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Topic: I Create Evil
sail2awe's photo
Fri 08/14/09 06:27 AM
on subject: first, lets put it in its own context:

Isa 45:6 That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else.
Isa 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
Isa 45:8 Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness: let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together; I the LORD have created it.
Isa 45:9 Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What makest thou? or thy work, He hath no hands?

That they may know...there is none else
I form...all these things
Drop down...I the LORD have created it
Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker...What makest thou?

there is a wide variety of Hebrew possibilities as they are used with this word 'create', or bara.

here it means 'bring about'.

better for our English mind, is to find its own concept:

God doesn't create evil, but does create the reprocussions of participating in that which is evil.

it is called righteous indignation.

here, create, affords the Poel Participle of subject, which, with, and requires the rendering 'bring about'. this is not in the same form as in vv8, 12, or v18 in connection with the earth. in Jer 18:11 it is the verb yazar, to frame, to mold. in Amos 3:6 it is the verb ashah, to bring about.

Evil, is never rendered sin. God brings calamity about as the inevitable consequence of sin. it is rened 'calamity' in Ps. 141. 5 'adversity' in 1 Sam. 10:19, Ps 94:13, Ecc. 7"14; 'grief' in Neh 2:10,...; 'affliction' in Num. 11:11,

elsewhere rendere misery, hurt, noisesome, sore, wretchedness, harm, and mischief.

so God is not and has not and does not create evil, it is a figure of speech, an idiom, an Hebraism. God does bring about the reprocussions of mans (moral) inventions.

What is an idiom?
“An accepted phrase or expression having a meaning different from the literal meaning”.

earthytaurus76's photo
Fri 08/14/09 08:09 AM
Whelp, Im throwin in the towel, thanks, No more God, or bible for me.

no photo
Fri 08/14/09 01:22 PM
I thought this was weird too when I read it. But, I found out that the translation of the word 'create' that is before 'evil' in the original Hebrew is to 'chop down like wood', 'destroy'. So, it doesn't mean create in the sense that we know that word in English. It's funny how both Hebrew and Greek have multiple meanings for one word. 'Fear' is another one that is throughout the Bible and has different meanings like 'reverance', etc. God is not the creator of evil. He created all things good. Evil came to join with us through sin.

no photo
Fri 08/14/09 03:11 PM
Edited by ohshizabear on Fri 08/14/09 03:12 PM

Evil and Sin by their true definitions are anything that is against the will of GOD. GOD does not create evil in the way that the OP is suggesting. But GOD will allow evil to come upon a person or nation if they turn away from him.

If we are hell bent (pun intended) on finding some "inconsitency" with the Bible, there are a number of places to find those. I suspect that people who make these threads are not seeking any real truth or explanation.

I'm not the type to say "I will pray for you" or " I hope the Holy Spirit opens your eyes"

I say: "How ironic that the one you dont belive in gave you the free will to not believe in him...or his Word"

Doesn't sound like irony to me, even if he does exist. We're using our free will in one of the ways that it was intended.

I say: "Someone needs to learn the definition of the word ironic before they go throwing it around in holier-than-thou posts on a free dating site." =/

...Yes, I said it making that emoticon expression too.

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 12:25 AM

on subject: first, lets put it in its own context:

Isa 45:6 That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else.
Isa 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
Isa 45:8 Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness: let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together; I the LORD have created it.
Isa 45:9 Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What makest thou? or thy work, He hath no hands?

That they may know...there is none else
I form...all these things
Drop down...I the LORD have created it
Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker...What makest thou?

there is a wide variety of Hebrew possibilities as they are used with this word 'create', or bara.

here it means 'bring about'.

better for our English mind, is to find its own concept:

God doesn't create evil, but does create the reprocussions of participating in that which is evil.

it is called righteous indignation.

here, create, affords the Poel Participle of subject, which, with, and requires the rendering 'bring about'. this is not in the same form as in vv8, 12, or v18 in connection with the earth. in Jer 18:11 it is the verb yazar, to frame, to mold. in Amos 3:6 it is the verb ashah, to bring about.

Evil, is never rendered sin. God brings calamity about as the inevitable consequence of sin. it is rened 'calamity' in Ps. 141. 5 'adversity' in 1 Sam. 10:19, Ps 94:13, Ecc. 7"14; 'grief' in Neh 2:10,...; 'affliction' in Num. 11:11,

elsewhere rendere misery, hurt, noisesome, sore, wretchedness, harm, and mischief.

so God is not and has not and does not create evil, it is a figure of speech, an idiom, an Hebraism. God does bring about the reprocussions of mans (moral) inventions.

What is an idiom?
“An accepted phrase or expression having a meaning different from the literal meaning”.

well...it's a damn good thing your god thing made his word so clear and understandable....laugh

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 12:26 AM

Whelp, Im throwin in the towel, thanks, No more God, or bible for me.

good for you.

now that you've seen the light, as it were, go forth and spead the word, so to speak.

sail2awe's photo
Sat 08/15/09 04:30 AM
Sorry you have trouble with basic grammar Arcamedees. Many of us have this type of trouble.


Lilypetal's photo
Sat 08/15/09 04:44 AM
Thank you all for reminding me why I don't go to church.

I find "true believers" tend to stop at what they are told and rarely crack open the actual book unless told which page by some authority. This also included not knowing other bibles with different translations exist.

And the "authority" telling you what page to look at will only direct you to the information that helps his/her agenda. Be informed..question everything you are being told to believe. Don't be afraid to do a little research and form your own beliefs.

sail2awe's photo
Sat 08/15/09 05:35 AM
Edited by sail2awe on Sat 08/15/09 05:39 AM

Thank you all for reminding me why I don't go to church.

You are not far off actually, for even the Lord in His earthly ministry was very much against religion, calling them scripture doctors (lawyers). If one were to read and follow the grammatical subject and object through towards it's completion in Mathew 23, we see a merciless railing against those in charge wherein the people were listening to.


no photo
Sat 08/15/09 11:04 AM

Sorry you have trouble with basic grammar Arcamedees. Many of us have this type of trouble.


'scuse me???? and ..uh..WTF?

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 11:11 AM

said God

Isaiah 45:7

I personally think that if God exists and he created everything then he is like everything he has a Positive and a Negative.

Everything we know has two sides, men=women, hot=cold, day=night and it goes all the way down to the Atom, so to me God and Lucifer are the same one is the positive the other is the negative of its essence. Otherwise how could such a perfect being create such horrors as we see them on this planet it's because even if he is all powerful he is torn between is two side.

Oh yeah I don't believe in God so I don't believe in Lucifer.

Just thinking out loud today:wink: :wink:

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 11:16 AM

said God

Isaiah 45:7

I personally think that if God exists and he created everything then he is like everything he has a Positive and a Negative.

Everything we know has two sides, men=women, hot=cold, day=night and it goes all the way down to the Atom, so to me God and Lucifer are the same one is the positive the other is the negative of its essence. Otherwise how could such a perfect being create such horrors as we see them on this planet it's because even if he is all powerful he is torn between is two side.

Oh yeah I don't believe in God so I don't believe in Lucifer.

Just thinking out loud today:wink: :wink:

That's right, everything we know has two sides. Including triangles and the wind =/

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 11:48 AM

said God

Isaiah 45:7

I personally think that if God exists and he created everything then he is like everything he has a Positive and a Negative.

Everything we know has two sides, men=women, hot=cold, day=night and it goes all the way down to the Atom, so to me God and Lucifer are the same one is the positive the other is the negative of its essence. Otherwise how could such a perfect being create such horrors as we see them on this planet it's because even if he is all powerful he is torn between is two side.

Oh yeah I don't believe in God so I don't believe in Lucifer.

Just thinking out loud today:wink: :wink:

That's right, everything we know has two sides. Including triangles and the wind =/

Wind is air moving = inertia no movement, space no air
Triangles have sides = circular as no side

You can get pecular if you want won't change a thing.

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