lookingformyangel21's photo
Wed 07/29/09 09:40 AM
The democrats have passed the recovery package at least part of it has gone out but since the economy is all screwed up it will take time before the bigger parts go out and because the states are receiving the money but they are not spending it another reason why we don't see it working. I am also proud at the bills that were passed and signed by president Obama.

The Lily Ledbetter Act.

The Credit Card Holders Bill Of Rights.

The Family Smoking Pervention and Tobacco Control Act.

The Recovery Package.

These are really good bills and they help alot of people.

I am again sorry about before I really take the right-wing stuff really serious and if someone does not post that they are joking about posting stuff they don't believe then people think that you are being serious. It is just alot of crazy people that think like that are out there so you have to take all people's post real serious if it appears they are not joking. I have encountered other sites where people say they are joking and they put their comments in the joke forums but then it turns out they were serious it really gets you confused with is this a joke or are they dead serious.

Have you heard yet about what Glenn Beck said?

I too do not favor a party even though I am a democrat I put the blame on not who is in charge but who was before in charge of the country and I blame the party or person responsable. I blame democrats for giving in to the drug compaines regarding health care and blame republicans for trying to kill health care. I also have disagreements with president Obama on a few issues. I back the democrats when they are right and when they are wrong I call them out.

lookingformyangel21's photo
Wed 07/29/09 07:40 AM
If it was a joke it would be funny. I doubt that saying things a right-winger would say like the government scares me which is the crazy right-wing talking point is not a joke. If it was a joke then you should have put at the very bottom of your first post just kidding or just joking or disregard these things I am just kidding around. The government don't scare people they make it harder for people to get ahead in this country. Saying they scare you is truly crazy fear mongering psycho talk. If it was a joke I am sorry for coming down so hard but you have to be tough with these kinds of people and take them serious cause these are real nutjobs who think the world will end because the government will end it even if they are joking about it and not saying they are in their posts. Some jokes if not defined maybe taken serious. I really hope that it was a joke and you really do not believe that hobo jumbo crazy talk.

lookingformyangel21's photo
Wed 07/29/09 07:12 AM
I know I am a funny guy I love being one. You have to be funny and laugh once in your life laugh But I am serious when it comes to politics I love speaking truth to power. The best thing to do is speak up on what you think no matter what it is.

lookingformyangel21's photo
Wed 07/29/09 07:00 AM
That is so cute it is dangerous. lollaugh

lookingformyangel21's photo
Wed 07/29/09 06:47 AM
I am against Abortion I don't want to have Abortions inside high schools but I also believe it will never happen. What is up with these bank bailouts should we be getting the money instead of big businesses. Government needs to stop bailing out them and bailout the people in need. I do not agree with drilling in the Artic National Wildlife place because it could cause global warming to get worse and hurt the animals that live there who cannot live anywhere else. Instead of us drilling some place that will make the oil compaines richer since all they care about is money why don't we will off the east and gulf coast for oil and invest in solar and wind and geothermal energy and tax the oil and electric compaines and force them by law to lower people's electric bills. Around here people pay 250.00 dollars for electric during the winter and the place to help you out with your bill have no money and it is because of the government the people in charge of giving them money for us. People's electric bills are going up and up because they are trying to make as much money as possible before they are banned from doing it again. White people are going to be the new minority THANK GOD. AMEN!!! Why don't we give other minorites a chance at getting ahead since we have been in charge of everything and been the majority for years and what good have we done except be racist towards other minorites. Jesus himself was middle eastern. God loves everyone including people of different race and religion all minorites are loved under god and they also live in this wonderful country that I love. The government does not scare me as much as crazy racist right-wing nutjobs who say they believe in Jesus but do different then what Jesus would do like help the poor because Jesus himself was also poor.

lookingformyangel21's photo
Wed 07/08/09 07:30 AM
It really sounds strange. It would not shock me. I hate men who pretend they are not married when they are and try to be ladies men. That is not the way you treat a woman. I to think that it sounds strange taking your kid to the ER 3 times in a short amount of time like that and not wanting to talk a long time with that special someone. I have seen alot of both men and women on this site who say they like you and are interested in talking to you and it turns out later they are either married or already in a relationship. It makes you wonder about these people. I think this guy is hiding something. Try to ask him why he is not talking to you very much you will know by the tone of his voice if he is lying to you or not. This guy sounds like he is making up stories as he goes along. I think you just trust in yourself and ask yourself is this guy is lying or being truthful.:smile: