Topic: Just don't do it?
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Tue 08/11/09 09:21 AM

the word impossible means something cannot be done. surely you don't think relationships are "impossible" do you?

I would say that "relationships," per se, are possible, as long as we're speaking generically.

I would hasten to add that I do consider it impossible for me to find a compatible partner. I can only explain this by surmising that there is something in everyone's brain (except mine, apparently) that forces them to seek out someone -- and ONLY someone -- who can be completely and utterly domesticated....which excludes me.

Seakolony's photo
Tue 08/11/09 09:24 AM

I see a lot of threads from people asking if they should date, or why the can't find someone to date. I'm left wondering why even bother? I decided not to long ago that I am at this point in time not capable of having a relationship, for whatever reason, and that reason isn't really important as the failure rate far exceeds any success (I won't get into the math of it, people tend to be bothered by my mathmatical equations here). I think personally some people at their point in life can or cannot date, for any number of reasons. Some are more apt to date, some are more social than others...and others just need to focus on them before adding anyone else to the equation.

I suppose it is somewhat easier for me as I don't tend to like many people anyway, and am comfortable by myself. What I don't understand is that if for how ever many years one thing isn't working...why bother trying to do it in the first place? Seems like a step backwards to me, or perhaps I'm looking at it too logically. Any insight?

Whatever your beliefs are influence the outcome of want and life decision. Enjoying and loving the life you choose to live is the most important and universal commonality we all should strive for. This may or may not include or pertain to attaining the revelation of another half instituted or not into the life force that is you.

I'm happy, so far in my life that hasn't really done any good for me. Not going to stop me from being happy. I don't really follow the 'your thoughts will be your outcome' idea, I think it is actually laughable as if I think I'm God...I will not suddenly become God, will I?

Although some people follow it and seem to be doing well, I've followed it and it didn't help. Buddhism was fun though.

I did not say anyone should or should not follow it, but if you do not believe in it then it is reflected in you and you put off the vibe to others. You can walk into any bar, movie, antique car show or whatever and tell who is approachable and who is not.

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 08/11/09 09:28 AM

I see a lot of threads from people asking if they should date, or why the can't find someone to date. I'm left wondering why even bother? I decided not to long ago that I am at this point in time not capable of having a relationship, for whatever reason, and that reason isn't really important as the failure rate far exceeds any success (I won't get into the math of it, people tend to be bothered by my mathmatical equations here). I think personally some people at their point in life can or cannot date, for any number of reasons. Some are more apt to date, some are more social than others...and others just need to focus on them before adding anyone else to the equation.

I suppose it is somewhat easier for me as I don't tend to like many people anyway, and am comfortable by myself. What I don't understand is that if for how ever many years one thing isn't working...why bother trying to do it in the first place? Seems like a step backwards to me, or perhaps I'm looking at it too logically. Any insight?

Whatever your beliefs are influence the outcome of want and life decision. Enjoying and loving the life you choose to live is the most important and universal commonality we all should strive for. This may or may not include or pertain to attaining the revelation of another half instituted or not into the life force that is you.

I'm happy, so far in my life that hasn't really done any good for me. Not going to stop me from being happy. I don't really follow the 'your thoughts will be your outcome' idea, I think it is actually laughable as if I think I'm God...I will not suddenly become God, will I?

Although some people follow it and seem to be doing well, I've followed it and it didn't help. Buddhism was fun though.

I did not say anyone should or should not follow it, but if you do not believe in it then it is reflected in you and you put off the vibe to others. You can walk into any bar, movie, antique car show or whatever and tell who is approachable and who is not.

I don't have a problem meeting people, I'm quite friendly. Never had a problem getting dates, or going out. So I don't really think the thought/outcome idea works, of course then again...I'm not negative in the slightest. I just make fun of things a lot, and am all for laughing at myself if the situation fits.

That and I don't want to meet anymore people in this state, I've met my quota, I'm fine.

no photo
Tue 08/11/09 09:31 AM

I see a lot of threads from people asking if they should date, or why the can't find someone to date. I'm left wondering why even bother? I decided not to long ago that I am at this point in time not capable of having a relationship, for whatever reason, and that reason isn't really important as the failure rate far exceeds any success (I won't get into the math of it, people tend to be bothered by my mathmatical equations here). I think personally some people at their point in life can or cannot date, for any number of reasons. Some are more apt to date, some are more social than others...and others just need to focus on them before adding anyone else to the equation.

I suppose it is somewhat easier for me as I don't tend to like many people anyway, and am comfortable by myself. What I don't understand is that if for how ever many years one thing isn't working...why bother trying to do it in the first place? Seems like a step backwards to me, or perhaps I'm looking at it too logically. Any insight?

Whatever your beliefs are influence the outcome of want and life decision. Enjoying and loving the life you choose to live is the most important and universal commonality we all should strive for. This may or may not include or pertain to attaining the revelation of another half instituted or not into the life force that is you.

I'm happy, so far in my life that hasn't really done any good for me. Not going to stop me from being happy. I don't really follow the 'your thoughts will be your outcome' idea, I think it is actually laughable as if I think I'm God...I will not suddenly become God, will I?

Although some people follow it and seem to be doing well, I've followed it and it didn't help. Buddhism was fun though.

I did not say anyone should or should not follow it, but if you do not believe in it then it is reflected in you and you put off the vibe to others. You can walk into any bar, movie, antique car show or whatever and tell who is approachable and who is not.

I don't have a problem meeting people, I'm quite friendly. Never had a problem getting dates, or going out. So I don't really think the thought/outcome idea works, of course then again...I'm not negative in the slightest. I just make fun of things a lot, and am all for laughing at myself if the situation fits.

That and I don't want to meet anymore people in this state, I've met my quota, I'm fine.

I hope to god the ones in your state are better than the ones I've seen here.grumble

no photo
Tue 08/11/09 09:32 AM
Being single is requires you to NOT try and make things work. There are alot of people out there that cant handle the slightest bit of what life throws them.

Relationships are work....and there will be ups and downs.

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 08/11/09 09:32 AM

I don't have a problem meeting people, I'm quite friendly. Never had a problem getting dates, or going out. So I don't really think the thought/outcome idea works, of course then again...I'm not negative in the slightest. I just make fun of things a lot, and am all for laughing at myself if the situation fits.

That and I don't want to meet anymore people in this state, I've met my quota, I'm fine.

I hope to god the ones in your state are better than the ones I've seen here.grumble

No, they're not. That's why I met my quota...of three. One for each wretched year I've lived here.laugh

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 08/11/09 09:35 AM

Being single is requires you to NOT try and make things work. There are alot of people out there that cant handle the slightest bit of what life throws them.

Relationships are work....and there will be ups and downs.

So far in my experience I've been the only one trying to make things work, which by my again, useless. One person cannot keep a relationship alive, no matter what...I can only do so much. And I'm tired of it. Relationships are really just not worth it I think, they don't permit survival, they don't put a roof over my head or food in my stomach. I can live just fine without one.

no photo
Tue 08/11/09 09:37 AM

Being single is requires you to NOT try and make things work. There are alot of people out there that cant handle the slightest bit of what life throws them.

Relationships are work....and there will be ups and downs.

So far in my experience I've been the only one trying to make things work, which by my again, useless. One person cannot keep a relationship alive, no matter what...I can only do so much. And I'm tired of it. Relationships are really just not worth it I think, they don't permit survival, they don't put a roof over my head or food in my stomach. I can live just fine without one.

You mean you don't want someone to be "your world?" LOL I hate that expression.

no photo
Tue 08/11/09 09:37 AM

I don't have a problem meeting people, I'm quite friendly. Never had a problem getting dates, or going out. So I don't really think the thought/outcome idea works, of course then again...I'm not negative in the slightest. I just make fun of things a lot, and am all for laughing at myself if the situation fits.

That and I don't want to meet anymore people in this state, I've met my quota, I'm fine.

I hope to god the ones in your state are better than the ones I've seen here.grumble

No, they're not. That's why I met my quota...of three. One for each wretched year I've lived here.laugh

Oh, I just assumed you were born in Illinois, where are you from originally?

no photo
Tue 08/11/09 09:38 AM

Being single is requires you to NOT try and make things work. There are alot of people out there that cant handle the slightest bit of what life throws them.

Relationships are work....and there will be ups and downs.

So far in my experience I've been the only one trying to make things work, which by my again, useless. One person cannot keep a relationship alive, no matter what...I can only do so much. And I'm tired of it. Relationships are really just not worth it I think, they don't permit survival, they don't put a roof over my head or food in my stomach. I can live just fine without one.
Ha.....Ive never had a relationship put a roof over my head, or food in my stomach either. In fact Ive had more by not being in a relationship. But still.....there is something that makes me want to be close to someone. Not sure what it is. slaphead rofl

countrybelle6471's photo
Tue 08/11/09 09:38 AM
Hi just came back today after being gone for several months,my -x was / is a crazed stalker type.But I myself am in a relationship that is on the esge of of breaking up.I had him move out ovewr the weekend.Over some very personal things,He has lied a lot turns out,and some others things that I refuse to live with.I think he Needed a wake up call or its just over,no matter how much I love him or he proclaims to love me..and if we can work thing s out and he can be honest fine,then we will start again,but a bit slower this time,it has only been 5 months,but we have known each other 20 years,loved each other that long to,just didn't know how the other felt,thats a whole other story in its self..I believe people can change,if they want to bad enough,and if there is something worth the effort,if its for themselfs,there family,kids,a wife,lover,.ETC..just gotta make it worth the outcome.To see a Rainbow you must 1st weather the storm..Heather

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 08/11/09 09:38 AM

I don't have a problem meeting people, I'm quite friendly. Never had a problem getting dates, or going out. So I don't really think the thought/outcome idea works, of course then again...I'm not negative in the slightest. I just make fun of things a lot, and am all for laughing at myself if the situation fits.

That and I don't want to meet anymore people in this state, I've met my quota, I'm fine.

I hope to god the ones in your state are better than the ones I've seen here.grumble

No, they're not. That's why I met my quota...of three. One for each wretched year I've lived here.laugh

Oh, I just assumed you were born in Illinois, where are you from originally?

Born in Wyoming, lived in Utah most my life...I miss the West, middle isn't working so well.laugh

no photo
Tue 08/11/09 09:40 AM

I don't have a problem meeting people, I'm quite friendly. Never had a problem getting dates, or going out. So I don't really think the thought/outcome idea works, of course then again...I'm not negative in the slightest. I just make fun of things a lot, and am all for laughing at myself if the situation fits.

That and I don't want to meet anymore people in this state, I've met my quota, I'm fine.

I hope to god the ones in your state are better than the ones I've seen here.grumble

No, they're not. That's why I met my quota...of three. One for each wretched year I've lived here.laugh

Oh, I just assumed you were born in Illinois, where are you from originally?

Born in Wyoming, lived in Utah most my life...I miss the West, middle isn't working so well.laugh

Interesting. I lived in Iowa for over 10 years, so I kinda understand. Although I'm sure Iowa is worse, LOL

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 08/11/09 09:41 AM

Hi just came back today after being gone for several months,my -x was / is a crazed stalker type.But I myself am in a relationship that is on the esge of of breaking up.I had him move out ovewr the weekend.Over some very personal things,He has lied a lot turns out,and some others things that I refuse to live with.I think he Needed a wake up call or its just over,no matter how much I love him or he proclaims to love me..and if we can work thing s out and he can be honest fine,then we will start again,but a bit slower this time,it has only been 5 months,but we have known each other 20 years,loved each other that long to,just didn't know how the other felt,thats a whole other story in its self..I believe people can change,if they want to bad enough,and if there is something worth the effort,if its for themselfs,there family,kids,a wife,lover,.ETC..just gotta make it worth the outcome.To see a Rainbow you must 1st weather the storm..Heather

Maybe, but I'm tired of weathering so many storms for absolutely no rainbow at the end. See where the math is going? I've worked for relationships that ultimately gave me nothing, every single one of them. So why bother anymore? It doesn't make sense to bother with it, surely isn't working out for me...I'll just stick to friends for now.

countrybelle6471's photo
Tue 08/11/09 09:41 AM

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 08/11/09 09:42 AM

Interesting. I lived in Iowa for over 10 years, so I kinda understand. Although I'm sure Iowa is worse, LOL

I've lived all over the West, California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Colorado, etc. Came to the middle...and miss Oakland.laugh

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 08/11/09 09:42 AM


How's things?flowers

no photo
Tue 08/11/09 09:43 AM

hiya country!!flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 08/11/09 09:43 AM

Hi just came back today after being gone for several months,my -x was / is a crazed stalker type.But I myself am in a relationship that is on the esge of of breaking up.I had him move out ovewr the weekend.Over some very personal things,He has lied a lot turns out,and some others things that I refuse to live with.I think he Needed a wake up call or its just over,no matter how much I love him or he proclaims to love me..and if we can work thing s out and he can be honest fine,then we will start again,but a bit slower this time,it has only been 5 months,but we have known each other 20 years,loved each other that long to,just didn't know how the other felt,thats a whole other story in its self..I believe people can change,if they want to bad enough,and if there is something worth the effort,if its for themselfs,there family,kids,a wife,lover,.ETC..just gotta make it worth the outcome.To see a Rainbow you must 1st weather the storm..Heather

Maybe, but I'm tired of weathering so many storms for absolutely no rainbow at the end. See where the math is going? I've worked for relationships that ultimately gave me nothing, every single one of them. So why bother anymore? It doesn't make sense to bother with it, surely isn't working out for me...I'll just stick to friends for now.

that's where i am too. when you're just friends, you really don't care what the other person does- doesn't call, doesn't write back, doesn't show up, screws the nasty whore, acts like a jerk. no worries.laugh

no photo
Tue 08/11/09 09:43 AM

Interesting. I lived in Iowa for over 10 years, so I kinda understand. Although I'm sure Iowa is worse, LOL

I've lived all over the West, California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Colorado, etc. Came to the middle...and miss Oakland.laugh
haha omg I lived in Oakland!!!!laugh laugh