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Topic: Watching faux news today....
motowndowntown's photo
Sun 08/02/09 04:15 PM

Not only that but we are all going to end up standing in line waiting to DIE. Just like the Canadians and the Brits.laugh

Compare the income taxes. Canada (or UK) vs..USA.

If not..don't worry you'll find out very soon just how it is to have a government controlled healthcare. Especially during an economic crisis, I wonder what percentage of people of USA read news from other countries and their health care.

Add up the state, local taxes, fees and health care costs you are now paying and compare them with what the Canadians, Brits or Aussies, are paying.

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 08/02/09 04:16 PM

O'rielly and hannity are my heros...but I am not about to argue with y'all today...

those two scare the hell out of me.

Not me as much as the people who follow them.

cabot's photo
Sun 08/02/09 05:31 PM
I got rid of TV months ago...best move I ever made.

cabot's photo
Sun 08/02/09 08:57 PM

I see now the new fearmongering attempt coming from the Republicans is that if National Health care gets approved people will lose their health care. slaphead

Gotta love it!!!!

I'm not a Republican or a Democrat..but it seems premature for anyone to say what a complete overhaul of the health system will result in. Fear tactics by the Republicans, and Ignorance tactics by the Democrats. The sky is falling or don't worry, everything will be just fine.jmo

no photo
Sun 08/02/09 09:20 PM

I see now the new fearmongering attempt coming from the Republicans is that if National Health care gets approved people will lose their health care. slaphead

Gotta love it!!!!

I'm not a Republican or a Democrat..but it seems premature for anyone to say what a complete overhaul of the health system will result in. Fear tactics by the Republicans, and Ignorance tactics by the Democrats. The sky is falling or don't worry, everything will be just fine.jmo

Honestly, I don't think the fear tactics are coming just from the right. I think there are people in both parties that do not want this to pass, and will do whatever it takes stop it.

Frankly I just don't care anymore, if it fails to pass and health care gets even more expensive, people can blame both sides for doing nothing as usual about health care.

cabot's photo
Sun 08/02/09 09:28 PM
I think our health care is the best in the world, but the insurance companies and lawyers have driven up the prices. Fix that, and keep the current system. My mom has been a nurse for 40 years and the doctor she works for is top notch. I don't think a national health care plan will attract the best and brightest doctors. People from all over the world come here for a wide variety of treatments. jmo

damnitscloudy's photo
Sun 08/02/09 09:42 PM
The Government wants to run healthcare....yet they messed up on the cash for clunkers deal..

we are so farked ohwell

no photo
Sun 08/02/09 09:53 PM

I think our health care is the best in the world, but the insurance companies and lawyers have driven up the prices. Fix that, and keep the current system. My mom has been a nurse for 40 years and the doctor she works for is top notch. I don't think a national health care plan will attract the best and brightest doctors. People from all over the world come here for a wide variety of treatments. jmo

It maybe the best in the world, but if only the wealthy have access to it, then it's not the most humane. I do agree that insurance companies are a big part of the problem. In fact I am not sure why we need them at all when their profit is made by NOT covering you for certain things.

Are you saying that money is the only way to attract the best and the brightest? That no one would want to be a doctor if there was no big money in it? In this day and age you are probably right, but there is something a tad sad about that too.

no photo
Sun 08/02/09 09:56 PM

The Government wants to run healthcare....yet they messed up on the cash for clunkers deal..

we are so farked ohwell

And how did they mess it up? I heard it just ran out of money because so many are taking advantage of it. Actually I am kinda suprised so many are taking advantage of it. I wouldn't want to be taking on a large car payment right now.

Winx's photo
Sun 08/02/09 09:57 PM

Actually if you use the VA as a template on what we face with Obama's little plan you will see that it will not work.

I agree there should be a better system but first of all if what we have is corrupt now what makes you think what Obama wants for us will be any better?

What we have now would be fine if it were not for all of the frikken illegal aliens taking advantage of free health care at our expense. insurance is excessively high in cost and belligerent about paying. many 'health plans' are very limiting to the care we get yet we have the best health care available in the world. People go to Mexico for Pharms, not surgery! First of all we have to address the excessive costs. on average Americans pay 400% more for pharmaceuticals than the rest of the world.

Obama's system is a recipe for total disaster. Now granted the media's fear mongering sucks but now the same people who were all for Obama are now turning against him. Why? Because now money is starting to come out of their pockets! Now they see their fortunes being ripped out of their hands with higher taxes and more focused taxation on select population bases based on income. Business is about to get raped. Worst yet is what small and independent businesses face for taxation. Making a honest living is becoming impossible.

So where are all of Obama's promises now???

this is the change he promised...thank God I did not vote for him...but I was hoping I was wrong but guess not...

Yes, he did keep another promise. drinker

Winx's photo
Sun 08/02/09 09:59 PM

and again people think one man actually runs this country....slaphead doh

funny I use to say the same thing about Bush...which btw is another one of my heros...he was thrown under the bus...

he deserved to be thrown under a bus...


cheney pitchfork

You should have seen the "Impeach Cheney" signs hanging over the highway viaducts in my city.laugh

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