Topic: Films You Hate
RoamingOrator's photo
Thu 10/22/09 04:05 PM
Most things written by John Waters. For example, Hairspray, Female Trouble, and Cry Baby.

no photo
Thu 10/22/09 05:35 PM
Oh yay, I just tried to watch two that sucked major- Funny Games and John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness. The first was slow as hell, and the latter was just stupid. That's about 2 hours of my life I'll never get back.grumble

SunnyMcleod's photo
Thu 10/22/09 06:21 PM
Edited by SunnyMcleod on Thu 10/22/09 06:23 PM
Worst movie ever? Sunshine hands down. I thought, 'Sure, I'll watch Cillian Murphy in a space ship...'

Omg I want that $25 and 2 hours back...It was like being tortured, and paying for it!

Someone said that they hated Kevin Costner? ME TOO! I can't watch anything he's in without getting weirded out. I just hate that guy. And Michael Douglas. He just looks like that old guy all the girls in the neighbourhood always avoid cuz he's a creepy. (I know it's not fair cuz they're both probably nice guys but that's how I feel.)

Oh and anything by/with/created by the Olsen Twins. F*$%

no photo
Thu 10/22/09 06:46 PM

Worst movie ever? Sunshine hands down. I thought, 'Sure, I'll watch Cillian Murphy in a space ship...'

Omg I want that $25 and 2 hours back...It was like being tortured, and paying for it!

Someone said that they hated Kevin Costner? ME TOO! I can't watch anything he's in without getting weirded out. I just hate that guy. And Michael Douglas. He just looks like that old guy all the girls in the neighbourhood always avoid cuz he's a creepy. (I know it's not fair cuz they're both probably nice guys but that's how I feel.)

Oh and anything by/with/created by the Olsen Twins. F*$%

I agree about the Olsen twins.laugh

RoamingOrator's photo
Thu 10/22/09 07:03 PM
Well, while Waterworld and the Postman sucked like a hoover, I kind of liked Bull Durham, and Mr. Brooks isn't bad - he's supposed to be creepy in it.

Costner's kind of a crap shoot.

Here's a bad one with Jeff Goldblum, Gina Davis, Daimon Wayens, and Jim Carrey: Earth Girls are Easy

no photo
Thu 10/22/09 07:27 PM

Natural Born Killers, by far...

MelodyGirl's photo
Thu 10/22/09 08:05 PM
Edited by MelodyGirl on Thu 10/22/09 08:05 PM

Natural Born Killers, by far...

Really? Oh! I loved that movie! Woody Harrelson and Juliette Lewis were amazing -- they really earned their acting chops. drinker

I also loved the cinematography and creative script. It was intentionally disturbing.

Oliver Stone does an extraordinary job behind the camera, and the editing is totally hallucinating; it was one of the most visually dazzling films at the time.

no photo
Thu 10/22/09 08:21 PM

Natural Born Killers, by far...

Really? Oh! I loved that movie! Woody Harrelson and Juliette Lewis were amazing -- they really earned their acting chops. drinker

I also loved the cinematography and creative script. It was intentionally disturbing.

Oliver Stone does an extraordinary job behind the camera, and the editing is totally hallucinating; it was one of the most visually dazzling films at the time.

I think it was sick and twisted...

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Thu 10/22/09 08:44 PM

Most things written by John Waters. For example, Hairspray, Female Trouble, and Cry Baby.

ohhh sorry. i heart john waters. i heart crybaby. i think the man is a genius in his own screwed up right.

you should have seen some of the stuff he made with Devine!!!omg so bad it was hilarious.

Gossipmpm's photo
Thu 10/22/09 08:54 PM

Remember Devine
sad sad sad

Pumpkin_King's photo
Thu 10/22/09 09:45 PM
The Others w/ Nicole Kidman. Wasted 2 1/2 hours of my life that i cant get back

Goofball73's photo
Thu 10/22/09 10:04 PM

Natural Born Killers, by far...

NBK is one film that most people either love or hate. I actually appreciate the film for how it talks about societies infatuation with violence. Back in 1994, when the film came out, Stone tackled the issue of violence and how we actually love it. Yeah, he did it in a way that most just didn't get, or they just couldn't handle the content of the film. It is brutally violent, but Stone had to make it that way so you could see just how Micky and Mallory functioned. Yeah, the acid trip like cinematography can throw you off, and you have to pay attention to what the characters say in the film (especially Micky). Overall though, it really is a good film.

RoamingOrator's photo
Fri 10/23/09 05:53 AM

Most things written by John Waters. For example, Hairspray, Female Trouble, and Cry Baby.

ohhh sorry. i heart john waters. i heart crybaby. i think the man is a genius in his own screwed up right.

you should have seen some of the stuff he made with Devine!!!omg so bad it was hilarious.

Actually I was talking about the Divine version of Hairspray (didn't bother with Travoltas), and Female Trouble stars Divine. I will admit I thought Serial Mom was hilarious.

Don't get me wrong, I like a good bad movie. I think Army of Darkness with Bruce Campbell takes the cake as far as a good bad movie goes. But that's off topic because I like it.

To get back on topic I will offer:

Troop Beverly Hills

galendgirl's photo
Fri 10/23/09 05:56 AM
"Message In A Bottle" - what a depressing ending. I wish I had that 2 hours of my life back!

prisoner's photo
Fri 10/23/09 07:38 AM
Regarding Oliver Stone and John Waters. Their movies aren't for every one. They are 2 of my favorite directors,their films are challenging,as oppossed to run of the mill Hollywood clap trap. Terry Gilliam would also fall into this category. be seeing you

tribefan73's photo
Fri 10/23/09 09:48 AM
Edited by tribefan73 on Fri 10/23/09 09:48 AM

Gossipmpm's photo
Fri 10/23/09 09:52 AM
I love



Naural Born Killers!!

My daughter and I thought it was one of the best!!!


And brilliant editing!!

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Sat 10/24/09 10:39 PM
I don't even consider slasher flicks to be real movies, so discard them.
Real disappointments: Deathtrap (michael caine). Kubrik's The Shining (if you read the book, the movie is AWFUL. If you haven't it's okay).
Special Ugh! award to "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow," and any other movie that gets promoted more for the "fabulous new way to MAKE movies" than for the film itself. "300" is in the same genre.
I wont watch a Michael Moore movie, but I'm glad he makes them, just to stir things up.
The entire Matrix series, because they were all special effects, and built an intriguing lead up story, only to bail out in the end with the lamest of all laughable mixture of Christ Redux, who saves, not humanity, but the Matrix Illusion itself! Everyone gets to go back to being deluded batteries! Yaaay!
Speaking of movies where the writer/director bailed out instead of writing an ending: Costner in "No Way Out." No more aptly named movie. The director apparently couldn't figure out how to tie the various story lines together and end it, so he just pretends the Costner character was a spy after all. Surprise! Pointless Surprise! Yag.
All of the Batman movies by Tim Burton, each one worse than the one before. His animated stuff is pretty cool.
Kubrik's 2001. Self-indulgence squared. I liked it when I was a kid, but then I was stoned from all the pot smokers in the theatre.
Costner's Robin Hood! AAiiiieeee!

An oldie, but a Crapee...1963's 'The Terror' with Jack Nicholson as a,get this, FRENCH ARMY OFFICER! Texas accent and all. ALMOST funny. Watch for the floating Castle Wall Stones at the end.

FETTS61's photo
Sun 10/25/09 08:45 AM
the piano and the bad lieutenant

i like harvey keitel but dont wanna see him nekkid anymore

RoamingOrator's photo
Sun 10/25/09 03:20 PM
I made the mistake of watching Kevin James in "Mall Cop" last night.