Topic: How do you face your fears?
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Sat 07/11/09 06:28 AM
I don't fear snakes and clowns, I absolutely become paralyzed around either. Did you know snakes have a scent? Trust me, they do. Did you know clowns are pure evil? Trust me they are.
I have no desire to try to get over these fears, there is no shock therapy that is going to work, there is no way for me to get beyond the fears. I was bitten by a snake and terrified by a clown and that's all it took.
I don't do the reptile house at the zoo, I HATE the circus and won't go.

Jtevans's photo
Sat 07/11/09 06:30 AM

I used to be really afraid of spiders. Then about a year ago I was at the Field Museum in chicago and they had a creepy crawly exhibit. Look what I did! Now I'm not afraid anymore!

i would've busted a capp in that thing!

Tootsweet13's photo
Sat 07/11/09 06:30 AM

I don't fear snakes and clowns, I absolutely become paralyzed around either. Did you know snakes have a scent? Trust me, they do. Did you know clowns are pure evil? Trust me they are.
I have no desire to try to get over these fears, there is no shock therapy that is going to work, there is no way for me to get beyond the fears. I was bitten by a snake and terrified by a clown and that's all it took.
I don't do the reptile house at the zoo, I HATE the circus and won't go.

Wow! I don't blame you for being afraid. I will refrain from posting the pic of me with the boa constrictor around my neck. bigsmile

Mr_Music's photo
Sat 07/11/09 06:30 AM

Your fears don't exist outside the realm of your own head. Therefore whether they exist or not, it is a null set and therefore you can logically override the fear as irrational and pretend they don't exist each and every time.

Whatever you try to tell me that when I'm at the edge of a cliff and nothing to grab onto to have a death grip on shshsh noway

Yeah I'm scared of heights but I will still climb up on the house if needed to put up my Christmas Lights but sure my neighbors wonder what the hell I'm doing laying on my stomach making my way to the edge of the roof to hang them while others just walk up to the edge and bend down and latch them. Sshshsh not me being on the edge without some comfort will not happen at allnoway noway If I don't have something to hold on to or look from afar then I stay away from the edge when at any height.bigsmile :laughing: :laughing:

Having done construction work for 27 years, much of it roofing work, I remember something I was told when I first started doing it, by the guy I was working with. He said, "Just remember what you're doing, and not where you are."

Even though I've done it for so many years, and it's almost like second nature to me, I still don't care for heights, but I've never forgotten that little bit of advice.

auburngirl's photo
Sat 07/11/09 06:34 AM

I used to be really afraid of spiders. Then about a year ago I was at the Field Museum in chicago and they had a creepy crawly exhibit. Look what I did! Now I'm not afraid anymore!


scared scared scared scared Some fears don't NEED to be faced and that would be one!!!:laughing:

scared scared scared scared scared scared scared

I usually run away really fast screamimg and crying

A fear like that, I can face....with a size 11 heelprint on top of the damn thing.

You'd need your BOOTS! That is the kind of thing that you try to step on, lift your foot, he flips you off and walks away.laugh

Mr_Music's photo
Sat 07/11/09 06:37 AM

You'd need your BOOTS! That is the kind of thing that you try to step on, lift your foot, he flips you off and walks away.laugh

If that would happen, I'd be like, "Oh, THAT'S the game you wanna play, is it? Alright! Check ya boots, buddy-boy...."

auburngirl's photo
Sat 07/11/09 06:39 AM
laugh I TRIED to step on a HUGE palmetto roach once when I lived in Tampa. He did that to me. Anything that crawls, and could POSSIBLY get on me....ick ick ick scared

Tootsweet13's photo
Sat 07/11/09 07:12 AM

laugh I TRIED to step on a HUGE palmetto roach once when I lived in Tampa. He did that to me. Anything that crawls, and could POSSIBLY get on me....ick ick ick scared

I'd be more afraid of smooshing a tarantula and seeing all his guts than of one crawling on me.

auburngirl's photo
Sat 07/11/09 07:17 AM
laugh Toots. I was driving out of my sub division a few years ago. And this HUGE black snake went across the street right in front of me. I stopped and debated what to do. Had visions of running over it and having it sucked up in the engine and dropping down at my feet! laugh laugh laugh I had a 3000lb weapon and didn't even use it! Then of course I worried that the thing had found it's way over to MY street!

Tootsweet13's photo
Sat 07/11/09 07:18 AM

laugh Toots. I was driving out of my sub division a few years ago. And this HUGE black snake went across the street right in front of me. I stopped and debated what to do. Had visions of running over it and having it sucked up in the engine and dropping down at my feet! laugh laugh laugh I had a 3000lb weapon and didn't even use it! Then of course I worried that the thing had found it's way over to MY street!

rofl rofl rofl Sucked up the engine and dropped at your feet? rofl

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 07/11/09 07:19 AM

Having done construction work for 27 years, much of it roofing work, I remember something I was told when I first started doing it, by the guy I was working with. He said, "Just remember what you're doing, and not where you are."

Even though I've done it for so many years, and it's almost like second nature to me, I still don't care for heights, but I've never forgotten that little bit of advice.

Even as true as that is I still can not walk to the edge and just bend down and do it. I will at least do it my way and have went on a Helicopter Ride as well but hey as long as I am where I'm in a seat belt with a death grip on something I can hold on to I can deal with it. And actually would love to do the Hot Air Balloon Ride as well.

So even though I do fear heights it does not keep me from doing things that require going to places high I just need that extra thought of safety whoa hummm at least in my mind.

PATSFAN's photo
Sat 07/11/09 07:20 AM
smokin Head onsmokin

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 07/11/09 07:21 AM

laugh I TRIED to step on a HUGE palmetto roach once when I lived in Tampa. He did that to me. Anything that crawls, and could POSSIBLY get on me....ick ick ick scared

Lol see now the bugs don't bother me all that much but to step on one that is big and hear that crunch would make me cringe. Shshsh I would rather hold one then step on it.noway

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 07/11/09 07:23 AM
I've always been afraid of needles myself, which is odd considering when I was in the hospital for my truamatic brain injury I was stuck with them constantly (but they had really, really, like really, good drugs). How do I face it? Stare at the needle, odd, but it works for me...that's how I faced all of my fears, used to be afraid of heights before I bungeed off a bridge in the Rockies, flying...believe it or not, I was afraid of that as well (first time I flew in my life was one month after 9/11), faced that the same way...airline ticket in hand.

Never was one to be afraid of insects of any kind, I actually admire almost all of them. Same with animals, dogs, wolves, coyotes, and bears I've come face to face with...remained calm, and managed to walk away without getting chewed up.

Fears are to be faced, head on and head strong...we are only human but have an amazing ability to adapt to our environement fairly well.

Mr_Music's photo
Sat 07/11/09 07:23 AM

Even as true as that is I still can not walk to the edge and just bend down and do it.

:laughing: I'm so used to it, I'll sometimes even work with one leg hanging over the edge.

auburngirl's photo
Sat 07/11/09 07:27 AM

Even as true as that is I still can not walk to the edge and just bend down and do it.

:laughing: I'm so used to it, I'll sometimes even work with one leg hanging over the edge.

Now THERE'S a visual!! bigsmile

no photo
Sat 07/11/09 07:28 AM
Fears are part of life some are silly some are serious. It"s like everything else you face them live with them or let them take over your life it is all a personal choice.

I have fears like everyone they are mine to deal with or not.

It makes me look cute when i admit my fears to a woman so why should i get rid of them.:angel: :angel: :angel:

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 07/11/09 07:59 AM

Even as true as that is I still can not walk to the edge and just bend down and do it.

:laughing: I'm so used to it, I'll sometimes even work with one leg hanging over the edge.

Now THERE'S a visual!! bigsmile

Lol depends on which leg your have in your vision

oops Did I say that heheheslaphead

I know gonna have to go to my corner early if I don't watch it:laughing: :laughing:

But honestly no way I could do that actually I'm sure it is pretty comically the way I look when hanging lights my kids laugh at me of course I have to laugh at myself. But now it took me a few years to get up the nerve just to get up on the house.whoa :laughing:

misswright's photo
Sat 07/11/09 08:22 AM
BEES! I'm not even allergic. I got swarmed when I was a kid, brother stepped on a mud wasp nest right in front of me. Had 'em cover me from head to toe! Now I even hear the buzz of a bee nearby and I freak. Bumblebee, wasp, honey diff to me. If I'm in a position to run screaming like a banchee flailin' my arms like a crazy woman, I do. If not, I just bury my head in my arms frozen in fear and pray for it to go away. Of course if they get in the house, I keep a can of Raid wasp killer right near my chair. One blast from that and they're toast. Of course I'm probably gonna die from the ethyl-methyl bad stuff in said "for outside use only" bee blaster but at least he's biting the big one before I do!!bigsmile

And are my hero!flowerforyou I like spiders just slightly more than I like bees! Don't think I coulda done go girl!!!

EZ4Sheezy's photo
Sat 07/11/09 09:08 AM

I used to be really afraid of spiders. Then about a year ago I was at the Field Museum in chicago and they had a creepy crawly exhibit. Look what I did! Now I'm not afraid anymore!


scared scared scared scared Some fears don't NEED to be faced and that would be one!!!:laughing:

scared scared scared scared scared scared scared

I usually run away really fast screamimg and crying

I also held a millipede that day, and a HISSING COCKROACH! Of the three, the tarantula was the most pleasant to hold. He was really soft and surprisingly light.

Hissing cockroach? Oh God no! I used to feed those to my chameleon. Hated it.