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Topic: how important is affection in a relationship?
earthytaurus76's photo
Thu 08/20/09 10:33 AM
Nope, and I wouldnt be with anyone who wasnt affectionate.


JustAGuy2112's photo
Thu 08/20/09 10:54 AM

Nope, and I wouldnt be with anyone who wasnt affectionate.


Ah. But that would beg the question...

Is there such a thing as TOO affectionate??

no photo
Thu 08/20/09 10:58 AM

Nope, and I wouldnt be with anyone who wasnt affectionate.


Ah. But that would beg the question...

Is there such a thing as TOO affectionate??


HeyBeautiful88's photo
Thu 08/20/09 11:19 AM

I like to show my affection to a girlfriend but she tells me that she feels uncomfortable showing me her affection towards me and thats just how she is... I think she's just not used to this, is there a chance for her to change with time?

Laughing to myself...
This has been a most entertaining read guys...
Balky, you are Handsome, and now that your nutz are smooth... *chuckle* nahh... never mind... keepin that tidbit to myself.

I'm tending to agree with Moof...

Affection is only important to those who have been acclimated toward such emotions.

and possibly with come_laugh

Red flag, if she is not affectionate within a month, move on. She may be jaded in some way. It won't change until her sexual peak around 36. Non-affectionate people are often not confident in themselves and this will reflect in more ways down the line as you get to know her. Non-affectionate people do not couple well with affectionate people. Voice your needs and if she doesn't improve, move on to a more affectionate girl who fits your neeeds, better. Best of luck.

Some people just don't "do" affection for one reason or another, and that can be a Sad thing.
Personally, I cannot live without it... so if I'm in a relationship where I'm not getting that Kiss, Hugg, Squeeze, or whatever... I'm thinking what is wrong with me?!

HeyBeautiful88's photo
Thu 08/20/09 11:22 AM

Ah. But that would beg the question...

Is there such a thing as TOO affectionate??

Hey Tim!
On the Other hand... Yes, there is always the other end of the Spectrum... Too affectionate can be embarrassing at times as well... either to you, or those who are around you - thus the root of the well known phrase "awe jeeeze - Get a ROOM!"

AngelFireDream's photo
Sun 08/23/09 10:44 AM
I think we can all agree: what's the point of being in a relationship that is not affectionate in some way, whether that is verbally, through touching or being touched, or emotionally. Who would purposely put themselves in a position where they would be with someone who is selfish, insensitive, a cold fish, uncaring. Even the most self-sacrificing of us would eventually give up. There is a limit to everything; especially with someone who has a long standing pattern of fears of intimacy and relationships....someone who can't stand to be touched or touch.

earthytaurus76's photo
Sun 08/23/09 10:50 AM

Nope, and I wouldnt be with anyone who wasnt affectionate.


Ah. But that would beg the question...

Is there such a thing as TOO affectionate??

nope. and it only begs the question for you. lol

earthytaurus76's photo
Sun 08/23/09 10:53 AM
Unless you wanna go there about howww.. i dunnooo someone you have known was like, absurd, and doing 3rd base in front of kids or something. Ive never been with anyone who was TOO affectionate. NOR would I spend time with some retard who just was like.. tongueing my forehead in a resturant repeatedly.

Lymore's photo
Sun 08/23/09 10:56 AM
Edited by Lymore on Sun 08/23/09 10:56 AM
I was abused as kid myself, and I came from a family that didn't really share things, everything was secretive, had to look nice and proper and as if nothing was ever wrong! And everything was just a mess really.

I wasn't used to it, I was extremely uncomfortable holding hands (i would make sure my hand nearest to them was preoccupied), and even just a peck kiss on the lips in public was WAY WAY over the line for me. But I eventually got used to the idea of it, and now I like affection most of the time, but I'm still a tad bit un-affectionate at times.

Just give her time, she may come around to it. Just don't smother her with the affection, just ease her into it slowly, you know what I mean?

earthytaurus76's photo
Sun 08/23/09 10:59 AM
I think someone can kill you with adoration though... however.. thats just another extreme.

Gushing so much you get diabetes sucks, and gets old too.

AngelFireDream's photo
Mon 08/24/09 11:41 AM

I think someone can kill you with adoration though... however.. thats just another extreme.

You're right - but some people will advance when they feel pulled away from.

And, in rethinking, I guess I would tend to agree with most on this thread. A sudden lack of attention or affection or intimacy usually means someone is thinking about looking, is looking, or has located someone - elsewhere - and just doesn't have the guts to tell you....no matter how much they protest otherwise. No matter how much they accuse one of doubting them, questioning them. Behavior just doesn't change out of the blue on its own (especially when the other party hasn't drastically changed, as well).

Patterns. We must look to the patterns of the past, if indeed we have this information....Did they reast the same way the last time they got bored, lost interest, or cheated? Did they react this way every time they became paranoid or disillusioned through substance? Patterns, indeed.

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