Topic: Your name is WHAT?!
Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 09/05/09 09:40 AM
My ob-gyn that delivered my oldest son was Dr. Handwork
The one who delivered the other two was Dr. Broadbent

BonnyMiss's photo
Sat 09/05/09 10:01 AM
Robin Banks............. My brother-in-law. laugh

no photo
Sat 09/05/09 10:31 AM
I went to school with a girl named Melody Zaytune (say it fast), & I actually worked for an Englishman who's name was Mick Hunt...didn't think much about it until I realized his first name was really Mike...shocked

no photo
Sat 09/05/09 10:34 AM
i know a guy whos last name is shoemakerhuh

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Sat 09/05/09 10:36 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 09/05/09 10:37 AM

well dont have a funny name.. but if you but the meaning of 1st & 2nd names together you get a flowering little rock..I'm 4ft 9in..tall and a bit I'm Heather rochelle a wild flower that grows in the mountains & rochelle little rock.LOL

Thats reminds me.....

When we were younger, a girl on our street with the name of, Roxanne Stonebrook...gawd, we were lame.... asking her how the rocks and stone brook was!

no photo
Sat 09/05/09 10:37 AM
Also went to school with a girl named Heidi can't make this stuff up people! :laughing:

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 09/05/09 10:41 AM
there was once a governor of Texas named Hogg

he named his daughters Ima and Ura

Winx's photo
Sat 09/05/09 10:49 AM
I knew somebody named xxx Balls. He changed his name to Walls when he had children.

A friend of mine dated a guy named xxxx Huffendick.

ReddBeans's photo
Sat 09/05/09 10:53 AM
Try havin the last name Hickey.slaphead I've heard some of the fudderin lamest a$$ jokes bout itwhoa

no photo
Sat 09/05/09 10:53 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 09/05/09 11:00 AM
There once was a man from Mantuckett......

laugh laugh laugh noway

mo_muirnin's photo
Sat 09/05/09 10:58 AM
I used to have a teacher named, Richard head, but everyone called him dick head.

I also used to have a OBGYN named Dr. Fillerup (Yes, like Fill her up)

Also a regular docter name Dr. Head

Such weird names that doctors have! lol

darkowl1's photo
Sat 09/05/09 11:28 AM
Edited by darkowl1 on Sat 09/05/09 11:30 AM
I knew a doctor in New Orleans named "Harry Johnson"......and what about the football player "Dick Butkiss"......surprized this hasn't come up.

also, some india indian friends of's named Tohere imsorri, and his brother's name is Nothere imsorri

Meg8771's photo
Sat 09/05/09 11:32 AM
I worked with a man named Harry Hieny. Also had a client named Shithead (pronounced Sha-theed) and his sister's name was Tarantula (pronounced taran-tula)and their other brother was Devil (pronounced De-ville). Of course...Dick Trickle (Nascar) slaphead

Beachfarmer's photo
Sat 09/05/09 11:34 AM
The "Mike Hunt" crank call always kills merofl

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 09/05/09 11:46 AM
There is a Chiropractor here named Dr Rackem.

BonnyMiss's photo
Sat 09/05/09 02:32 PM
I don't think I am breaking any rules here when I say I had a pupil in my class named Lucifer.............If his parents named him for a joke it fell short of the mark.This kid was forever in a fight! :angry:

Jusy's photo
Sat 09/05/09 02:46 PM
My family is full of weird names. We're mexican and black, but my aunts have a fascination with Egyptian names.

My name: Hanjusy Navil (first and middle name)

pronounce it Han like hand, jusy like juicy, navil like Deville In Cruella Deville.

Some other cool names in the family:

Nicte ha
Ariagne Lizet

Jusy's photo
Sat 09/05/09 02:48 PM
There are three doctors in the area whose names always crack me up when I get a prescription turned in from them...

Dr. Bigwood
Dr. Woodcock
Dr. Weiner

BonnyMiss's photo
Sat 09/05/09 03:01 PM

There are three doctors in the area whose names always crack me up when I get a prescription turned in from them...

Dr. Bigwood
Dr. Woodcock
Dr. Weiner

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Sat 09/05/09 04:09 PM

The "Mike Hunt" crank call always kills merofl

Yuh! My co workers got me a few times over the years with phone calls from Jack Meoff and Ima Hooe laugh laugh