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wonderman37's photo
Wed 05/30/07 11:10 AM
Jesus, you light my paath,leading me toward you.
You lead me toward miracles and your holy love.
Before I thirst, you bring me to the brook of knowledge.
Before I even hunger for thruth, you show your laws.
Before I was born, you lead me to your heavenly doors.
Before I could was able to walk you showed me how to fly gracefully.
You are the light that lead me homeward, daily.
You are my everything, you teach me how to walk in your laws.
You teach me how to grow using your amazing grace when I mess up.
Your love covers me daily, you are my everything Lord Jesus.

no photo
Wed 05/30/07 11:14 AM
I need you Christians to pray for me. I need strength. I can't keep
posting God's truth by myself and get torn down by 90% of the people
here. I'm really at the end of my rope and if what I have posted has
meant anything to you, please pray for me.

no photo
Wed 05/30/07 11:16 AM
sure ya can!!! just let go and laugh with it :wink:

scttrbrain's photo
Wed 05/30/07 11:18 AM
I'll pray for you spider. I learn from you. I appreciate you. You are

Wonderman, I do appreciate your Godly poetry. Bless you for being here,
and trying to make a difference.


wonderman37's photo
Wed 05/30/07 11:20 AM

no photo
Wed 05/30/07 11:28 AM
Try to look at it this way spider,Vhrist was rejected and he told us we
would be also to the point of serious suffering.When you get feeling
down and out about the rejection, the about the Christian explosion in
China and how much those people are suffering, prison and torture just
to speak and worship Christ.
Just for posession of a bible and they go to prison.

scttrbrain's photo
Wed 05/30/07 11:32 AM
Eye opener for sure.

Clifton1975's photo
Wed 05/30/07 11:41 AM
Wonderman37, that was good! I hope that God and Our Savior is in your
heart forever! Thank you for not being like everyone else! You can
always be my friend!

wonderman37's photo
Wed 05/30/07 11:43 AM
you are welcome clifton and we will always be brothers in christ

no photo
Wed 05/30/07 11:46 AM
very few can sit down
in the middle of the fire itself
like a salamander
we need each other, intermediaries

fullness comes
but usually we have
to be eating to feel it

beauty surrounds us
but usually it takes a garden or a sunset to know it

this body itself
is a screen
to shield and
partially reveal

the light
that's blazing inside your presence

stories,the body,
all the things we do
are mediums

that hide and show what's hidden

study them
and enjoy this being washed
with a secret we sometimes know

and then not :o)

no photo
Wed 05/30/07 11:55 AM
rproman has a point..good poem once again wonderman

Rapunzel's photo
Wed 05/30/07 12:26 PM

To Spider and to Wonderman...

You have invested a lot of time, prayers,
blood, sweat and tears..

A note of awesome love, strength and encouragement to you...
You've been at the forefront of these forums...

May God's Blessings reach out abuntantly to you..

And to you Bored Chick...Rproman...Scatterbrain,
May your spirits be renewed...

I'm sure I have missed many...
but the sentiments are there.. anyway
God Bless you so much...

And love to those whose acquaintance I have never made...
We are all facets in this dazzling diamond of life...

Let's embrace the things we that unite us,
the precious things we hold in common
and downplay the things that divide and separate us..

With lots of love...

drinker flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou drinker

scttrbrain's photo
Wed 05/30/07 12:29 PM
My spirit is renewed on a daily basis, in large part to these forums. I
drink in from all sources, to which there are many here. Thank you
Blessings and light all around.

Rapunzel's photo
Wed 05/30/07 12:29 PM
sorry for the typos...
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 05/30/07 01:08 PM
Spider wrote:
“I need you Christians to pray for me. I need strength. I can't keep
posting God's truth by myself and get torn down by 90% of the people
here. I'm really at the end of my rope and if what I have posted has
meant anything to you, please pray for me.”

Please consider this Spider; Much of your frustration may very well come
from the fact that you are trying to ‘save’ souls who have already been
saved. For example, if you believe that I don’t know god, or that I am
in any way not at peace with god you are sorely mistaken.

You feel a need to preach the gospel, and by your own admission in
previous posts your feeling that you need do this has come from what you
have read in a book. But I ask you, “Have you really been called to do
this thing?”

A sage who spreads the word of a gospel must first be able to recognize
those who need to hear the word. You cannot save souls if you cannot
even recognize the ones who are lost. You reduce the whole thing to a
single word “Christianity”. All those who affiliate themselves with
this word have been saved, and those who do not, have not been saved.
Is this what Jesus taught?

I think not.

I believe that your frustration stems from the fact that you cannot
identify between saved and lost souls. In fact, you are doing precisely
what Jesus said not to do. If you begin to preach the gospel and you
find that those you are preaching it to are not receptive to it, than
Jesus said to walk away.

You are trying to ram your own personal beliefs and interpretations down
the throats of non-receptive people. People like myself, and a myriad
of others here, who have told you repeatedly that we are happy with our
relationship with god. It would be impossible for you to save me,
Spider, because I’m not lost. So if you become frustrated about this
it’s only because you fail to realize that I’m not lost.

You’ll forever be frustrated if you continue trying to ‘save’ people who
already have a well-established relationship with god. I am at peace
with God, and I am certainly at peace with Jesus. I simply don’t
affiliate myself with the religion called “Christianity”, because I
personally see that religion as being riddled with misunderstandings of
both God and Jesus.

People aren’t saved by converting them to a particular religion. People
are saved by turning to god, in whatever form that may take. I say unto
you that when a man tells you that he is at peace with god you should
accept his word as the truth, and move on. It would be totally
improper, as well as being against Jesus’ wishes, if you were to remain
to try to convert that man to your way of thinking. If a man says that
he is at peace with god, it is your job to accept that, and not argue
with him that this can’t be because he views god differently than you
do. You were never instructed to do that Spider. On the contrary, you
were told not to do that. Kick the dust from you shoes and move on.

Your frustration is of your own making. Not because you are failing in
your mission, but because you have failed to understand what your
mission should be. You can’t save souls who are already saved. You
will forever frustrate yourself if you attempt to do this.

As far as I can see, most of the non-Christians on this forum clearly
have a sound relationship with god and have no need to be ‘saved’.
Converting them over to a differnet religion will not ‘save’ them
Spider. Religion is not god. God is god. Period. Amen.

You simply can’t save people who are not lost. You will forever be
frustrated if you attempt to do that which is not doable.

no photo
Wed 05/30/07 01:20 PM

I'm not talking about you.

Adonai means an earthly ruler. I had to argue over that, even though
it's fact. Do you guys really believe that facts are up for a vote?
Um...I don't like the fact that fire is hot, so I call a vote. All in
favor say "Aye"

Adonai is only a name for God when paired with Yahweh. It's not
debatable, but is!

My frustration is that so many people here will pick and squabble and
debate about anything, even something like the defintion of a word. You
people don't want to hear what I have to say. I get told how mean
spirited and un-Christian I am all the time, but NOBODY says a word to
you when you imply that only someone who is stupid and uneducated would
be a Christian. Or when AB says that the Trinity is a false doctrine.
There is NO suggestion that it is merely an opinion on his part. It's
stated as fact. When I offer my OPINION that Catholocism isn't
Christianity (a position shared by most Christian churches), I am
attacked for sharing my opinion. My frustration is that you people are
SO blind. You guys do everything that I'm accused of doing. I
literally am being attacked for every post. I create a thread to
support Christians and AB shows up to deny Jesus' Godhood and denounce
the Trinity. All I asked for in this thread was prayer from Christians,
but you and others feel the need to lecture me on "shoving my
beliefs...". Yeah Yeah, I've heard it. Now tell me I would kill you,
like Abra and Jess have both suggested. Now tell me that I am offensive
for using scriptures, like invisible. Tell me I'm stupid again, because
I'm a Christian. You guys are BLIND. There are no two ways about it.
I admit I have a temper, but you can't even admit that you hate God and
Christianity. JeanC quit and I would bet it was because she was sick of
you running down Christians and Christianity. I can deal with people
who disagree with me, but not with intellectually dishonest hypocrites.

wonderman37's photo
Wed 05/30/07 01:21 PM

RainbowTrout's photo
Wed 05/30/07 01:39 PM
Reminds me of the frustration I had when trying to save Nene's soul. It
finally got to the point of Damn it Nene I am trying to save your ass.
Now quit being so damn difficult. It can be truly wonderful when you
find someone who is as difficult as you to convince of your own
rebellious nature.laugh

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 05/30/07 01:51 PM

Spider wrote:
“There are no two ways about it. I admit I have a temper, but you can't
even admit that you hate God and Christianity..”

I would never claim to hate god. That would be totally untrue.

I try my best to explain to you the difference between religion and god,
but you won’t hear of it. This is because to you there is no
difference. You have chosen to let a particular religion become your
god. You worship a book. I worship god.

So from my point of view you are the one who is blind. But that’s
beside the point because I’m not attempting to convert you. I honestly
don’t care what you believe Spider, and I am not frustrated about
anything. My response to your post was merely to comment on the source
of your frustration. Nothing more.

I’ll try one last time to try to save you from your own self-inflicted
frustration. Jesus clearly stated that if you begin to preach his word
and the person you are preaching to is not interested in hearing it,
then kick the dust from your shoes and move on.

Your frustration stems from the fact that you are disobeying what Jesus
asked of you.

It’s really as simple as that. Quit disobeying Jesus and you’ll be
just fine.

I’m just trying to help you out here Spider. I don’t like to see you
frustrated unnecessarily.

wonderman37's photo
Wed 05/30/07 01:54 PM

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