Topic: Your "Calling" | |
What did you want to be when you grew up???? Are you that now??? Do you feel what you do for work today is your "calling"? & Why or why not? ![]() 1. Veterinarian 2. No. 3. No. 4. I changed my mind on the way not to be a veterinarian, but even with a degree in science I can't get a job. Why? Ask Obama. |
My calling was either a fireman or an airline pilot. I guarantee you if I'd been flying that Northwest plane, I would not have missed the airport by 150 miles, what an idiot. What am I now? Not those. Too old to be a fireman, and not rich enough to go to flight school. I wanted to though.
What did you want to be when you grew up???? Are you that now??? Do you feel what you do for work today is your "calling"? & Why or why not? ![]() 1.Nurse 2. Yes 3. Yes I think it is time for a change or to add a 2nd skill, Iam working on that now. |
I always wanted to be a teacher. Unfortunately, I let others talk me out of doing if for various reasons. Finally, after all these years, I'm hoping to start school this coming year to get my teaching cert!
Good for you!get in!
1) I always wanted to be a Superhero!!!
2) That kinda depends who you ask. lol. 3) What I'm working towards is my calling but not necessarily my work. 4) Work, like money, is a means not an end. I do it to enable me to do more of what I feel I should be doing. Very cryptic I know, but hey I did list my Profession as "a secret" ![]() |
i don't remember having had a dream of what i wanted to be when i was younger.
i do know that when i was in high school, i wanted to study law, in france, and possibly interpret in the court system. my passion is gardening and i'd love to be involved in landscape design. but since i have to actually make a living and earn some income, give me a desk with lots and lots of paperwork and i'm quite happy. |
What did you want to be when you grew up???? Are you that now??? Do you feel what you do for work today is your "calling"? & Why or why not? ![]() professional dancer no. an injury in high school stopped that I teach dance so in a way I am doing that |
What did you want to be when you grew up???? Are you that now??? Do you feel what you do for work today is your "calling"? & Why or why not? ![]() Professionally.....Never a thought about that. Personally.....I wanted to be a wife and Mom. Never a wife. But have a son. Very proud of the young man he is turning out too be. Yes, I think Collections is my "calling" because I am the type of person who has a heart and can be empathetic and smart enough to figure out what can help both the customer and the company without placing hardship on my customers and with still collecting enough to please my boss. |
As a child, I had three different aspirations: to be a radio disc jockey, to be a musician/vocalist, and to be a music producer.
I have achieved the first two. I no longer do either, at least not on a professional level. I would still like to be a record producer, but I would be rather selective as to who and what I would record. Much of the acts in today's music scene that passes for "entertainment" falls very far short of my personal standards. I would only record artists who actually had something to contribute, who took the time to write material with feeling, depth, and emotion, instead of just throwing some notes on paper and calling it music. Unfortunately, most musicians today, as well as most of the entertainment-buying public at large, have become so acclimated to the mediocrity that the music industry has become, that they've largely forgotten how music used to be, calling the sounds of today by the hugely incorrect misnomer of "progress". Most young people of today simply just don't know any better. I would like to record and produce artists who make music that genuinely means something. |
I want to thank all of those that took the time time to answer the questions. Also those that took the time to read the answers there is so much more behind the person one talks to online.
When you have the chance to read their answers to serious questions about themselves about their desires it tells you so much more about that person at times things you had no clue about...... If more took the time to really read what ones passions are within life whether they happened or not it lets you take a glimpse within that persons life......... We can learn so much about those around us if only we take the time.............. ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 10/25/09 09:23 AM
when I was a kid I wanted to grow up to be a scientist
then I discovered that scientists had to know math so I changed my mind and decided I wanted to be a busboy |
What did you want to be when you grew up???? Are you that now??? Do you feel what you do for work today is your "calling"? & Why or why not? ![]() I wanted to be an archeologist or a writer when I was a kid. I'm neither right now, although I do write to please myself. Sometimes I throw stuff up here. I'm currently an IT student working towards being a network engineer. It's not really what I had envisioned for myself but it'll give me a good life and I am pretty good at it. I'm terrified of snakes and never had the money to go through 5+ years of university so it was never going to happen. ***I love all the 'I wanted to be a mom' comments. I've always wanted kids but never really felt the same for marriage...One day tho... |
What did you want to be when you grew up???? Are you that now??? Do you feel what you do for work today is your "calling"? & Why or why not? ![]() When I wasn't grown I wanted to be my dad. I'm not him. I'm a writer. Some call it a calling, but I wouldn't in public. Because I never wrote anything that my dad would have liked. |
no dreams/goals of becoming anything...i am there now
never felt any urge to help others...never felt a calling |
What did you want to be when you grew up???? Are you that now??? Do you feel what you do for work today is your "calling"? & Why or why not? ![]() i wanted to be a neurosurgeon from the time i was two. it was all i ever dreamed of, my ultimate goal. i was headed in the right direction when i sidetracked myself with life. at the age of twelve, i witnessed something dark and it...changed me. i started drinking and using drugs and eventually attempted suicide at fourteen. i did everything i could to shut my brain off, to stop thinking. my brother moved me in with him and started me on a crash work-out diet...he picked me up from school every day and we worked out from four until ten. nautilus from four til five, martial arts from five til nine, and free weights from nine til ten. i got back on track and retook the tests i missed...picked up the pieces, at least for a while. jumped into my studies, successfully. was a national merit scholarship finalist with several full free rides, dependent only upon my graduation. my mom moved out of my aunt's house and was living in a different city, and i was doing very well. then i got the call asking me to come to step-dad's cancer had progressed and mom needed my help. flash-forward and i'm asked to drop out of my senior year so that i can work more to support my family. i do it, tears on my face. a couple of months later, mom decides she can't watch him die and makes plans to move back to arkansas...i got an apartment and chose to stay til the end. i ended up with my GED and getting a scholarship from that...more bad life-decisions and a failed marriage later, i quit my job in management and went back to school thinking i would go into education. my counselors convinced me to try for the pre-med anyhow, so i changed my major and did the jump...and then got pregnant again. i was taking 21 hours of school and working two jobs, one full-time and one part-time while pregnant and taking care of the three i already had. and then she was born and the world crashed around my shoulders. i managed to get five years of school in, but i've given up on loftier dreams. after having to quit on three separate semesters due to raegan's health, i'm pretty sure i'll wait at least until she's a teenager to go back. no, i'm not who i was meant to be...but it's my own fault. i made a lot of decisions that derailed me, and i take full responsibility for them. sometimes we don't realize when we're younger that we can change the entire course of our lives...literally. i hope that i can keep my kids from doing the same, and i hope that they can learn from my mistakes. |
Lori, at times even though we may not think we are where we should be at times. Could it be you are in fact where you are needed?
Even though we have not got to do what we had dreamed of at one time could it not be that we are meant to complete what we are doing now. Then if that dream is still there after our kids are grown and our lives have stabilized some are to shoot for their dreams then when they have the time to really give all? ![]() |
Lori, at times even though we may not think we are where we should be at times. Could it be you are in fact where you are needed? Even though we have not got to do what we had dreamed of at one time could it not be that we are meant to complete what we are doing now. Then if that dream is still there after our kids are grown and our lives have stabilized some are to shoot for their dreams then when they have the time to really give all? ![]() it's okay...i've made peace. to do so, i had to realize that it was my fault that i didn't accomplish these things. mine. the world didn't screw me over...i did. once you take that responsibility, things are a bit easier. and maybe, just maybe...when the girls are older...i can go onto a different state of being. |
I actually used to remember playing secretary and keeping books as a kid lol. now that I think of it btw. and now that is what I do for a living.
funny...others were pretending to be something exciting and I had a play desk, an old typewriter and phone that didn't work ![]() |
Lori, at times even though we may not think we are where we should be at times. Could it be you are in fact where you are needed? Even though we have not got to do what we had dreamed of at one time could it not be that we are meant to complete what we are doing now. Then if that dream is still there after our kids are grown and our lives have stabilized some are to shoot for their dreams then when they have the time to really give all? ![]() it's okay...i've made peace. to do so, i had to realize that it was my fault that i didn't accomplish these things. mine. the world didn't screw me over...i did. once you take that responsibility, things are a bit easier. and maybe, just maybe...when the girls are older...i can go onto a different state of being. Even if it is not what you had planned on it could still be within the same area..... one never knows what part of the medical field you could do until you check it out..... Even though it is not what you had dreamed of it could still be fulfilling in the end. |