Topic: Why do so many women take advantage of good guys
JasmineInglewood's photo
Sun 08/09/09 09:37 PM
Edited by JasmineInglewood on Sun 08/09/09 09:38 PM

SOME women like a**holes for the same reason SOME guys like crazy chicks... it hurts 10x more to have your heart broken by a nice guy/girl, at least with the jerk/crazy chick you half expect it. It's a way people set themselves up for failure because they dont know HOW to have a functional relationship.

that actually makes a hell of a lot of sense... ohwell

Sadly it does, but most would deny it.

up until i read that post i hadn't thought of it that way.i'm going through my mind and realising that's exactly what i've been doing...
i don't know how to, and i'm scared to try. hence sabotaging relationships and going for bad guys...ohwell

where the heck was msmyka ages ago darnit!! sad

Ages ago??? Yer only 19 for f**ks

i was 19 last year silly :tongue: laugh

Atlantis75's photo
Sun 08/09/09 09:40 PM

SOME women like a**holes for the same reason SOME guys like crazy chicks... it hurts 10x more to have your heart broken by a nice guy/girl, at least with the jerk/crazy chick you half expect it. It's a way people set themselves up for failure because they dont know HOW to have a functional relationship.

forgot one thing though. Nice guys usually don't do what 'not nice' guys do. Otherwise they wouldn't be nice. On top of it, nice guys end up marrying or living together for a long time with their loved ones and once they do that, they are out of the dating scene. What you have left over are 'not nice' guys and some nice guys. So you go for the not nice guys. ohwell

I don't really follow you on this one ohwell

that's too bad. Basically saying, there are many happy marriages. Actually there are more happy marriages than bad ones. So we must assume those are nice guys. Bad marriages comes from a couple who aren't compatible or either or both aren't nice people (fake relationships, other purpose than love etc) .

So you must account for a bunch of nice guys always be taken out of the pool of all the singles, because nice guys end up in a long lasting relationships, they are not single anymore and they don't go to dating sites anymore. So you stil have a bunch of nice guys and also a bunch of not-so-nice guys. And the reason you stay behind being single, is because you continue to only choose a not-so-nice guy.

John1932's photo
Sun 08/09/09 09:40 PM

Yeah cuz being a jerk is COOL. slaphead

Oh come on. You KNOW you ladies all love the a**holes.

You just won't let the nice guys be justified in THINKING

longhairbiker's photo
Sun 08/09/09 09:41 PM

why does it seem like women walk all over us " nice guys " yet kiss the feet of the " bad guy " ladies anythoughts?
....morality has changed. If you don't smoke crack and worship satan you are not attractive enough to them. Being rotten, disgusting, and nasty is "IN". Didn't you get the memo?

msmyka's photo
Sun 08/09/09 09:42 PM
Edited by msmyka on Sun 08/09/09 09:42 PM
Atlantis I hope you're not talking about me... I was just sharing my perspective on this topic, not specifically talking about myself.

Monier's photo
Sun 08/09/09 09:44 PM

why does it seem like women walk all over us " nice guys " yet kiss the feet of the " bad guy " ladies anythoughts?
....morality has changed. If you don't smoke crack and worship satan you are not attractive enough to them. Being rotten, disgusting, and nasty is "IN". Didn't you get the memo?

That would seem like a funny joke until your girl leaves you for a nasty. Then guys are like, omg that guy was right!

no photo
Sun 08/09/09 09:45 PM

why does it seem like women walk all over us " nice guys " yet kiss the feet of the " bad guy " ladies anythoughts?

It's because they're all in their "slut-phase", where they wanna schtoop the rebellious, sideburn-wearing, jason-priestley-and-luke-perry-wannabe out there for the instant fling.

The "nice" guys only come into play if they need help with something, or if they've reached the age where they burned out their slut circuit. If the latter's the case, they end up settling for the nice guy to pay their bills with.

southern_bee's photo
Sun 08/09/09 09:46 PM
i dont need a mamas boy but i dont need a devil worshiper either.i need some that wont be all "yes dear" to me 24/7.i want someone that wont get mad when i play video games or gets mad when i want to see a horror movie or get freaked out by my skull collection but sence he isnt real then i dont see the need to date.

Atlantis75's photo
Sun 08/09/09 09:46 PM

Atlantis I hope you're not talking about me... I was just sharing my perspective on this topic, not specifically talking about myself.

No honey, I'm generally speaking, just running my thoughts. Sorry if i made you feel that way, if I was, it wasn't my intention. flowerforyou

John1932's photo
Sun 08/09/09 09:47 PM
WOW, this is the biggest Man/Woman war I have ever seen in my two weeks here.

*******Jumps off the top rope********


Lilypetal's photo
Sun 08/09/09 09:48 PM

why does it seem like women walk all over us " nice guys " yet kiss the feet of the " bad guy " ladies anythoughts?

pitchfork Because we are evil!! pitchfork

John1932's photo
Sun 08/09/09 09:48 PM
Its a loosing battle guys, we are battered and bruised and the ladies are unscathed and beautiful, we cant beat em....

msmyka's photo
Sun 08/09/09 09:48 PM
Edited by msmyka on Sun 08/09/09 09:50 PM

Atlantis I hope you're not talking about me... I was just sharing my perspective on this topic, not specifically talking about myself.

No honey, I'm generally speaking, just running my thoughts. Sorry if i made you feel that way, if I was, it wasn't my intention. flowerforyou
Ok good, because I don't go for jerks... apparently I go for guys who have delusions of grandeur about who they THINK they are slaphead

John1932's photo
Sun 08/09/09 09:49 PM

why does it seem like women walk all over us " nice guys " yet kiss the feet of the " bad guy " ladies anythoughts?
....morality has changed. If you don't smoke crack and worship satan you are not attractive enough to them. Being rotten, disgusting, and nasty is "IN". Didn't you get the memo?
drinker yep, I got that one....its a shame reallyohwell

John1932's photo
Sun 08/09/09 09:51 PM

why does it seem like women walk all over us " nice guys " yet kiss the feet of the " bad guy " ladies anythoughts?

It's because they're all in their "slut-phase", where they wanna schtoop the rebellious, sideburn-wearing, jason-priestley-and-luke-perry-wannabe out there for the instant fling.

The "nice" guys only come into play if they need help with something, or if they've reached the age where they burned out their slut circuit. If the latter's the case, they end up settling for the nice guy to pay their bills with.

woooooooo, that ones gonna hurt....
whoa look out behind ya, DUCK!!!!!drinker

Atlantis75's photo
Sun 08/09/09 09:51 PM

Atlantis I hope you're not talking about me... I was just sharing my perspective on this topic, not specifically talking about myself.

No honey, I'm generally speaking, just running my thoughts. Sorry if i made you feel that way, if I was, it wasn't my intention. flowerforyou
Ok good, because I don't go for jerks... apparently I go for guys who have delusions of grandeur about who they THINK they are slaphead

I was just reading over my comments. You must have thought I put the "you" in it, meaning "you" personally. Kinda came out wrong, I meant "you who do this and reading this" not personally you msmyka.

John1932's photo
Sun 08/09/09 09:52 PM

why does it seem like women walk all over us " nice guys " yet kiss the feet of the " bad guy " ladies anythoughts?

pitchfork Because we are evil!! pitchfork

yes, see, I told you lol

John1932's photo
Sun 08/09/09 09:53 PM

Atlantis I hope you're not talking about me... I was just sharing my perspective on this topic, not specifically talking about myself.

No honey, I'm generally speaking, just running my thoughts. Sorry if i made you feel that way, if I was, it wasn't my intention. flowerforyou
Ok good, because I don't go for jerks... apparently I go for guys who have delusions of grandeur about who they THINK they are slaphead

Ummm like nice guys who act like jerks cause we think you don't want us......

msmyka's photo
Sun 08/09/09 09:53 PM
I was just reading over my comments. You must have thought I put the "you" in it, meaning "you" personally. Kinda came out wrong, I meant "you who do this and reading this" not personally you msmyka.

Thats why I asked... I don't particularly care for strangers telling me about my life LOL

msmyka's photo
Sun 08/09/09 09:54 PM

Ummm like nice guys who act like jerks cause we think you don't want us......

Not even remotely close, but thanks for playing!