Topic: David Letterman | |
He did joke about sarah looking like a slutty stewardess or something. I think the knock up joke was mostly a jab at her holier than thou approach to her campaign and also A-Rods promiscuity.
He did joke about sarah looking like a slutty stewardess or something. I think the knock up joke was mostly a jab at her holier than thou approach to her campaign and also A-Rods promiscuity. What was Sarah supposed to do, put a chastity belt on her daughter? Lots of kids have sex without their parents knowledge or approval. He really stepped over the line with jokes about the daughter. |
He did joke about sarah looking like a slutty stewardess or something. I think the knock up joke was mostly a jab at her holier than thou approach to her campaign and also A-Rods promiscuity. What was Sarah supposed to do, put a chastity belt on her daughter? Lots of kids have sex without their parents knowledge or approval. He really stepped over the line with jokes about the daughter. I absolutely agree that she cannot control what her daughter does. My point was she kind of took a stance as a conservative and most conservatives dont have their teen daughters boyfriend spending the night. I took it more a joke about hypocrisy than about her daughter. It also was a slam on AROD who is a grown man. If a Grown man is willing to knock up a teen, that says awful things about HIM not her. |
Edited by
Sun 10/04/09 02:45 AM
he's a true piece of crap.....and this comes from an early, early fan of his----up until his old man grumpiness took over and he started lashing out at palin's teenage daughters.
his just desserts would be 1) cancellation of his contract by CBS, invoking a morals or moral turpitude clause AND insubordination, as he had no permission to drop that bomb on their show. (it is THEIR show, btw, as he is hired by their network and is their on their good graces.) hopefully a snarky lawyer could find grounds based on letterman's misdeeds to avoid paying him a dime on a contract cancel. 2) sexual harassment suits from the women involved, if there was ANY misuse of boss-employee relationships as governed by laws---with any settlements or awards paid by the defendant, not CBS, who had no control over the runaway ego of their arrogantly stupid star, regardless of their having provided the venue or platform for Letterman to break the law......just get another snarky lawyer for this piece of it and have his snarky talents work for CBS's interests, not Letterman's; 3) a long, slow divorce by his rather plain, "older", no-career wife---meaning she takes him for most of what he's got AND puts him through hell while she makes up her mind whether to keep him enroute to her planned divorce----when she then takes the REST of his dough; 4)tabloid story sales by insiders of letterman's miserable performance in bed; 5) his son removed from his custody with only supervised visits allowed; 6) everybody he's ever mocked on his show be brought on for a timed payback to Letterman, couched around his foolish and arrogant sexual escapades AND taking an unware audience of admiring and loyal fans along on his ride the night he announced this jazz; 7) full justice under new york law for the perp, who terrorized Letterman with the package sneaked onto his car seat AND forced possible career damage, presumed marital discord and eventual embarassment to little Harry Letterman----who probably regarded Daddy as his hero and loved Mommy ONLY the way good Daddies do----before Letterman shat on his son and the boy's mother with this doo doo. (disclaimer: no, my husband was never unfaithful to me; never looked at another woman in 30 years together.) draconian, aren't i? |
I have seen Letterman, many times, act morally indignant about the similar actions of others. He is a hypocrite.
Don't you people remember President Bill Clinton??
Who was F**king around in the White House, lied under oath, was impeached, but still kept his office........ And don't forget his wife Hillary who put up with that episode AND many others, she sold her soul for power. He is a celebrity who was gettin' some on the side and was being blackmailed. And how many women have screwed their way to better job????????? It's embarrassing for the people involved but not of any real importance. TOP TEN REASONS TO DO DAVE LETTERMAN: 10: I dig dudes with a big gap in their front teeth. (add your own reasons, just be sure to stay in sequence) |
Letterman is a hypocrite and a tool. He ripped on Sarah Palin's daughter for what she did in her personal life, and now he's getting exactly what he deserves. What a scumbag. You got it! Plus he had a coronary bypass several years ago and they stop your heart for a bit and some patients have comprehension issues, etc after that so maybe he's medically a goosenut. |
While I didn't see his show, I did read the transcript. He admitted to having numerous affairs over the years, he's been with the same woman for 13 years so presumably he overlapped. I am making the assumption it is against company policy for him to have relationships with co-workers as it is against most companies' policies. None of these women sued him for sexual harrassment so presumably they were ok with it. He admitted wrong, he admitted to doing/being creepy and he said that if he was fired, or his wife left him, he deserved it and would take whatever consequences came his way. He apologized to the women he had affairs with, his wife, his family, his friends and his employers. In other words, he manned up.
While I don't watch him and neither like nor dislike him, I do admire him going on his show and doing what he did. It couldn't have been easy and he must be horribly embarrassed. While what he did was wrong on many levels, at least he has made the first steps toward an attempt to make things right, which is more than most people do. |
While I didn't see his show, I did read the transcript. He admitted to having numerous affairs over the years, he's been with the same woman for 13 years so presumably he overlapped. I am making the assumption it is against company policy for him to have relationships with co-workers as it is against most companies' policies. None of these women sued him for sexual harrassment so presumably they were ok with it. He admitted wrong, he admitted to doing/being creepy and he said that if he was fired, or his wife left him, he deserved it and would take whatever consequences came his way. He apologized to the women he had affairs with, his wife, his family, his friends and his employers. In other words, he manned up. While I don't watch him and neither like nor dislike him, I do admire him going on his show and doing what he did. It couldn't have been easy and he must be horribly embarrassed. While what he did was wrong on many levels, at least he has made the first steps toward an attempt to make things right, which is more than most people do. After the fact. |
"It depends on what the definition of 'is' is"
While I didn't see his show, I did read the transcript. He admitted to having numerous affairs over the years, he's been with the same woman for 13 years so presumably he overlapped. I am making the assumption it is against company policy for him to have relationships with co-workers as it is against most companies' policies. None of these women sued him for sexual harrassment so presumably they were ok with it. He admitted wrong, he admitted to doing/being creepy and he said that if he was fired, or his wife left him, he deserved it and would take whatever consequences came his way. He apologized to the women he had affairs with, his wife, his family, his friends and his employers. In other words, he manned up. While I don't watch him and neither like nor dislike him, I do admire him going on his show and doing what he did. It couldn't have been easy and he must be horribly embarrassed. While what he did was wrong on many levels, at least he has made the first steps toward an attempt to make things right, which is more than most people do. After the fact. Yes, it would have been better if he had never done it at all. But we're all human and make mistakes, sometimes even huge ones. It's not my place to judge that. Part of the problem with this world is the holier than thou attitude many people have, people consider themselves to be the judge, jury and executioner all in one. There is no room for error and certainly no room for forgiveness. But, it usually turns out that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. I'm sure Mr. Letterman just learned that the hard way is prepared for the consequences of his actions. He stood up and is taking responsibility. Better late than never. Some people never do that at all. |
Edited by
Sun 10/04/09 06:15 AM
I thought Letterman did an exceptional job of his public confession. Yes, I felt sorry for him and his partners. It was interesting to see which other late night comedians did and did not make Letterman jokes after that...
The best joke was by Letterman himself though when he said at the end...."Yeah, I know what you are all thinking...I'll be darned, Dave had sex!" ![]() The rest of it was all just peeping. It is a personal matter between him and his partners. None of anyone else's business basically and it has nothing to do with his job and how he skewers others except that he is also an obvious target. I think it might be surprising how fast it all dies down. |
I thought Letterman did an exceptional job of his public confession. Yes, I felt sorry for him and his partners. It was interesting to see which other late night comedians did and did not make Letterman jokes after that... The best joke was by Letterman himself though when he said at the end...."Yeah, I know what you are all thinking...I'll be darned, Dave had sex!" ![]() The rest of it was all just peeping. It is a personal matter between him and his partners. None of anyone else's business basically and it has nothing to do with his job and how he skewers others except that he is also an obvious target. I think it might be surprising how fast it all dies down. It might die down but the jokes never will. Every time a comedian can tie his behavior to a another joke they will. Examples : Bill Clinton and O J. And Letterman deserves that. So what was he supposed to do? Deny it? |
As you said, he probably confused the two daughters. This doesn't excuse his failing to make sure of the facts prior to making jokes regarding them, I agree there, but I am sure it was still an accident. No tv personality with HIS history and credentials would intentionally do something like that.
Letterman is a hypocrite and a tool. He ripped on Sarah Palin's daughter for what she did in her personal life, and now he's getting exactly what he deserves. What a scumbag. I don't watch television enough so didnt see this happen. What exactly did he do to "rip Sarah Palin's daughter"? Palin has two daughters. one is 17 and got pregnant by her boyfriend. the other daughter is like 10 years old or something near that age range. Palin went to a yankees game with her 10 year old daughter (not the pregnant 17 year old), and Letterman made a joke about A-Rod having sex with her 10 year old daughter (probably confused the two). it started a media frenzy and made Letterman look like a douchebag. he gave a half assed apology and went on with his usual schtick. I don't think Sara Palin is good in any shape or form but cracking sexual jokes about ten year old girls is abysmal. i'm going to stick to watching conan from now on. |
And people wonder why so many men are turning gay. Some people just need to grow up and have an attitude adjustment.
he's a true piece of crap.....and this comes from an early, early fan of his----up until his old man grumpiness took over and he started lashing out at palin's teenage daughters. his just desserts would be 1) cancellation of his contract by CBS, invoking a morals or moral turpitude clause AND insubordination, as he had no permission to drop that bomb on their show. (it is THEIR show, btw, as he is hired by their network and is their on their good graces.) hopefully a snarky lawyer could find grounds based on letterman's misdeeds to avoid paying him a dime on a contract cancel. 2) sexual harassment suits from the women involved, if there was ANY misuse of boss-employee relationships as governed by laws---with any settlements or awards paid by the defendant, not CBS, who had no control over the runaway ego of their arrogantly stupid star, regardless of their having provided the venue or platform for Letterman to break the law......just get another snarky lawyer for this piece of it and have his snarky talents work for CBS's interests, not Letterman's; 3) a long, slow divorce by his rather plain, "older", no-career wife---meaning she takes him for most of what he's got AND puts him through hell while she makes up her mind whether to keep him enroute to her planned divorce----when she then takes the REST of his dough; 4)tabloid story sales by insiders of letterman's miserable performance in bed; 5) his son removed from his custody with only supervised visits allowed; 6) everybody he's ever mocked on his show be brought on for a timed payback to Letterman, couched around his foolish and arrogant sexual escapades AND taking an unware audience of admiring and loyal fans along on his ride the night he announced this jazz; 7) full justice under new york law for the perp, who terrorized Letterman with the package sneaked onto his car seat AND forced possible career damage, presumed marital discord and eventual embarassment to little Harry Letterman----who probably regarded Daddy as his hero and loved Mommy ONLY the way good Daddies do----before Letterman shat on his son and the boy's mother with this doo doo. (disclaimer: no, my husband was never unfaithful to me; never looked at another woman in 30 years together.) draconian, aren't i? |
Too bad somebody had to try to blackmail him cause I know I don't care who he has sex with as long as they are of age and mental consent. Now I know more than I need to about him.
Very well put Suzen, however if he did nothing illegal (such as cooerced the sex), or break any company policies then he did not do anything "WRONG". Immoral? Definitely. But not wrong.
While I didn't see his show, I did read the transcript. He admitted to having numerous affairs over the years, he's been with the same woman for 13 years so presumably he overlapped. I am making the assumption it is against company policy for him to have relationships with co-workers as it is against most companies' policies. None of these women sued him for sexual harrassment so presumably they were ok with it. He admitted wrong, he admitted to doing/being creepy and he said that if he was fired, or his wife left him, he deserved it and would take whatever consequences came his way. He apologized to the women he had affairs with, his wife, his family, his friends and his employers. In other words, he manned up. While I don't watch him and neither like nor dislike him, I do admire him going on his show and doing what he did. It couldn't have been easy and he must be horribly embarrassed. While what he did was wrong on many levels, at least he has made the first steps toward an attempt to make things right, which is more than most people do. |
Let me get this straight. You do not accept his apologies and statements that he will accept whatever comes of this, because he made them AFTER he made some bad decisions? When is he suPPOSED to make the apologies and acceptance remarks? During his actions? Or prior to having made them in the first case.
The man stood up, admitted he had done what he was accused of, and is willing to accept anything that comes of it. I suggest you remember he is human, as are you and I, and make sure that you yourself live to the same standards that you are trying to claim others should live by ![]() While I didn't see his show, I did read the transcript. He admitted to having numerous affairs over the years, he's been with the same woman for 13 years so presumably he overlapped. I am making the assumption it is against company policy for him to have relationships with co-workers as it is against most companies' policies. None of these women sued him for sexual harrassment so presumably they were ok with it. He admitted wrong, he admitted to doing/being creepy and he said that if he was fired, or his wife left him, he deserved it and would take whatever consequences came his way. He apologized to the women he had affairs with, his wife, his family, his friends and his employers. In other words, he manned up. While I don't watch him and neither like nor dislike him, I do admire him going on his show and doing what he did. It couldn't have been easy and he must be horribly embarrassed. While what he did was wrong on many levels, at least he has made the first steps toward an attempt to make things right, which is more than most people do. After the fact. |
exactly dragoness. I said the same thing about President Clinton. His personal life and actions are of no concern of mine, so long as they do not affect his position or our country. Adultry is not a legal matter, not even in a divorce anymore as far as I am aware; it is a moral matter, and a religious matter. And in all honesty, I have a hard time even defining it as a moral matter, as it is more an issue of religion than anything else.
Too bad somebody had to try to blackmail him cause I know I don't care who he has sex with as long as they are of age and mental consent. Now I know more than I need to about him. |
Too bad somebody had to try to blackmail him cause I know I don't care who he has sex with as long as they are of age and mental consent. Now I know more than I need to about him. I don't think he is the only person who has affair with the staff, it just happened to be that someone blackmailed him so he had to come out of the closet. I bet ya at least half of the well known entertainers and most likely politicians too. |