Topic: Is Obama doing a worse job than Bush did? | |
Edited by
Sun 09/27/09 09:38 PM
Lobbyist are still running things
Bills are still being signed with earmarks in these Transparency and ethics - no change there either - dishonest nominees appointed Self imposed Deadline for closing Guantanamo will pass Self imposed Deadline to get out of Iraq will pass US soldiers still being killed Unemployment still going up Yup, nothing changed. |
Lobbyist are still running things Bills are still being signed with earmarks in these Transparency and ethics - no change there either - dishonest nominees appointed Self imposed Deadline for closing Guantanamo will pass Self imposed Deadline to get out of Irag will pass US soldiers still being killed Yup, nothing changed. it would appear that reality sometimes circumvents promises made from wishful thinking |
"Is Obama doing a worse job than Bush did?" No. Oh there's a surprise ![]() ![]() |
We survived Bush. The way this presidency is going, it looks like we are going to be a part of a socialistic muslim radical society within the next 4 years. He closed Quantanimo, released terrorists,appologized to arabic countries, negotiated with terrorists, and flew a plane over NYC so his daughter could take pictures. Oh, and he also took back everything he said during his campaign, and did the opposite. I'm a soldier, and I can honestly say, I felt better serving this country under Bush. Even when Bush cut the funds to the VA Hospitals? Btw, we already are a tad socialistic. Muslim, radical? That's funny. |
Is Obama doing a worse job than Bush,,,,let me think? Did Bush even START working prior to his sixth month in office, I seem to recall alot of vacations,,, I guess Im one of those silly people who cares about stupid healthcare and education and the economy and world peace,,,etc,,, Uh-oh, that means that I'm silly too. Yep, Bush even broke Reagan's record for vacations. lol |
I can't wait to see this country fall into anarchy because no one knows what the hell they are talking about or why they are talking about it.
Now, to be fair...he is doing things, a lot of things are not going to be press conference ready and most of them I would imagine are kept behind closed doors for obvious reasons (media, that little devil). Think about it, all of a sudden announcing you are doing something about Iran on live T.V., pretty sure they have satellites in Iran...don't think they are innocently watching the stars. Your society turned this country into what it is, useless rambling on about this and that with little to no action behind the words. Once was a time when people actually marched by the hundreds of thousands, now it is merely a thousand here and a thousand here. Sorry, but it is true, I was apart of marches into the hundreds of thousands, I was apart of the riots, the protests, and the rage. We were angry once, now we're nothing but rhetoric toting hate mongering underlings. Which is why this country will inevitably fall into anarchy, because the people are not controlling their government, it is the other way around, the government is controlling the people. |
Your society turned this country into what it is, useless rambling on about this and that with little to no action behind the words. Agree wholeheartedly. Society here sucks donkey *!&# |
The reality is ... We are turning into Mexico.
We survived Bush. The way this presidency is going, it looks like we are going to be a part of a socialistic muslim radical society within the next 4 years. He closed Quantanimo, released terrorists,appologized to arabic countries, negotiated with terrorists, and flew a plane over NYC so his daughter could take pictures. Oh, and he also took back everything he said during his campaign, and did the opposite. I'm a soldier, and I can honestly say, I felt better serving this country under Bush. ![]() |
The reality is ... We are turning into Mexico. BUM RUSH THE CANADIAN BORDER! ![]() |
I never thought I would be saying this but I do believe our current President is doing a even worse job at running the country than Bush did.Much like Bush he seems like he is in complete denial and totally oblivious to what is going on in the world.I see many extremely important issues that Obama is ignoring including.... Not holding a press conference or so much issuing a statement over the recent foiled terrorist plot that nearly happened. Blowing off the high unemployment which is near 10% and in some states 15% and not coming up with any solutions or ideas to fix it. American dollar sinking like the Titanic and other countries talking about taking off their reserves. The obvious fact that Iran is preparing for a major war and is in the final stages of preparation. The economy is still in a mess and he doesn't have any clue how to fix it. Obama needs to get off this stupid health care debate which nobody seems to care about and get back into some of the serious issues concerning this country before we end up turning into Mexico. LOL this is actually funny. In the inaccuracy of it, that is. |
I can't wait to see this country fall into anarchy because no one knows what the hell they are talking about or why they are talking about it. Now, to be fair...he is doing things, a lot of things are not going to be press conference ready and most of them I would imagine are kept behind closed doors for obvious reasons (media, that little devil). Think about it, all of a sudden announcing you are doing something about Iran on live T.V., pretty sure they have satellites in Iran...don't think they are innocently watching the stars. Your society turned this country into what it is, useless rambling on about this and that with little to no action behind the words. Once was a time when people actually marched by the hundreds of thousands, now it is merely a thousand here and a thousand here. Sorry, but it is true, I was apart of marches into the hundreds of thousands, I was apart of the riots, the protests, and the rage. We were angry once, now we're nothing but rhetoric toting hate mongering underlings. Which is why this country will inevitably fall into anarchy, because the people are not controlling their government, it is the other way around, the government is controlling the people. You are right until the part about anarchy which I do not believe will happen anymore than it already has here. People who don't even vote are at teabagging meetings, people who don't even vote are spouting all kinds of hatred towards a president they neither helped get in office or helped keep out of office. And other folks are listening to them as if they know what they are talking about. ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 09/28/09 02:07 PM
Where were you when dumb *** bush was in charge, I remember gas was 4 bucks a gallon, the stock market was the lowest since to 80/s and everyone in my neighborhood was asking if I had any side jobs You obviously have no idea what you are talking about because if you followed politics you would know that stock market records were broken time and time again under Bush as shown here. Index Record High Record Close NYSE (DJI) 14198.10 10/11/07 14164.53 10/9/07 NASDAQ (COMP) 5132.52 (3/10/00) 5048.62 (3/10/00) Bush didn't even come close to Obams Unemployment claims as described by the Bureau of labor statistics shown here Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual 1999 4.3 4.4 4.2 4.3 4.2 4.3 4.3 4.2 4.2 4.1 4.1 4.0 2000 4.0 4.1 4.0 3.8 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.1 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 2001 4.2 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.3 4.5 4.6 4.9 5.0 5.3 5.5 5.7 2002 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.9 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.9 6.0 2003 5.8 5.9 5.9 6.0 6.1 6.3 6.2 6.1 6.1 6.0 5.8 5.7 2004 5.7 5.6 5.8 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.5 5.4 5.4 5.5 5.4 5.4 2005 5.2 5.4 5.2 5.2 5.1 5.1 5.0 4.9 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.8 2006 4.7 4.8 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.6 4.7 4.7 4.5 4.4 4.5 4.4 2007 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.5 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.8 4.7 4.9 2008 4.9 4.8 5.1 5.0 5.5 5.6 5.8 6.2 6.2 6.6 6.8 7.2 2009 7.6 8.1 8.5 8.9 9.4 9.5 9.4 9.7 As far as your War theory Obama is running the war now and increasing troops as we speak.There is no difference between him and Bush concerning the war. Feel free to try me again but next time back up some research with facts. WHAT DOES THE STOCK MARKET HAVE TO DO WITH THE AVE. MAN IN THIS COUNTRY . Its a good way to form co . you go there a get some financial support but that does put a dime in Joe ave s pocket . as far as the 2 wars go . one war was bush's personal war . bush senor caused the first war and bush Jr. decided to murder Saddam h. for his daddy honor and left the legitimate one just fester . it is true Obama has control of the Afghan war now but that is the people who we should of been fighting . they are the ones that came here and murdered our people . hes doing a pretty good job so far .. he may or may not be the best we have had in my life . thats yet to be seen . you can't judge him before hes done the job . BUT GW BUSH IS DONE AND HE IS AN IDOIT AND I WONDER ABOUT THE REST OF THAT FAMILY .. what they did to our former ally sh and the 180000 iraqis that Saddam killed after gb senor encouraged them to rise up against sh and then didn't help them . but we did watch them being murdered in fly overs . before SH invaded Saudi arabia he asked a blonder in our state department what we would do if they invaded saudi arabia and kuwait and she after a moment of thought we would not do any thing . that was the start of the gulf war that was what has caused so many people there lifes and homes and familys . BUT GOOD NEWS SHE STILL HAS HER JOB . BLONDES DON'T YOU JUST LOVE EM .. |
I never thought I would be saying this but I do believe our current President is doing a even worse job at running the country than Bush did.Much like Bush he seems like he is in complete denial and totally oblivious to what is going on in the world.I see many extremely important issues that Obama is ignoring including.... Not holding a press conference or so much issuing a statement over the recent foiled terrorist plot that nearly happened. Blowing off the high unemployment which is near 10% and in some states 15% and not coming up with any solutions or ideas to fix it. American dollar sinking like the Titanic and other countries talking about taking off their reserves. The obvious fact that Iran is preparing for a major war and is in the final stages of preparation. The economy is still in a mess and he doesn't have any clue how to fix it. Obama needs to get off this stupid health care debate which nobody seems to care about and get back into some of the serious issues concerning this country before we end up turning into Mexico. Yes, he's worse, but I wonder why you expect the government to "fix" the economy when it didn't create the economy to begin with, or why the State has any business making aggressive moves towards Iran without a war declaration, or starting a phony "War on Terror"...all when the government can't even make a profit on DELIVERING THE MAIL!! Such a thought process seems to defy all common sense, history, and logic. ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 09/28/09 06:03 PM
Your society turned this country into what it is, useless rambling on about this and that with little to no action behind the words. Agree wholeheartedly. Society here sucks donkey *!&# You know I would be the first to admit we have made mistakes in this country, so has every other country over time, but when you say this society sucks donkey !@#$ all I want to say find somewhere you think is better. I dare you... Youre 25 for heaven sakes, you haven't even lived life yet.. As for the topic, it's total nonsense. Obama doesn't do things your way.. Big suprise. There's lots of good things going on if you pay attention, if you don't then you just repeating BS. |
I never thought I would be saying this but I do believe our current President is doing a even worse job at running the country than Bush did.Much like Bush he seems like he is in complete denial and totally oblivious to what is going on in the world.I see many extremely important issues that Obama is ignoring including.... Not holding a press conference or so much issuing a statement over the recent foiled terrorist plot that nearly happened. Blowing off the high unemployment which is near 10% and in some states 15% and not coming up with any solutions or ideas to fix it. American dollar sinking like the Titanic and other countries talking about taking off their reserves. The obvious fact that Iran is preparing for a major war and is in the final stages of preparation. The economy is still in a mess and he doesn't have any clue how to fix it. Obama needs to get off this stupid health care debate which nobody seems to care about and get back into some of the serious issues concerning this country before we end up turning into Mexico. I'm not entirely sure that Obama's goal isn't to worsen the problems we are facing. Printing money in a time of recession and inflation. Offending one ally after the next. Cap and Trade. Socialized Medicine. Social Security cuts. Tattle tale websites. Demonizing anyone who disagrees with his policies. Cash for clunkers. It's just one really bad idea after another. |
I never thought I would be saying this but I do believe our current President is doing a even worse job at running the country than Bush did.Much like Bush he seems like he is in complete denial and totally oblivious to what is going on in the world.I see many extremely important issues that Obama is ignoring including.... Not holding a press conference or so much issuing a statement over the recent foiled terrorist plot that nearly happened. Blowing off the high unemployment which is near 10% and in some states 15% and not coming up with any solutions or ideas to fix it. American dollar sinking like the Titanic and other countries talking about taking off their reserves. The obvious fact that Iran is preparing for a major war and is in the final stages of preparation. The economy is still in a mess and he doesn't have any clue how to fix it. Obama needs to get off this stupid health care debate which nobody seems to care about and get back into some of the serious issues concerning this country before we end up turning into Mexico. I'm not entirely sure that Obama's goal isn't to worsen the problems we are facing. Printing money in a time of recession and inflation. Offending one ally after the next. Cap and Trade. Socialized Medicine. Social Security cuts. Tattle tale websites. Demonizing anyone who disagrees with his policies. Cash for clunkers. It's just one really bad idea after another. That's your government at work! ![]() ![]() |
Your society turned this country into what it is, useless rambling on about this and that with little to no action behind the words. Agree wholeheartedly. Society here sucks donkey *!&# My society doesn't. |
I never thought I would be saying this but I do believe our current President is doing a even worse job at running the country than Bush did.Much like Bush he seems like he is in complete denial and totally oblivious to what is going on in the world.I see many extremely important issues that Obama is ignoring including.... Not holding a press conference or so much issuing a statement over the recent foiled terrorist plot that nearly happened. Blowing off the high unemployment which is near 10% and in some states 15% and not coming up with any solutions or ideas to fix it. American dollar sinking like the Titanic and other countries talking about taking off their reserves. The obvious fact that Iran is preparing for a major war and is in the final stages of preparation. The economy is still in a mess and he doesn't have any clue how to fix it. Obama needs to get off this stupid health care debate which nobody seems to care about and get back into some of the serious issues concerning this country before we end up turning into Mexico. I'm not entirely sure that Obama's goal isn't to worsen the problems we are facing. Printing money in a time of recession and inflation. Offending one ally after the next. Cap and Trade. Socialized Medicine. Social Security cuts. Tattle tale websites. Demonizing anyone who disagrees with his policies. Cash for clunkers. It's just one really bad idea after another. Considering the the money printing was to help the recession which came from the Bush administration. He has not offended any allies to this point. I guess the accuracy of the information needs to be addressed here. Obama doesn't demonize anyone. He is trying like hell to bring the parties together on issues. When he doesn't have to, with the majority he has. I keep saying he needs to just bulldoze the stuff into effect that he wants but he is too good to do it. |
Since when is the country actually being led by the President?
Everybody knows the C.I.A. is the actual ruling Party... ... the President is just a powerless, photo-opportunity puppet. I do recollect a cool quote from the "W" years.... "I had no idea gas was four dollars a gallon" - George W. Bush |