Topic: Is Everyday PROFILING Of People RACIST????
raiderfan_32's photo
Sat 10/10/09 12:27 PM

So profiling is right in your eyes??

Profiling is wrong.

I have met dangerous people who, if treated the same as everyone else, will not harm you. I have met meek individuals who are quiet and subdued because they are harboring the desire to harm others and themselves.

We cannot tell by looking at people whether they want to harm us in all situations so it is a disadvantage to assume anything.

You act as though you think I have lived a cushy life in surbanite with no exposure to the "bad" elements in

You have no clue who I have been around or what I have survived.

I'm not saying its right or wrong.. I'm saying its a tool in assesing a situation. It's about processing information and assigning threat levels.

If you let your desire to see everyone the same to override common sense, that's your business..

For my money, I'll steer clear of people with TS, MS13, and blackhand tattoos whenever possible..

"walk softly and carry a .45" that's my motto

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 10/10/09 12:27 PM

there are people that think everyone from Texas is like JR Ewing or they are all this way or that way. If I went to some other state...they more than likely would have preconceived notions about what I should be

Not making it right.

People should not do it.

It is wrong.

but they do it. I've seen it in here myself many times with a Texas thread. people think all of Texas is one way. My sister is nothing like the stereotype people have of Texans and she has lived here as long as me and born here like me.

I have said it's probably not right

we have new neighbors across the street. when they were moving in...I got a dreaded feeling that they were going to be loud partiers and such. last night them and their friends were outside, drinking, until 4 am.

it would have been wrong to call the police and say these people are going to have a wild party sometime so pre-warn them about it. but I formed a first impression. people form first impressions all the time not based on much of anything. I wouldn't have hesitated to get to know them.....but sometimes first impressions make us more aware....right or wrong

Dragoness's photo
Sat 10/10/09 12:31 PM

So profiling is right in your eyes??

Profiling is wrong.

I have met dangerous people who, if treated the same as everyone else, will not harm you. I have met meek individuals who are quiet and subdued because they are harboring the desire to harm others and themselves.

We cannot tell by looking at people whether they want to harm us in all situations so it is a disadvantage to assume anything.

You act as though you think I have lived a cushy life in surbanite with no exposure to the "bad" elements in

You have no clue who I have been around or what I have survived.

I'm not saying its right or wrong.. I'm saying its a tool in assesing a situation. It's about processing information and assigning threat levels.

If you let your desire to see everyone the same to override common sense, that's your business..

For my money, I'll steer clear of people with TS, MS13, and blackhand tattoos whenever possible..

"walk softly and carry a .45" that's my motto

But it is common sense that all people are the same until they prove themselves otherwise or as those of us who make bad choices in life and deserve restrictive treatment.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 10/10/09 12:33 PM

there are people that think everyone from Texas is like JR Ewing or they are all this way or that way. If I went to some other state...they more than likely would have preconceived notions about what I should be

Not making it right.

People should not do it.

It is wrong.

but they do it. I've seen it in here myself many times with a Texas thread. people think all of Texas is one way. My sister is nothing like the stereotype people have of Texans and she has lived here as long as me and born here like me.

I have said it's probably not right

we have new neighbors across the street. when they were moving in...I got a dreaded feeling that they were going to be loud partiers and such. last night them and their friends were outside, drinking, until 4 am.

it would have been wrong to call the police and say these people are going to have a wild party sometime so pre-warn them about it. but I formed a first impression. people form first impressions all the time not based on much of anything. I wouldn't have hesitated to get to know them.....but sometimes first impressions make us more aware....right or wrong

But we judge incorrectly more often then we do correctly when we prejudge so it is not an accurate science. We unjustly treat people badly based on profiling or prejudice when we are wrong.

Human respect should be utmost in our minds. My opinion of course.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 10/10/09 12:35 PM

there are people that think everyone from Texas is like JR Ewing or they are all this way or that way. If I went to some other state...they more than likely would have preconceived notions about what I should be

Not making it right.

People should not do it.

It is wrong.

but they do it. I've seen it in here myself many times with a Texas thread. people think all of Texas is one way. My sister is nothing like the stereotype people have of Texans and she has lived here as long as me and born here like me.

I have said it's probably not right

we have new neighbors across the street. when they were moving in...I got a dreaded feeling that they were going to be loud partiers and such. last night them and their friends were outside, drinking, until 4 am.

it would have been wrong to call the police and say these people are going to have a wild party sometime so pre-warn them about it. but I formed a first impression. people form first impressions all the time not based on much of anything. I wouldn't have hesitated to get to know them.....but sometimes first impressions make us more aware....right or wrong

But we judge incorrectly more often then we do correctly when we prejudge so it is not an accurate science. We unjustly treat people badly based on profiling or prejudice when we are wrong.

Human respect should be utmost in our minds. My opinion of course.

and awareness is mine. I would rather be aware then caught off guard. and I may have first impressions but that doesn't mean I act on them

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 10/10/09 12:37 PM
even actions aren't always accurate.

let's say someone is having a very bad day and doesn't want anything to do with anyone or is grumpy....does that mean that's how they always are???? or someone out partying because of a promotion or something and gets a little wild...that doesn't mean they are always that way either

part of it has to do with the situation

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 10/10/09 12:39 PM
or let's take meeting someone on here. I would make sure my brother in law knows where I will be and any info I had on someone before I met someone and I would meet them in a public area and they wouldn't pick me up at my house. does this mean guys on here are all bad???? no. but I have met a registered sex offender on another sight.

raiderfan_32's photo
Sat 10/10/09 12:43 PM

there are people that think everyone from Texas is like JR Ewing or they are all this way or that way. If I went to some other state...they more than likely would have preconceived notions about what I should be

Not making it right.

People should not do it.

It is wrong.

but they do it. I've seen it in here myself many times with a Texas thread. people think all of Texas is one way. My sister is nothing like the stereotype people have of Texans and she has lived here as long as me and born here like me.

I have said it's probably not right

we have new neighbors across the street. when they were moving in...I got a dreaded feeling that they were going to be loud partiers and such. last night them and their friends were outside, drinking, until 4 am.

it would have been wrong to call the police and say these people are going to have a wild party sometime so pre-warn them about it. but I formed a first impression. people form first impressions all the time not based on much of anything. I wouldn't have hesitated to get to know them.....but sometimes first impressions make us more aware....right or wrong

But we judge incorrectly more often then we do correctly when we prejudge so it is not an accurate science. We unjustly treat people badly based on profiling or prejudice when we are wrong.

Human respect should be utmost in our minds. My opinion of course.

when it comes to matter of justice and due process, sure, I'm all with you.. let justice be blind

but when it comes to matters of my own personal security, I keep my eyes wide open. I could be wrong, sure. I may be dead wrong. but when it comes to assessing whether the stranger in front of me is a threat or not.. tats on the face is a definite turn off.. corn rows and saggy pants is red light. same as a leather biker vest with the 1%er patch, I'm going to give that guy a wide berth and be careful what I say and how I carry myself around him..

it's just common sense..

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 10/10/09 12:50 PM
:tongue: What if you are on a plane and a muslim person is praying out loud?:tongue:

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 10/10/09 12:52 PM

:tongue: What if you are on a plane and a muslim person is praying out loud?:tongue:

I'd ask him to pray quieter if he is loud but other than does not bug me

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 10/10/09 01:04 PM
Edited by yellowrose10 on Sat 10/10/09 01:08 PM
mirror...I do see what you are saying though. yes there are people out there that would profile because he is praying or muslim on an airplane or both. it does happen. I would just assume (if he is being loud about it) that he is rude and doesn't care who he disturbs. I am scared of flying anyway. but (and I can't speak for others) I don't assume all of one race or religion are all the same. I do profile but based on the individual and/or situation.

the bar I go to (or used to) I have 2 black cowboy friends. there are people that come in there that have never been there before and are surprised to see them dressed in hats, boots, belt buckle and all. I didn't get this at first...then it occurred to me that some are surprised to see this. a black guy came into the bar one day and joked with Dee and Overton about being cowboys and that they could two step but not club dance. I kinda thought it was funny to hear their replies. but it was all good.

the bouncer there is a 6'7 black guy named Tiny....great guy too if he would stop selling my tequila rose laugh . that same guy that joked with the cowboys asked Tiny about him playing basketball. Tiny just laughing and said "dude....I can't even dribble a ball. My big feet get in the way"

there is profiling all the time. sometimes it's not a big issue and sometimes it is

*edit* I wonder if someone from a different state saw Dee and Overton if they would just think "yep that's what Texans are like"

Dragoness's photo
Sat 10/10/09 01:21 PM

there are people that think everyone from Texas is like JR Ewing or they are all this way or that way. If I went to some other state...they more than likely would have preconceived notions about what I should be

Not making it right.

People should not do it.

It is wrong.

but they do it. I've seen it in here myself many times with a Texas thread. people think all of Texas is one way. My sister is nothing like the stereotype people have of Texans and she has lived here as long as me and born here like me.

I have said it's probably not right

we have new neighbors across the street. when they were moving in...I got a dreaded feeling that they were going to be loud partiers and such. last night them and their friends were outside, drinking, until 4 am.

it would have been wrong to call the police and say these people are going to have a wild party sometime so pre-warn them about it. but I formed a first impression. people form first impressions all the time not based on much of anything. I wouldn't have hesitated to get to know them.....but sometimes first impressions make us more aware....right or wrong

But we judge incorrectly more often then we do correctly when we prejudge so it is not an accurate science. We unjustly treat people badly based on profiling or prejudice when we are wrong.

Human respect should be utmost in our minds. My opinion of course.

when it comes to matter of justice and due process, sure, I'm all with you.. let justice be blind

but when it comes to matters of my own personal security, I keep my eyes wide open. I could be wrong, sure. I may be dead wrong. but when it comes to assessing whether the stranger in front of me is a threat or not.. tats on the face is a definite turn off.. corn rows and saggy pants is red light. same as a leather biker vest with the 1%er patch, I'm going to give that guy a wide berth and be careful what I say and how I carry myself around him..

it's just common sense..

I on the other hand am going to speak and act just like he is no different than anyone else. I have never been mistreated doing it that way.

msharmony's photo
Sat 10/10/09 01:28 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 10/10/09 01:31 PM
i think we prejudge or have ideas about who people are by the way they look. I think it is natural so long as we dont confuse those ideas with facts. We should treat people by who they ARE not who they appear to be. That is best done by being aware of peoples behaviors and words,,which are much better indicators of character than physical appearance.

As to racism,any decision based solely on someones race is racist. So, racial profiling, or assuming someone criminal because of their race,,,,is a racist and harmful practice.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 10/10/09 01:31 PM

i think we prejudge or have ideas about who people are by the way they look. I think it is natural so long as we dont confuse those ideas with facts. We should treat people by who they ARE not who they appear to be. That is best done by being aware of peoples behaviors and words,,which are much better indicators of character than physical appearance.

As to racism,any decision based solely on someones race is racist. So, racial profiling, or assuming someone criminal because of their race,,,,is a racist and harmful practice.


raiderfan_32's photo
Sat 10/10/09 01:47 PM

there are people that think everyone from Texas is like JR Ewing or they are all this way or that way. If I went to some other state...they more than likely would have preconceived notions about what I should be

Not making it right.

People should not do it.

It is wrong.

but they do it. I've seen it in here myself many times with a Texas thread. people think all of Texas is one way. My sister is nothing like the stereotype people have of Texans and she has lived here as long as me and born here like me.

I have said it's probably not right

we have new neighbors across the street. when they were moving in...I got a dreaded feeling that they were going to be loud partiers and such. last night them and their friends were outside, drinking, until 4 am.

it would have been wrong to call the police and say these people are going to have a wild party sometime so pre-warn them about it. but I formed a first impression. people form first impressions all the time not based on much of anything. I wouldn't have hesitated to get to know them.....but sometimes first impressions make us more aware....right or wrong

But we judge incorrectly more often then we do correctly when we prejudge so it is not an accurate science. We unjustly treat people badly based on profiling or prejudice when we are wrong.

Human respect should be utmost in our minds. My opinion of course.

when it comes to matter of justice and due process, sure, I'm all with you.. let justice be blind

but when it comes to matters of my own personal security, I keep my eyes wide open. I could be wrong, sure. I may be dead wrong. but when it comes to assessing whether the stranger in front of me is a threat or not.. tats on the face is a definite turn off.. corn rows and saggy pants is red light. same as a leather biker vest with the 1%er patch, I'm going to give that guy a wide berth and be careful what I say and how I carry myself around him..

it's just common sense..

I on the other hand am going to speak and act just like he is no different than anyone else. I have never been mistreated doing it that way.

yeah, well, don't take this the wrong way but you are a female. Men are less inclined to percieve a female as a threat as they are to percieve a male as a threat.

You striking up a conversation in the milk isle of the grocery with a tatt'ed up cholo isn't the same interaction as my doing it.

It also depends on the situation. I have a very good friend who is a CPS case worker in South Texas. She interacts with Mexican Mafia all the time, as well as AB and all other types of degenerates, in the course of her work.. She knows from the word go whether or not she's going to have a hard time with someone and doesn't let them intimidate her. She knows that within the capacity in which she interacts with them that she has leverage over them. She's also quite well aware that it's her position as a caseworker that affords her that leverage and wouldn't dare front on a member of the Mexican Mafia just on the street as a private citizen.. There she has no leverage, no advantage, no authority..

So, it depends on the situation..

Atlantis75's photo
Sat 10/10/09 01:56 PM
I really like how Dr. Ron Paul puts it out. I think everybody should read it and think about it:

Racism is simply an ugly form of collectivism, the mindset that views humans only as members of groups and never as individuals. Racists believe that all individual who share superficial physical characteristics are alike; as collectivists, racists think only in terms of groups. By encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality, the advocates of so-called "diversity" actually perpetuate racism. Their intense focus on race is inherently racist, because it views individuals only as members of racial groups.
-Dr. Ron Paul -- 2002

the rest:
"What Really Divides Us"

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 10/10/09 01:59 PM

I really like how Dr. Ron Paul puts it out. I think everybody should read it and think about it:

Racism is simply an ugly form of collectivism, the mindset that views humans only as members of groups and never as individuals. Racists believe that all individual who share superficial physical characteristics are alike; as collectivists, racists think only in terms of groups. By encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality, the advocates of so-called "diversity" actually perpetuate racism. Their intense focus on race is inherently racist, because it views individuals only as members of racial groups.
-Dr. Ron Paul -- 2002

the rest:
"What Really Divides Us"
bigsmile I read it,thought about it,and I think he's wrongbigsmile

Winx's photo
Sat 10/10/09 03:46 PM

Let me put to you two imgages:

The first is of a hispanic man, mid- to late 20's, 5'8" about 160#, low slung sagging blue jeans, white tank top undershirt, shaved head, tattoos on his face, neck, shoulders, back, arms, a couple of tear drop tattoos under his left eye.

the second, another hispanic man, again mid to late 20's, 5'8", about 160#, wrangler blue jeans, western boots, polo shirt, cell phone on his belt, clean shaven, straw cowboy hat...

there are two vehicles in the parking lot.. one is a chevy silverado step side, mud on the sides. the other is an early 80's monte carlo, withe the roman numeral XIV carved into the vinyl behind the side windows..

which car belongs to which man?

I cannot pick because I don't know enough about either person.

would it help you to know that one of the tattoos across the first gentleman's back read "Norteños".. that his elbows had spiderwebs tattooed on them.. another tattoo featured a prominent N and F.. ??

Nope because looks do not mean anything about people. I need to know them, talk to them, watch them, see about them, etc....

Your soooooo lying right now.


Winx's photo
Sat 10/10/09 03:46 PM
Edited by Winx on Sat 10/10/09 03:47 PM

Let me put to you two imgages:

The first is of a hispanic man, mid- to late 20's, 5'8" about 160#, low slung sagging blue jeans, white tank top undershirt, shaved head, tattoos on his face, neck, shoulders, back, arms, a couple of tear drop tattoos under his left eye.

the second, another hispanic man, again mid to late 20's, 5'8", about 160#, wrangler blue jeans, western boots, polo shirt, cell phone on his belt, clean shaven, straw cowboy hat...

there are two vehicles in the parking lot.. one is a chevy silverado step side, mud on the sides. the other is an early 80's monte carlo, withe the roman numeral XIV carved into the vinyl behind the side windows..

which car belongs to which man?

I cannot pick because I don't know enough about either person.

would it help you to know that one of the tattoos across the first gentleman's back read "Norteños".. that his elbows had spiderwebs tattooed on them.. another tattoo featured a prominent N and F.. ??

Nope because looks do not mean anything about people. I need to know them, talk to them, watch them, see about them, etc....

I feel the same way,I don't and never will judge pple by the cover. u know the saying don't judge a book by its cover?

I agree too.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 10/10/09 03:50 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Sat 10/10/09 03:54 PM

there are people that think everyone from Texas is like JR Ewing or they are all this way or that way. If I went to some other state...they more than likely would have preconceived notions about what I should be

Not making it right.

People should not do it.

It is wrong.

but they do it. I've seen it in here myself many times with a Texas thread. people think all of Texas is one way. My sister is nothing like the stereotype people have of Texans and she has lived here as long as me and born here like me.

I have said it's probably not right

we have new neighbors across the street. when they were moving in...I got a dreaded feeling that they were going to be loud partiers and such. last night them and their friends were outside, drinking, until 4 am.

it would have been wrong to call the police and say these people are going to have a wild party sometime so pre-warn them about it. but I formed a first impression. people form first impressions all the time not based on much of anything. I wouldn't have hesitated to get to know them.....but sometimes first impressions make us more aware....right or wrong

But we judge incorrectly more often then we do correctly when we prejudge so it is not an accurate science. We unjustly treat people badly based on profiling or prejudice when we are wrong.

Human respect should be utmost in our minds. My opinion of course.

when it comes to matter of justice and due process, sure, I'm all with you.. let justice be blind

but when it comes to matters of my own personal security, I keep my eyes wide open. I could be wrong, sure. I may be dead wrong. but when it comes to assessing whether the stranger in front of me is a threat or not.. tats on the face is a definite turn off.. corn rows and saggy pants is red light. same as a leather biker vest with the 1%er patch, I'm going to give that guy a wide berth and be careful what I say and how I carry myself around him..

it's just common sense..

I on the other hand am going to speak and act just like he is no different than anyone else. I have never been mistreated doing it that way.

yeah, well, don't take this the wrong way but you are a female. Men are less inclined to percieve a female as a threat as they are to percieve a male as a threat.

You striking up a conversation in the milk isle of the grocery with a tatt'ed up cholo isn't the same interaction as my doing it.

It also depends on the situation. I have a very good friend who is a CPS case worker in South Texas. She interacts with Mexican Mafia all the time, as well as AB and all other types of degenerates, in the course of her work.. She knows from the word go whether or not she's going to have a hard time with someone and doesn't let them intimidate her. She knows that within the capacity in which she interacts with them that she has leverage over them. She's also quite well aware that it's her position as a caseworker that affords her that leverage and wouldn't dare front on a member of the Mexican Mafia just on the street as a private citizen.. There she has no leverage, no advantage, no authority..

So, it depends on the situation..

Your opinion here of course.

I don't go around fearing any humans at all. So I would have to fear them to see your side.

Maybe I should fear. I don't know. But I just never have had much of it.