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Topic: 15 Year Old Girl, Beaten And Gang Raped
Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 10/30/09 12:36 PM

A 15 year old girl leaves her Homecoming dance at 9:00 PM to meet her
father outside the school for a ride home. A "friend" leads her to a
dark area of the school where she is met by a group of boys who are
drinking and she is beaten and repeatedly raped for over 2 hours.

This in itself is very disturbing....police say there were up to 12 who
saw this happening during the two and a half hour period.

No one stepped in, no 911 calls, no one went and told any teachers,
anyone, or any of the security guards that are present because the school
has to hire such guards because of the violence in their school.

This is a high school in Richmond California.

Would you step in and help? Would you risk getting your azz kicked
by intervening on her behalf? Would you at least make the 911 call?

I am shocked by the crime..even more that NO ONE helped!

Dragoness's photo
Fri 10/30/09 12:39 PM
They said at least a dozen or so people walked by or watched and did nothing.

It is shocking all the way around.

MrHerrNudist's photo
Fri 10/30/09 12:48 PM
And what about Papa? Why in Hell did he not get concerned when she was not coming out to the car or showing up at home? Why was he not poking around and asking where she might be? 2 hours is a long time to wait and not get uppity about her where abouts... can we say CPS?!

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 10/30/09 12:51 PM

And what about Papa? Why in Hell did he not get concerned when she was not coming out to the car or showing up at home? Why was he not poking around and asking where she might be? 2 hours is a long time to wait and not get uppity about her where abouts... can we say CPS?!

The news coverage never talked about what daddy was doing...lets hope he was concerned and looking.

cassieflames's photo
Fri 10/30/09 12:54 PM
Omg that is awful. I can't even believe that so many people would stand around. I definetly would have stepped in without a doubt or even a thought of myself when someone is in trouble you help and hope that if you are ever in trouble someone will do the same thing for her.

wraithme66's photo
Fri 10/30/09 12:58 PM
What is happening to american society? Due to the poor economic conditions... Americans have become selfish, and careless towards others.

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 10/30/09 01:07 PM

What is happening to american society? Due to the poor economic conditions... Americans have become selfish, and careless towards others.

Indeed...everyone is covering their own backsides, no worries about others.
The oldest boy in this group was 19...
As a mother of 3 sons, I find this terribly disturbing. My 18 year old son cried (tried to hide it) but squirted a tear listening to this on the news. Then he became angry...
I find some comfort in knowing my sons would have helped and not been a part of such a thing.

boredinaz06's photo
Fri 10/30/09 01:14 PM

What is happening to american society? Due to the poor economic conditions... Americans have become selfish, and careless towards others.

No just cowards in general! I would have caused a ruckus and kicked the closest one to me in the nuts hard enough to lift him off the ground just to get their attention.

cherie091279's photo
Fri 10/30/09 01:15 PM
That is awful...I pray that this young girl can get the help she will need to move past this and have a happy life.

no photo
Fri 10/30/09 01:18 PM

A 15 year old girl leaves her Homecoming dance at 9:00 PM to meet her
father outside the school for a ride home. A "friend" leads her to a
dark area of the school where she is met by a group of boys who are
drinking and she is beaten and repeatedly raped for over 2 hours.

This in itself is very disturbing....police say there were up to 12 who
saw this happening during the two and a half hour period.

No one stepped in, no 911 calls, no one went and told any teachers,
anyone, or any of the security guards that are present because the school
has to hire such guards because of the violence in their school.

This is a high school in Richmond California.

Would you step in and help? Would you risk getting your azz kicked
by intervening on her behalf? Would you at least make the 911 call?

I am shocked by the crime..even more that NO ONE helped!


no photo
Fri 10/30/09 01:56 PM
Ohohoh it's painful, dis guys should be handed over to the police 4 dat others will learn 4rm it.I realy sympathize with d little gal.i know it will be very hard.but she should try to put it behind her and move on with her beautiful life.and as 4 d papa he is sick in d head and realy need to c a doctor.thank u.

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 10/30/09 01:58 PM
I appreciate your input on this subject.

no photo
Fri 10/30/09 02:01 PM

What is happening to american society? Due to the poor economic conditions... Americans have become selfish, and careless towards others.

No just cowards in general! I would have caused a ruckus and kicked the closest one to me in the nuts hard enough to lift him off the ground just to get their attention.

That's exactly right just cowards. How can anyone stand by and watch that? Oh my gosh, I wouldn't be able to contain myself. I'm sure I could have found something to start beating the living crap out of them. This poor girl. I do question where the father was. If he was at the school to pick her up, she was at the school, I just don't get it. I hope they nail these bastards to the wall. Parasites that deserve nothing! My heart goes out to this girl, it breaks for her. The torment that she went through because someone clearly doesn't have a heart. A dark heart. :angry:

no photo
Fri 10/30/09 02:04 PM

What is happening to american society? Due to the poor economic conditions... Americans have become selfish, and careless towards others.

No just cowards in general! I would have caused a ruckus and kicked the closest one to me in the nuts hard enough to lift him off the ground just to get their attention.

That's exactly right just cowards. How can anyone stand by and watch that? Oh my gosh, I wouldn't be able to contain myself. I'm sure I could have found something to start beating the living crap out of them. This poor girl. I do question where the father was. If he was at the school to pick her up, she was at the school, I just don't get it. I hope they nail these bastards to the wall. Parasites that deserve nothing! My heart goes out to this girl, it breaks for her. The torment that she went through because someone clearly doesn't have a heart. A dark heart. :angry:
YES I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL ....... I WOULD HAVE KILLED THEM ALL ONE AT A TIME.......WITH MY BARE HANDS...........explode explode explode grumble mad mad mad explode ill scared rant explode explode grumble noway mad mad :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

markumX's photo
Fri 10/30/09 02:19 PM
haha only in America...and the neocons call us muslims uncivilized.

no photo
Fri 10/30/09 02:21 PM

haha only in America...and the neocons call us muslims uncivilized.

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 10/30/09 02:22 PM

haha only in America...and the neocons call us muslims uncivilized.

I find no humor in this at all...if it makes you feel better because of the idiots who you feel judge you, ok then. Lets not forget about this child..actually all of the children involved. There is no ha ha here...

PetitePrettyLady's photo
Fri 10/30/09 02:25 PM

haha only in America...and the neocons call us muslims uncivilized.

I'm sorry, but this has to be one of the MOST STUPID remarks I have read on these forums. mad

no photo
Fri 10/30/09 02:28 PM

haha only in America...and the neocons call us muslims uncivilized.

I'm not a neocon but a conservative who despises all forms of violence against innocent victims. YOu are way off base, this has absolutely nothing to do with if someone is a conservative or liberal. NOTHING.

What's worse? A teen being gang raped for two hours by a few men or a woman being stoned to death for something she had no control over that is not her fault?

No difference if you ask me.frustrated

no photo
Fri 10/30/09 02:51 PM

A 15 year old girl leaves her Homecoming dance at 9:00 PM to meet her
father outside the school for a ride home. A "friend" leads her to a
dark area of the school where she is met by a group of boys who are
drinking and she is beaten and repeatedly raped for over 2 hours.

This in itself is very disturbing....police say there were up to 12 who
saw this happening during the two and a half hour period.

No one stepped in, no 911 calls, no one went and told any teachers,
anyone, or any of the security guards that are present because the school
has to hire such guards because of the violence in their school.

This is a high school in Richmond California.

Would you step in and help? Would you risk getting your azz kicked
by intervening on her behalf? Would you at least make the 911 call?

I am shocked by the crime..even more that NO ONE helped!

The agressors should be put in prison for a minimum of 25 years and the ones who stood by like perverts watching and doing nothing a minimum of 10 years.

No matter that they are minors they all new what the hell they were doing and what the others were doing (for the spectators).

It makes me sick to hear that, it seems that no one takes responsabilties for anything and think silence is the golden rule.

How can you live with yourself by standing there and doing nothing who cares if you get beaten up it's a lot better then living with the guilt of doing nothing, unless they like what they were watching if so they are as guilty as the agressors.

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