Topic: Stop bashing on Obama and think of other political issues
tohyup's photo
Fri 10/02/09 07:26 PM

I think the biggest critics of Obama think, that the global recession is something local. I got news for you. It's global and most places are having the same problems (except much worse) as in USA and to tell you the truth, other countries' leaders aren't handling the crisis any better, that gives the point, that no one really could be "a lot better" no matter what ideology or ideas have.

He knew the recession was tough but he continued to promise jobs, jobs and jobs . where are the new created jobs now ?.

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/02/09 07:27 PM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 10/02/09 07:27 PM
I think its sad that people are making the man in office only 7 months responsible for everything they see wrong with government. To wish a man dead who has done nothing to harm anyone is kind of insane. But everyone has an opinion. Since he has been in office, I can think of not ONE negative thing that has happened in my life and certainly no FREEDOM that I have lost.

no photo
Fri 10/02/09 07:27 PM
I hear left and right wing, can anyone one here define those terms? and no, I am not kidding, I really mean it, Nixion and clinton we'erent even as bad. Brainwashed? Nah, I just said something you don't like. I love to listen to both points of view on everything before deciding my actions, and obama just loves beating around the bush when asked something, and these fellow "wacked out" consetvites make more sense than i na loony bin.

willing2's photo
Fri 10/02/09 07:28 PM

Atlantis, at least he is trying though. We have to give him the effort.

laugh I like your sense of humor.laugh
But, seriously now, all he's managed to do is throw us more into debt, allowed Corporations to discriminate aginst hiring of Americans, rewarding Illegal Invaders with our jobs. He's as guilty of breaking the Immigration law as DHS.

Atlantis75's photo
Fri 10/02/09 07:29 PM

I think the biggest critics of Obama think, that the global recession is something local. I got news for you. It's global and most places are having the same problems (except much worse) as in USA and to tell you the truth, other countries' leaders aren't handling the crisis any better, that gives the point, that no one really could be "a lot better" no matter what ideology or ideas have.

He knew the recession was tough but he continued to promise jobs, jobs and jobs . where are the new created jobs now ?.

And that's the other problem. I was warning some folks around here, having way too much expectations from Obama. I don't think he (obama) really grasped the magnitude of the problem and of course campaign rhetoric. Every politician has this problem and you can say it's either not having enough time or just not having the right people making the most accurate forecast of what is ahead.

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/02/09 07:30 PM
What law has OBama signed into that rewards illegal immigrants with jobs? I learn so many new things in these threads,,,

Atlantis75's photo
Fri 10/02/09 07:32 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Fri 10/02/09 07:32 PM

What law has OBama signed into that rewards illegal immigrants with jobs? I learn so many new things in these threads,,,

and a lot of misinformation circling around. He's got more enemies than any other president in the history.

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/02/09 07:33 PM
Certainly seems like it,,,in my lifetime anyhow

willing2's photo
Fri 10/02/09 07:33 PM
Edited by willing2 on Fri 10/02/09 07:35 PM

What law has OBama signed into that rewards illegal immigrants with jobs? I learn so many new things in these threads,,,

Why would he have to sign a Law to have it enforced?
The Laws are already in place.
Hussein, Pelosi and Napotalino,(sp), Head of DHS are making sure those Laws are not being enforced.

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/02/09 07:34 PM

What law has OBama signed into that rewards illegal immigrants with jobs? I learn so many new things in these threads,,,

The Laws are already in place.
Hussein, Pelosi and Napolatino,(sp), Head of DHS are making sure those Laws are not being enforced.


yellowrose10's photo
Fri 10/02/09 07:38 PM
back to the OP, the reason for so many threads is because people agree or disagree with things. that is how it's been in the past, how it is now and how it will be in the future. Should people that disagree with BHO be quiet now just because some people like him??? no. they have a right to post as they wish as long as rules aren't broken. but like I said before...the hypocrisy I have seen on both sides of this is FUNNY. it's ok to do it to the other side but don't dare do it to my side kinda thing.

but this part bothers me in the OP

Jesus, the president is sworn in and as long as your an "American" you're going to have live with it.

live with it???? Americans have a right to question and even protest the governments actions

willing2's photo
Fri 10/02/09 07:40 PM

What law has OBama signed into that rewards illegal immigrants with jobs? I learn so many new things in these threads,,,

The Laws are already in place.
Hussein, Pelosi and Napolatino,(sp), Head of DHS are making sure those Laws are not being enforced.


2 Bussiness raids since Hussein has taken office.
DHS not investigating calls on business who hire.
DHS allowing cities and states to harbor them.
Just check out Immigration Law and you will see how many Laws the administration is allowing to be broken.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 10/02/09 07:40 PM
personally...I'm grateful to both sides of whoever is president. I can see all sorts of arguments and form my own opinion from it or do my own research to find what I feel is true

no photo
Fri 10/02/09 07:43 PM
Cant see wasting a wish on obama's death, painful or otherwise. My monkey paw only has two wishes left, see'n how i burned up three already on a wallet with endless $100 bills and women falling on their backs when i give em the eye and that stupid big piano player fiasco. lol quote: from lennon "make love not war" sorry john you cant make money on love. have a great friday night everyone :wink:

Winx's photo
Fri 10/02/09 07:53 PM

It is very clear and very simple : Obama did not keep his promises .
Where are the millions of jobs he promised.....etc ?.

He didn't promise that. I saw Obama speak in St. Louis. He said that it's going to get worse before it gets better.

I agree, I didnt hear him PROMISE anything except that he would push through healthcare. I certainly didnt hear him make any promise of a timeline to fix all the things that need fixing. He has been in,,,what,,,seven months. We give the miracle of childbirth longer than that. Patience is not everyone's virtue , I guess.

I agree. When I saw him speak, he always talked about us all being in this together. He said that we all need to work together and help each other out during these hard times.

Winx's photo
Fri 10/02/09 07:55 PM

I wish death on obama, not his ideals, or moral values, but real death, he is a lair, a backstabber, and an a-hole. I wish for him to never exist agian and to die a horrible, excruating death beyond all human imagation. The day this happens, I will be glad, for I will know that for once, the people can have what little left of thier freedoms handed back to them.

People that say things like this are scary. No decent human being would wish such things on another.

Winx's photo
Fri 10/02/09 07:56 PM

the only problem with that is obama picked all the bad people around him. So evan if you talk about another politician you are only bashing your great obama's choices. I would rather sit around and watch as the rest of my nation reaps what they have sown.

When you keep the crap from the Bush era all you get is the crap to follow you . From Robert Gates to Joe Lieberman.....etc .

Hussein is pushing the same Amnesty plan Bush drew up.

I liked Bush's illegal alien policies. He had a good attitude about it.

Hussein is also pushing the CIA to act in more secret an coversion. He won't make public any more info on current pics or interrogations. Another Bush,no?

Isn't it the role of the CIA to perform covert operations?

Winx's photo
Fri 10/02/09 07:57 PM

I think the biggest critics of Obama think, that the global recession is something local. I got news for you. It's global and most places are having the same problems (except much worse) as in USA and to tell you the truth, other countries' leaders aren't handling the crisis any better, that gives the point, that no one really could be "a lot better" no matter what ideology or ideas have.

Good point. It is a global recession. People seen to forget that.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 10/02/09 08:35 PM

What law has OBama signed into that rewards illegal immigrants with jobs? I learn so many new things in these threads,,,

and a lot of misinformation circling around. He's got more enemies than any other president in the history.

You have never been so right:thumbsup:

Okay maybe you have but it sounded so

Dragoness's photo
Fri 10/02/09 08:37 PM

What law has OBama signed into that rewards illegal immigrants with jobs? I learn so many new things in these threads,,,

The Laws are already in place.
Hussein, Pelosi and Napolatino,(sp), Head of DHS are making sure those Laws are not being enforced.


Risky asking that of some folks. They get their news from Rush, Beck and Faux Which means you have to go and research the answers they give you to find the right information.slaphead