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Topic: Chances of Finding a "Pure" Girl
Gossipmpm's photo
Sun 10/18/09 06:18 PM

Hi my name is Chris Hansen from Dateline NBC, would you please take a seat over here...go ahead and put your bag over here...

:wink: laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 10/18/09 08:02 PM
DUDE you might die trying all the best.

EquusDancer's photo
Tue 10/20/09 01:34 AM

I have still not been pointed to the information regarding the original meaning of the word VIRGIN as it pertains to the actual origins of the word, not the origins of similar words. Today virgin means someone who has not had sexual intercourse, it can be found in any dictionary.

I think it would be tough to remain a virgin because sex has become so widely promoted and accepted in mainstream. I can understand the respect one would have to desire that for themself. I would just steer clear of the inverse assumption that because someone is NOT a virgin, they are any less respectable or have any less integrity or ability to appreciate their partner.

Actually it's more of a word usage/translation. It's a twist-up or confusion between "virgin", "maiden", "almah", "bethulah" and "parthenos" Translations from Hebrew to Greek to English, and back again, and being used interchangeably and likely incorrectly.



squonk's photo
Tue 10/20/09 02:21 AM
First of all having such a narrow minded view is going to eliminate many potential girls from striking an interest with you.

Love doesn't have boundaries on how many guys a girl has done in her life. It's not important on how many guys she was previously with, it's important that she's with you now.

What isn't important is what she was like before she met you, it's how she's meeting you now and going into the future.

We aren't born drug addicts, nymphos, sex craved machines, or sleeping around. However, it is much more difficult in the American society to hold these away from the mind and from the person.

Now that doesn't mean you have to go around looking for a girl with 7 kids but what I am saying is just because a girl has had sex doesn't mean she should be kicked off your list. Also don't know how easy it is but for some people they lie ok? So whether they have had sex or whether they didn't doesn't matter. If you have a problem with this, I suggest taking your life before you become a pedophile in your late 30s early 40s.

bedlum1's photo
Tue 10/20/09 07:33 AM
Edited by bedlum1 on Tue 10/20/09 07:43 AM

lol goooooood luckrofl rofl rofl
and are you "pure"? or does that only apply to the girl?

I wouldn't expect something from a girl if I myself did not display that quality. Otherwise that would be rather hypocritical. So yes, I am a virgin.
lmao..you just described 80% of how the male population is...good job..lol....and they are the reason honesty and trust dont go far...words are cheap now because of this

bedlum1's photo
Tue 10/20/09 07:36 AM
Edited by bedlum1 on Tue 10/20/09 07:37 AM
virgin in its true form was..purity of heart&faith.. old pagan goddess temples would take weary travelers in and love them...lol...it had nothing to do with the hymen

bedlum1's photo
Tue 10/20/09 07:46 AM
and holding someones past against them specialy when you weren't involved in it...well thats just hinkey

Spirograph's photo
Tue 10/20/09 01:07 PM
You're criteria is extremely strict. If you truly demand all of those things, you'll probably be looking for quite sometime. But, at the same time, if it really means as much to you as you say it does, then you shouldn't mind the wait.

But, you know, there are non-virgins that feel the same way about the emotional bonds of sex. I'm not a virgin, and certainly wasn't one before I found Erik (egoodrich from this site). But every time he touches me, I feel things I've never felt with anyone else.

Let yourself love, buddy. Allow yourself to make a connection.

I'm not saying you should "settle" or anything of the sort, but you shouldn't completely limit yourself either.

Good luck.

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