Topic: barack obama | |
I only speak for myself but am very involved in politics and I can say the following are common things alot of people share with me about obama. During the election we were warned he was a radical and a marxist. Of course this met with some allusion to j edgar hoover and some snickers and something about how crappy bush was. He also made alot of promises to various left wing groups. So after the election he immediately nationalized banking and huge chunks of industry, textbook communism, and that really freaked alot of people out. Then he lets speial interests write thousand page+ bills on healthcare for example and tried to ram them through. They add 300 page amendments 3 hours before the vote. Our elected representatives dont even write the bills, corporations or bankers do and the congress and obama rubberstamp them. He also wants cap and tade, which will double our electric bills and gasoline prices, we are a very mobile country and restricting our travel in this way does not go over well. Also, most americans now realize that global warming is a crock and even if it was man caused cap and trade wouldnt do anything to solve it. His programs have virtually assured the collapse of the dollar and us economy in the near future. He has indebted our great grandchildren. Thats the rap from the constitution lovers. Among the liberal/fascist/socialist crowd he has reversed his plan to let gays in the military, bring the troops home, hes waffled on gitmo, he is now cool with the patriot act and using it, He has done nothing to stop all the clandestine drug smuggling and other nefarious activities by intelligence, and he has not siezed and redistributed all the wealth from the evil rich. Basically turned his back on the marxist base once elected, and the libertarian crowd regards him as the black hitler. Thats the short answer. Who warned you that he's a radical and a Marxist? Fox news station? When I investigated him, I thought that he leaned towards the middle. Btw, there were already gays in the military. Mexico drug smuggling? He gave money for more patrols, etc. Plenty of people besides fox were warning. Your investigation skills are lacking, he was the most liberal voting senator there was. He admits to involvement in many communist student groups, and all of his mentors and associates are involved in some form of radical marxism or another. Its like if all my friends were in the klan, skinheads, aryan nations, or whatever and then I got elected while calling for diasarming the sure youd never suspect me of racism....please, I am open minded and stuff but this is the president were talking about, we should have a higher standard than a marxist coke dealing illegal alien People could say that your investigate skills are lacking as well. You took the propaganda of the far right to heart. Problem is that either side can call eachothers views propoganda, we typically just go round and round in here. Dude I hear ya, but Im not propaganda guy. (spell it right when calling people out next time as well) Ive already done a point by point comparison of the marxist ten points quoted directly from my well worn communist manifesto and each area obama supports...and most republicans support most of it as well I might while I throw around commie and liberal I do it from a solid base of knowledge, go back and read, been sitting here icing my leg all day going roundy-round in here. I'm not a dude, dude... sorry, thought I saw a wiener under the harness... |
All those middle class and rich folks got it to spread out to us po' folks. I say, spread ya'lls wealth. No need to say thanks, they can just write off their loss. If it winds up they can't reall afford it, they can always join the military, hunker down a little until Husseins plans kick in or file bankruptcy. I want some o' dat Middle Class Cash. Who is Hussein? |
I'm not particularly replying to anyone just stating my own stuff. Ok, start off from the assumption, that Obama is not here to destroy you or USA or do something that is harmful to the people. If someone can't get this into his or her head, you got problems, and I can see that if people are unable to process this single fact, then there is no point to try to argue or explain anything beyond it. Thank you. |
I'm not particularly replying to anyone just stating my own stuff. Ok, start off from the assumption, that Obama is not here to destroy you or USA or do something that is harmful to the people. If someone can't get this into his or her head, you got problems, and I can see that if people are unable to process this single fact, then there is no point to try to argue or explain anything beyond it. Thats the problem, you start of with a false assumption. He is part of an ideology that wants to "fundamentally restructure america". That is a direct quote. Many of us vehemently disagree with this idea, we like our quaint little constitution that has protected us better than anything chartered elsewhere in the world. We like our economic system that makes us the most properous country in the world, our poverty level has a higher standard of living than the average european! If you cannot get into YOUR head how different his ideals are from our constitution you have problems. Problems understanding what a limited federal government is. Problems recognizing the threat to freedom and prosperity facing our country. The lion has tackled us, the other gazelles long eaten. |
Well as someone posted that we are sore losers, that one has no clue. It's his policies that I abhor. I don't hate him, I don't hate, but I hate everything he stands for. I didn't vote for him because he is black, I didn't vote for him because his soul is. Go ahead folks call me a racist, it's apparent some don't know what that is. Did you bother to review your comment. You just said you didn't vote for him because his is black. Had to do a double take.. You start out by saying 'I don't hate', then say but 'I hate' everything he stands for. Your anger comes through loud and clear. 'Some' folks 'are' sore losers, 'some' were when Bush became president, didn't mean the weren't right in some way. But they were still sore losers. I lost with the Bush presidency and I was pretty sore breifly. I just tend to believe you suck it up and move on until things come around again. It's interesting that the standard line now is I just hate his policies. Well hell so what? I hated Bush policies, I had to get over it and accept he was president and again, move on. Seems like folks can't allow the folks that voted for this president the right to have their day, as Bush Voters had theirs. Oh by the way some of us very much do know what racism is, and especially people close to my age by 10 to 20 years, it's the attitudes that people didn't used to deny because they were so blatant publically. Now it's kept more between friends and family, though some are still blatant enough to be obnoxious in public. It's just now people don't want their dislike of his policies to be clouded by the fact that they 'might' also be racist. Others don't want their views clouded by racism and they are not racist, however those that are make them look bad. But enough people don't like his policies to make it less of an argument. Life isn't fair, but neither is voting for a president people like and respect and have others say nothing but negative derogatory things about him. Life isn't fair, that's for sure. Uh yes I reviewed my post, ok let's try this, I voted against barack hussein obama not because he is black but because his soul is. Oh I stand corrected, I don't hate people but I hate things they do. there, better? Haha you got that right, life isn't fair and I never claimed it was. If it was we would be able to overhaul our whole political system because that sure isn't fair. I never said you or all don't know what the meaning of racism is. If you are one of the ones that call us conservatives a racist because we dislike the liberal's socialist president, then yes, if not, then don't worry about it. Uh-oh, is the thought police around the corner? I don't understand - "his soul is black". Btw, he's not a socialist president. That's what's great about a free Country, I can believe barack hussein obama is a socialist while you don't. The freedom for all opinions whether we like them or not. Well, he's not the true definition of a socialist. What do you mean by black soul, btw? Edit: Ooops, I see that you posted it elsewhere. I'll go read it. lol You dont want to patronize people but they still make you! * Main Entry: so·cial·ist * Pronunciation: \ˈsō-sh(ə-)list\ * Function: noun * Date: 1827 --------->1 : one who advocates or practices socialism 2 capitalized : a member of a party or political group advocating socialism ------------So then: * Main Entry: so·cial·ism * Pronunciation: \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\ * Function: noun * Date: 1837 ---------->1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods<---------- 2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state ---------->3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done<------------ ---------- If the webster definition isnt a true enough definition, you have lost all intellectual honesty. |
Well as someone posted that we are sore losers, that one has no clue. It's his policies that I abhor. I don't hate him, I don't hate, but I hate everything he stands for. I didn't vote for him because he is black, I didn't vote for him because his soul is. Go ahead folks call me a racist, it's apparent some don't know what that is. Did you bother to review your comment. You just said you didn't vote for him because his is black. Had to do a double take.. You start out by saying 'I don't hate', then say but 'I hate' everything he stands for. Your anger comes through loud and clear. 'Some' folks 'are' sore losers, 'some' were when Bush became president, didn't mean the weren't right in some way. But they were still sore losers. I lost with the Bush presidency and I was pretty sore breifly. I just tend to believe you suck it up and move on until things come around again. It's interesting that the standard line now is I just hate his policies. Well hell so what? I hated Bush policies, I had to get over it and accept he was president and again, move on. Seems like folks can't allow the folks that voted for this president the right to have their day, as Bush Voters had theirs. Oh by the way some of us very much do know what racism is, and especially people close to my age by 10 to 20 years, it's the attitudes that people didn't used to deny because they were so blatant publically. Now it's kept more between friends and family, though some are still blatant enough to be obnoxious in public. It's just now people don't want their dislike of his policies to be clouded by the fact that they 'might' also be racist. Others don't want their views clouded by racism and they are not racist, however those that are make them look bad. But enough people don't like his policies to make it less of an argument. Life isn't fair, but neither is voting for a president people like and respect and have others say nothing but negative derogatory things about him. Life isn't fair, that's for sure. Uh yes I reviewed my post, ok let's try this, I voted against barack hussein obama not because he is black but because his soul is. Oh I stand corrected, I don't hate people but I hate things they do. there, better? Haha you got that right, life isn't fair and I never claimed it was. If it was we would be able to overhaul our whole political system because that sure isn't fair. I never said you or all don't know what the meaning of racism is. If you are one of the ones that call us conservatives a racist because we dislike the liberal's socialist president, then yes, if not, then don't worry about it. Uh-oh, is the thought police around the corner? I don't understand - "his soul is black". Btw, he's not a socialist president. Oh regarding to his soul is black, to me it is. When he calls an unborn baby a "burden", condones murdering unborn babies in some of the most horrific methods, well, I call it as I see it. Eyes are the keyhole to the soul, look deep in his eyes and one can see what he is. A capitalist isn't going to tell a Country that what Joe the plumber makes or what every hard working American makes needs to be spread out among the people. Capitalism makes a society thrive while socialism stifles what this Country is based on. Okay, I see what you mean now. I don't agree though. I've looked into his eyes and haven't seen that either. Our country is a tad socialistic already. He's just putting the taxes back to the way they used to be. |
Well as someone posted that we are sore losers, that one has no clue. It's his policies that I abhor. I don't hate him, I don't hate, but I hate everything he stands for. I didn't vote for him because he is black, I didn't vote for him because his soul is. Go ahead folks call me a racist, it's apparent some don't know what that is. Did you bother to review your comment. You just said you didn't vote for him because his is black. Had to do a double take.. You start out by saying 'I don't hate', then say but 'I hate' everything he stands for. Your anger comes through loud and clear. 'Some' folks 'are' sore losers, 'some' were when Bush became president, didn't mean the weren't right in some way. But they were still sore losers. I lost with the Bush presidency and I was pretty sore breifly. I just tend to believe you suck it up and move on until things come around again. It's interesting that the standard line now is I just hate his policies. Well hell so what? I hated Bush policies, I had to get over it and accept he was president and again, move on. Seems like folks can't allow the folks that voted for this president the right to have their day, as Bush Voters had theirs. Oh by the way some of us very much do know what racism is, and especially people close to my age by 10 to 20 years, it's the attitudes that people didn't used to deny because they were so blatant publically. Now it's kept more between friends and family, though some are still blatant enough to be obnoxious in public. It's just now people don't want their dislike of his policies to be clouded by the fact that they 'might' also be racist. Others don't want their views clouded by racism and they are not racist, however those that are make them look bad. But enough people don't like his policies to make it less of an argument. Life isn't fair, but neither is voting for a president people like and respect and have others say nothing but negative derogatory things about him. Life isn't fair, that's for sure. Uh yes I reviewed my post, ok let's try this, I voted against barack hussein obama not because he is black but because his soul is. Oh I stand corrected, I don't hate people but I hate things they do. there, better? Haha you got that right, life isn't fair and I never claimed it was. If it was we would be able to overhaul our whole political system because that sure isn't fair. I never said you or all don't know what the meaning of racism is. If you are one of the ones that call us conservatives a racist because we dislike the liberal's socialist president, then yes, if not, then don't worry about it. Uh-oh, is the thought police around the corner? I don't understand - "his soul is black". Btw, he's not a socialist president. That's what's great about a free Country, I can believe barack hussein obama is a socialist while you don't. The freedom for all opinions whether we like them or not. Well, he's not the true definition of a socialist. What do you mean by black soul, btw? Edit: Ooops, I see that you posted it elsewhere. I'll go read it. lol You dont want to patronize people but they still make you! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ What are you talking about? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If the webster definition isnt a true enough definition, you have lost all intellectual honesty. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We don't put people down here. It's rude. |
I'm not particularly replying to anyone just stating my own stuff. Ok, start off from the assumption, that Obama is not here to destroy you or USA or do something that is harmful to the people. If someone can't get this into his or her head, you got problems, and I can see that if people are unable to process this single fact, then there is no point to try to argue or explain anything beyond it. Thats the problem, you start of with a false assumption. He is part of an ideology that wants to "fundamentally restructure america". That is a direct quote. Many of us vehemently disagree with this idea, we like our quaint little constitution that has protected us better than anything chartered elsewhere in the world. We like our economic system that makes us the most properous country in the world, our poverty level has a higher standard of living than the average european! If you cannot get into YOUR head how different his ideals are from our constitution you have problems. Problems understanding what a limited federal government is. Problems recognizing the threat to freedom and prosperity facing our country. The lion has tackled us, the other gazelles long eaten. And you would like to fundamentally restructure to your liking. Couldn't be that we just see things differently.. You don't accept my view, and I do not accept yours. I don't have a problem with that. Nite nite... |
Well as someone posted that we are sore losers, that one has no clue. It's his policies that I abhor. I don't hate him, I don't hate, but I hate everything he stands for. I didn't vote for him because he is black, I didn't vote for him because his soul is. Go ahead folks call me a racist, it's apparent some don't know what that is. Did you bother to review your comment. You just said you didn't vote for him because his is black. Had to do a double take.. You start out by saying 'I don't hate', then say but 'I hate' everything he stands for. Your anger comes through loud and clear. 'Some' folks 'are' sore losers, 'some' were when Bush became president, didn't mean the weren't right in some way. But they were still sore losers. I lost with the Bush presidency and I was pretty sore breifly. I just tend to believe you suck it up and move on until things come around again. It's interesting that the standard line now is I just hate his policies. Well hell so what? I hated Bush policies, I had to get over it and accept he was president and again, move on. Seems like folks can't allow the folks that voted for this president the right to have their day, as Bush Voters had theirs. Oh by the way some of us very much do know what racism is, and especially people close to my age by 10 to 20 years, it's the attitudes that people didn't used to deny because they were so blatant publically. Now it's kept more between friends and family, though some are still blatant enough to be obnoxious in public. It's just now people don't want their dislike of his policies to be clouded by the fact that they 'might' also be racist. Others don't want their views clouded by racism and they are not racist, however those that are make them look bad. But enough people don't like his policies to make it less of an argument. Life isn't fair, but neither is voting for a president people like and respect and have others say nothing but negative derogatory things about him. Life isn't fair, that's for sure. Uh yes I reviewed my post, ok let's try this, I voted against barack hussein obama not because he is black but because his soul is. Oh I stand corrected, I don't hate people but I hate things they do. there, better? Haha you got that right, life isn't fair and I never claimed it was. If it was we would be able to overhaul our whole political system because that sure isn't fair. I never said you or all don't know what the meaning of racism is. If you are one of the ones that call us conservatives a racist because we dislike the liberal's socialist president, then yes, if not, then don't worry about it. Uh-oh, is the thought police around the corner? I don't understand - "his soul is black". Btw, he's not a socialist president. Oh regarding to his soul is black, to me it is. When he calls an unborn baby a "burden", condones murdering unborn babies in some of the most horrific methods, well, I call it as I see it. Eyes are the keyhole to the soul, look deep in his eyes and one can see what he is. A capitalist isn't going to tell a Country that what Joe the plumber makes or what every hard working American makes needs to be spread out among the people. Capitalism makes a society thrive while socialism stifles what this Country is based on. Okay, I see what you mean now. I don't agree though. I've looked into his eyes and haven't seen that either. Our country is a tad socialistic already. He's just putting the taxes back to the way they used to be. Puyting taxes back the way tey used to be. That's a good point. 2010 the Bush tax cuts end. Guess that wont be counter efective to Obama's tax cut's we all got(what does it come out to? Bout $15 a week. say good buy to that next year!!!! |
Edited by
Mon 09/21/09 09:33 PM
I'm not particularly replying to anyone just stating my own stuff. Ok, start off from the assumption, that Obama is not here to destroy you or USA or do something that is harmful to the people. If someone can't get this into his or her head, you got problems, and I can see that if people are unable to process this single fact, then there is no point to try to argue or explain anything beyond it. Thats the problem, you start of with a false assumption. He is part of an ideology that wants to "fundamentally restructure america". That is a direct quote. Many of us vehemently disagree with this idea, we like our quaint little constitution that has protected us better than anything chartered elsewhere in the world. We like our economic system that makes us the most properous country in the world, our poverty level has a higher standard of living than the average european! If you cannot get into YOUR head how different his ideals are from our constitution you have problems. Problems understanding what a limited federal government is. Problems recognizing the threat to freedom and prosperity facing our country. The lion has tackled us, the other gazelles long eaten. And you would like to fundamentally restructure to your liking. Couldn't be that we just see things differently.. You don't accept my view, and I do not accept yours. I don't have a problem with that. Nite nite... I dont want to fundamentally alter anything, I am for preserving freedom. I dont want any laws to force you to do or not do almost anything, so long as you dont infringe on someones property of hurt/kill them. Theres no place left to run for us, all of you guys have canada, england, venezuela, china, many places you can live out your socialist dream. Why not leave us with this one last little spot we can be free. Pretty Please? |
Well as someone posted that we are sore losers, that one has no clue. It's his policies that I abhor. I don't hate him, I don't hate, but I hate everything he stands for. I didn't vote for him because he is black, I didn't vote for him because his soul is. Go ahead folks call me a racist, it's apparent some don't know what that is. Did you bother to review your comment. You just said you didn't vote for him because his is black. Had to do a double take.. You start out by saying 'I don't hate', then say but 'I hate' everything he stands for. Your anger comes through loud and clear. 'Some' folks 'are' sore losers, 'some' were when Bush became president, didn't mean the weren't right in some way. But they were still sore losers. I lost with the Bush presidency and I was pretty sore breifly. I just tend to believe you suck it up and move on until things come around again. It's interesting that the standard line now is I just hate his policies. Well hell so what? I hated Bush policies, I had to get over it and accept he was president and again, move on. Seems like folks can't allow the folks that voted for this president the right to have their day, as Bush Voters had theirs. Oh by the way some of us very much do know what racism is, and especially people close to my age by 10 to 20 years, it's the attitudes that people didn't used to deny because they were so blatant publically. Now it's kept more between friends and family, though some are still blatant enough to be obnoxious in public. It's just now people don't want their dislike of his policies to be clouded by the fact that they 'might' also be racist. Others don't want their views clouded by racism and they are not racist, however those that are make them look bad. But enough people don't like his policies to make it less of an argument. Life isn't fair, but neither is voting for a president people like and respect and have others say nothing but negative derogatory things about him. Life isn't fair, that's for sure. Uh yes I reviewed my post, ok let's try this, I voted against barack hussein obama not because he is black but because his soul is. Oh I stand corrected, I don't hate people but I hate things they do. there, better? Haha you got that right, life isn't fair and I never claimed it was. If it was we would be able to overhaul our whole political system because that sure isn't fair. I never said you or all don't know what the meaning of racism is. If you are one of the ones that call us conservatives a racist because we dislike the liberal's socialist president, then yes, if not, then don't worry about it. Uh-oh, is the thought police around the corner? I don't understand - "his soul is black". Btw, he's not a socialist president. That's what's great about a free Country, I can believe barack hussein obama is a socialist while you don't. The freedom for all opinions whether we like them or not. Well, he's not the true definition of a socialist. What do you mean by black soul, btw? Edit: Ooops, I see that you posted it elsewhere. I'll go read it. lol You dont want to patronize people but they still make you! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ What are you talking about? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If the webster definition isnt a true enough definition, you have lost all intellectual honesty. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We don't put people down here. It's rude. I didnt put you down, Im just sarcastic and I know you actually know he is a socialist and the whole lot of it, youre just too stubborn to admit it. |
I'm not particularly replying to anyone just stating my own stuff. Ok, start off from the assumption, that Obama is not here to destroy you or USA or do something that is harmful to the people. If someone can't get this into his or her head, you got problems, and I can see that if people are unable to process this single fact, then there is no point to try to argue or explain anything beyond it. Thats the problem, you start of with a false assumption. He is part of an ideology that wants to "fundamentally restructure america". That is a direct quote. Many of us vehemently disagree with this idea, we like our quaint little constitution that has protected us better than anything chartered elsewhere in the world. We like our economic system that makes us the most properous country in the world, our poverty level has a higher standard of living than the average european! If you cannot get into YOUR head how different his ideals are from our constitution you have problems. Problems understanding what a limited federal government is. Problems recognizing the threat to freedom and prosperity facing our country. The lion has tackled us, the other gazelles long eaten. And you would like to fundamentally restructure to your liking. Couldn't be that we just see things differently.. You don't accept my view, and I do not accept yours. I don't have a problem with that. Nite nite... I dont want to fundamentally alter anything, I am for preserving freedom. Theres no place left to run for us, all of you guys have canada, england, venezuela, china, many places you can live out your socialist dream. Why not leave us with this one last little spot we can be free. Pretty Please? |
Edited by
Mon 09/21/09 09:45 PM
so why do people hold protests against him? i have heard people have tried to kill him They are not necessarily holding protests against him, so much as they are protesting some of the bills that he is trying to pass with such urgency. I dont think it is something that we need to rush through the house and senate without time to understand all aspects of the bill.(A bill that was written by a special interest group, and not an elected official) He's trying to turn America socialist and people are starting to stand up and be heard to defend their Constitution. |
I'm not particularly replying to anyone just stating my own stuff. Ok, start off from the assumption, that Obama is not here to destroy you or USA or do something that is harmful to the people. If someone can't get this into his or her head, you got problems, and I can see that if people are unable to process this single fact, then there is no point to try to argue or explain anything beyond it. Thats the problem, you start of with a false assumption. He is part of an ideology that wants to "fundamentally restructure america". That is a direct quote. Many of us vehemently disagree with this idea, we like our quaint little constitution that has protected us better than anything chartered elsewhere in the world. We like our economic system that makes us the most properous country in the world, our poverty level has a higher standard of living than the average european! If you cannot get into YOUR head how different his ideals are from our constitution you have problems. Problems understanding what a limited federal government is. Problems recognizing the threat to freedom and prosperity facing our country. The lion has tackled us, the other gazelles long eaten. And you would like to fundamentally restructure to your liking. Couldn't be that we just see things differently.. You don't accept my view, and I do not accept yours. I don't have a problem with that. Nite nite... I dont want to fundamentally alter anything, I am for preserving freedom. Theres no place left to run for us, all of you guys have canada, england, venezuela, china, many places you can live out your socialist dream. Why not leave us with this one last little spot we can be free. Pretty Please? Sorry, no deal. First of all I am not a socialist, though I am not so fearful of it that I can't entertain certain aspects of it if I choose to. And since this is a free country I have the right to have those ideas, just as you have the right to want try to remove everything that makes our lives a bit easier. Good luck with that. |
Edited by
Mon 09/21/09 10:04 PM
You know when europe was divided by regional warfare, and constant violence between warring factions - many of whom could not even speak their enemies language - it was probably inconceivable to them that one governing body would politically unite the entire continent. I'm not saying its a good thing, nor progress, but at least in terms of violence, people of that time would find the modern european continent inconcievable in its (relatively) peaceful (relative) unity. So theres no racism in europe?
Please do me the courtesy of reading what I actually write. The point is not directly about racism, but 'that which people take for granted as an inherant part of life, based on what they can see with their own eyes about every aspect of the known world'. You see the racism in todays world, and declare it 'natural' and 'inevitable'. People have been making such narrow and unimaginative declarations throughout history. I am not trivializing it. I simply accept it. I am not trivializing death but I recognize the folly of trying to eliminate death.
I'm sure you will agree that there are degrees of racism, and that its not only possible, but desirable, to eliminate certain forms/degrees/manner of expression of racism - such as, as you mention, genocide. The creation of the EU ... Forget for a moment the actual EU itself - continental unification could have taken many forms, this is not the point. Consider that there we no longer have a continent dominated by tribal chieftains whose warriors are raping and pillaging their neighbors - and imagine how inconceivable the modern political structure would be to those people. I think you are far too optimistic about humanity.
Based on what? What predictions have I made? I'm calling BS on your assertion that your personal observation of racism in todays world is evidence that racism itself is inherant in humans and inevitable. Tendencies towards group-identification I will grant you, though. population grows, there will be more unrest, more racial hatred. I hate to burst your bubble but its getting worse, not better.
There you go making assumptions about my worldview/perception - even after I explicitly commented on how this is 'not necessarily progress'. One could argue that the problems coming to a head between the muslim world and the west are pre-existing - like a wound spring. Also there are many cultural commonalities among the caucasians, and they pretty much absorbed their forebearers. There is common religion, and they all speak english for the most part, even if they have their national language.
This is absolutely worth taking a look at. In the context of Europe, you are simply describing one little part of the process by which tribal warfare came to an end. |
conspiracy time!
hes part of the government,which means hes already corrupt and evil!and some of the people that do hate him just hate him b.c hes black!but theres always going to be a group of people that dont like the president! need we go back the the Dixie chicks drama?! let stick Clinton back in there!he might has been getting head from less then lovely ladies but the economy wasn't bad! then again you cant trust the main stream media either! i mean geez when you have so many greedy people running the country the only place they are running it is straight into the ground! but back to obama,hes now had to get a specialty built limo and extra security primarily b.c hes black!and hes gotta clean up bushes huge **** storm of a mess! |
he was born he won he's black he's not black enough he's white he's not white enough pick a reason any reason and the rest will follow What about ACORN being investigated in eighteen for voter fraud? What on earth does that have to do with Obama? What on earth does that have to do with Obama? If in just half of the eighteen states it’s proven Acorn committed voter fraud, who would be the rightful President? |
I think the biggest issue now is healthcare. But from my forty years of observation in the USA it seems there is a constant battle between the idea of FREEDOM and the reality of REGULATIONS.
Whenever people hear about one they think it will infringe upon the other. Right now, people are assuming regulated healthcare will infringe upon their freedom. |
None of them know why friend, and if they do, they so not care enough to tell. Tell me, how many of you read an political books? How many of you not only read and watched, but tried to read between the lines? How many of you can actually come up with 3 realiable sources of info to back up your statement? Ms harmony is somewhat there on one issue. and to awsner her, Yes it would. How would you like it if you were in a hospital, and you had liver cancer, Now beside you, is a child, also with the same condition. the operation is fairly simple and not very costly, but the goverment does not wish to spend too much money, and there are hundreds of people able to take your place, now who do you think that is going to recieve treatment? You? the hard-working employee who is past his prime, or the child, not as bright, but can be trained to carry on what you cannot. Who do you think will live? How would you like it if someone told you " ya, we can save you, but it's not really profitable." Would you enjoy dying for that?
I am sorry friend, my mind is currently not at ease, I am very tired, Send a E-mail to my profile about anything you wish to know, and I will be happy to share my knowledge with you.