Topic: What defines you?
jp4023's photo
Wed 05/23/07 12:10 AM
my heart defines me, even though it gets broken alot

Sluggo's photo
Wed 05/23/07 12:18 AM
It's not what you are underneath but what you do that defines you.....

I love that line from Batman Begins (I had to use it)

ArtGurl's photo
Wed 05/23/07 12:44 AM
Oh JJ - that touched me deeply! Thank you for sharing that.

And my soul sister Jess - another playground for me to play in - thank
you! bigsmile

What defines me? How do I define me? Wow .... at which moments of the

There was a time in my life that my clothes wore me... I now wear my

Some have defined me by my orange toe nail polish but to me it is just a
reflection of how I feel inside.

I paint pictures and people buy them so I am sometimes called an artist
... although I feel more like a channel for that which chooses to
breathe life through me.

As an alternative health practitioner, sometimes people seek me out to
help them find balance ... I consider myself a witness to their own
healing process.

For a few days this week, I felt defined by my anger ... that was not

Sometimes I embrace labels for they allow me to put things into a
context. Sometimes I run from them like a defiant child refusing to be
put in a box.

How I define myself changes.

I can say that I define myself more by the 'who' of me and less by the
'what' of me. How others define me and upon what is for them to own.
Like the book title - What You Think Of Me Is None Of My Business. It
is just perception.

I hope that I will be defined by the interractions I have with people.
By the conversations. By the smiles, the sorrow, the joy we share.

How do I define myself? ... why I am a contemplative dreamer of course


no photo
Wed 05/23/07 12:49 AM
fray those edges!!!!!!

:heart: flowerforyou bigsmile

no photo
Wed 05/23/07 12:50 AM
gotta love flex-abilitybigsmile

ArtGurl's photo
Wed 05/23/07 01:07 AM

Pulling on the threads Alex! Thank you lovely!

flowerforyou :heart:

no photo
Wed 05/23/07 05:55 AM
What defines Me? many times I have asked myself and the higher
power to be for guidance on this one!...
I would think it would be fair to say and speaking from the heart of
hearts is that what I FEEL inside, and how I react to
situations...meaning, not being judgemental....just being in the moment,
in the moment...not thinking what's to be 5 minutes from now....and just
being a good, spiritual person without keeping my cards close to my
chest...yeah, gotta work on that one!!....I also believe that less is

no photo
Wed 05/23/07 10:04 PM
I am an assman...

Sorry(not really).

I measure myself by the impact I have on others,

and given that the same action often has a different impact

on different individuals,

I am undefinable.

I am you.

CampLight's photo
Wed 05/23/07 10:29 PM

I love questions like this. Not because I have some nifty canned answer
for it, quite the opposite. It provides the opportunity to sit back,
look deep and wonder, just what am I.

What defends me is how I show up in the world.
I show up as a loving, responsible parent.
I show up as integrity,
as a continuous positive contribution to life and to society,
as a stuard of this planet,
as a reflection of spirit,
as compassion,
curiosity, exploration, expansion

Are a few ways of being that defines me

tantalizingtulip's photo
Thu 05/24/07 01:52 AM
My Pedicure:heart: huh

Tomokun's photo
Thu 05/24/07 03:38 AM
WOOT for the Batman! All the answers can be found in the movies.

Hey, this isn't a forum...this is SPARTAAAAA!:tongue:

Seriously though, great quote.

bigpappa4331's photo
Thu 05/24/07 04:31 AM
i feel good about myself i like me and that's what defines me !!:smile:

GreenEyedHippieChick's photo
Thu 05/24/07 05:23 AM
the dictionary says:

One entry found for shelly.

Main Entry: shelly
Pronunciation: 'she-lE
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): shell·i·er; -est
1 : abounding in or covered with shells <a shelly shore>
2 : of, relating to, or resembling a shell

Phoenix0311's photo
Thu 05/24/07 05:24 AM
...still trying to figure it outindifferent

no photo
Thu 05/24/07 05:31 AM
What defines me is the impact I make on others.

Like a pebble thrown into the big sea, I make ripples,

and these ripples, positive or negative, define me.

davinci1952's photo
Thu 05/24/07 10:25 AM
take the pulse of my soul every morning....

tantalizingtulip's photo
Thu 05/24/07 10:42 AM
....../ `---___________----_____[]===D
.....),---.(_(__) /

My fricken squirt gun today!

Alada's photo
Thu 05/24/07 10:42 AM
Echoing Ocees thoughts: I measure myself in the impact I cause in
others. But I have narrowed it down to 3 very important people, my
children. I have reaised them all under the same circumstances, giving
them all the same opportunities, and still, they are so very different
and special and respond to me differently.

At the end of the day, their accomplishments are the true measure of my
endeavors and my success. They are the ones the I can hear breath at

The rest of the people around me, complement me and I complement their
lives. If my actions have a turning action in their lives, for the
better, I am content. But under they own free will, they can change

Whatever I give my kids, is like a seed that will grow and they will be
able to reap the benefits later. At least I hope is beneficial.

Oceans5555's photo
Thu 05/24/07 10:52 AM
Great question, and for me a not-so-easy one....

I guess I define myself primarily in terms of the goals I pursue, and
the progress I make toward them. Well, that sounds straightforward, but
then I realize that my goals include sometimes not having goals, and
wandering about ready for anything the world might put before me.

But mostly it is my goals: building a better world for all our children,
understanding complex situations and helping others to understand them
so that they can make better decisions, enjoying beauty, revelling in
nature, helping people blossom, enjoying the pure delight that is my

flowerforyou to all....

Tradewind's photo
Thu 05/24/07 10:52 AM
What defines me?

Does the company I keep define me? Do the clothes i wear define me? Do
the things I say define me?
Or do my friends love me irriguardless? Or does what i wear say I dont
care what you think of me? Or how I speak my thoughts come off as brash,
sometimes rude or are they honest?
I have loved,been loved and I am loved, what defines me, who knows, but
in the end will it really matter?