Topic: Is Obama doing a worse job than Bush did?
Katzenschnauzer's photo
Tue 09/29/09 01:24 AM

Considering the the money printing was to help the recession which came from the Bush administration.

Printing money makes existing money worth less. It can't help a recession, I'm not sure where you got that idea. What the Obama administration did was lower the value of the dollar, which has cause much of the world to consider leaving the dollar standard, which will be devastating to our economy.

He has not offended any allies to this point.

1. Toys from the White house gift show were given to Prime minister Brown's children.
2. Prime minister Brown was given a DVD boxed set of movies in NTSC when he needs PAL to watch them.
3. The Queen was given an iPod filled with Obama speeches as a gift.
4. Obama didn't invite the Queen to the D-Day memorial in France.
5. Obama made a deal with a Bermuda to take several terrorists. This deal was made behind the UKs back, but they are in charge of protecting Bermuda. China warned of violence if any country accepted the Uighurs.
6. Obama canceled the planned missile shield for Poland on the 70th anniversary of the USSR's invasion of Poland.
7. Obama told the Israelis to stop building homes in their own land and that they should divide Jerusalem up and give some of it to Arabs.
8. Obama's Administration printed more money, pushed for socialized medicine, cap and trade, bailouts, Stimulus even though the world at large begged us not to. (they are on the dollar standard too. Us printing money is actually us stealing money from them)

Oh, I'm sure there more more incidents, but it's late.

I guess the accuracy of the information needs to be addressed here.

No offense, but it would help if you would keep up with current events.

Obama doesn't demonize anyone. He is trying like hell to bring the parties together on issues. When he doesn't have to, with the majority he has.

I keep saying he needs to just bulldoze the stuff into effect that he wants but he is too good to do it.

He said that a cop doing his job acted "stupidly".

He said "I am shocked and outraged by the murder of Dr. George Tiller as he attended church services this morning. However profound our differences as Americans over difficult issues such as abortion they cannot be resolved by heinous acts of violence", Dr Tiller's killer was mentally ill. Demonizing pro-lifers.

Obama said "You know what? I make a lot more money if I take this kid’s tonsils out." demonizing doctors and accusing them of performing unnecessary amputations.

Obama said "If there’s a blue pill and a red pill and the blue pill is half the price of the red pill and works just as well, why not pay half the price for the thing that’s going to make you well?" again demonizing doctors by suggesting that either a) they are stupid or b) they are working for the pharmaceutical companies.

Obama's website called tea party protesters "right wing domestic terorrists". Follow the link to see it for yourself:

It's all there. But they aren't going to go belly-up on their decision to vote this man in. "He's too good to do this & that..." "He's just trying..." "Republicans are commies" "The sun got in my eyes" "Dog ate my homework" "He hit me first"

SiriunDreamer's photo
Tue 09/29/09 06:34 AM
I think his goal is spear heading Globalization, and at that he is doing well. That would explain his percieved obliviousness

Mecca777's photo
Tue 10/20/09 11:03 AM
I dont know about doin a worse fob. I do think Obama needs to "nut up" and throw some hands (figuratively speaking) His meeting with Israel and Palestine went nowhere. Benjamin Netanyahu has not and will not budge on the issue one halting Israel's take over of the remainder of Palestine, which in turn will further instigate suicide bombers runnin up in jewish settlements. He has lost control of his health care initiatives and both sides of the western (american) media are still havin a field day with it. So I dont know. Its gotta be unimaginably difficult to be a Nobel Peace Prize recipient (Talk to Norway about that ****) and at the same time commander and chief of the worlds' most formidable war machine. I wouldnt want that job. Thats my take.

Giocamo's photo
Tue 10/20/09 11:09 AM
does Obama ever work ?...all he does is run around and give speaches...he's still in campaign mode...someone needs to tell Barry that it's time to fix the fuggin' economy...remember when Clinton ran against Bush Sr....there motto was..." It's the economy stupid "...I think they might have been talking to Obama...laugh

boredinaz06's photo
Tue 10/20/09 11:09 AM

Obama is an ineffective limp noodle! as far as doing a worse job than bush goes, I'd say yes in some areas plus I think his take over of banks and GMC should held as criminal. He ripped the tax payers off with his bailouts and should be held accountable for it in more ways then gettin the boot here in 12.

raiderfan_32's photo
Tue 10/20/09 11:46 AM

We survived Bush. The way this presidency is going, it looks like we are going to be a part of a socialistic muslim radical society within the next 4 years. He closed Quantanimo, released terrorists,appologized to arabic countries, negotiated with terrorists, and flew a plane over NYC so his daughter could take pictures. Oh, and he also took back everything he said during his campaign, and did the opposite. I'm a soldier, and I can honestly say, I felt better serving this country under Bush.

Thank you for your service to our nation! We sleep more soundly at night thanks to your sacrifice and that of your comrades!

heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 10/20/09 11:56 AM
OP- I suggest you ignore the government's BS and bail yourself out. Get out of dollars before BO and Congress crash it, be self-sufficient, have a good food store, etc.

isaac_dede's photo
Tue 10/20/09 12:14 PM

The Republican Party is an Anti-American Party.
Bent on destroying the hope of true government of the people.

This thinking right here is what is going to be the downfall of America, We are so divided as a country between Republican/Democrat that it is insane and crazy. Instead of people actually looking up the information for themselves and voting on the presidency and the issues that appeal specifically to them they are 'just going with the flow' because that is the party that they belong to. I once asked a GROUP of self-proclaimed Democrats what they were for at a local college do you know what they said?.....That's didn't really give me an answer same with the Republican group we have a social clique/belonging mentality that we get when we identify with certian groups so that is what people's easier just to say well I'm Democrat or I'm Republican, so that's how I'm going to vote instead of actually looking up the facts and heaven forbid THINKING for yourself and forming your OWN opinion. Right now I'm not as worried about your government as I am about our society as a whole we have a whole generation of upcoming kids that are graduating highschool that can't do simple math. The people breeding right now are honestly most of the bottom feeders that are a drain on our society think about it How many Lawyers do you know who have 4-5 kids? now how many people do you know who are unemployed or on government services or just plain stupid that have 4+ kids I'm not saying that everyone with a lot of kids is a bottom feeder I'm just saying the proportion of stupid people breeding to the more intelligent people is off-balanced by quite a bit. The smarter more intelligent people by and large are being outbred and we are going to have an entire generation of people that know very little about very little....jmo

Dragoness's photo
Tue 10/20/09 12:18 PM

I never thought I would be saying this but I do believe our current President is doing a even worse job at running the country than Bush did.Much like Bush he seems like he is in complete denial and totally oblivious to what is going on in the world.I see many extremely important issues that Obama is ignoring including....

Not holding a press conference or so much issuing a statement over the recent foiled terrorist plot that nearly happened.

Blowing off the high unemployment which is near 10% and in some states 15% and not coming up with any solutions or ideas to fix it.

American dollar sinking like the Titanic and other countries talking about taking off their reserves.

The obvious fact that Iran is preparing for a major war and is in the final stages of preparation.

The economy is still in a mess and he doesn't have any clue how to fix it.

Obama needs to get off this stupid health care debate which nobody seems to care about and get back into some of the serious issues concerning this country before we end up turning into Mexico.

Nobody could do worse than GW.

Obama is doing okay considering what he was handed.

We are not in a depression so he has accomplished something there.

Health care reform is needed and should be a priority right now.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 10/20/09 12:27 PM

Nobody could do worse than GW.

I thought so too till Obama came around. noway

franshade's photo
Tue 10/20/09 12:33 PM
just a small comment offtopic everyone is starting threads - Bush sucked, Obama sucks, who is the worst, who is the best??? my question is who gives a hoot???? does it matter? does it make the problem any less volatile? does it make anyone money? does it help anyone???

No one person will ever make everyone happy.

But don't you all think enough is enough, there is enough blame and problems to go around. Why not just come together and find solutions? HMMMM, find solutions, that can't work because it makes sense slaphead

Quietman_2009's photo
Tue 10/20/09 12:37 PM

Nobody could do worse than GW.

I thought so too till Obama came around. noway

Over the years various surveys have tried to determine the best and the worst of the American presidents. It all began in 1948 when the eminent historian Arthur Schlesinger, Sr., asked 55 of his fellow historians to rate each president according to one of five categories: great, near great, average, below average, or failure.

In recent years surveys of presidential greatness have become more common and more complex. Nevertheless, the top- and bottom-ranked presidents have remained a fairly stable group, with the rest moving up or down in rank in the middle. Presidents who appear to have moved up include Eisenhower and Reagan, while Kennedy has moved down in some surveys.

Five Best Presidents

1. Abraham Lincoln
2. Franklin Delano Roosevelt
3. George Washington
4. Theodore Roosevelt
5. Harry S. Truman

Five Worst Presidents

1. James Buchanan
2. Andrew Johnson
3. Franklin Pierce
4. Warren G. Harding
5. William Henry Harrison


heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 10/20/09 01:05 PM
Edited by heavenlyboy34 on Tue 10/20/09 01:10 PM
From this index you can clearly see the dollar get far worse as BO takes office <IMG></IMG>

heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 10/20/09 01:08 PM

Nobody could do worse than GW.

I thought so too till Obama came around. noway

Over the years various surveys have tried to determine the best and the worst of the American presidents. It all began in 1948 when the eminent historian Arthur Schlesinger, Sr., asked 55 of his fellow historians to rate each president according to one of five categories: great, near great, average, below average, or failure.

In recent years surveys of presidential greatness have become more common and more complex. Nevertheless, the top- and bottom-ranked presidents have remained a fairly stable group, with the rest moving up or down in rank in the middle. Presidents who appear to have moved up include Eisenhower and Reagan, while Kennedy has moved down in some surveys.

Five Best Presidents

1. Abraham Lincoln
2. Franklin Delano Roosevelt
3. George Washington
4. Theodore Roosevelt
5. Harry S. Truman

Five Worst Presidents

1. James Buchanan
2. Andrew Johnson
3. Franklin Pierce
4. Warren G. Harding
5. William Henry Harrison


Ughh...They have the best and worst backwards!laugh Of these, Harrison should be best (he only lived 40 days and didn't have time to inflict serious damage) and Lincoln the worst (among other things, he killed thousands of innocent people and denied the Confederacies right to secede)

heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 10/20/09 01:13 PM

We survived Bush. The way this presidency is going, it looks like we are going to be a part of a socialistic muslim radical society within the next 4 years. He closed Quantanimo, released terrorists,appologized to arabic countries, negotiated with terrorists, and flew a plane over NYC so his daughter could take pictures. Oh, and he also took back everything he said during his campaign, and did the opposite. I'm a soldier, and I can honestly say, I felt better serving this country under Bush.

I totally agree 100%.I also see Obama turning America into a sorry assed country,full of wimpy cry babies,afraid to say anything negative to anyone for fear of offending them and their country.Now I hear Obama wants to get rid of our nuclear weapons.Lets face it this guy just wants us to give up everything we hold near and dear,erease our history,destroy our military,and turn this country over to our enemies so we can end up on a train with a one way ticket like the Jews did in World war 2.

There is no inherent correlation between eliminating the government military and "turning this country over to our enemies". See Switzerland for a more sensible model of how to deal with the outside world. (they haven't been invaded Since William Tell's day)

TelephoneMan's photo
Tue 10/20/09 04:03 PM
If you stacked all the Presidents America has ever had, toe to head, you could not possibly top the crappy job Bush did.

There are no leaders anymore, just TV personalities who get elected due to name recognition bought by expensive publicity through the media who sell time to politicians for millions of dollars.

I should be President.

I voted for myself, I could do a much better job.

But no poor lower middle class, Caucasian dude (like me) who doesn't have the multi-million dollars it takes to run for President... will ever be President.

Its a rich man's game of name recognition, a run for a puppet position who's real power backbone is the C.I.A.... not the American President.

raiderfan_32's photo
Tue 10/20/09 04:33 PM

We survived Bush. The way this presidency is going, it looks like we are going to be a part of a socialistic muslim radical society within the next 4 years. He closed Quantanimo, released terrorists,appologized to arabic countries, negotiated with terrorists, and flew a plane over NYC so his daughter could take pictures. Oh, and he also took back everything he said during his campaign, and did the opposite. I'm a soldier, and I can honestly say, I felt better serving this country under Bush.

I totally agree 100%.I also see Obama turning America into a sorry assed country,full of wimpy cry babies,afraid to say anything negative to anyone for fear of offending them and their country.Now I hear Obama wants to get rid of our nuclear weapons.Lets face it this guy just wants us to give up everything we hold near and dear,erease our history,destroy our military,and turn this country over to our enemies so we can end up on a train with a one way ticket like the Jews did in World war 2.

There is no inherent correlation between eliminating the government military and "turning this country over to our enemies". See Switzerland for a more sensible model of how to deal with the outside world. (they haven't been invaded Since William Tell's day)

Switzerland isn't a great model to compare the United States to. The number of differences is miles long. First, they're landlocked alpine country with mandated military service. We're a continent wide with three coasts to protect. I'm not even sure if Switzerland has a navy, if they do, it's not a blue water navy.

Obama's got a serious hard-on for America's History. The way he sees it, America never did anything for humanity before electing him as president.. Recall all his references to "in the past 9 (or 10) months" all the "progress" that's been made. yada yada. clearly coincidental with his innaguration..

His wife's reference to "never having been proud of her county" untill Barack won a few primaries.. He's been inculcated with the notion his entire life that the US is a force for Evil in the World and it must be remade, in his image, before it can be a truely great nation..

Bullcr@p. I like my constitution and bill of rights as they are.. His vision of America clearly is one with those two document either wiped completely off the boards or totally rewritten.. to include "what the government must do on your behalf"

isaac_dede's photo
Tue 10/20/09 04:38 PM
Edited by isaac_dede on Tue 10/20/09 04:38 PM

From this index you can clearly see the dollar get far worse as BO takes office

Fixed it for you

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 10/20/09 04:39 PM

We survived Bush. The way this presidency is going, it looks like we are going to be a part of a socialistic muslim radical society within the next 4 years. He closed Quantanimo, released terrorists,appologized to arabic countries, negotiated with terrorists, and flew a plane over NYC so his daughter could take pictures. Oh, and he also took back everything he said during his campaign, and did the opposite. I'm a soldier, and I can honestly say, I felt better serving this country under Bush.

I totally agree 100%.I also see Obama turning America into a sorry assed country,full of wimpy cry babies,afraid to say anything negative to anyone for fear of offending them and their country.Now I hear Obama wants to get rid of our nuclear weapons.Lets face it this guy just wants us to give up everything we hold near and dear,erease our history,destroy our military,and turn this country over to our enemies so we can end up on a train with a one way ticket like the Jews did in World war 2.

There is no inherent correlation between eliminating the government military and "turning this country over to our enemies". See Switzerland for a more sensible model of how to deal with the outside world. (they haven't been invaded Since William Tell's day)

Switzerland isn't a great model to compare the United States to. The number of differences is miles long. First, they're landlocked alpine country with mandated military service. We're a continent wide with three coasts to protect. I'm not even sure if Switzerland has a navy, if they do, it's not a blue water navy.

Obama's got a serious hard-on for America's History. The way he sees it, America never did anything for humanity before electing him as president.. Recall all his references to "in the past 9 (or 10) months" all the "progress" that's been made. yada yada. clearly coincidental with his innaguration..

His wife's reference to "never having been proud of her county" untill Barack won a few primaries.. He's been inculcated with the notion his entire life that the US is a force for Evil in the World and it must be remade, in his image, before it can be a truely great nation..

Bullcr@p. I like my constitution and bill of rights as they are.. His vision of America clearly is one with those two document either wiped completely off the boards or totally rewritten.. to include "what the government must do on your behalf"

bigsmile I dont see anything like that about the President of the United States.huh Nothing in his background or "vision" say any of that stuff.bigsmile

raiderfan_32's photo
Tue 10/20/09 04:57 PM

We survived Bush. The way this presidency is going, it looks like we are going to be a part of a socialistic muslim radical society within the next 4 years. He closed Quantanimo, released terrorists,appologized to arabic countries, negotiated with terrorists, and flew a plane over NYC so his daughter could take pictures. Oh, and he also took back everything he said during his campaign, and did the opposite. I'm a soldier, and I can honestly say, I felt better serving this country under Bush.

I totally agree 100%.I also see Obama turning America into a sorry assed country,full of wimpy cry babies,afraid to say anything negative to anyone for fear of offending them and their country.Now I hear Obama wants to get rid of our nuclear weapons.Lets face it this guy just wants us to give up everything we hold near and dear,erease our history,destroy our military,and turn this country over to our enemies so we can end up on a train with a one way ticket like the Jews did in World war 2.

There is no inherent correlation between eliminating the government military and "turning this country over to our enemies". See Switzerland for a more sensible model of how to deal with the outside world. (they haven't been invaded Since William Tell's day)

Switzerland isn't a great model to compare the United States to. The number of differences is miles long. First, they're landlocked alpine country with mandated military service. We're a continent wide with three coasts to protect. I'm not even sure if Switzerland has a navy, if they do, it's not a blue water navy.

Obama's got a serious hard-on for America's History. The way he sees it, America never did anything for humanity before electing him as president.. Recall all his references to "in the past 9 (or 10) months" all the "progress" that's been made. yada yada. clearly coincidental with his innaguration..

His wife's reference to "never having been proud of her county" untill Barack won a few primaries.. He's been inculcated with the notion his entire life that the US is a force for Evil in the World and it must be remade, in his image, before it can be a truely great nation..

Bullcr@p. I like my constitution and bill of rights as they are.. His vision of America clearly is one with those two document either wiped completely off the boards or totally rewritten.. to include "what the government must do on your behalf"

bigsmile I dont see anything like that about the President of the United States.huh Nothing in his background or "vision" say any of that stuff.bigsmile

Then clearly, do either haven't done all the research you claim to have or you don't take him at his word. do a search on youtube for "WBEZ Obama 2001"