Community > Posts By > BeachGrl

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Tue 09/11/07 04:15 AM
Soulmates?..I suppose it depends on ones definition of the word....Personally for me, No I do not believe in "soulmates'..with that said however, I have connected both spiritually,emotionally, physically with another, yet haven't met that special someone whom i would want to spend the rest of my life with..

Mayhap my expections are to high? knows, it is what it is...OK I think I'm going to eat some ice cream now!!..:-)

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Tue 07/31/07 04:36 AM
hmmmm...I suppose if "one" is looking then mayhap depending on their frame of mind and what it is they are 'looking' for?..perhaps one will know?!..
Personally, I am a firm believer that if I just take it day by day, and just allow things to unfold, then if it's meant to be, then it will happen, on the flip side of the same coin, if it doesn't happen (meeting that "special someeone") then that's ok also......i am comfortable within my own skin not to allow it to consume me..or to look for someone....
i don't think i am capable of handling a relationship...too content on my thats a whole different
I have learned froom experience, thought he was the one, only to discover that it was best for me to run for the hills once we got to know eachother better......not everything nor everyone is as they seem.....
better off alone with my

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Sun 07/15/07 04:07 AM
hello everyone..
I'm from Pensacola...I LOVE being single (been single for over 6 years)...I have come to the full realization of the fact that being single is most advantages insofar as gaining a sense of, 'nough of that....sounds too deep this early..
anyway, I'm here to just have a good time and meeet interesting people from walks of all life. I've met some really nice interesting people on here....
so, with that said...Hope each and every one of you are doing well...

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Fri 07/06/07 09:33 AM
Thanks ARTGURL...So beautiful!! are a gift...:-)))

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Fri 06/15/07 04:00 PM
Sense of Humor....Sexy!!....

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Thu 05/24/07 01:27 PM
Puff...Nutty??...No way No how...At least if it is considered "nutty"
well then mayhap you and I should join a club!...
Could be that "they" are the ones missing out..Not scratching the
surface perhaps....Or just the simple fact that everyones perception is
do different from or own, thats what it's all about I guess..

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Thu 05/24/07 01:21 PM
Nus, I'm glad to hear it...:-)))

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Thu 05/24/07 01:19 PM
Have you ever walked on the beach, collecting shells, and find yourself
to gravitate only to those that are intact?....
For reasons I can't define (although I have a theory) I gravitate to the
broken shells on the shore...For me, they seem to have a story to tell
as opposed to the "whole" shells...The broken ones have been thru so
much, between the waves crashing over them, creatures, etc.,

Yes, I am attracted, gravitate to the "broken" ...I don't see them as
broken, defective, I see them as beautiful....Just throwing that thought
out there..

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Thu 05/24/07 01:16 PM
Micheal, well said....(((((((hugs))))))))))

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Wed 05/23/07 06:13 AM
none....nothing "serious"...not on my part....Have difficulty with the
"compromising" issue...trying to be something I'm not isn't for
me....No, I'm not bitter at all, please don't misinterpret the above
mentioned...I believe that I am here and may I add quite content, to be
alone...with that said, I'm NOT me that is crucial..

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Wed 05/23/07 06:04 AM
They are all in my box collections

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Wed 05/23/07 05:55 AM
What defines Me? many times I have asked myself and the higher
power to be for guidance on this one!...
I would think it would be fair to say and speaking from the heart of
hearts is that what I FEEL inside, and how I react to
situations...meaning, not being judgemental....just being in the moment,
in the moment...not thinking what's to be 5 minutes from now....and just
being a good, spiritual person without keeping my cards close to my
chest...yeah, gotta work on that one!!....I also believe that less is

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Wed 05/23/07 05:45 AM
LOL Jess, I also feel a Positive connection....Thanks...scarey
huh?....don't want that to happen..
Yeah, I know what you mean, blue box?!....Mine are of various colors,
guess depending on my moods at the
I Enjoy your insight..
Shine on girl..


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Wed 05/23/07 05:41 AM
Just curious, I know, that could be danerous for me!..
Do you think Men or Women are More sensitive??...Of course it matters I
suppose on YOUR definition on sensitivity...


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Wed 05/23/07 05:33 AM
Just thinking, yeah I know, that can be dangerous...
wondering what you guys think .... who is more "sensitive" men or
women?......of course it depends on what YOUR definition of sensitive


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Wed 05/23/07 05:27 AM
lol Jess, guess you have a point....
hmmmm, methinks that perhaps we can allow things to grow at there own
will....why would we want to manipulate something to "grow" when perhaps
it isn't ready to.....Everything and most people have their own beat to
their drum....some more than others..
Oh My, where did that come from?!....sheesh, maybe I should meditate a
bit longer....:-)


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Wed 05/23/07 05:10 AM
yes Jess, technical difficulties it is...but by choice..the main thing
about that is I'm happier today than I was yesterday or the day before
that...ever!!'s all relative..

Did u mention fertilizer?....hmmm....mayhap I could pitch it was
good for somethin'...
Take Care of you!

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Wed 05/23/07 05:01 AM
My shoes have been off for some time now, and as far as the walls, they
remain halfway up, or could it possibly be halfway down?!....:-).

All a matter of choice....What we choose to learn, believe in, are we
defined by what we DO or what we don't do?!...what we say or don't
ahhh, sooo many questions, no answers....mayhap the stars will shine
down some sense of it all..
Thanks Jess,
Way cool

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Wed 05/23/07 04:54 AM
when I hear about child abuse....I feel guilty because I feel

oh, and when I ran over a that was GUILT

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Wed 05/23/07 04:51 AM
All the time...
ok...ok...MOST of the time...sheeesh, so I don'thave that halo over my
I love to make people laugh,
I enjoy making others' feel good....(take your mind outta the gutter
please, those of you who would bother to put it there)

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