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Topic: Name five selfless acts ...
Jess642's photo
Tue 05/29/07 07:59 PM
that you did in the real world, today...

name five things that you have done today, that did not put you in the
grace of anyone.

name five things you did, that made someones day a little softer.

And no, not emailing...not debating , not praying, I mean physical 'get
your hands dirty in the real world' selfless acts.

Then go read your bibles, praise your Gods,...and pat yourselves on the

(Kat, you are excluded from this...I know everyday is a selfless act,
for walk your walk)

iRon's photo
Tue 05/29/07 08:09 PM
I don’t announce my good deeds. I do them because it’s the right thing
to do and not to get or receive anything for them.

I will say this I only did 3 today and Jess you are right, if we all
did 5 things everyday the world would be a much better place

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 05/29/07 08:41 PM
I don’t interact with humans much, so I don’t have much opportunity to
do things for other people.

However, I spoil my cat everyday, and for me that’s important, because
from the cat’s point of view I’m like a god, and it’s important that I
be a good god to my cat.

I did eat at a fast food window today. I told the woman “Thank you”
twice, once at the speak and once again at the window. I think that’s
important because I think a lot of people don’t show their appreciation
to people who serve them like that.

I didn’t see any other people today. But I was very nice to two
butterflies this morning, and a bumble bee this afternoon. I think it’s
important being nice to those guys. They deserve to have nice lives

I even let a wolf spider live that was crawling around on my keyboard
tonight. I did make him go outside though.

I would be nice to people too if there were any people around to be nice
to. I live back in the sticks. I can go for weeks at a time without
seeing any humans. In fact, in the winter I might actually go for a
couple months without seeing a human.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 05/29/07 08:42 PM
laugh laugh laugh

LOTS of replies I see.

Today I spent the day playing with my grandson. His education in life
needs a firm foundation so (he is 2) I play with him because that is how
he learns at this age.

Not selfless since I throughly enjoy those days I have him. It slows my
life down and gives me moments of peace.

And as soon as he took a nap I jumped back in herelaugh :tongue:

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 05/29/07 08:58 PM
It is hard to say what a selfless act really is, isn’t it AB?

I used to teach, and I took very special care to try to help each
student individually learn in the way that worked best for them. From
my point of view though there was nothing the lest bit selfless about
this because I genuinely enjoyed teaching. In fact, I loved teaching so
much that would be tempted to do it for free if I could. Of course, we
usually aren’t in a situation to be doing free stuff because no one is
going to feed us for free, etc.

But I have never really considered doing things for other people to be a
selfless act. I enjoy doing things for other people to the point where
I find it very fulfilling and satisfying. That’s hardly being selfless.

I’m not sure if there really is such a thing as a selfless act, unless
it would be like throwing yourself into a situation of bodily harm to
save someone else. But I wouldn’t recommend doing that 5 times a day
unless you’re working as a rescue worker.

no photo
Tue 05/29/07 09:48 PM
I don't think I can act selfless, because everything I do, I do with
joy, and I feel better for doing it, so how can it be selfless.

Morning lovely:heart: flowerforyou

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 05/29/07 11:06 PM
I held up business, by making a co-worker come out to the warehouse to
see the most beautiful thing. It was the most beautiful moth I have
ever seen. It was laying on the cement floor, it was as large as both
my hands and it's colors were brilliant and perfect.
My co-worker could not believe that I would slide a paper so carefully
under it, while holding my other hand over it's body to protect it.
Then I walked accross the alley, to release it in the trees. It was the
best 15 minute break I've taken in a long time.

I did some nice things for some folks who needed it today. Put them in
a better mood. I love my part time job because I can do that.

And an old man who likes to talk to me, put a bubble gum ring on my
finger and he left laughing.

And a little while later a littler girl who was having a hard day,
stopped crying when I put that ring on her finger and was laughing by
the time she left.

I love that job, it gives me so much.

Oh, sorry, not the topic - rambling I guess.

RainbowTrout's photo
Wed 05/30/07 06:02 AM
I didn't run over any pedestrians on the way home. I didn't remind this
nurse who said she would make me a pineapple upside down when she got
her LPN and my CNA license last night like I usually do every night.
Instead of arguing with her like usual I gave her a reprieve since it
was her last night before she goes to her new job. I gave her a hug
since it was her last night then I felt sorry for her again and gave her
another hug. Then there was this CNA who came to work sick and I felt
sorry for her and gave her a hug. Then I came home and felt sorry for
the dogs and let them come into the house out of the rain. I really
don't think any of it was selfless, though because I thoroughly enjoyed
all of it.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 05/30/07 07:24 AM
i do not need to explain my actions. i will tell you i have spent time
in prison because i would not open my mouth. I was sued because of this
and did not go to court. I have been disgraced and people see me as
guilty because i will not open up and tell them. That is all that i will
say but i am getting ready to open a new thread called "dreams and
visions' I have had many but i have not learned yet how to interpret
them correctly. I hope you all will give/show me your wisdom on this
subject to help me in my walk. Thanks.. Miles

wonderman37's photo
Wed 05/30/07 07:42 AM

no photo
Wed 05/30/07 05:33 PM
that's right wonderman..good works won't save you.

no photo
Wed 05/30/07 06:32 PM
I have thought and thought about how to answer the past 2 days
I have done no selfless's not that I don't want to but
before I can help anyone else I have to be able to function as me..I
have difficulties with that and I'm working on it

Palhaco's photo
Wed 05/30/07 06:36 PM
You know I find that if your just nice and smile at people that it can
make life alot more enjoyable even if for a short period of time.

I help people for a living, but it's not totally selfless because I get
paid to do it... laugh

GhostWhisperer's photo
Wed 05/30/07 09:25 PM
In the past week I have:
Given a homeless person my last $20.00.
Been kind & helpful to my co-workers & everyone I have come in contact
Bought an elderly lady her lunch, since she had forgotten her purse &
was unable to pay.
Loved, played with & cared for my babies (cats & dogs).
Donated toys & clothing to a Christian Charity organization.

Basically, I have been me! I do not need a reward or a pat on the back
to be kind, helpful or to just do the right thing.


Peace, love & wisdom!

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 05/30/07 09:49 PM
I Love your being.. Miles

no photo
Thu 05/31/07 05:41 AM
A thought occurred to me as I was trying to sleep, said thought then
lead to other thoughts which lead to no sleep, par for the course with

Can one commit selfless acts and not even know one has committed said
selfless acts?

kfloyd's photo
Thu 05/31/07 06:10 AM
i have to agree with wonderman. the bible says that we are to do our
good deeds in secret and the good Lord will reward us for this.if we do
something nice for someone and then go out and brag about what we have
done, then God will not bless us.happy

RainbowTrout's photo
Thu 05/31/07 06:11 AM
I didn't hurt anybody this morning but I was so full of rage from
dealing with backstabbing people that smile in your face while they are
sticking a knife in your back. It was such glorious rage and all I could
think of was vengeance but I held my temper. I didn't have to stoop to
their level. It was like Apocolypse now, the drama, the drama. I am just
so glad I had a friend that I work with to calm down with. It was so
utterly selfish because I really want to hurt someone.

no photo
Thu 05/31/07 06:13 AM
CCP, Yes!

no photo
Thu 05/31/07 06:20 AM
I find it hard to be selfless.

I love to give and I love to help, so it is not a sacrifice for me to
do so.

I'd rather do it where nobody can see me, but it gives me pleasure to
see the joy in peoples faces.

I don't require thanks, that why I like to stay anonymous.

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