Topic: Confused, need guidance.
no photo
Mon 09/21/09 03:57 PM

(Biglife) hahah no, of course not. I really do need a reality check. Thanks.

Terry, this took me a while, but it works so much better. Use the quote feature so we know who you are responding to. And sorry, I forgot to welcome you. All the best.

TerryZ36's photo
Mon 09/21/09 03:58 PM
What about the dinner that we are supposed to have together?
I set up the date for that before our second "date". And she said yes.
It is coming up in two days. Should I even ask her if she is interested or just forget about it.

no photo
Mon 09/21/09 04:01 PM
All due respect ... noway


Who taught ya to allow yourself to be treated like the stinky shite on the bottom of a shoe???


Just push away from drama, rejection. mind games, playahs and killin' what self esteem you've left kickin'.

Go grow some authentic, sustained self love and THEN entertain the idea of relationships.

You need to get a HEALTHY one w/ yourself first!!!

We TEACH people how to treat us; demand the BEST for yourself!!!

GL ... flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 09/21/09 04:04 PM

What about the dinner that we are supposed to have together?
I set up the date for that before our second "date". And she said yes.
It is coming up in two days. Should I even ask her if she is interested or just forget about it.

You KNOW what the answer is.

tanyaann's photo
Mon 09/21/09 04:07 PM
She's just not that into you. Move on.

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 09/21/09 04:12 PM


I need help from mostly all the lovely ladies but also welcome gentleman's input on this.

There is this girl I really like and I am willing to do just about anything to win her. But what she did recently has pushed me over the limit and I'm not sure what to think of it anymore.

All right, so here is the story.

One night, she was going out for a friend's birthday party and told me I should meet her there. Something came up that night and I wasn't able to meet her. However, that same night, I did text her and told her that I might not make it.

Few days after, I asked her out.
She joked and said only if you can find my house. She gave me an intersection the major streets she lives around and told me to look for her car, it will be parked right outside of her house. I thought she was joking and told her that was a crazy idea and told her I would do no such thing. She finally agreed and said she needs some time to change and get ready. She gets off work at 10:00PM so I told her I will pick her up at 11:00PM. At 11:00, i call her, she is still not ready and ask me for more time. I said fine and give her another hour. At midnight, I call her again and she tells me she is not ready yet and that she is tired from work. I was frustrated and told her that we should do try this some other days. She agrees and said we should it on a day that she is not working. She told me that she is always tired after work.

A week later I asked her out again on a work day... I know she told me not to but I still did.
Again, she said yes. And I told her I will pick her up at 11:00 since she gets off work at 10:00. She agrees. Then I told her I will take her challenge on finding her car. She ask me if I was sure. I said "Yeah, I don't want to give you any reason to cancel on me tonight."
11:00PM, I'm around her block looking for her car. She tells me that she is not home, she had to help her friend out with something but that her car is home. I told her "Fine, I will continue looking for your car but let me know when you are done." Half and hour later, she contacts me and tells me that she is tired and wants to go to sleep. I was furious. Even after all this?? We are scheduled to go out for a dinner in two days. So that night I brought that into the conversation and asked her "If she is going to cancel on me for the dinner too?? I was furious.

That is the last time we talked.

My questions:
1) Should I apologize for what happened that night? Or did i have the right to be furious.
2) Should I even ask her for the dinner that we are schedule to go to in two days?

We have never actually went on a date. What bothers me is when I ask her out she never says no or makes up excuses. She always tells me yes and seems interested in going out. But when the time comes to go out she cancels on me. =(

I'm not sure if she is playing some kind of a game. Is she playing hard to get??


:smile: You should just drop it and not speak to her anymore:smile:This girl needs to grow up:smile:Stop asking her out and stop even talking to her:smile:

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 09/21/09 04:14 PM

What about the dinner that we are supposed to have together?
I set up the date for that before our second "date". And she said yes.
It is coming up in two days. Should I even ask her if she is interested or just forget about it.
:smile: Forget her dude:smile: She has already dumped all over you, man:smile:This chick isnt worth your time:smile: Too many games:smile:She needs to grow up:smile:

SoundMethod's photo
Mon 09/21/09 04:16 PM
I would have bolted the first time !! She is obviously irresponsible with other peoples feelings and being in a relationship like that for the long haul would drive me crazy. Get out while you can.rant

lcjw's photo
Mon 09/21/09 04:17 PM

no photo
Mon 09/21/09 04:22 PM
Terry, you are NOT a doormat but you are dangerously close to allowing yourself to become one, it's a hard habit to break. Why do you think so little of yourself that you would put up with that? And why would you like a person who so blatantly disrespects you on a continual basis? You are her playtoy and you are allowing it. Why? I don't know you but you deserve better. How do I know this? Because everyone does. Let me ask you this, what would you tell your best friend if this happened to him?

Jill298's photo
Mon 09/21/09 04:23 PM
hard to get is one thing. But you are being a sucker. Hate to break it to you but you're going over into pushover land. Once you go in, you never come back out. She's not playing hard to get, she's playing you for a fool.

tanyaann's photo
Mon 09/21/09 04:24 PM

hard to get is one thing. But you are being a sucker. Hate to break it to you but you're going over into pushover land. Once you go in, you never come back out. She's not playing hard to get, she's playing you for a fool.


Jill298's photo
Mon 09/21/09 04:24 PM

What about the dinner that we are supposed to have together?
I set up the date for that before our second "date". And she said yes.
It is coming up in two days. Should I even ask her if she is interested or just forget about it.
You should tell her you can't go and you'll reschedule for another time and just forget to call her back.

no photo
Mon 09/21/09 04:26 PM
sorry to say this but, she may have some mental problems , schizophrenia or something
And how come you put up with all this so many times ?
Don't you have self respect ?

southern_bee's photo
Mon 09/21/09 04:27 PM
hun im sorry to say that shes messing with you and doesnt want to date sorry but you need to drop her like a stone.flowerforyou

Jill298's photo
Mon 09/21/09 04:28 PM

hun im sorry to say that shes messing with you and doesnt want to date sorry but you need to drop her like a stone.flowerforyou
agreed. If she wanted to go out with you, she wouldn't just keep stringing you along and then cancel at the last second. Why would you wanna date someone that acts like this??

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Mon 09/21/09 04:39 PM
Edited by AGoodGuy1026 on Mon 09/21/09 04:40 PM
get over the spilled milk, you know the answer to your question before you posted...

you don't have to "win" a woman -- she's either attracted to you or not... this one, is not.

slaphead drinker

p.s. Jill, that's a great pic of you! flowerforyou

silly's photo
Mon 09/21/09 05:00 PM
So sorry to say it this girl isn't in to u,if she was she wouldn't be playing games with u.Just go and move on.

no photo
Mon 09/21/09 07:35 PM
I got 5 bucks says something is going to come up/happen with this next dinner date, and it ain't going to happen.

Suggestion, drop this one like a bad habit.noway

s1owhand's photo
Mon 09/21/09 07:50 PM
Hey Terry - You like her and she is busy.

But you should like her because she is considerate even if she is busy.


Find yourself a nice kind sweet girl and don't waste another
thought on the one who keeps showing you ever increasing amounts
of irresponsible and thoughtless.


Welcome to mingle2.