Topic: What is the Lineage of Christ. | |
oh man this is just way to heavy for my brain to handle
According to Jewish tradition, if a married man died without leaving any
children, his oldest relative had to marry his widow (the relative had to be of the same generation as the deceased). Any children produced by the union were considered to belong to the deceased. So a child didn't have to actually share genes with the "father" to be considered his child. |
The doctring of the Immaculate Conception is not included in the Old
Testement prophesies. This question was overlooked by the Nician Council that decided what would be included in the offically recgonized bible. Proof that when man attempts to change the Word of God to fit into what they need to become High Ones they will allways miss something. Gods Word can not be changed it will allways show the truth of something in the time that God decrees. It was not until the 1800's that the church discovered its mistake and attempted to apply a correction to fix it (you can not fix hiding or subverting Gods Word it will allways seek the light of truth). Proof - In the Constitution Ineffabilis Deus of 8 December, 1854, Pius IX pronounced and defined that the Blessed Virgin Mary "in the first instance of her conception, by a singular privilege and grace granted by God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the human race, was preserved exempt from all stain of original sin." This move on the part of Pope IX was not necessary for Mary Mother of Jesus became exempt from original sin the moment she concieved the Child that would become the man that is Annointed by God. (The guilty fleeth when no man persuth!) Strangely enough this same Pope also decreed that the Pope was Infallible by calling the First Vatician Council which once organized declared the Dogma of Papal Infallibility. The truth of Mary is of far greater significance for God SELECTED her to bare the Holy Child he had ordanied in Prophesy through out the ages. From Krishna to Mohamand they all mentioned her and the Holy Child and told us of their comming. God selected her to be the mother of that Holy Child so that He would be raised to be Perfect in all ways that He would not be burdened by the sins of man so that prophesy would be fulfiled. And she did that or you would not have been saved. She was as is all women yet by the Grace of God she raised a perfect child Holy in all of His aspects. |
A child did not have to carry the seed of the man to be considered his
child you are right in that. However to be considered his seed he had to have the seed within him. |
No, he didn't have to be a direct decendant. I just covered that and you agreed and disagreed in the same post. |
What seed was that or should I say whose?
A man may take the child of another and raise it as his own.
However raising that child as his own does not make that child of his seed. These are two different things. We are encouraged to take orphans and raise them as our child would be raised. We are not encouraed to call the our seed. The begats list the line of the SEED of Jesse. Prophesy is not subject to change it must be fulfilled or the claim is a lie. Jesus IS the Annointed One as foretold down through the ages. As God say BE so IS a thing for He is God. Since his proofs are there in the Books of the Torah that which was added must have within it some inacuracy if it places a doubt on the Word of God which came before it. Only Begotten Son of God is the only part that does not fit the Prophesy there for it must not be. The Truth in the Word of God will allways seek the light. You know Jesus is Christ. You know he came for our salvation. You know this. Fit the truth to the prophesy. Rid youself of any falseness that has been used to decieve. Man should have never taken it upon himself to change the Book of God in Councils and secret chambers. Those that did have brought down upon themselves the things that are listed. The truth in Christ is within all of those that follow his Words. That is his Church. There are no priests in His Church, only believers. Those that are now in high places within the seven Churches are only now begining to pay the price for their eniquities. |
May I ask a question here?
I have seen you "Christians, locked in heated debate for weeks..Ad nauseum!! The only one who is right is God!! You warp and twist his words until an average , God loving.(notr, I did not say 'Fearing'. is totally confused, and yot, you can't fathom the fact that you all may be wrong.. How conceited, to think you know more that God!! |
Would that I did know.
Then perhaps I would know what the heck it is I am doing this for. I have no idea what God wants to accomplish with his will. But I can assure you it is far greater than mine. I am not now nor have I ever been a Christian! |
its a shame the authors of the bible were so vague as to how gods will
should be divided up.i reckon it would only be fair if we all get an equal share of gods will watt do you reckon ab. |
There are times when I think it would have been nice if he had given my
part of his will to someone else. |
I loved your reasoning, Adventure. Simply brilliant.
![]() John 5:39 Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. |
I have learned to be amazed by what is in there.
many questions ..many
one thing that jumps out at me when i read all this, is the the Holy Trinity looks more and more like Mother , Father , Child. and don't forget there was certainly a movement, to make sure that Jesus fit the Prophesy, |
He fits in all ways except the 'begotton son part'.
He also fits the Krishna prophesy and that of Zoroaster. Were do you think the Wise Men came from? Neither Krishna nor Zoroaster mention 'Begotton Son' either. Just the lineage and the 'kingdom' parts'. |
If Jesus had married and produced children, his children would have been considered Joseph's grandchildren. They would have been of the line of David. The line was spiritual, just like the nation of Israel is spiritual. When a child was accepted as a father's child, they then received the full inheritance that the father's child would have been allowed. That inheritance includes any claim to the family line as well as money and possessions. |
bibby i have a question for you, supposely you are a christian, then why
That's a great point. I wonder what Jesus' defintion of "stand up for" will be when the time comes. I think it's something that everyone who says they follow Christ should think about. |
exactly spider