Topic: Is he married?
lilith401's photo
Wed 07/08/09 06:45 AM
It's really a duck, hon.

A man with nothing to hide, hides nothing. A good friend of mine only talks to guys after her kids are in bed. That way, she places her attention to them, and to her children while they are with her. They know nothing of her dating life, and won't until she meets a man worthy of meeting them. If this guy is sincere, why would he be making up stories? And really, if you're going to lie, at least come up with something good.

Granted, he might be telling the truth. But I hear quacking. Lying about a child is so heinous.

auburngirl's photo
Wed 07/08/09 06:55 AM
I like that lilith...a man with nothing to hide, hides nothing. Hmmm Tanya, I don't know. Sounds fishy. I'm not really getting a married vibe but I'm getting a vibe that there is someone around, other than son. Trust your gut. It is rarely wrong. flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 07/08/09 07:21 AM

Have you asked him?

Not yet. He said when we first started talking that he was divorced. And that they did it themselves through a legal aid/paperwork thingy.

This is seem odd to me because they have an adopted child together, which I thought might put them into the court system. ohwell

Oh, but believe me I will be asking some questions!

I had a guy tell me he was divorced...unfortunately, he neglected to tell me about his SECOND wife! :angry:

Jules0565's photo
Wed 07/08/09 07:23 AM
If one calls mainly during work hours, online during work hours, not available on weekends, only available late night..chances are, they are married. JMO

lookingformyangel21's photo
Wed 07/08/09 07:30 AM
It really sounds strange. It would not shock me. I hate men who pretend they are not married when they are and try to be ladies men. That is not the way you treat a woman. I to think that it sounds strange taking your kid to the ER 3 times in a short amount of time like that and not wanting to talk a long time with that special someone. I have seen alot of both men and women on this site who say they like you and are interested in talking to you and it turns out later they are either married or already in a relationship. It makes you wonder about these people. I think this guy is hiding something. Try to ask him why he is not talking to you very much you will know by the tone of his voice if he is lying to you or not. This guy sounds like he is making up stories as he goes along. I think you just trust in yourself and ask yourself is this guy is lying or being truthful.:smile:

ReddBeans's photo
Wed 07/08/09 07:48 AM
Danger, Tanya, DANGER!!!! Trust ur gut gurlshades

Def03's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:04 AM
If he is not married then he is talking to other women. Date him and enjoy yourself. There is no stopping him f=or anyone else from feeding you a line. Just be observant. If you choose to have sex with him be honest enough to choose his place. If he tries to get you to go to your place politely bid him a far well and never call him again. Married men will always try to keep you away from where they live. Ive had a few try to pull one on me. I think there is a good chance he is talking to a bunch of women. 1:30 in the morning would get me mad if I was married to him.There is no hiding that. Just be observant. Also your intuition...women are naturally observant we just tend to have more hope then common sense.

lifestooshort6's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:08 AM
Go with your gut, Tanya. :wink:

PATSFAN's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:09 AM
sad2 my weiner fell off, i couldn't get back to yousad2

no photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:11 AM
Well, just to jump on the bandwagon here, instincts rarely lie. They are telling you something's just not quite right, what it is has yet to be seen. It very well could be his kid is accident-prone or just having a very bad couple of weeks. My younger brother was in the ER more than he was out of it, it seemed like. But, generally speaking, that doesn't happen all that often.

Just proceed with eyes and ears open flowerforyou

catseyes1's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:35 AM
Follow your intuition, be careful, sounds like he is playing you.

no photo
Wed 07/08/09 09:05 AM

sad2 my weiner fell off, i couldn't get back to yousad2

:laughing: Oh I wish I were an Oscar Meyer wiener...that is what I'd truly like to beeeee-eeeee!

PATSFAN's photo
Wed 07/08/09 09:08 AM

sad2 my weiner fell off, i couldn't get back to yousad2

:laughing: Oh I wish I were an Oscar Meyer wiener...that is what I'd truly like to beeeee-eeeee!

" detachable penis"laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 07/08/09 09:09 AM

sad2 my weiner fell off, i couldn't get back to yousad2

:laughing: Oh I wish I were an Oscar Meyer wiener...that is what I'd truly like to beeeee-eeeee!

" detachable penis"laugh laugh

Velcro makes a more audible "ripping" sound...ziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip! laugh

PATSFAN's photo
Wed 07/08/09 09:15 AM

sad2 my weiner fell off, i couldn't get back to yousad2

:laughing: Oh I wish I were an Oscar Meyer wiener...that is what I'd truly like to beeeee-eeeee!

" detachable penis"laugh laugh

Velcro makes a more audible "ripping" sound...ziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip! laugh

laugh laugh

tanyaann's photo
Wed 07/08/09 09:27 AM

tngxl65's photo
Wed 07/08/09 09:34 AM
Married, involved, whatever.

I have lots of little things come up when I'm online. Usually a 'brb' is sufficient. If he has to sign off immediately, he likely has something to hide.

buttons's photo
Wed 07/08/09 09:34 AM

Just tell him in a casual way that you always had a fantasy of sleeping with a married man, if he is married I think the thought of sleeping with you will make him tell you.
laugh laugh

Lilypetal's photo
Wed 07/08/09 09:38 AM

Have you asked him?

Not yet. He said when we first started talking that he was divorced. And that they did it themselves through a legal aid/paperwork thingy.

This is seem odd to me because they have an adopted child together, which I thought might put them into the court system. ohwell

Oh, but believe me I will be asking some questions!

I got divorced like this with a child. All it requires is that you agree on every thing. Check public records for the county he lives in and see if divorce papers were ever filed. Can find out all sorts of fun facts from public records.

buttons's photo
Wed 07/08/09 09:40 AM
the adopeted child would not be thrown back to the state here i there was a divorce....... my cousin married a woman who was pregnant yrs and yrs ago... he adopted the son, then they had a son.. divorced aound 1990 and his adopted son<mothers natural son> was given from the courts to my cousin<adopted parent> and the natural parent went on her way....