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Topic: Is Everyday PROFILING Of People RACIST????
adj4u's photo
Sat 10/10/09 04:41 PM
if the apb says a black personis wanted it would do little good to be looking at the asian or white guy

Dragoness's photo
Sat 10/10/09 05:06 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Sat 10/10/09 05:07 PM

if the apb says a black personis wanted it would do little good to be looking at the asian or white guy

An apb says more than just that so just any black guy will not do unless you are racially profiling.

adj4u's photo
Sat 10/10/09 05:53 PM

if the apb says a black personis wanted it would do little good to be looking at the asian or white guy

An apb says more than just that so just any black guy will not do unless you are racially profiling.

but ya start with the most obvious aspect of the apb

which is black

then you go to hieght weight hair and such

but it starts with black

or what ever race it is in the apb

that is the starting point

Dragoness's photo
Sat 10/10/09 05:59 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Sat 10/10/09 06:03 PM

if the apb says a black personis wanted it would do little good to be looking at the asian or white guy

An apb says more than just that so just any black guy will not do unless you are racially profiling.

but ya start with the most obvious aspect of the apb

which is black

then you go to hieght weight hair and such

but it starts with black

or what ever race it is in the apb

that is the starting point

You cannot just go on the race of the person that is not right and is considered profiling.

An apb never says just a race of a person. Never. Because it would be a useless apb.

Besides that I have seen white folks that were so tanned they could be consider another race. Or black folks that are whiter than me. Black cubans etc... That is not a necessary identity.

Dark skinned, medium skinned, light skinned would work better and be less racial.

adj4u's photo
Sat 10/10/09 06:10 PM

if the apb says a black personis wanted it would do little good to be looking at the asian or white guy

An apb says more than just that so just any black guy will not do unless you are racially profiling.

but ya start with the most obvious aspect of the apb

which is black

then you go to hieght weight hair and such

but it starts with black

or what ever race it is in the apb

that is the starting point

You cannot just go on the race of the person that is not right and is considered profiling.

An apb never says just a race of a person. Never. Because it would be a useless apb.

Besides that I have seen white folks that were so tanned they could be consider another race. Or black folks that are whiter than me. Black cubans etc... That is not a necessary identity.

Dark skinned, medium skinned, light skinned would work better and be less racial.

where did i say only going by race

i said it is a starting point

Dragoness's photo
Sat 10/10/09 06:25 PM

I really like how Dr. Ron Paul puts it out. I think everybody should read it and think about it:

Racism is simply an ugly form of collectivism, the mindset that views humans only as members of groups and never as individuals. Racists believe that all individual who share superficial physical characteristics are alike; as collectivists, racists think only in terms of groups. By encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality, the advocates of so-called "diversity" actually perpetuate racism. Their intense focus on race is inherently racist, because it views individuals only as members of racial groups.
-Dr. Ron Paul -- 2002

the rest:
"What Really Divides Us"

It is actually not accurate. Sorry.

The work on diversity is needed. There are too many old old traditional racist ideals still practiced and taught in this country that in many instances people don't even realize are racist ideals half of the time.

Information is the greatest tool. People that point it out to other people and people who do not accept it as acceptable around them.

The greatest tool for racists is those who don't want to bring it up, those who want it to just be buried and stop being mentioned. Or those who just say "it is the way it is". It continues the generational cycle of it.

It is a difficult very deep rooted issue in this country still.

tohyup's photo
Sat 10/10/09 06:33 PM

Just wondering people thoughts on here...
And don't everybody profile people everyday???
Does that make all of those people racist too?

Profiling is okay if it is to catch criminals .
A law abiding citizen has nothing to hide and therefore who cares ?.
With scores of crimesincluding illegal drugs, guns....etc, if profiling helps I support it .

adj4u's photo
Sat 10/10/09 08:17 PM

Just wondering people thoughts on here...
And don't everybody profile people everyday???
Does that make all of those people racist too?

Profiling is okay if it is to catch criminals .
A law abiding citizen has nothing to hide and therefore who cares ?.
With scores of crimesincluding illegal drugs, guns....etc, if profiling helps I support it .

does that mean if they think you did something

and feel there is evidence in your house

then they you would not care if they searched your house

after all if you did nothing wrong you have nothing to hide


Dragoness's photo
Sat 10/10/09 08:19 PM

Just wondering people thoughts on here...
And don't everybody profile people everyday???
Does that make all of those people racist too?

Profiling is okay if it is to catch criminals .
A law abiding citizen has nothing to hide and therefore who cares ?.
With scores of crimesincluding illegal drugs, guns....etc, if profiling helps I support it .

Profiling catches innocent men and women. Do you realize how many innocents have been let lose from jail? Circumstantial evidence can make an innocent person's life hell.

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