportunity to learn. It may never be possible to determine how the Universe began, but it's interesting to speculate, dammit. Who cares where it happens?

Oh... I'm sorry.. Is this a dating site? laugh laugh laugh laugh

bedlum1's photo
Wed 11/04/09 03:06 AM
we are all just stardust....
from chaos comes order,,and from order comes chaos..

no photo
Wed 11/04/09 07:19 AM

we are all just stardust....
from chaos comes order,,and from order comes chaos..

Yep if you don't believe that come look at my house.

(But its mostly chaos.)

Of course if I didn't do anything about it, chaos it would remain.

Therefore, I am using some intelligence to create some order today.bigsmile

LaMuerte's photo
Wed 11/04/09 07:57 AM

we are all just stardust....
from chaos comes order,,and from order comes chaos..

Yep if you don't believe that come look at my house.

(But its mostly chaos.)

Of course if I didn't do anything about it, chaos it would remain.

Therefore, I am using some intelligence to create some order today.bigsmile

Poor analogy. Your house and the items in it may seem chaotic on a macroscopic level, but the items themselves, you, your house, etc. are rather VERY ordered. Even before intelligent labor turned trees into a house they were ordered into a living organism. The bottom line is that you're looking at the wrong things.

no photo
Wed 11/04/09 08:42 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 11/04/09 08:42 AM

we are all just stardust....
from chaos comes order,,and from order comes chaos..

Yep if you don't believe that come look at my house.

(But its mostly chaos.)

Of course if I didn't do anything about it, chaos it would remain.

Therefore, I am using some intelligence to create some order today.bigsmile

Poor analogy. Your house and the items in it may seem chaotic on a macroscopic level, but the items themselves, you, your house, etc. are rather VERY ordered. Even before intelligent labor turned trees into a house they were ordered into a living organism. The bottom line is that you're looking at the wrong things.

It was a joke, Jack.

LaMuerte's photo
Wed 11/04/09 12:46 PM

we are all just stardust....
from chaos comes order,,and from order comes chaos..

Yep if you don't believe that come look at my house.

(But its mostly chaos.)

Of course if I didn't do anything about it, chaos it would remain.

Therefore, I am using some intelligence to create some order today.bigsmile

Poor analogy. Your house and the items in it may seem chaotic on a macroscopic level, but the items themselves, you, your house, etc. are rather VERY ordered. Even before intelligent labor turned trees into a house they were ordered into a living organism. The bottom line is that you're looking at the wrong things.

It was a joke, Jack.

It may have been phrased as a joke, but you've used that analogy to demonstrate a point already. It's irrelevant. Just because one thinks that order cannot come from chaos doesn't make it so. The entire Universe is counter-intuitive in its behavior.

SkyHook5652's photo
Wed 11/04/09 01:54 PM
Edited by SkyHook5652 on Wed 11/04/09 01:55 PM
we are all just stardust....
from chaos comes order,,and from order comes chaos..
Yep if you don't believe that come look at my house.

(But its mostly chaos.)

Of course if I didn't do anything about it, chaos it would remain.

Therefore, I am using some intelligence to create some order today.bigsmile
Poor analogy. Your house and the items in it may seem chaotic on a macroscopic level, but the items themselves, you, your house, etc. are rather VERY ordered. Even before intelligent labor turned trees into a house they were ordered into a living organism. The bottom line is that you're looking at the wrong things.
It was a joke, Jack.
It may have been phrased as a joke, but you've used that analogy to demonstrate a point already. It's irrelevant. Just because one thinks that order cannot come from chaos doesn't make it so. The entire Universe is counter-intuitive in its behavior.
Interesting viewpoint. But then, all viewpoints are different, by definition.

no photo
Wed 11/04/09 03:01 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 11/04/09 03:02 PM

we are all just stardust....
from chaos comes order,,and from order comes chaos..

Yep if you don't believe that come look at my house.

(But its mostly chaos.)

Of course if I didn't do anything about it, chaos it would remain.

Therefore, I am using some intelligence to create some order today.bigsmile

Poor analogy. Your house and the items in it may seem chaotic on a macroscopic level, but the items themselves, you, your house, etc. are rather VERY ordered. Even before intelligent labor turned trees into a house they were ordered into a living organism. The bottom line is that you're looking at the wrong things.

It was a joke, Jack.

It may have been phrased as a joke, but you've used that analogy to demonstrate a point already. It's irrelevant. Just because one thinks that order cannot come from chaos doesn't make it so. --->The entire Universe is counter-intuitive in its behavior.<---

Why would you believe that? Where is your evidence for that?

no photo
Wed 11/04/09 03:03 PM
If order comes from chaos it is because IT IS DESIGNED TO DO SO.

LaMuerte's photo
Wed 11/04/09 09:04 PM

If order comes from chaos it is because IT IS DESIGNED TO DO SO.

And this conclusion is based on.........?

LaMuerte's photo
Wed 11/04/09 09:05 PM

It may have been phrased as a joke, but you've used that analogy to demonstrate a point already. It's irrelevant. Just because one thinks that order cannot come from chaos doesn't make it so. --->The entire Universe is counter-intuitive in its behavior.<---

Why would you believe that? Where is your evidence for that?

Quantum Mechanics. String Theory/M-Theory. General and Special Relativity. Need I go on?

no photo
Wed 11/04/09 09:22 PM

It may have been phrased as a joke, but you've used that analogy to demonstrate a point already. It's irrelevant. Just because one thinks that order cannot come from chaos doesn't make it so. --->The entire Universe is counter-intuitive in its behavior.<---

Why would you believe that? Where is your evidence for that?

Quantum Mechanics. String Theory/M-Theory. General and Special Relativity. Need I go on?

Parroting 'quantum mechanics' 'string theory' 'general and special relativity' proves NOTHING. What do you take me for? laugh :tongue:

no photo
Wed 11/04/09 09:24 PM

If order comes from chaos it is because IT IS DESIGNED TO DO SO.

And this conclusion is based on.........?

A lifetime of contemplating the subject.

bedlum1's photo
Wed 11/04/09 11:21 PM
you and me baby aint nothin but mammals
so lets do it like they do it
on the discovery channel...
